Interagency Working Group (IWG)

Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (RG 65)

Select Field Office Case Files From Classification 61 (Treason)
Entry A1-149

Boxes 1-25 location: 230 86/21/5

The materials in this series relate to the treason investigations of Iva Toguri d'Aquino (a.k.a. Tokyo Rose), John David Provoo, and Wallace Ellwell Ince, who were accused of voluntarily making propaganda radio broadcasts for Japan during World War II. Ince was never charged. The files of all three investigations describe their work at the Broadcasting Corporation of Japan (a.k.a. Radio Tokyo); include Japanese records created during the time they worked on the broadcasts, and records created during U.S. Army investigations of their actions; and detail Federal Bureau of Investigation efforts to locate scripts, transcripts, or recordings of their broadcasts, and to locate and interview witnesses who saw or heard their broadcasts.

For more information, see the Select Field Office Case Files From Classification 61 (Treason) Scope and Content Note in the National Archives Catalog.

Link to folder list

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