Electronic Records Reference Reports
Finding Records
The reference staff provides information about NARA's electronic records holdings and assists researchers in finding those records that are most useful for their projects. Full descriptions of electronic records series that are in NARA's custody are available via the National Archives Catalog. The Catalog can be searched by title, type of archival material, dates, or keyword.
NARA makes some accessioned electronic records files and documentation available for download via the Catalog. For more details, please see Accessing Electronic Records via the National Archives Catalog.
NARA also offers online access to a selection of its electronic records through the Access to Archival Databases () resource.
For information on options for access to electronic records by ordering copies on removable media, please see Ordering Information for Electronic Records.
The following list of reference reports and descriptive handouts describe some electronic records maintained by NARA related to specific topics:
- Airline Traffic and Capacity Data
- 1970 Census (19th Census) of Population and Housing
- 1980 Census (20th Census) of Population and Housing
- 1990 Census (21st Census) of Population and Housing
- Census Tract Data, 1940-1970: Elizabeth Mullen Bogue Files
- Civil Rights
- Digital Cartographic Data
- Federal Civilian Employees
- Federal Domestic Contracts, Grants, and Awards
- Genealogy or Other Personal Research
- Historic Preservation and Architecture
- Housing and Mortgages
- Internal Revenue Service
- International Relations and Trade
- Korean War
- National Collaborative Perinatal Project
- Securities and Exchange Commission Records
- Tobacco Use and Tobacco-Related Health Issues
- Vietnam War
- Electronic Data Records Relating to Military Objectives and Activities During the Vietnam War
- Casualty, POW, and MIA Records Descriptions
- State-Level Casualty Lists
- U.S. Military Fatal Casualty Statistics
- Reference Information Paper 90: Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994; see especially Part III: Electronic Records
- Electronic Data Records Relating to Military Objectives and Activities During the Vietnam War
- World War II