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Electronic Records Relating to Historic Preservation and Architecture

Reference Report

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Cobblestone Society Museum

National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks Program Records, 2013 - 2017


This reference report provides an overview of some of the electronic records in the custody of the National Archives that pertain to historic preservation in the United States, including records related to the National Register of Historic Places, architectural history, and surveys of historic buildings.

Descriptions of the series and records listed in this report are in the National Archives Catalog. The National Archives Catalog can be searched by title, National Archives Identifier, type of archival material, or keyword.

Some of the series and files listed in this report are accessible online:

Researchers may order copies of these computerized data files for a cost-recovery fee and analyze the records directly, using whatever hardware and software available to them. For more information see: Ordering Information for Electronic Records.

Some of the records are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and have access restrictions. Individuals requesting access to restricted files will need to contact the Electronic Records Division for assistance in gaining access to the files. In addition, some of the files may have copyrighted material.

Record Group 26: Records of the U.S. Coast Guard

  • Scanned Images of Governors Island Maps and Plans and Architectural and Engineering Drawings
    National Archives Identifier: 1079658
    Online Access: Download

    There are 43 file units and 11,582 items described in this series of records that contain digital images of the paper maps, plans, and architectural engineering drawings of the buildings and structures in the former United States Coast Guard installation at Governors Island, New York, which was decommissioned in the 1990s.

    The transferring agency created and maintained these scanned images to improve access to and provide for preservation of the original paper version of the maps and plans and architectural and engineering drawings. When preparing the records for online access, NARA organized the files into subject categories.

    Additional information about Governors Island is available at:

Donated Materials (Governors Island Corporation)

  • Index to the Scanned Images of Governors Island Maps and Plans and Architectural and Engineering Drawings, 2004 – 2004
    National Archives Identifier: 6883849
    Online Access: Download

    There are 196 file units in this index, which is an index to the series "Scanned Images of Governors Island Maps and Plans and Architectural and Engineering Drawings, 2004" (National Archives Identifier 1079658). The Governors Island Corporation created and maintained this index to provide order to the scanned images of the drawings that they had in their possession and prepared by the United States Coast Guard.

Record Group 48: Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior

  • Records About Civil War Battle Sites, 1990 – 1993
    Other Titles: Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Database, 1991-1993
    National Archives Identifier: 573343
    Online Access:   Download       Search

    This series contains data on battlefields of the American Civil War, 1861-1865, as compiled by the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission. The data includes the location, type of battle or event, ownership of the site, historic preservation status, and other information.

    Additional information on the American Battlefield Protection Program is available on the National Park Service website:

Record Group 79: Records of the National Park Service

  • National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks Program Records
    National Archives Identifier: 20812721
    Online Access: Download

    This series of records, contained in 61 file units and over 100,000 Portable Document Format files (PDF), documents properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The records detail the nomination process and evaluation of the properties. The records were created by the agency beginning in 1964 and were converted to electronic form between 2013 and 2017. The records are divided into Multiple Property Submissions (MPS), National Historic Landmarks (NHL), and Single Property Listings (SP).

    Please note that the files were added to the National Archives Catalog in the order in which they were transferred to the National Archives. For an alphabetical list of the states and territories available as well as a list of themes found in the records, please see Appendix A.

    Some of the files have access restrictions and some may contain copyrighted materials, such as photographs taken by individuals other than National Park Service employees. Within most of the states, there are records available that were “Withdrawn” for one reason or another. In most cases, the reason for a property being withdrawn is that the property was demolished or destroyed and no longer physically exists. A Withdrawn Finding Aid precedes those properties that were withdrawn.

    The Electronic Records Division is unable to respond to questions regarding the historic status of a particular property or the submission process. Questions regarding modifications to a property should be referred to the National Park Service.

    Additional information on the National Register of Historic Places is available at:

  • Gateway National Recreation Area Engineering Drawings
    National Archives Identifier: 86852370
    Online Access: Download

    This series of records, described in 43 file units, contains engineering drawings and metadata files of structures located in Sandy Hook, New Jersey; Jamaica Bay and Staten Island, New York, which comprise more than 27,000 acres of the Gateway National Recreation Area.

    Additional information on the Gateway National Recreation Area may be found at the National Park Service website:

  • Chaco Culture Archeological Project Database Files
    National Archives Identifier: 625552

    The series of records comprises 95 file units containing archaeological information about the Chaco Culture National Historical Park. The agency created these records to collect and store data on the archaeological findings within the Park. Some of the files have access restrictions.

    Additional information regarding the Chaco Culture National Historical Park is available on the NPS website at

Record Group 406: Records of the Federal Highway Administration

  • National Scenic Byways Program Map Files, 1995 – 2013
    National Archives Identifier: 23857473
    Online Access: Download

    This series contains 53 file units and more than 750 image and text file items from the National Scenic Byways program, a grassroots collaborative effort to recognize, preserve, and enhance selected roads throughout the United States. The records served as a guide for the public to the location of the byways and driving routes for the byways.

    Additional Information on the Federal Highway Administration program on America’s Byways is available at:

Record Group 515: Records of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)/Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Division

  • Index to the Sites and Related Documentation in the Historic American Buildings Survey, Historic American Engineering Record Materials, and Historic American Landscapes Survey, ca. 1980 - 12/2012
    National Archives Identifier: 572670
    Online Access: Search

    There are 21 files found in this index that contain information on specific historic sites or structures. Included in the files are specific information such as name; street address, city, county, and state; names of individuals associated with the site or structure; dates when the site or structure was completed, altered, relocated, demolished, or abandoned; the uses for the site or structure; whether the documentation has been transferred to the Library of Congress; and other relevant information.

    These materials are available through the Library of Congress.

Donated Materials (Dr. Robert Kapsch Collection- KAPS)

  • Chief of Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER) Records, 1980 - 1995
    National Archives Identifier: 192795456
    Online Access: Download
  • Special Assistant Records, 1995 - 2001
    National Archives Identifier:192795463
    Online Access: Download
  • Senior Scholar Records, 2001 - 2005
    National Archives Identifier:192795464
    Online Access: Download

    This donated collection represents the work that Dr. Robert James Kapsch completed during his tenure in three positions within the Office of the Chief, Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER) and the National Park Service. There are over 3,500 documents in various formats.

    Additional information on the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) / Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Division is available at:

Record Group 556: Records of the Presidio Trust?

  • Newsletters, 1998 – 2007
    National Archives Identifier: 7560755
    Online Access: Download

    There are 62 files in this series of records that describe events sponsored by the Presidio Trust and took place within houses and other historic buildings located at the Presidio in San Francisco, a military installation.

    Additional information on the Presidio may be found at the website:

Appendix A: NRHP States and Themes

Links to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) records in the National Archives Catalog by state and territory:

Links to National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) records in the National Archives Catalog by theme or category:

Additional Information

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