Federal Records Management

Flexible Scheduling FAQ

May 03, 2010


1.1 What is flexible scheduling?

Flexible scheduling refers to the use of: (1) big bucket schedule items (also called large aggregation schedule items) and/or (2) flexible retention periods for temporary records. These strategies give agencies greater freedom in how they develop SF115s (Standard Form 115, Request for Disposition Authority), or records schedules, to meet their business needs.

1.2 What is a big bucket (large aggregation) schedule?

A big bucket (large aggregation) schedule consists of items covering multiple related series of records and/or records in electronic systems. A traditional schedule, on the other hand, consists of more granular items, typically covering records in one series or electronic system.

1.3 What is a flexible retention period?

A flexible retention period allows an agency to choose a retention period for temporary records within specified parameters without the need for additional NARA approval. An example of a flexible retention period for records is "Destroy when no less than 3 years old and no more than 6 years old. In contrast to a flexible retention period is a fixed retention period, such as "Destroy when 6 years old. Further information on flexible retention periods is provided in Section 3 below.

1.4 Where is additional information available?

If additional information is needed, agency staff should consult their agency records officer, or NARA appraiser. Contact information for NARA appraisers is listed at http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/appraisal/index.html.


2.1 What are the characteristics of big bucket schedule items?

2.1.1 Each big bucket schedule item covers records in multiple series and/or electronic systems that relate to the same subject matter, business function, or work process. While some traditional schedule items cover more than a single series or system of records and are thus similar to a big bucket item, big bucket schedule items are typically broader in regard to the number of series/systems and the scope of subject matter, function, or work process covered. "Big bucket schedule items" may also be referred to as "big bucket items" or "buckets."

2.1.2 All the series/systems covered by a big bucket item have the same ultimate disposition. The records within the bucket are either all permanent or all temporary and, if the bucket is temporary, all the series/systems within it have the same retention period. However, a big bucket item may contain differing instructions for specific series, systems, or media, in regard to retirement to inactive storage or (for a permanent bucket) transfer to NARA legal custody. See 2.4.8.

2.1.3 Big bucket items provide disposition authority for all existing series/systems covered by the item and for any additional series/systems created in the future that conform to the bucket's description. Consequently, a big bucket item may be applied to these new series or systems without additional NARA approval.

2.1.4 The retention periods for temporary big bucket items may be fixed (e.g., "Destroy 5 years after cutoff") or flexible (e.g., "Destroy 5 years after cutoff. Longer retention authorized if still needed for business purposes").

2.1.5 All records schedules submitted to NARA after December 17, 2007, are media neutral, including big bucket schedule items, unless the schedule identifies a specific medium for specific item(s) in the schedule.

2.1.6 An agency may use big bucket schedule items for all its records or may choose to include in its schedules both big bucket items and traditional (more granular) items. A schedule is considered "big bucket" if it predominantly contains big bucket items (i.e., even if it contains a few traditional items), and a schedule is considered to be "traditional" if it predominantly contains traditional items.

2.2 What are the benefits of a big bucket schedule?

2.2.1 A big bucket schedule can reduce substantially the number of disposition authorities that need to be implemented. This may be desirable when an agency plans to use a Records Management Application to manage records and effect their disposition. Such applications are easier to implement if there are fewer options from which records creators and recipients must select dispositions. Reducing the number of options may also be helpful when paper recordkeeping systems are utilized, particularly when records are de-centralized among individual officials (as opposed to being maintained in a file station that serves an entire organizational unit).

2.2.2 A big bucket schedule reduces the number of new records schedules an agency must submit since big bucket schedule items have the flexibility to provide disposition authority when new series or systems are created. This benefit may be especially important for agencies that are developing numerous new electronic systems to carry out long-standing business processes; absent big bucket schedules, these systems would generally need to be scheduled individually.

2.2.3 A big bucket schedule accommodates an agency's evolution over time because big bucket items can account for new series and systems. Moreover, if the items in a big bucket schedule are based on agency work processes and functions, as opposed to its organizational structure, there is no need to revise the schedule every time the agency is reorganized. This consideration may be particularly important for agencies that undergo relatively frequent reorganizations.

2.3 When should an agency not undertake a big bucket schedule?

2.3.1 The agency lacks the intellectual control of records series and systems that is needed to group them effectively.

2.3.2 The agency foresees difficulties in managing its series and systems using the big bucket approach.

2.3.3 The agency is undergoing significant changes in functions and work processes that may result in substantial changes to the records. This point is particularly relevant if the agency is considering a big bucket schedule arranged by business function or work process (see 2.4.1).

2.3.4 The agency is unlikely to commit sufficient resources to develop and implement a big bucket schedule. While a big bucket schedule may result in savings by reducing the need for new schedules and by facilitating the implementation of electronic recordkeeping, developing and implementing a big bucket schedule is resource intensive. Developing a big bucket schedule involves devising appropriate bucket categories, properly aggregating series to them, and preparing a crosswalk (see 2.4.9). Effectively implementing a big bucket schedule entails training agency staff in its use and subsequent monitoring to ensure that they are allocating the correct series to the buckets so that the proper disposition can be applied to each series. Another requirement is to update the file plan and/or crosswalk when new series are added to a bucket (see 2.5.2).

2.4 What are the steps for developing a big bucket schedule?

The steps outlined below supplement the general requirements for developing schedules provided in 36 CFR 1225.12. An agency generally will carry out all these steps, although their sequence can vary. Schedules are submitted to NARA using an SF 115 - see 36 CFR 1225.18. Appendix A of these FAQs includes examples of big bucket schedule items.

2.4.1 Decide how to arrange the schedule.

Just as is the case with a traditional schedule, a big bucket schedule may be arranged by business function, agency organization, or a combination of these. For example, an agency having three basic functions -- policy formulation and direction, licensing and oversight, and research and information dissemination - might arrange the schedule in three sections, each covering one function. Thus, all the items pertaining to policy would be covered first, followed by all the items pertaining to licensing and oversight, followed by all items pertaining to research and information dissemination.

By contrast, an agency may choose to arrange its big bucket schedule in accordance with its organizational structure, with the big bucket items grouped by agency office. For example, all items relating to the Director's Office would comprise the first section of the schedule, and there would be additional sections containing the items for the agency's other offices. Arranging a schedule by organization is only appropriate for an agency with a relatively stable organizational structure.

2.4.2 Identify business functions, work processes, or organizational structure.

For this step, the agency may refer to such agency issuances as organization charts, functional statements, budget estimates submitted to Congress, strategic plans, annual reports, and existing records disposition schedules/manuals. Government-wide business functions are described in the Consolidated Reference Model on the Office of Management and Budget's Federal Enterprise Architecture web site, at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/e-gov/fea/.

2.4.3 Identify the records series (including electronic systems) associated with each work process or organizational unit.

If the agency has an up-to-date comprehensive schedule (agency disposition manual), the current schedule is a good starting point to identify the specific series that will comprise the big bucket items. However, if an agency's comprehensive schedule has become outdated or is incomplete, the agency will need to conduct a partial or full inventory of its records to supplement and update the information in its existing schedule. Records inventories are explained in chapter III of "Disposition of Federal Records: A Records Management Handbook" ("DFR"), at http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/publications/disposition-of-federal-records/.

If an agency recently has undertaken a business process analysis, the information that has been gathered may be useful in identifying the series/systems associated with work processes. Agency documentation prepared for the Office of Management and Budget describing an agency's enterprise architecture and its segment architectures provides useful information about electronic systems that support agency business processes.

2.4.4 Group the records into buckets.

All the series/systems in a bucket must relate to the same general function or subject matter, and all the records in a bucket must be assigned the same disposition (permanent or temporary) and, if temporary, the same retention period. However, it is not appropriate to group series simply because they currently have or will be assigned the same disposition or retention period.

If the same or similar records are accumulated at different hierarchical levels or in different offices, they should be included in the same big bucket item only if they warrant the same disposition or retention period. If such records have substantially different values, they need to be covered by separate items. For example, investigation files maintained by an agency's Office of Inspector General typically would have greater value and a longer retention than the same or similar files maintained by the offices investigated.

The number of buckets needed for each subject, business function, or work process will vary. A single big bucket item may suffice for very simple processes that generate only a small number of series that have a relatively uniform value. Multiple buckets will be needed in the case of complex business functions or work processes that depend on complex information technology systems or generate a large number of textual records of varying significance.

If records reasonably could be assigned to more than one bucket, the agency must select the most appropriate one.

As part of this step, the agency should prepare a crosswalk that maps each of the agency's current series and systems to the appropriate bucket item. Crosswalks are discussed in 2.4.9. In carrying out steps 2.4.5 - 2.4.9, the agency may find it necessary to revise which buckets certain series and systems are allocated to.

2.4.5 Identify and schedule separately certain types of records that may not be appropriate for inclusion in a big bucket item.

Certain types of records may not be appropriate for a big bucket item. Series of permanently valuable maps and drawings, still photographs and graphic materials, motion pictures and videos, and sound recordings that document a broad range of functions and activities and are maintained centrally for an entire agency or major agency component should not be included with textual records in a big bucket item. Rather, such series should be scheduled separately, either with a single item or with a separate item for each media type that needs a separate transfer period to ensure preservation.

Individual temporary series or electronic systems that require a particularly long retention period are also best scheduled separately; including such records in a big bucket item would likely require extended retention of other records that could be disposed of sooner. Likewise, voluminous bodies of very short-term temporary records might not be appropriate for inclusion in a big bucket item as it might entail extending their retention.

2.4.6 Prepare a records description for each bucket.

Many of the description and disposition requirements relating to points 2.4.6 -- 2.4.8 are the same as for traditional schedules. See 36 CFR 1225.14 (permanent records), 36 CFR 1225.16 (temporary records), and DFR, pages V-5 - V-6 (description) and IV-5 - IV-8 (disposition).

Records descriptions for big bucket items should be written to accommodate not only existing series and systems but also those that may be created in the future. Records in each big bucket item must be described clearly and succinctly so that they can be readily distinguished from those in other big bucket items. If a schedule preparer cannot develop a clear, cohesive description of a large aggregation of records, then the big bucket approach should not be utilized and the records should be scheduled in the traditional fashion.

The description of the bucket item should include the subject matter, content, function, business process, and/or organizational structure to which the records pertain. The description also should include the types of records (e.g., subject files, correspondence, meeting minutes, interagency agreements, press releases, and web site content records). Examples of the specific series and systems should be provided. When a bucket item includes the same records generated by more than one office, the description should specify which office(s) are covered by the item.

For certain records, the item description requires a high level of detail. For records proposed for permanent retention, there should be as much detail as possible about the series and systems covered. Also required for permanent records is the additional descriptive information specified in 36 CFR 1225.14(b). In addition, a high level of detail should be provided in big bucket item descriptions for records with significant legal rights implications.

2.4.7 Assign a retention to each bucket.

Determining the retention period for a bucket should include choosing whether to use a flexible retention period (see Section 3 below) or a fixed retention period. Note that including a particular series in a bucket may require substantially changing the current retention of the series. If this is the case, the agency may wish to reconsider whether the records should be included in the big bucket item or whether they should continue to be scheduled separately.

If a big bucket item includes temporary records subject to the Privacy Act, the agency must be sure that the proposed disposition instructions provide for the retention of the records only so long as they are needed for agency business. Agencies also must ensure that temporary records of interest to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) are not destroyed prematurely.

If records covered by the General Records Schedules (GRS) are assigned to a big bucket, the agency should ensure either that the bucket's retention is consistent with the retentions for the relevant GRS records or that a GRS exception is warranted. However, an agency, without NARA approval, may create a big bucket item consisting of multiple series of administrative housekeeping records covered by the GRS, provided that the longest applicable GRS retention is chosen for the big bucket item.

2.4.8 Prepare cutoff and disposition instructions for each bucket.

If a big bucket item contains series with different cutoffs, the agency may opt not to include cutoff instructions in the schedule. (However, to ensure effective disposition, cutoff instructions would need to be included in the file plan.) Alternatively, the schedule might specify multiple cutoffs so long as it is clear to which records they apply and the number of different cutoff instructions is relatively small. The following is an example of instructions that might be used for a big bucket item that includes case files as well as policy records and other records not case-filed: "Cut off case files at the end of the calendar year of case closure. Cut off all other files at the end of the calendar year."

The disposition instructions for a big bucket item may need to include varying instructions regarding the retirement of different records series or media to inactive storage. For example, the disposition instructions for a big bucket item that contains both policy files and case files might provide for retirement of the case files 5 years after cutoff while policy files might not be retired until 10 years after cutoff because they are needed for day-to-day business for a longer period. Similarly, the disposition instructions for a big bucket item may provide for retirement to a Federal records center of series for which recordkeeping copies are paper and maintenance on-site of series for which the recordkeeping copies are electronic.

In the case of permanent big bucket items, the transfer instructions for the different series/systems may vary. For example, the disposition might provide for the legal transfer to NARA of case files 20 years after cutoff while policy files are to be transferred 30 years after cutoff.

When a permanent big bucket item includes electronic records, the disposition instructions should either provide for expedited transfer of the records or include pre-accessioning of the records consistent with the pre-accessioning guidance in NARA Bulletin 2009-03. When a permanent big bucket item includes audiovisual or cartographic series, the disposition instructions should provide for transfer of the records 5 to 10 years after creation in order to ensure preservation, as stated in 36 CFR 1237.14. There may be a need for different types of audiovisual and cartographic media to have separate transfer periods, e.g., "transfer still photographs to the National Archives when 10 years old and motion pictures when 5 years old."

2.4.9 Prepare crosswalk.

An agency must prepare a crosswalk that lists the series and/or systems that comprise each big bucket schedule item, including those series/systems already scheduled by an agency schedule or the GRS, as well as any that are unscheduled. The crosswalk should show the current disposition and NARA-approved authority for the listed series/systems that are already scheduled. A crosswalk is typically a table or chart prepared as a separate document and appended to the SF115. (See Appendix B for examples.) A crosswalk also can be incorporated into the body of the SF115, with the appropriate crosswalk information immediately following each big bucket item on the SF115.

The agency must submit the crosswalk to NARA with the SF115 for the big bucket schedule; the crosswalk will assist NARA in its review of the SF115. A crosswalk also is critical to allow agency staff and records storage facilities maintaining relevant records to convert current dispositions to big bucket dispositions after approval of the big bucket schedule.

2.4.10 Submit SF 115 to NARA.

As mentioned above, an agency must use an SF115 for submitting a big bucket schedule to NARA. NARA's review and approval process may take longer for a big bucket schedule than for a traditional schedule, due to the greater complexity of big bucket items. An agency may find it beneficial to implement big bucket scheduling incrementally, starting with submission of an SF115 for only one or two buckets, so that the experience gained from them can be applied to subsequent buckets.

2.5 What should an agency do to implement a big bucket schedule?

Agencies should follow the general requirements for implementing schedules that are contained in 36 CFR part 1226. There are several important tasks in the case of big bucket schedules.

2.5.1 Dissemination and training

In comparison to traditional schedule items, big bucket items are written broadly, covering multiple series or electronic systems. As a result, it is particularly important to disseminate the big bucket schedule widely within the agency and to train staff in its use, to help ensure that staff consistently apply the correct big bucket items to individual series and systems.

2.5.2 Keeping track of series/systems

In implementing a big bucket schedule, an agency needs to keep track of the series covered by each big bucket item, to ensure that the proper disposition is applied to each series. One way to track series is by using file plans. If an agency utilizes a standard file plan for its records, it should ensure that the plan indicates clearly which big bucket item each series falls under. If individual offices in an agency maintain separate file plans, staff at the office level should similarly annotate their file plans. As new series are created, file plans should be updated to indicate which big bucket item to use for the new records. An agency also may use the crosswalk submitted with the SF115 to keep track of the series in the bucket. The crosswalk then must be updated as new series are created. Records officers should contact their NARA appraiser if they are uncertain as to whether a new series or system is covered by a previously approved big bucket schedule item.

2.5.3 Notifying NARA of new electronic systems

As indicated in 2.2.2, an agency is not required to submit a schedule for a new series or system that falls under an approved big bucket schedule item. However, an agency must submit a notification to NARA when a new electronic system is implemented that falls under a permanent big bucket item. Notifications enable NARA to plan for pre-accessioning or other early transfer of permanent electronic records to NARA. For additional information on notifications, please refer to 36 CFR 1225.24(a).

2.5.4 Revising big bucket schedules

Agencies adopting big bucket schedules will likely need to submit fewer revised schedules over time. However, a new schedule must be submitted if there is a substantial change in the content of the records covered by a big bucket item or the function from which the records stem. Likewise, a new schedule is needed if the retention period initially approved for a big bucket item no longer meets agency business needs.

At some time after a big bucket schedule is approved, an agency may determine that a file series or system is more appropriate for inclusion under a big bucket item other than the one to which it is assigned. If an agency in this situation wishes to move the file series/system from its current bucket to the other bucket, the agency is required to submit a revised schedule only if the file series or system is specifically mentioned in the current big bucket description or in the crosswalk that was submitted to NARA with the big bucket schedule. If the file series/system is not specifically mentioned, a revised schedule is not needed. For example, if an agency wishes to move foreign military shipments records from a bucket item for logistics to a bucket item for foreign military assistance policy, a revised schedule would be needed only if the logistics bucket or its crosswalk specifically mentions the series for foreign military shipments records. When situations of this sort arise, it would be advisable for agency records managers to consult their NARA appraiser.

2.5.5 Combining traditional items

An agency generally must submit a new schedule if it wishes to combine into a big bucket item two or more previously approved traditional (granular) schedule items having the same retention. However, a new schedule is not required when an agency wishes to combine traditional items covering previously scheduled administrative housekeeping records. In this instance, the agency should use the longest previously approved retention for the combined item. A new schedule also is not required to combine traditional items covering permanent electronic records derived from previously scheduled permanent hard copy records (see 36 CFR 1225.24(a)(1)).


3.1 What is a flexible retention period?

As explained in Section 1.3, a flexible retention period allows an agency to choose a retention period within stated parameters for temporary records. If an agency wishes to change the retention period of records that have a flexible retention, it need not submit a new schedule to NARA so long as the new retention period is within the stated parameters. Flexible retention periods may be applied to both big bucket schedule items and traditional schedule items.

3.2 What are examples of flexible retention periods?

There are four principal types of flexible retention periods for temporary records:

3.2.1 Time band with minimum and maximum retention ("retention banding"). Example: "Destroy when no less than 3 years old and no more than 6 years old."

3.2.2 Minimum retention, with longer retention permitted. Example: "Destroy when 5 years old. Longer retention is authorized if still needed for business purposes."

3.2.3 Maximum retention, with earlier destruction permitted. Example: "Destroy when 5 years old. Earlier disposal is authorized if no longer needed for business purposes."

3.2.4 Retention until no longer needed. Example: "Destroy when no longer needed for business reasons."

Retention types 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 should not be used for records needed for protection of legal rights or for ensuring government accountability, to avoid premature disposal of the records. Retention types 3.2.2 and 3.2.4 should not be used for records that contain personal privacy information, to avoid retention of the information longer than permitted by the Privacy Act.

3.3 How may an agency implement a schedule item that has a flexible retention period?

An agency may implement a schedule item with a flexible retention period in the following ways:

3.3.1 If the schedule item is a traditional item, the agency either may set a single retention period for all agency offices or may allow each office to set its own retention period.

3.3.2 If the schedule item is a big bucket item, the agency may, either for all agency offices or for individual agency offices, utilize a single retention period for all file series or systems covered by the item.

3.3.3 If the schedule item is a big bucket item, the agency may allow different retention periods to be applied to the specific file series or systems covered by the item.

In all the above options, the retention period selected must fall within the stated parameters of the schedule item.

3.4 When must flexible retention periods be applied consistently across an agency or office?

Flexible retention periods should be applied consistently across an agency for certain records, i.e., those with legal rights implications, those likely to be requested under the Freedom of Information Act or likely to be subject to discovery in litigation, and those that contain personal privacy information. Although the agency needs to retain such records for a consistent period of time, this requirement does not preclude flexible retention, which allows the agency to change the consistent period without NARA approval.

With one exception, retention periods should be applied within a given office consistently, that is, set no lower than the office level and not left to the discretion of individual staff members. The exception involves "open-ended" retentions, which allow destruction when records are determined no longer to be needed. (These include retention types 3.2.2, 3.2.3, and 3.2.4 above.) For items with open-ended retentions, individual staff members may apply varying retention periods so long as the retention falls within the parameters specified in the item. For example, if the disposition instructions are "Destroy when five years old. Longer retention is authorized if still needed for business purposes," the agency could choose not to mandate a specific time when records older than five years should be destroyed. Individual staff then may destroy the records at any time after five years have elapsed if they are no longer needed.

3.5 What are the special requirements for records with flexible retention when retired to a records storage facility?

When records covered by flexible retention are retired to a records storage facility, the agency needs to provide instructions on the specific retention period to be followed within the parameters of the flexible retention. Doing so will allow the storage facility to apply the proper retention to the records.

Appendix A: Sample big bucket items

These examples are for hypothetical agencies. Examples 1 - 3 show big bucket items for records relating to a function or work process. Example 4 shows a big bucket item for records of an organizational unit.

Example 1 [This example identifies each section of the item]

Agency for Cultural Development [Agency title]

Item #1: Library and museum consultation records [Big bucket schedule item number and title]

Records relating to providing consultation and advice to public and private libraries and museums on improving operations and services, including such matters as collections development, resource management, financial stability, building construction and rehabilitation, community outreach, and special needs constituents. Also included are records relating to grants to libraries and museums for self-assessments. Covered series include general correspondence files, subject files, consultation case files, trip files, grant administration files, research files, and quarterly reports. [Records description]

Disposition: TEMPORARY. Cut off consultation case files and grant administration files when case or grant is closed; cut off other files at end of fiscal year. Destroy or delete 7 years after cutoff. [Disposition and retention period]

Example 2

Department of Parks

Item #1: Resource Management and Planning Records

Records relating to projects, studies, and surveys pertaining to cultural and natural resources, accumulated by the office responsible for resource management and planning. Records series include legislative histories, cultural resources studies and research, archaeological and historical studies, endangered species preservation plans, geological surveys, and databases relating to significant cultural and natural resources. Record types include correspondence, reports, operating plans, inter-agency agreements, field notes, maps, drawings, photographs, video recordings, newsletters, press releases, databases, and agendas and meeting minutes.

Disposition: PERMANENT. Cut off at end of fiscal year. Transfer paper records to the National Archives 25 years after cutoff. Transfer electronic records and photographs and other special media records to the National Archives 5 years after cutoff.

Item #2: Community Outreach Records

Records that relate to outreach activities by parks, including volunteer programs, community meetings, and cooperation with community organizations (e.g., historical, environmental, or recreational). Records series include volunteer background files, volunteer awards files, community meetings files, organizational liaison files, outreach newsletters, grants files, and annual outreach reports. Types of records include rosters, reports, correspondence, photographs, newsletters, databases, memoranda of agreement, and agendas and meeting minutes.

Disposition: TEMPORARY. Cut off at end of fiscal year. Destroy or delete no earlier than 3 years, and no later than 6 years, after cutoff.

Note: The above disposition provides a flexible retention period.

Example 3

Health Care Management Administration

Item #1: Safety records

Files containing information on policies, procedures, and operations relating to routine safety matters at agency facilities. Records series include case files for inspections and investigations of facilities and equipment, property damage files, personal injuries files, fire protection and safety records, records relating to potential safety hazards, emergency preparedness files, safety and security training records, and complaints by agency personnel that do not result in a formal investigation and reports. Types of records include, but are not limited to, correspondence, memoranda, briefing files, reports, surveys, special studies, databases, interagency agreements, and program policies and guidance.

Disposition: TEMPORARY. Cut off at end of calendar year. Destroy or delete 8 years after cutoff. Retire inspection and investigation case files to a records center 3 years after cutoff. Maintain all other records on-site for the entire retention period.

Example 4

Bureau of Trade

Item #1: Office of Director of Trade: Planning and Policy Files

Planning and policy records of the Office of the Director of Trade. Covered are record copies of manuals, reports, studies, memoranda, committee papers, minutes of meetings, calendars, notes, and similar records that pertain to high-level planning and direction of trade programs. Records series include Director of Trade correspondence files, Action Item and Correspondence Tracking System master files, Director's calendars, Bureau of Trade Manual of External Procedures (BTMEP), trade practices assessment files, and trade program planning files.

Disposition: PERMANENT. Cut off at end of fiscal year. Transfer paper records to National Archives 25 years after cutoff. Transfer physical custody of electronic records to National Archives for pre-accessioning 2 years after cutoff and legal custody of electronic records to National Archives 25 years after cutoff.

(See Example 1 in Appendix B for a crosswalk corresponding to this item.)

Appendix B: Sample crosswalks for a big bucket item

These examples are for hypothetical agencies. Examples 1 and 2 show a crosswalk with the big bucket schedule item on the left and the corresponding current schedule items on the right. Example 3 shows a crosswalk with the opposite format -- current items on the left and the big bucket item on the right. Agencies may use either format for a crosswalk.

Example 1

AGENCY:Bureau of Trade

Big Bucket Schedule Current Schedule
Item # and Title Retention
#1 Office of Director of Trade: Planning and Policy File Permanent
Item # Title Retention NARA Authority
T221 Correspondence files of Director of Trade Permanent N1-999-96-2, item #5
N.A. Action Item and Correspondence Tracking System, master files Unscheduled Not Applicable (N.A.)
T225 Director's calendars Permanent N1-999-96-2, item #7
T245 Director's briefing books and issue papers Permanent N1-999-96-2, item #10
M335 Bureau of Trade Manual of External Procedures Permanent N1-999-00-1, item #2
P557 Trade practices assessment files Permanent N1-999-00-1, item #3
T239 Trade program planning file Permanent N1-999-02-2, #1
T430 Trade agreement proposals Permanent N1-999-00-1, item #6

[This crosswalk is applicable to Example 4 in Appendix A.]

Example 2

AGENCY: Small Business Services Agency

Big Bucket Schedule Current Schedule
Item # and Title Retention
#5 Quality control and performance planning records Temporary. Destroy when 5 years old
Item # Title Retention NARA Authority
585a Quality control program files Temporary. Destroy when 5 years old N1-000-95-1, item #6
N.A. Benchmarking case files Unscheduled Not Applicable (N.A.)
580b Performance planning and evaluation files Temporary.Destroy when 6 years old N1-000-97-5, item #1
585d Independent quality check records Temporary.Destroy when 3 years old N1-000-95-1, item #9
340a Procedures manual development files Temporary.Destroy when 4 years old N1-000-00-1, item #1
355c Quality Assurance Monitoring System, master files Temporary. Destroy records when 5 years old N1-000-03-2, item #3

Example 3

AGENCY: Defense Supplies Administration

Current Schedule Big Bucket Schedule
Item # Title Retention NARA Authority
20-25 Management Studies Temporary.Destroy when 5 years old N1-777-05-1,item #1
35-17 Facility evaluations Temporary.Destroy when 7 years old N1-777-02-10, item #5
20-45 Information technology feasibility studies Temporary.Destroy 5 years after study completion GRS 16,item #9
20-85 Project assessments Temporary. Destroy when 3 years old N1-777-02-10, item #9
20-55 Background materials, inter-office coordination records Temporary.Destroy when 4 years old N1-777-05-1, item #5
100-15 Base Realignment and Closure analysis files Temporary.Destroy when 7 years old N1-777-99-5, item #7
20-70 Studies Control System (SCS), master files Temporary.Destroy when 5 years old N1-777-05-1, item #6
Item # and Title Retention
#10 Management studies, analyses, and reports Temporary. Destroy when 6 years old

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