Federal Records Management

Classified Permanent Records Training and Resources

The Classified Annual Move is: NARA’s process for transferring legal and physical custody of Classified Permanent Records from agencies stored at the Federal Records Centers (FRCs) to NARA archival custodial units across the nation is a uniquely cross-functional activity that supports NARA’s core mission of preserving the permanently valuable records of the Federal government overseen by the Annual Move Coordinating Group To facilitate the accessioning of classified permanent records.

The Classified Annual Move is:

  • NARA’s process for transferring legal and physical custody of Classified Permanent Records from agencies stored at the Federal Records Centers (FRCs) to NARA archival custodial units across the nation
  • is a uniquely cross-functional activity that supports NARA’s core mission of preserving the permanently valuable records of the Federal government
  • overseen by the Annual Move Coordinating Group

To facilitate the accessioning of classified permanent records, NARA provides agencies with pre-populated Transfer Requests (TRs) in the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) for all permanent records stored in FRCs. NARA creates these TRs on an annual basis since the overwhelming majority of such records become eligible on January 1 of the disposition year (that is, the year in which the records are eligible to be accessioned into the National Archives).

This page contains training and other information to help your agency transfer classified permanent records to NARA as part of the Annual Move.

The phases of the Annual Move process for permanent classified records are:


Because your agency will need time to review records for declassification, it helps to plan the review process in advance. When you coordinate with your agency's declassification program and program staff, you can build a review strategy that makes the most efficient use of staff time and resources.

You will want to review Annual Move information from NARA and review your agency's tracking systems to ensure that you have the most current, correct, up-to-date information about the records which are being considered for accessioning in the Annual Move process.

The work you do to document the records and the steps your agency has done to review and declassify each transfer will help to ensure that you and your agency know exactly what is being transferred. It will also help you, your agency, NARA, and researchers in the future access understand and protect important information.

When it is time, your agency and NARA will complete the Annual Move process by ensuring that all documentation is present and correct, that all records are ready for transfer, and that the accessioning process is completed in the Electronic Records Archives (ERA).

These online lessons, job aids, and other materials will help you learn how to work with each step:

Process Overview

Code Title Description Item Tyoe Date Updated
V1-044 Classified Records Transfer Process Introduction This brief video introduces key ideas related to the process of transferring classified permanent records to NARA in the Annual Move and describes why Online Lesson agency will want to participate in the process. Video 3/3/2022
L1-041 Preparing Classified Permanent Records for the Annual Move This brief module gives an overview of the Annual Move process for classified permanent records. The module covers why you should participate and what you will want to consider in each part of the process. Online Lesson 3/3/2022
  Laws and Regulations Related to Permanent Classified Records and the Annual Move This webpage lists the key laws and regulations associated with the transfer of Annual Move Overview classified records in the Annual Move process. Webpage 3/3/2022
R1-007 NARA's Classified Transfer Process This tip sheet is a high-level review of the Classified annual move process. Tipsheet 3/3/2022


Phase: Plan

Code Title Description Item Type Date Updated
V1-045 The Annual Move This short video introduces the Annual Move, NARA's process for legally transferring custody of permanent records from Federal Records Centers to NARA archival units across the nation. The video describes the roles played by agencies and by NARA throughout the process. Video 3/3/2022


Phase: Review

Code Title Description Item Type Date Updated
L1-042 Review the Advanced Classified Transfer List This short module covers the steps you will want to take and the information you need to collect as you review the Advanced Classified Transfer List during the Annual Move process for classified permanent records. Online Lesson 3/3/2022
JA1-004 Review the Advanced Classified Transfer List

This job aid covers the basic steps agencies should take to review the Advanced Classified Transfer List and prepare to accession permanent classified records in the Annual Move.

Job Aid 3/3/2022
JA1-006 Sample Advanced Classified Transfer List This spreadsheet gives an example of an Advanced Classified Transfer List document an agency might receive as part of the Annual Move process and describes the data fields included. Job Aid 3/3/2022
R1-008 Declassification Review of Classified Records This tip sheet introduces you to the process of conducting a declassification review for records being transferred to NARA via the Annual Move. Tip Sheet 3/3/2022
R1-009 Tips for the Declassification of Records Process Check this tool for tips related to the declassification process for permanent classified records. Tip Sheet  3/3/2022


Phase: Document

Code Title Description Item Type Date Updated

NARA's Finding Aid Requirements

You’ll find the latest information about NARA’s requirements for folder lists and finding aids for permanent records on the Finding Aid Requirements page.

Webpage 3/3/2022


Phase: Complete

Code Title Description Item Type Date Updated
JA1-005 Annual Move for Permanent Classified Records-Agency Checklist This spreadsheet gives an example of the Advanced Classified Transfer List document an agency might receive as part of the Annual Move process. Job Aid 3/3/2022
JA2-014 How to Align an ERA Transfer Request and NA-14130 This job aid will help you ensure that you have collected and provided all the information needed as you transfer classified permanent records to NARA. Job Aid 3/15/2022

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