Federal Records Management

AC 01.2025

Date: October 1, 2024

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: 2025 Annual Move of Permanent Records

This communication is for federal agencies storing permanent records in NARA's Federal Records Centers (FRCs).

We appreciate your support in preserving the historically valuable records of your agency in the National Archives of the United States. We are now ready to begin the Annual Move process for 2025. As you know, the Annual Move transfers legal and physical custody of permanent records stored at the FRCs to NARA archival custodial units across the nation.

Over 11,000 Transfer Requests (TRs) for eligible records in the 2025 Annual Move have been loaded into the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) 2.0. Agencies may now log into the ERA Portal and propose TRs for transfer consideration. Notifications have been sent to approving officials within ERA 2.0 as well. The deadline for placing TRs in Proposed status is December 1, 2024.

Please note, this year a new field was added to the TR in the access restriction section. You will not be able to move forward in the section unless this field is completed and the records are identified as national security classified, declassified, or unclassified. We have also updated the ERA user manual and created a new job aid to provide more information about this field..

For detailed instructions on how to take action in ERA 2.0 on TRs, please refer to the Propose a Transfer Request NARA’s Annual Move job aid or visit the Reviewing Transfer Requests in ERA 2.0 for the Annual Move website.  

Keep in mind that Annual Move TRs are displayed on the ERA dashboard in either the My Tasks or the Unassigned Tasks tab. We may request finding aids for records proposed if the SF135 is insufficient or unavailable. Also, a complete and accurate NA Form 14130 is required for classified and declassified records. 

For additional resources, please consult the Annual Move Guidance section of our website and the ERA 2.0 Agency User Manual. If you have questions about getting started using ERA or need to troubleshoot problems with logins or agency roles and accounts please contact the ERA helpdesk at ERAhelp@nara.gov or by phone at (877) 372-9594. If you have questions about a particular transfer, difficulty locating eligible transfers, or general questions about the Annual Move, please email annual.move@nara.gov.  

We look forward to working with you on the 2025 Annual Move.    

William Fischer   
Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government (Acting)
