
Citizen Archivist Week of Service

Citizen Archivist Week of Service: January 15-19, 2018. Volunteer to help us Unlock History!

You can help us unlock history by tagging and transcribing primary source documents in the National Archives Catalog. The words you add become part of our Catalog – improving search results, making our records more discoverable online, and unlocking the sometimes difficult to read text for all to understand. We like to say that as we tag and transcribe, we are unlocking history.




In the spirit of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, join us January 15-19, 2018 for a week-long citizen archivist challenge. Our goal is to tag or transcribe 2,018 pages in the National Archives Catalog during Citizen Archivist Week of Service. Can you help us meet this challenge?


Share your progress using #CitizenArchivistServiceWeek on your favorite social media platform. 


During the week, we’ll have a special expanded missions session and lots of featured records waiting to be transcribed. For our new volunteers, you’ll also find instructions on how to create an account and get started.


Featured missions during Week of Service: 


  • Civil Rights: Help transcribe records relating to a wide range of civil rights issues in United States history: 103 records


  • Slave Manifests: Transcribe these slave manifests from the Port of New York: 27 records


  • White House Renovation: Transcribe records of the Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion of the White House during the administration of President Harry S. Truman: 29 records


  • Protection from Pirates: Transcribe records related to Mediterranean Passports, which were certificates issued by the Secretary of State in an attempt to ensure safe passage of American vessels in areas threatened by Barbary pirates: 90 records


  • Surveys of Indian Industry: Transcribe surveys of Native American families that include details about family members, their home and their source of income: 117 records


  • Marriage Licenses and Related Forms, 1901 - 1907: Transcribe marriage licenses and other related records from the White Earth Agency. Mlrf-ts1 | Serviceweeklicenses: 89 records

