Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (RG 65)
FBI Records Declassified under the War Crimes Disclosure Acts
The headquarters materials consist of approximately 240,000 pages of original FBI files and indices found in categories such as espionage, foreign counterintelligence, domestic security, and treason. Among files of note are those dealing with investigations of post-war émigré Nazis from Eastern Europe whom the government cultivated as anti-communist sources and files describing instances of FBI support for their U.S. citizenship, even when opposed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. These files provide new insight into the activities of Nazi collaborators who had murdered Jews and members of other ethnic groups before relocating to the United States. The files also include information on how U.S. corporations profited from operations instigated by and supportive of the Third Reich. The files are in Record Group 65.
In addition to the names index above, NARA received paper indices to the headquarters files. For more information on the content of this series, see the Indices to Headquarters Files (Entry A1-136BE) in the National Archives Catalog.
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