Federal Records Management

Annual Move of Permanent Records

The Annual Move is NARA’s process for transferring legal and physical custody of permanent records from agencies stored at the Federal Records Centers (FRCs) to NARA archival custodial units across the nation.  It is a uniquely cross-functional activity that supports NARA’s core mission of preserving the permanently valuable records of the Federal government. The Annual Move: 

  • Facilitates the accessioning of permanent records
  • Supports the core mission of preserving the permanently valuable records of the Federal government 
  • Process for transferring legal and physical custody of permanent Federal records from agencies stored at the Federal Records Centers (FRCs) to archival custodial units across the nation 
  • Overseen by the Annual Move Coordinating Group (annual.move@nara.gov)
  • NARA provides agencies with pre-populated Transfer Requests (TRs) in the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) for all permanent records stored in FRCs 
  • NARA creates these TRs on an annual basis, since the overwhelming majority of such records become eligible on January 1 of the disposition year (that is, the year in which the records are eligible to be accessioned into the National Archives)

Note: The Annual Move will continue to transfer analog records in FRC custody beyond the OMB/NARA M-23-07 memo deadline of June 30, 2024.

Learn more about the Annual Move 

Transferring Classified Permanent Records


Agency classified records stored at a Federal Records Center identified as Permanent are scheduled to be transferred according to an approved disposition authority.  Classified records also have additional steps and reviews that must be completed before transfer.   

The Classified Permanent Records Training and Resources Page consists of helpful content including Job Aids, Videos, Online Lessons, Tip Sheets, and Checklists.  

Classified permanent records are subject to many laws and regulations, including the following: Laws and Regulations  



Annual Move Training Resources

  • The Annual Move [video] - The video gives an overview of the Annual Move and the roles and responsibilities for agencies and NARA throughout the process.

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