Federal Records Management

Guide to the Inventory, Scheduling, and Disposition of Federal Records

This guide provides essential information, guidance, and tools necessary for Federal agency records managers to establish, manage, and operate an effective records disposition program within their agencies. It covers the core processes of scheduling: development, implementation, and updating. The guide is organized around these scheduling processes and includes links to related resources, including FAQs, instructional videos, policy documents, and sample forms.  If you have any questions related records disposition, please contact your agency's assigned appraisal archivist.


Related Resource

The National Archives strongly encourages agencies to use GRS 6.1 (Email Managed Under a Capstone Approach) to provide disposition authority for both permanent and temporary email records.  In cases where GRS 6.1 is not appropriate, an agency may request authority to implement a Capstone approach that differs from this GRS by submitting an agency-specific records schedule to NARA.  Agencies will need to provide a justification for deviating from the GRS.  We encourage agencies to discuss scheduling options with their NARA Appraisal Archivist.

More information on email management

The content of this guide, excluding linked related resources, was revised October 2, 2018.

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