NexGen FOIA Tech Showcase
The NexGen FOIA Tech Showcase was held virtually on Wednesday, February 9th , and Thursday, February 10th, 2022 thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Technology Committee of the Chief FOIA Officers Council (CFO), the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration, and the Office of Information Policy (OIP) at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
The purpose of this event—the first of its kind—was to identify FOIA technology solutions for federal agencies in response to existing FOIA case processing challenges raised through the Technology Committee’s research. Additionally, the event was intended to help federal agencies better understand the promise of artificial intelligence and advanced/emerging technology for case processing.
Vendors shared issues, insights, and explored potential solutions in the following areas:
- eDiscovery/electronic record search tools
- Case processing tools (including the collection of records to review for redaction and posting accessible 508 compliant releases)
- Redaction tools (including tools that allow for automatic redaction of similar forms and record types including paper, digital content, videos, data, etc.)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that may assist with FOIA case processing.
- The future of FOIAImproved public FOIA reading rooms/websites
- Improving the FOIA customer experience
See original announcement on the FOIA Ombudsman blog.
Vendor Video Demonstrations
- See YouTube PlayList
Vendor RFI Submissions
- ActiveNav
- Acumen Solutions
- Armedia
- CasePoint
- Deloitte
- Everlaw
- Exterro
- Feith
- Hyperscience
- NextPhase Solutions
- Nuix
- Pulse Labs
- SmartLogic
- Summit2Sea
- Torch
- Tyler
- UiPath