Index to Prologue, Volume 42: 2010
"68,937 and Counting," by Tim Rives and Steve Spence, 2-54–61
"Abraham Lincoln and the Guerrillas," by Daniel E. Sutherland, 1-20–25
Access to Archival Databases, 4-59
Accessory Transit Company, 4-32, 4-33, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37, 4-40
Adams, Ansel, 1-65–66
Adams, John, 4-15, 4-17; Papers of, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16; portraits, 4-12, 4-17
Adler, Dale and Leonard, 1-65
Adoption, 2-20, 2-22
Advance Guard of the West, by Eduard Ulreich, 3-48
Aerial circumnavigation of the earth, 2-6–17
African Americans, care for mentally ill, 2-49, 2-50; children and youth, 2-20–21; as civil servants, 3-18–26; and the Civil War, 3-19, 3-20, 3-66; in the District of Columbia, 1-52-59; emancipation of, 1-52-59, 2-28, 3-66; ex–slaves, 2-28–33; habeas corpus petitions, 1-57–59; manumission papers, 1-55–56, 1-57–59; pensions for ex–slaves, 2-28–33, 3-24-26; and Reconstruction, 3-18–26; reparations for, 2-32-33; and slavery, 1-52-59, 2-28; in South Carolina, 3-18–26
Aid to Dependent Children, 2-20–21
Alabama, and the Civil War, 1-22
Alabama, CSS, 1-38, 1-41, 1-43
Alaska, 2-6, 2-8–9, 2-10; and population censuses, 3-58
Alien residents case files opened, 4-58
American Founding Era Collection, 4-16
American Philosophical Society, 4-14
American Red Cross, and population censuses, 3-59, 3-60, 3-61
American Revolution, 3-36–43
Amidon, Audrey, "Women of the Polar Archives," 2-38–45
Amphibious operations, 3-7–16
Amundsen, Roald, 2-43
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 4-16
Archival Research Catalog, 2-37, 4-59, 4-72
Archives, destroyed during World War II, 3-63; foreign, 3-62-63
Arctic exploration, 2-38–45
Armistead, Amanda J., 3-30, 3-32, 3-33; photo, 3-28
Army Air Service, 2-6–17
Army Nurse Corps, 3-33, 3-34
Army of Northern Virginia, 1-43, 1-44, 1-45, 1-46, 1-47
Arnold, Leslie, 2-7, 2-8, 2-10–11, 2-12, 2-14, 2-16–17; photos, 2-8, 2-12, 2-16
Art, saved during World War II, 3-62–63
AT&T, 1-71, 4-62
"At the Edge of the Precipice: Henry Clay and the Compromise of 1850," by Robert V. Remini, 1-14-18
Atkins, Oliver F., photographic collection opened, 1-65
Atkinson, H. M., 1-35
Australia, 1-61; and World War II, 3-9
Ayres, Edward L., 1-37
Baffin Island, 2-44
Baker, James Heaton, 1-27, 1-31-32, 1-33, 1-34; portrait, 1-27
Bank of America, 4-62
Barrett, Harrison, 2-31
Barrett, Joseph H., 1-27, 1-30, 1-33
Bartlett, Robert A., 2-39, 2-40, 2-41, 2-42, 2-44, 2-45; photos, 2-40
Bartlett, Sam, 2-44
Bates, Edward, 1-21
Bates, Julian, 1-21
Beaty, David C., 1-23
Beaufort County, South Carolina, 3-18–26
Beauregard, Capt. P. G. T., 1-42; photo, 1-42
Bellamy, Jay, "The South Appeals for Peace," 4-42-45
Bentley, J. A., 1-30, 1-32
Benton, Thomas Hart, 1-18, 4-33; illustrations of, 1-10, 1-14
Berndston, Lt. Arthur H., 3-13, 3-15
Berry, Mary Frances, 2-29
Bertillon, Alphonse, 2-57–58
Bickley, George W. L., 1-72
Bigger, Maj. Warner T., 3-11-13, 3-14; photo, 3-10
Billingsby, Navy destroyer, 2-14, 2-15
Black, Conrad, 3-67
Block, Louise J., 3-30, 3-32; photo, 3-28
Blondo, Rick, 1-50
Board of Commissioners for the Emancipation of Slaves (D.C.), 1-54–55
Boeing Company, 2-71, 4-62
Borden, Lizzie, 3-72
Bosanko, William J., 2-68
Boston, plane, 2-6, 2-8, 2-11–15
Boston II, plane, 2-17
Boston Post, 2-72
Bougainville Island, 3-9, 3-11, 3-14, 3-16
Boyd, Julian, 4-15
Boyd, Louise Arner, 2-38, 2-39, 2-42-45; photos, 2-38, 2-42, 2-43, 2-44
Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 4-28
Bradsher, Greg, "Operation Blissful," 3-6–16; "The Nuremberg Laws," 4-24–29
Brady, Mathew, photos by, 1-5, 1-12, 1-21, 1-22
Brauer, Peter F., compiler, Records Relating to Railroads in the Cartographic Section of the National Archives, 4-60–61
Bredhoff, Stacey, Winning West Virginia: JFK's Primary Campaign, 2-69
Breitman, Richard, and Norman J. W. Goda, Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War, 4-60
Brey, Ilaria Dagnini, photo, 3-62; The Venus Fixers, 3-62–63
Breyer, Stephen, photo, 1-64
Brown, H. J., 1-32–33
Brown, Jasper, photo, 2-60
Brown, John, illustration of, 1-11
Buchanan, James, 4-33, 4-35, 4-37, 4-38, 4-40
Buell, Gen. Don Carlos, 1-22-23
Bunyan, Maureen, 3-70
Burbridge, Gen. Stephen B., 1-24
Burkhardt, Katherine, 3-46, 3-49
Burma, 2-8–9
Burns, Ken, 2-70, 3-71, 4-62; photo, 4-63
Bustard, Bruce, 1-50, 1-70; "Discovering the Civil War," 1-36–41
Calhoun, John C., 1-8, 1-18; illustration of, 1-15
Cape York, Greenland, 2-39
Carr, George, photo, 2-56
Carter, Col. John, 1-56
Cass, Lewis, 4-33, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37–38, 4-39, 4-40; portrait, 4-37
Cejka, Diane, 3-67; photo, 3-67
Census Bureau, 4-48, 4-50
Censuses, 1940, 4-46–52; population, 3-54-61, 4-46–52
Central America, 4-32-40
Chambers, Thomas A., "A Soldier of the Revolution," 3-36–43
Chaplin, Ralph, 2-58–59
Chase, Salmon P., 1-18; illustration of, 1-14
Chatard, Commander Frederick, 4-38
Chernow, Ron, 4-15, 4-18; photo, 4-13; Washington: A Life, 4-13, 4-18
Chicago, plane, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-11, 2-13-14, 2-15–16, 2-17; photo, 2-8
"Children as Topic No. 1," by Marilyn Irvin Holt, 2-18–26
Choiseul Island, 3-6–16; maps of, 3-9, 3-10
Citing Records, leaflet, 1-68
Citizenship questions in the 1940 census, 4-48
Civics education, 2-70, 3-51
Civil rights, and children and youth, 2-20–21
Civil War, 1-6–13; appeal for peace from the South, 4-42-45; and the birth of the nation, 1-10, 1-12-13; casualties, 1-7; exhibits, 1-36–41, 3-66, 3-70, 3-71, 4-58, 4-62; guerrilla fighting as part of, 1-20–25; pension applications, 1-26–35, 3-24-25; and resignations from the U.S. Army, 1-42–47; role of the U.S. Navy in, 1-60–61; and Walt Whitman, 2-62–63
Civil War, The, documentary series by Ken Burns, 2-70
"Civil War on the High Seas, The," by Hilary Parkinson, 1-60–61
Civilian Conservation Corps, 4-47, 4-50
Clark, Edward, 2-51
Classified records, 1-2, 2-2, 2-68, 3-66
Clay, Clement, 4-44
Clay, Henry, 1-14–18; illustrations of, 1-15, 1-18; portrait, 1-17
Clay, William Lacy, 3-70
Coast of Northeast Greenland, The, by Louise Boyd, 2-44
Cobb, Josephine, 1-5
Colbert, Dan, photo, 2-57
Collins, Paula, 4-63
Colot, Thora, 1-48–49, 1-50, 1-51, 1-70, 2-70; photos, 1-71, 4-63
Columbia University Press, 4-14
Committee on the District of Columbia, 2-47
Communism, as threat to children, 2-23-24
Compromise of 1850, 1-8, 1-14–18, 1-54, 1-56
Confederate States Army, 1-42, 1-43, 1-44, 1-45, 1-46, 1-47
Confederate States Marine Corps, 1-42, 1-47
Confederate States Navy, 1-42, 1-43, 1-61
Confederate States of America, 1-9, 4-42–45
Connell, William, 2-30
Constitutional Convention, U.S., 4-12, 4-13, 4-17
Cook, Becky, photo, 2-61
Coolidge, Calvin, 2-17; photo, 2-16
Corcoran, William Wilson, 2-53
Cortina Productions, 1-70
Costa Rica, 4-33-40
Couper, Bill, 4-62; photo, 4-63
Cox, Christopher C., 1-32
Cragin, Charlie, photo, 1-71
Cragin, Maureen, photo, 1-71
Crawford, Bob, photo, 2-60
"Creating a More Open Government," by David S. Ferriero, 2-2
Criminals, 2-54–61
Crosia, F. C., photo, 2-7
Crotty, Rob, "Magellans of the Sky," 2-6–17
Cuba, 1-8, 3-30, 3-31, 3-56
Cumberland, USS, 1-68
Cuneo, Maris S., photo, 4-63
Cuneo, Peter, 2-71
Curtis, Washington, photo, 2-59
Dannenberg, M.Sgt. Martin, 4-28, 1-65
Daughters of the American Revolution, 3-29–30
Daulton, John G., photo, 2-61
Davidson, Charlotte, 1-71
Davis, Commander Charles Henry, 4-33
Davis, Damani, "Slavery and Emancipation in the Nation's Capital," 1-52–59
Davis, Jefferson, 1-8, 1-9, 1-18, 1-20, 1-44
De Wald, Ernest, 3-62
DeBow's Review, 4-33
Decatur, USS, sloop of war, 4-33, 4-34–36, 4-37, 4-38–39, 4-40; illustrations of, 4-35
Declassified records, 1-2, 2-2, 2-68, 3-66, 3-67, 4-59
Democratic Party, and Reconstruction, 3-23; Young America wing, 4-32, 4-33
Denmark, 2-44
DerDerian, Chris, 3-71
Dewing, Charles, 2-53
Dickerson, Isaiah H., 2-31–32
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 4-10; photo, 4-9
Discovering the Civil War, book, 3-71
"Discovering the Civil War," by Bruce Bustard, 1-36–41
"Discovering the Civil War," exhibit, 1-36–41, 1-42, 1-70, 1-71, 2-70, 3-66, 3-70, 3-71, 4-58, 4-62
District of Columbia, 1-8; African Americans in, 1-52–59, 2-21; St. Elizabeths Hospital, 2-46–53
Dix, Dorothea, 2-48, 2-49
Dix, Gen. John A., 4-44
DocsTeach, 2-70, 3-50–53, 4-63
"," by Stephanie Greenhut and Suzanne Isaacs, 3-50–53
Documentary films, 2-34-37; about Arctic exploration, 2-38–45; about the Civil War, 2-70; government–produced, 2-35–36
Dodd, William E., 4-26, 4-27
Donohue, Keith, "The Founding Fathers Online," 4-12–18
Doubleday, 4-7–8, 4-9
Douglas, Donald, 2-8
Douglas, Stephen A., 1-8, 1-9, 1-18; illustration of, 1-14
Douglas Aircraft Company, 2-8, 2-16
Douglas World Cruisers, 2-8–17
Dudley, W. W., 1-28
Dulles, John Foster, 4-8–9; photo, 4-8
Dulles International Airport, 4-8
Duncan, Lt. Rae, 3-12, 3-13
Durig, Ernest, 2-53
Early, Gen. Jubal A., 1-24
Education, federal aid to, 2-25, 2-26; NARA aids for teachers, 2-70, 3-50–53; questions on the 1940 census relating to, 4-47, 4-48; White House focus on, 2-25
Edward I, king of England, 4-23
Effie M. Morrissey, schooner, 2-39, 2-40, 2-41, 2-44; photo, 2-41
Ehrlichman, John, 4-59
Eider, Navy ship, 2-9–10
Eisenhower, David, with Julie Nixon Eisenhower, "Going Home to Glory," 4-7–10; photos, 4-9, 4-10
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 2-21, 2-22, 2-25, 4-28; Crusade in Europe, 4-7; Mandate for Change, 4-7; memoir of life with, 4-7–10; photos of, 4-6, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10; Waging Peace, 4-10
Eisenhower, John, 4-7–8, 4-9–10
Eisenhower, Julie, photo, 4-9
Eisenhower administration, 2-25, 4-7
Electronic records, 2-2, 2-68, 4-2, 4-59
Electronic Records Archives, 1-64, 2-2, 3-2, 4-59
Ellis, Joseph, 4-15
Ellis, Roger, 3-63
Emancipation Act of 1862, 1-53, 1-54
Emancipation Proclamation, 3-66, 3-70, 4-62
Employment questions in the 1940 census, 4-47, 4-49–51
England, 4-21-22, 4-23
Ewald, William, 4-7, 4-9
Ewing, Oscar R., 2-24
Ewing, Gen. Thomas, Jr., 1-24
Exhibits, 1-36–41, 1-66, 1-70, 1-71, 2-69, 2-70, 2-71, 3-66, 3-70
Ex–slave pension organizations, 2-30–33
Fallen, Anne–Catherine, 1-48, 1-49
Farquharson, Amy B., 3-30, 3-32-33; photo, 3-28
Fashion, steamer, 4-38
Faulkner, Barry, illustration of mural by, 4-14–15
Federal Register, website for, 3-66–67
Federalist Papers, The, 4-14, 4-18
Ferguson, Champ, 1-23
Ferriero, David S., 1-65, 2-68, 2-71, 3-51, 3-70, 3-71, 4-17, 4-58, 4-62, 4-63; "Creating a More Open Government," 2-2; "Making Tough Choices in NARA's Budget," 3-2; photos, 1-64, 4-28, 4-63; "Taking the Leading Role on Declassification," 1-2; "Transforming the Archives," 4-2
"Fighting for Democracy," exhibit, 2-71
Filibuster soldiers in Nicaragua, 4-32–40
Filmore, Millard, illustration of, 1-15
Fingerprints, 2-57–58
Fiord Region of East Greenland, The, by Louise Boyd, 2-43–44
Fischer, David Hackett, 4-15
Fitzpatrick, John C., 4-14, 4-18
Flickr Commons, 1-65–66
Florida, 2-29, 3-48
Foote, Henry S., 1-8; illustration of, 1-10
Fort Castillo, Nicaragua, illustration of, 4-32
Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1-9, 1-42
Fort Ticonderoga, New York, 3-36–43
Foster care, 2-20, 2-22-23
Foundation for the National Archives, 1-48–49, 1-51, 1-70–71, 2-70–71, 3-51, 3-70–71, 4-58, 4-62–63; Records of Achievement Award, 2-70, 4-62
"Founding Fathers Online, The," by Keith Donohue, 4-12-18
Fox, Gustavus V., 1-61
"Frame After Frame," by Phillip W. Stewart, 2-34–37
France, and the Nuremberg trials, 4-27, 4-28
Franklin, Benjamin, 4-17; Papers of, 4-14; portrait, 4-12
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 1-64, 3-67
Freedmen's Bureau, 2-29
Freedpeople, movement to provide aid to, 2-28–33
Freeman, Morgan, 4-62; photo, 4-63
Frémont, Gen. John C., 1-21, 1-22, 4-33; photo, 1-22
French, Benjamin Brown, 1-17
Frick, Wilhelm, 4-28, 4-29
Fugitive slave law, 1-8
Fugitive slaves, 1-55–56, 1-57–59
Furman, Ben, 2-21
Gaines, Ed, photo, 2-57
Gehring, Christina, 1-48, 1-49, 1-51
Genealogical research, 1-26, 1-52-59, 2-54-61, 4-46–52
General Services Administration, 3-45, 3-49
Georgia, 1-44, 2-29, 2-32-33
Germany, and persecution of Jews, 4-24–29
Goda, Norman J. W., Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War, 4-60
Godding, William Whitney, 2-49, 2-51
Goering, Herman, 4-28, 4-29
"Going Home to Glory," by David Eisenhower with Julie Nixon Eisenhower, 4-7–10
Gordon–Reed, Annette, photo, 1-71
Gorgas, Maj. William, 3-30, 3-32
Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, D.C., 2-46, 2-48–49
Graf, Mercedes, "A Very Few Good Nurses," 3-28–34
Graham, Martha, 3-46
Graham, Young, photo, 2-58
Grant, Ulysses S., 4-42, 4-45
Grants, 1-64
Great Britain, and Nicaragua, 4-33; and the Nuremberg trials, 4-27, 4-28
Greaves, Renty Franklin, 3-18–26
Greeley, Horace, 4-40, 4-43
Greenhut, Stephanie, 2-70; and Suzanne Isaacs, "," 3-50–53
Greenland, 2-38, 2-39–42, 2-43-44
Gresham, Walter Q., 1-48
Guam, 3-56
Guerrilla warfare, and the Civil War, 1-20–25
Habeas Corpus Case Records, 1820–1863, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, microfilm publication, 1-54, 1-57–59
Haldeman, H. R. "Bob," 4-59
Hall, Bryan, 2-46, 2-47, 2-50, 2-51-52; photo, 2-50
Hall, Charles H., 2-47, 2-52
Halleck, Gen. Henry W., 1-22, 1-23, 1-24; photo, 1-22
Halsey, Adm. William F., 3-11, 3-16
Hamilton, Alexander, 4-16, 4-17, 4-18; Papers of, 4-14, 4-15; portrait, 4-16
Hardin, Stephen, photo, 2-58
Harding, 1st Lt. John, 2-6, 2-12; photos, 2-7, 2-13
Harlow, Bryce, 4-10
Harmon, William E., 2-36
Harmon Foundation, 2-36–37
Harper's Magazine, 2-25
Harris, David, 2-52
Hartt, Lt. Frederick, 3-62-63
Harvard University Press, 4-14
Harvey, Sgt. Alva, 2-6, 2-7, 2-9, 2-10; photo, 2-9
Hasson, Esther Voorhees, 3-29, 3-30–31, 3-32-34; photos, 3-28, 3-31
Hawaii, and population censuses, 3-58
Hawaii State Archives, 1-64
Hawke, Robert A., 2-52
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 3-37
Henry, Joseph, 2-53
Henry III, king of England, 4-23
Henson, Matthew, 1-66, 2-39
Hess, Rudolf, 4-28, 4-29
Highsmith, Carol M., 1-50
Hill, First Lt. Ambrose Powell, 1-45
Hill, Marilynn Wood, photo, 4-63
Hilton Head, South Carolina, 3-19, 3-20, 3-22, 3-24
Hinckley, John, Jr., 2-47
Hirano, Irene, photo, 2-71
Historic African American Education Collections, 1-64
Historical document editing, 4-12-18
History education, 2-70
Hitler, Adolf, 4-24, 4-27–28
Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War, by Richard Breitman and Norman J. W. Goda, 4-60
Hobby, sailing vessel, 2-43
Holcombe, James, 4-44
Holmes, Oliver W., 2-52
Holocaust, 4-24-29
Holt, Joseph, 1-24
Holt, Marilyn Irvin, "Children as Topic No. 1," 2-18–26
Hoover, Herbert, 2-19; photo, 2-21
Hospital ships, 3-28–34
House, Callie D., 2-31–33
Housing, and children and youth, 2-20, 2-23, 2-26
Housing Act of 1949, 2-23
Howard, Gen. Oliver O., 2-53
Hunter, Gen. David, 1-21, 1-24
Huntington Library, 4-29
"'I have the honor to tender the resignation . . .'," by Trevor K. Plante, 1-42–47
Iceland, 2-15
"In Freedom's Shadow," by Giselle White–Perry, 3-18–26
Independent, The, 4-38
India, 2-8–9, 2-11–12
Indians Watching Stagecoach in the Distance, mural by Eduard Ulreich, 3-45, 3-47, 3-49; illustration of, 3-44–45
Inmate case files, 2-54-61
Inner Circle, The, by Brad Meltzer, 4-54–55
"Inner Circle, The," by Hilary Parkinson, 4-54–55
Innocent III, Pope, 4-23
Inouye, Daniel K., 2-71; photo, 2-71
Institute for Editing of Historical Documents, 1-64
"Institutional Memory," by Frances M. McMillen and James S. Kane, 2-46–53
Interdepartmental Committee on Children and Youth, 2-20
International Criminal Tribunal, 4-25, 4-28
Internet, use of to make records available, 2-2, 2-37, 4-13, 4-16–18
Isaacs, Suzanne, 2-70; "," 3-50–53
Isaacson, Walter, 4-15
Italy, 2-15, 3-62–63
Jackson, Robert H., 4-25, 4-28–29
Jackson Brady Design Group, 1-70
Japan, 2-8–10, 2-11; and World War II, 3-6–16
Japanese American National Museum, 2-71
Jarrell, Harry L., photo, 2-59
Jefferson, Thomas, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17; Papers of, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16; portrait, 4-12
Jeopardy!, television show, 1-66
Jerez, Maxime, 4-37
Jews, persecution of in Germany, 4-24-29
John, king of England, 4-23
John F. Kennedy Library, exhibits, 2-69
John Hancock Financial, 3-70
Johnson, Andrew, 1-22, 1-23, 2-29
Johnson v. McAdoo, 2-33
Johnston, Brig. Gen. Joseph E., 1-44, 1-47; photo, 1-44
Johnston, Lt. Samuel, 3-11, 3-13, 3-15
Jones, William Carey, 4-31, 4-32, 4-33–40
Juvenile delinquency, 2-20, 2-21-22, 2-26
Kahn, Herman, 2-52
Kane, James S., "Institutional Memory," 2-46–53
Kansas, 1-8, 1-24
Kansas City Times, 3-45–46
Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854, 1-8
Kennedy, John F., 2-26, 2-69, 4-10; photos, 3-15; and World War II, 3-7, 3-13–16
Kentucky, 1-24
Keresey, Lt. Richard, 3-9, 3-10, 3-12, 3-13-14
Khrushchev, Nikita, 4-7–8; photo, 4-8
Knights of the Golden Circle, 1-71
Koblik, Steven S., photo, 4-28
Konze, Lt. Col. William and Alice, 4-62
Krulak, Lt. Col. Victor H., 3-7–16; photo, 3-7
Ladd, Col. Fred, 4-10
Lampe, Elise, 3-30, 3-32; photo, 3-28
Lane, Levi Cooper, 4-36, 4-40
Laux, Second Lt. Robert, 4-72
Lawrence, Richard, 2-47
Leach, Joseph S., photo, 2-56
League of Nations, 4-26
Leavenworth, Kansas, 2-54–61
Lee, Gen. Robert E., 1-43, 1-46, 1-55
Legendre, Yann, 1-51
"Letters of Walt Whitman, The," by Hilary Parkinson, 2-62–63
Lieber, Francis, 1-23
Lieber Code, 1-23–24
Lincoln, Abraham, 1-10, 1-12, 1-17, 2-63, 4-43–44, 4-45; and emancipation of slaves in the District of Columbia, 1-53, 1-54; and guerrilla conflict during the Civil War, 1-20–25; photos, 1-5, 1-12, 1-20; and slavery, 1-8–9, 1-12, 1-53, 1-54, 4-43–44; and the U.S. Navy, 1-60–61
Lincoln and His Admirals, by Craig L. Symonds, 1-60–61
List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883, 1-33
"Lizzie Borden took a . . . trip," 3-72
Locatelli, Antonio, 2-15, 2-16; photo, 2-7
Logbooks of the USS Cumberland, October 1843–September 1859, microfilm publication, 1-68
Longstreet, Maj. James, 1-47; photo, 1-47
Lore, Ken, 1-70, 1-71, 2-70, 2-71, 3-70, 4-62, 4-63; photos, 1-70, 1-71, 4-63
Lore, Pat, photo, 4-63
Lossing, Benson, Pictorial Field–Book of the Revolution, 3-36–43; illustrations from, 3-36, 3-37, 3-42
Louisiana, 1-45
MacDonald, Maureen, 1-48, 1-49
Madison, James, 4-16, 4-17; Papers of, 4-14; portrait, 4-14
"Magellans of the Sky," by Rob Crotty, 2-6–17
"Magna Carta Returns to the Archives, The," by David M. Rubenstein, 4-20–23
"Making Tough Choices in NARA's Budget," by David S. Ferriero, 3-2
"Manifest Destiny's Inept Diplomat," by Lorraine McConaghy, 4-31–40
Marine Amphibious Corps, First, 3-7, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, 3-12, 3-14, 3-16
Marine Parachute Regiment, First, 3-7–16
Maris S. Cuneo Foundation, 4-62
Marshall, George C., 4-9
Marshall, William, 4-23
Martin, Maj. Frederick L., 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-10; photo, 2-9
Martinez, Tomas, 4-37–38, 4-39, 4-40
Maryland, and the Civil War, 1-21; and the mentally ill, 2-48; and slavery, 1-53–54, 1-55
Mason, Patty Reinert, 1-49, 1-50, 1-51
Massachusetts Historical Society, 4-14
McCarthy, Joseph, 4-7–8
McCarthy, Shane, 2-26
McCay, Joseph M., 1-32
McConaghy, Lorraine, "Manifest Destiny's Inept Diplomat," 4-31-40
McCormack, Sean, photo, 1-71
McCullough, David, 4-15
McDonald, James G., 4-26–27
McGee, Anita Newcomb, 3-29–30, 3-32, 3-33; photo, 3-29
McGowan, Sue Gin, 2-71
McLester, W. P., photo, 2-59
McMillen, Frances M., and James S. Kane, "Institutional Memory," 2-46–53
McPherson, James M., "Out of War, A New Nation," 1-6–13
McQuown, William, photo, 1-30
Medical examinations for pension claims, 1-27–30
Medical records, inmates, 2-58
Meltzer, Brad, The Inner Circle, 4-54–55
Mental illness, hospitals for the treatment of people with, 2-46–53
Mervine, Commodore William, 4-33, 4-35, 4-36
Mexican–American War, 1-8, 4-31–32
Mexico, 1-72
Michigan State University, 1-64
Microfilm publications, 1-54, 2-69, 3-69; African Americans, 1-54; alien arrivals, 2-69, 3-69, 4-61; Austria, 4-61; California, 3-69, 4-61; certificates of identity, 2-69; claims against Russia, 1-69; crew lists, 1-68, 2-69, 3-69; District of Columbia, 1-54; emancipation, 1-54; Financial Intelligence Group, OMGUS, 1-69, 3-69; Florida, 3-69; Foreign Exchange Depository Group, OMGUS, 3-69; Germany, 1-69; Hawaii, 4-61; headstones, 3-69; intelligence operations, 1-69; logbooks, 1-68; Michigan, 2-69; Minnesota, 2-69, 3-69, 4-61; Mortuary records of Chinese decedents, 4-61; naturalization records, 1-69; New York, 1-68, 3-69, 4-62; North Dakota, 1-68, 2-69, 3-69; OMGUS, 2-69; OSS, 1-69; passenger lists, 1-68, 2-69; Pennsylvania, 3-69; Rhode Island, 1-68; Russia, 1-69; slavery, 1-54; Texas, 1-68–69, 4-61; U.S. Allied Commission for Austria, 4-61; veterans, 3-69; Vicksburg National Cemetery, 1-69; Washington, 2-69; World War II draft cards, 1-69; Wisconsin, 1-69
Military personnel, and censuses, 3-55, 3-56, 3-58, 3-59, 3-60, 3-61
Miller, Thomas, 2-48
Millikan, Frank, 2-47
Millikan, Robert, photo, 4-26
Minor, William Chester, 2-53
Mississippi, 1-45, 2-20–21
Missouri, 2-21; and the Civil War, 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24
Missouri Compromise, 1-8
Missouri Supreme Court case files, 1-64
Mitchel, Gen. Ormsby M., 1-22
Mitchell, Billy, photo, 2-16
Mitchelville, South Carolina, 3-19–20
Mora, Gen. Joaquin, 4-33
Mora, Juan Rafael, 4-36, 4-37, 4-38, 4-39, 4-40
Morgan, John, photo, 2-54
Morris, Gouverneur, 4-12
Morton, Cyrus, 3-37–38
Moscow Declaration of 1943, 4-27–28
Motion pictures, 2-34-37, 2-38–45; preservation of, 2-45
Mount Holyoke College, 1-64
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, 4-18
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, papers opened, 3-67
Muilenburg, Dennis, 2-71
Murals, 3-45–49
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1-64
Musto, David, 2-52
Naftali, Tim, 1-64-65, 3-67, 4-59
Narcotics offenders, 2-58
National Archives and Records Administration, 75th anniversary, 1-48–49; appropriations, 3-2; Archivist Development Program, 1-64; award as environmentally friendly workplace, 4-58; budget, 1-64, 3-2; Center for Polar Archives, 2-45; Controlled Unclassified Information Office, 1-64; Donated Materials collections, 2-34, 2-36–37; exhibits, 1-36–41; five–year plan, 4-2; Founding Fathers Online, 4-12-18; Independence Day Celebration, 3-70; Information Security Oversight Office, 2-68; microfilm publications, 1-54, 1-68–69, 2-69, 4-61; mission, 1-2, 2-2; motion picture collections, 2-34-37; Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch, 2-34–37; news and notices, 1-64–66, 2-68, 3-66–67, 4-58–59; Office of Government Information Services, 1-64, 2-2; Office of the Federal Register, 3-66–67; Open Government Plan, 1-65, 2-2; Preservation Conference, 4-59; Public Vaults, 1-66; publications, 1-48–51, 1-68–69, 2-69, 3-68–69, 4-60–61; and records declassification, 1-2; web site, 1-65, 2-2, 2-37, 2-70, 3-50–53
National Archives at Atlanta, The, leaflet, 3-68–69
National Archives at Kansas City, The, leaflet, 3-69
National Archives Building, ban on photography in, 1-65; book about, 1-49–51; exhibits, 1-36–41, 1-66, 2-71, 3-66, 3-70, 4-58; Lawrence F. O'Brien Gallery, 1-41, 2-71, 3-66; as setting for a new novel, 4-54–55; shop, 1-70, 3-71
National Archives Building: Temple of American History, The, 1-49–51
National Archives Experience, 2-69, 3-70, 3-71, 4-62, 4-63
National Archives Online Public Access, 4-59
National Archives Regional Archives System, Atlanta, 3-68–69; Central Plains Region, 2-54, 2-61, 3-67; Kansas City, 2-55, 3-45–49, 3-67, 3-69, 4-58
National Bureau of Standards, 2-44
National Center for the Preservation of Democracy, 2-71
National Declassification Center, 1-2, 2-2, 2-68, 3-66
National Ex–Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty, and Pension Association of the United States of America, 2-30–33
National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 1-64, 4-13, 4-15; grants, 1-64, 4-15, 4-18
National Historical Publications Commission, 4-15, 4-17
National Youth Administration, 4-47, 4-50–51
Navy Nurse Corps, 3-33-34
Nazi Party, and persecution of Jews, 4-24-29
Nebraska, 1-8
Nelson, 1st Lt. Erik, 2-8, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13–14, 2-15; photos, 2-7, 2-13, 2-16
Neutrality Law, 4-32-33
"New Books Draw on Archives' Holdings for 75th Anniversary," by Hilary Parkinson, 1-48–51
New Deal, 4-47, 4-50
"New Life for WPA Art," by Kimberlee Ried, 3-45–49
New Mexico, 1-8
New Orleans, plane, 2-6, 2-8, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13-14, 2-15–16, 2-17; photos, 2-11, 2-12-13
New Orleans Delta, 4-38
"New Questions in the 1940 Census," by Constance Potter, 4-46–52
New York Colonial Council Records, 1-64
New York Herald, 4-38, 4-40
New York Times, 2-21, 2-41, 2-44–45, 4-15, 4-18, 4-33, 4-36, 4-37, 4-38, 4-40
New York Tribune, 4-43
Newsreels, 2-36
Nicaragua, 1-8, 4-32–40
Nichols, Charles H., 2-49, 2-51, 2-52
Nixon, Richard M., 2-25, 3-67
"No Pensions for Ex–Slaves," by Miranda Booker Perry, 2-28–33
Norcross, Arthur, 2-40, 2-42; photo, 2-40
North Carolina, 3-48–49
North Dakota, 3-48
Northrup, Jack, 2-8
Norway, 2-43
Now the Drum of War: Walt Whitman and His Brothers in the Civil War, by Robert Roper, 2-62–63
"Nuremberg Laws, The," by Greg Bradshaw, 4-24-29
Nurses, military, 3-28–34
Obama, Barack, 1-2, 1-65; budget request, 3-2; Open Government Directive, 2-2, 4-2
Oberg, Barbara, 4-16
Office of Management and Budget, 3-2
Office of the United States Chief of Counsel, 4-28
Ogden, Sgt. Henry, 2-11–12, 2-17; photos, 2-12, 2-16
Ogletree, Charles, 2-71
"Operation Blissful," by Greg Bradsher, 3-6–16
Oroloff, Jake, 2-10
Osborn, Kevin, 1-48, 1-49
"Out of War, A New Nation," by James M. McPherson, 1-6–13
Overholser, Winfred, 2-50
Owen, Ezra, photo, 2-61
Pacific Squadron, 4-32, 4-33, 4-35, 4-36
Panama, 4-32, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37
Papers of the Founding Fathers, 4-12–18
Paris, France, 2-13
Parkinson, Hilary, "The Civil War on the High Seas," 1-60–61; "The Inner Circle," 4-54-55; "The Letters of Walt Whitman," 2-62-63; "New Books Draw on Archives' Holdings for 75th Anniversary," 1-48–51; "The Venus Fixers," 3-62-63
Pathé News, 2-39, 2-41
Patrick, Gen. Mason, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-10, 2-12–13, 2-16, 2-17; photo, 2-16
Patton, Gen. George S., Jr., 4-25, 4-28–29; photo, 4-26
Paulding, Commodore Hiram, 4-38
Payton, John, 2-71
Pearl affair, 1-56
Peary, Josephine, 2-38, 2-39, 2-44
Peary, Robert E., 1-66, 2-38, 2-39, 2-45
Peary Monument, Cape York, Greenland, 2-39–42; photo, 2-40–41
Pension Building, photo, 1-35
Pension office, 1-26–30, 1-33–35
Pensions, applications, 1-26–35, 3-24–26, 3-38–43; Civil War, 1-26–35, 2-30–31, 3-24-26; for disability, 1-27–30, 1-31–33, 3-25–26; medical examinations for, 1-27–30; movement to provide to ex–slaves, 2-28–33; Revolutionary War, 3-38–43; for widows, 1-32
Pensions, Bureau of, 2-31, 2-32
Perls, Sgt. Frank, 4-28
Perot, H. Ross, 4-21
Perry, Miranda Booker, "No Pensions for Ex–Slaves," 2-28–33
Perry, Ray, 2-57
Pershing, Gen. John J., 2-13, 4-9; photo, 2-13
Peuser, Rick, 1-60
Phelps, Gen. John S., 1-22
Philippine Islands, 3-56
Philosophy of the Dusk, by Kain O'Dare, 2-57
Photographs of Arctic expeditions, 2-42–45
Physical fitness of youth, 2-25–26
Pickering, Loring, 2-9
Pickett, Capt. George E., 1-46; photo, 1-46
Pictorial Field–Book of the Revolution, by Benson Lossing, 3-36–43; illustrations from, 3-36, 3-37, 3-42
Pierce, Franklin, 2-48, 2-49, 4-33
Pinkert, Marvin, 1-70
Plante, Trevor K., 4-55; "'I have the honor to tender the resignation . . .'," 1-42–47; photo, 4-63
Polar exploration, 2-38–45; exhibition on, 1-66
Pony Express, mural by Eduard Ulreich, 3-45, 3-47, 3-49; illustration of, 3-47
Ponzi, Charles, 2-72; photo, 2-72
Pope, Alfred, 1-56
Pope, Gen. John, 1-22; photo, 1-22
Pope, John Russell, 1-50
Population censuses, and Americans living overseas, 3-54–61
Porter, Russell Williams, 1-66
Post Office Department, 2-31–33, 2-72
Post offices, art for, 3-45, 3-47–49
Potter, Constance, "New Questions in the 1940 Census," 4-46–52; "U.S. Census Schedules for Americans Living Overseas, 1900 to 1930," 3-54–61
Potter, David, 4-38
Pound, Ezra, 2-53
Prechtel–Kluskens, Claire, "A Reasonable Degree of Promptitude," 1-26–35
Presidential Award for Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, 4-58
Presidential campaigns, 2-69
Presidential libraries, renovation of, 1-64; exhibits, 2-69. See also individual libraries.
President's Conference on Fitness of American Youth (1956), 2-25–26
President's Council on Physical Fitness, 2-26
Primarily Teaching Institute, 4-63
Princeton University, 4-14
Prison records, 2-54-61
Pritzker, Karen, 4-62
Propaganda, during World War II, 3-9–10, 3-11, 3-16, 3-63
PT boats, 3-7, 3-10, 3-12–16; photos, 3-6, 3-12
Public Buildings Service, 3-47
Public housing, 2-23
Puerto Rico, and population censuses, 3-56, 3-58
Putnam's Magazine, 4-32
Quantrill, William C., 1-24
Railroad Retirement, 4-47, 4-51
Railroads, 4-60–61
Raiser, Molly, 2-71
Reagan, Ronald, 4-15–16
"Reasonable Degree of Promptitude, A," by Claire Prechtel–Kluskens, 1-26–35
Reconstruction, in South Carolina, 3-18–26
Records declassification, 1-2, 2-2
Records management, 2-2, 2-34, 2-68
"Records Management Self–Assessment 2009" report, 2-2, 2-68
Records of Our National Life, 1-48–49, 2-70
Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, Record Group 217, 1-55
Records of the Board of Commissioners for the Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-1863, microfilm publication, 1-54–55
Records of the Bureau of Prisons, Record Group 129, 2-55
Records of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Relating to Slaves, 1851-1863, microfilm publication, 1-54, 1-55–56
Records preservation, 4-59
Records Relating to Railroads in the Cartographic Section of the National Archives, compiled by Peter F. Brauer, 4-60–61
Reed, Robert, photo, 1-71
Reichsgestzblatt (Reich Law Gazette), 4-27, 4-28–29
Reid, Philip, 1-55
Relief, hospital ship, 3-28–34; photo, 3-28
Remini, Robert V., "At the Edge of the Precipice: Henry Clay and the Compromise of 1850," 1-14-18
Republican Party, 1-8–9; and Eisenhower, 4-8; and provisions for ex–slaves, 2-29, 2-30; and Reconstruction, 3-22-23, 3-24–25
Research & Design, Ltd., 1-48
Revolutionary War, 3-36–43; pension files, 3-38–43
Rice, Isaac, 3-36–43; sketch of, 3-37
Richard Nixon Presidential Library, 1-64-65, 3-67; oral history collection, 3-67, 4-59; White House tapes, 4-59
Richardson, Alonzo, 2-51
Richmond, USS, 2-14–15, 2-16
Ried, Kimberlee, "New Life for WPA Art," 3-45–49
Rives, Tim, and Steve Spence, "68,937 and Counting," 2-54–61
Roberts, Cokie, photos, 1-71, 4-63
Robinson, Luther, 2-53
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1-50, 3-67, 4-51
Roosevelt, Theodore, 2-19
Roper, Robert, Now the Drum of War: Walt Whitman and His Brothers in the Civil War, 2-62–63; photo, 2-62
Rosecrans, Gen. William S., 1-23
Ross, Martin, photo, 2-56
Rotunda, 4-16
Rowan, Ed, 3-47–48
Royce, Asa, 3-39–42
Rubenstein, David M., "The Magna Carta Returns to the Archives," 4-20–23; photo, 4-20–21
Rutter, Lance, 1-51
St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C., 2-46–53; photos, 2-46, 2-49
St. Mary's, sloop–of–war, 4-33
Salinas, Francisco, photo, 2-60
Sanders, George, 4-44-45
Sanford, Laura, 1-71
Saratoga, 4-38
Scales, Acting Midshipman Dabney M., 1-45
Schofield, Gen. John, 1-24
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 1-42, 1-43
"Seal of Guilt, A," 1-71
Seamen, and population censuses, 3-55, 3-56, 3-60
Seattle, plane, 2-6–7, 2-8, 2-9
Seedlings Foundation, 4-62
Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Administration, 3-68
Semmes, Commander Raphael, 1-43; photo, 1-43
Senn, Lt. Col. Nicholas, 3-31–32
Seton, Sub–Lt. Carden W., 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, 3-15, 3-16
Seward, William, 4-42–45
Sewell, Nickolas, 2-50
Sharp, Lucy, 3-30, 3-32
Shenandoah, Confederate raider, 1-61
Shenberger, Sheryl Jasielum, 2-68; photo, 2-68
Sherman, Gen. William T., 1-24, 2-29; photo, 1-26
Shetters, John, photo, 2-57
Simmons College, 1-64
Slave trade, 1-53-54
Slavery, abolition of, 1-10, 1-12; and Abraham Lincoln, 1-10, 1-12, 1-17, 2-63, 4-43–44, 4-45; expansion of into territories,1-8–13; and Nicaragua, 4-33, 4-38, 4-40
"Slavery and Emancipation in the Nation's Capital," by Damani Davis, 1-52–59
Smalls, Robert, 3-18, 3-21, 3-24
Smith, Charles, photo, 2-55
Smith, Chris Rudy, 1-70
Smith, 1st Lt. Lowell H., 2-8, 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, 2-12–13, 2-14, 2-15–16, 2-17; photos, 2-7, 2-8, 2-12, 2-16
Social Security Administration, 2-22
Social Security System, 4-47, 4-51
"Soldier of the Revolution, A," by Thomas A. Chambers, 3-36–43
Solomon Islands, 3-6–16
"South Appeals for Peace, The," by Jay Bellamy, 4-42–45
South Carolina, 2-29; and Reconstruction, 3-18–26
Southern Homestead Act, 2-29
Soviet Union, 2-9–10, 4-27, 4-28
Spanish–American War, 3-29–34
Specktor, Fred, photo, 4-63
Spence, Steve, "68,937 and Counting," 2-54–61
Spirit of North Carolina, by Eduard Ulreich, 3-48–49; illustration of, 3-47
Sprague, William, 4-10
Stafford, Edward, 2-39, 2-41; photo, 2-41
Stafford, Marie Peary, 2-38, 2-39–42, 2-44, 2-45; photos, 2-39, 2-41
Stafford, Peary, 2-39, 2-41; photo, 2-40
Stanton, Edwin, 1-22, 1-24
Stephens, Alexander, 4-45
Sternberg, Surgeon General George M., 3-29–30
Stevens, Col. Ambrose, 4-44
Stevens, Thaddeus, 2-29–30; photo, 2-29
Stewart, Phillip W., "Frame After Frame," 2-34-37
Stuart, Capt. J.E.B., 1-46; photo, 1-46
Subcommission for the Protection of Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives, 3-62–63
Sullivan, Teresa, 4-16
Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga, New York, by John Trumbell, illustration, 3-38
Sutherland, Daniel E., "Abraham Lincoln and the Guerrillas," 1-20–25
Symonds, Craig L., Lincoln and His Admirals, 1-60–61; photo, 1-60
"Taking the Leading Role on Declassification," by David S. Ferriero, 1-2
"Tales of Escape and Evasion," 4-72
Tattnall, First Lt. John R. F., 1-47
Taylor, Jim, 4-16
Taylor, Zachary, 1-17
Tennessee, 1-22, 1-23
Territories, Mexican cession, 1-8; slavery in, 1-8
Texas Instruments, 4-63
Thatcher, Commander Henry Knox, 4-33, 4-35–36
Thomas, Adrienne, photo, 1-71
Thomas, Lowell, 2-13, 2-14
Thomas Jefferson Society, 4-14
Torney, Maj. George H., 3-30, 3-31
Towne, Laura M., 3-22-23
"Transforming the Archives," by David S. Ferriero, 4-2
Trebek, Alex, 1-66
Truman, Harry S., 2-21, 2-24, 4-15, 4-25, 4-28, 4-29
Trumbell, John, Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga, New York, painting, 3-38
Tso–Se, Dan, photo, 2-58
Tully, Grace, 3-67
Turchin, Col. John B., 1-22
Twain, Mark, 1-13
Ulreich, Eduard "Buk," 3-45–49; illustrations of artworks by, 3-44–45, 3-47; photos of, 3-46, 3-48
Union Army, and guerrilla warfare, 1-21, 1-22–24
U.S. Air Force, motion pictures, 2-36
U.S. Army, Civil War resignations from, 1-42–47; hospital ships, 3-28–34; motion pictures, 2-36; nurses, 3-28–34
U.S. Army Center for Military History, 2-71
U.S. Army Signal Corps, motion pictures, 2-36
"U.S. Census Schedules for Americans Living Overseas, 1900 to 1930," by Constance Potter, 3-54-61
U.S. Children's Bureau, 2-19–20, 2-21-22
U.S. Circuit Courts for the District of Columbia, 1-55–56, 1-57–59
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, records opened, 4-58
United States Colored Infantry, 3-20
U.S. Congress, and appropriations for NARA, 3-2; and Civil War pensions, 1-27; and emancipation of slaves in the District of Columbia, 1-53; and funding for publication of the papers of the Founding Fathers, 4-15; and money for anti–juvenile delinquency programs, 2-22
U.S. Constitution, amendments to, 1-10, 1-12, 3-66; and slavery, 1-8–9
U.S. Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, 4-29
United States Democratic Review, 4-33
U.S. Department of Justice, 2-31, 2-32
U.S. Department of State, and Central America, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37; diplomatic corps support for aerial circumnavigation expedition, 2-7–8; and population censuses, 3-55, 3-60
U.S. House of Representatives, and slavery in the territories, 1-8
U.S. Lighthouse Service, 3-24
United States Marine Corps, Civil War resignations from, 1-42, 1-47; motion pictures, 2-36; and World War II, 3-6–16
U.S. Military Academy, 1-42, 1-44
U.S. Naval Academy, 1-45
U.S. Navy, and the Civil War, 1-60–61; Civil War resignations from, 1-42, 1-43, 1-45; and filibuster soldiers in Nicaragua, 4-32, 4-33, 4-36, 4-38, 4-40; Lincoln's relationship with, 1-60–61; motion pictures, 2-36; and population censuses, 3-55, 3-56, 3-58, 3-59, 3-60, 3-61; support for Army Air Service circumnavigation expedition, 2-7–8, 2-9–10, 2-13, 2-14–15; technological advances, 1-61; and World War II, 3-7–16
U.S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, 2-54–61
U.S. Senate, Appropriations Committee, 3-2; Committee on Pensions, 2-32; motion pictures, 2-35; and slavery in the territories, 1-8
U.S. Supreme Court, justices, 1-10; and reparations for slaves, 2-33
University of Chicago, 4-14
University of Denver, 1-64
University of Virginia, 4-14, 4-16, 4-18
University of Virginia Press, 4-16, 4-18
Utah, 1-8
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 4-32, 4-33
Vaughan, Walter R., 2-30; portrait, 2-30
Vella Lavella Island, 3-7, 3-9–10, 3-13, 3-14, 3-15–16
"Venus Fixers, The," by Hilary Parkinson, 3-62–63
Venus Fixers, The, by Ilaria Dagnini Brey, 3-62–63
"Very Few Good Nurses, A," by Mercedes Graf, 3-28–34
Veslekari, ship, 2-44
Veterans, American Revolution, 3-36–43; Civil War, 1-26–35; pension applications, 1-26–35
Vietnam War, 4-10
Virginia, 1-43, 1-44, 1-45, 1-46; and the Civil War, 1-22; and slavery, 1-53–54, 1-55, 1-56, 1-58
Wabash, ship, 4-38
Waddell, Lt. Alexander, 3-9, 3-16
Wade, 1st Lt. Leigh, 2-8, 2-11–12, 2-13, 2-14, 2-17; photos, 2-13, 2-16
Walker, Hank, 2-69
Walker, Mary E., 2-50
Walker, William, 4-32-40
War Department and Arctic expeditions, 2-44
Warburg, Felix, 4-26–27
Washington, D.C., and the Civil War, 1-21, 1-25
Washington, George, 4-12-14, 4-16, 4-17, 4-18; Papers of, 4-12-18; portraits, 4-12, 4-15
Washington, Julius I., 3-18, 3-21, 3-24
Washington: A Life, by Ron Chernow, 4-13
Washington Navy Yard, 1-61
Webster, Daniel, 1-18; illustration of, 1-14
Weeks, John W., 2-10; photo, 2-16
Weidman, Budge and Russell, 4-62
Weinstein, Allen, 4-23
Welles, Gideon, 1-61
Wells, Linton, 2-12-13
Wendell, Cornelius, 4-42-45
West, Cadet John A., 1-44
West Virginia, 1-22, 1-23, 2-69
Weyer, Ed, 2-39, 2-41–42
"When Ponzi's Bubble Burst," 2-72
Whitaker, Reed, 3-45, 3-67
White, Lt. Byron, 3-15, 3-16
White, William Alanson, 2-49–50, 2-51
White House Conferences on Children and Youth, 2-18–26
White House Conference on Education, 2-25
White House Council on Environmental Quality, 4-58
White House files opened, 3-67
White House tapes opened, 1-64–65
White–Perry, Giselle, "In Freedom's Shadow," 3-18–26
Whiting, George C., 1-26–27
Whitman, George, 2-62–63
Whitman, Jeff, 2-62
Whitman, Jesse, 2-62, 2-63
Whitman, Walt, 2-62–63
Wills, A. W., 2-31–32
Wilmot Proviso, 1-8
Winchester, Simon, The Professor and the Madman, 2-53
Winning West Virginia: JFK's Primary Campaign, by Stacey Bredhoff, 2-69
Winterbottom, Colin, 1-50, 1-51
Wisconsin Historical Foundation, 1-64
Wise, Lt. Henry A., USN, 1-60
Women, as federal prisoners, 2-61
"Women of the Polar Archives," by Audrey Amidon, 2-38–45
Woodson, Carter G., 2-28
Woodson, Nura G., 3-46, 3-47–48, 3-49
Work Projects Administration, 4-50
Works Progress Administration, 3-45, 3-47–48, 3-49, 4-47
World War I, nurses, 3-34
World War II, and art treasures, 3-62-63; Escape and Evasion Reports, 4-72; and Italy, 3-62-63; motion pictures relating to, 2-35, 2-36; and the Solomon Islands, 3-6–16
Yale University, 4-14
Yano, Akemi Kikumura, 2-71
Zinsmeister, Morgan, 4-55