Federal Records Management

NARA Bulletin 2010-03

May 03, 2010

TO: Heads of Federal agencies

SUBJECT: Flexible Scheduling

EXPIRATION DATE: Expires when revoked or superseded

1. What is the purpose of this bulletin?

The purpose of this bulletin is to announce additional guidance to agencies that want to create flexible "big bucket" or large aggregation schedules for their records or wish to use flexible retentions for record disposition.

2. How does this bulletin differ from NARA Bulletin 2008-04?

NARA Bulletin 2008-04 expired on April 30, 2009, and is replaced by NARA Bulletin 2010-03. At the issuance of NARA Bulletin 2008-04, NARA indicated that it would be reissuing the bulletin to agencies on flexible scheduling to provide additional guidance for agencies. This bulletin provides notification to agencies that a frequently asked questions document about flexible scheduling is available at http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/faqs/flexible-scheduling.html. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Flexible Scheduling contains the basic information as found in NARA Bulletin 2008-04 and additional details such as the characteristics of big bucket schedules and implementation of big bucket schedules.

3. How do you determine if a big bucket schedule is the best approach for scheduling your agency's records?

36 CFR part 1225 provides instructions for the scheduling of records created by Federal agencies, including the determination of the scope of the records schedule items, e.g., individual series/system component, work process, group of related work processes, or broad program area; and whether a fixed or flexible retention period will be the best approach. The FAQs provide additional guidance for agencies when determining if they want to use a big bucket schedule with fixed or flexible retention periods or traditional schedules.

4. Is assistance available from NARA?

NARA's National Records Management Program staff can provide assistance. See the List of NARA Contacts for Your Agency

Archivist of the United States

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