African American Heritage

Civilian Records relating to Slavery

The records referenced in these pages highlight some of the records pertaining to slavery that are available at the National Archives. Information and records are arranged by government branch and record group. Series, folders, and items are identified with brief descriptions. This page may provide actual documents that have been digitized and are in the National Archives Catalog. Some of the records are microfilmed, and have been noted.

For more information, see Walter B. Hill Jr.'s Prologue article on this topic, and the handout - Federal Records that Help Identify Former Enslaved People and Slave Holders

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Civil Records

RG 29 Records of the Bureau of the Census


Item: Return of the Whole Number of Persons within the Several Districts of the United States, According to “An Act Providing for the Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States;” Passed March the First, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-One.” Philadelphia Printed: London Reprinted, and Sold by J. Phillips, George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1793


NAID 231835492

A volume of state and county population statistics as determined during the first census of the United States taken in 1790-1791, for Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and the Territory South of the River Ohio.

National Archives at Washington, DC

showing pages covering South Carolina and Georgia


Publications of Population Schedules (US Census) during the time of Slavery

Links will take you to the National Archives Catalog description. Some Census records are available in the catalog, others may be offered through Partner Websites.

Title Microfilm Publication Description
First Census of the United States (1790) M637 Lists free Black Americans by name of head of household. All other members are tallied statistically but unnamed. Enslaved people are listed statistically by the enslaver.
Second Census of the United States (1800) M32 Lists free Black Americans by name of head of household. All other members are tallied statistically but unnamed. Enslaved people are listed statistically by the enslaver.
Third Census of the United States (1810) M252 Lists free Black Americans by name of head of household. All other members are tallied statistically but unnamed. Enslaved people are listed statistically by the enslaver.
Fourth Census of the United States (1820) M33 Lists free Black Americans by name of head of household. All other members are tallied statistically but unnamed. Enslaved people are listed statistically by the enslaver.
Fifth Census of the United States (1830) M19 Lists free Black Americans by name of head of household. All other members are tallied statistically but unnamed. Enslaved people are listed statistically by the enslaver.
Sixth Census of the United States (1840) M704 Lists free Black Americans by name of head of household. All other members are tallied statistically but unnamed. Enslaved people are listed statistically by the enslaver.
Seventh Census of the United States (1850) M432 Divided into free schedules and slave schedules. Free schedules name all members of the household. Slave schedules lists enslaved people by enslaver, giving sex and age, occasionally naming the enslaved.
Eighth Census of the United States (1860) M653 Divided into free schedules and slave schedules. Free schedules name all members of the household. Slave schedules lists enslaved people by enslaver, giving sex and age, occasionally naming the enslaved.
Ninth Census of the United States (1870) M593 Gives names of all members of the household.

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RG 36 Records of the United States Customs Service, 1745 - 1982

Congress created the Customs Service on July 31, 1789 and made it a part of the Department of Treasury (September 1789). The service assisted other agencies in the enforcement of the slave trading laws that were passed between 1794 to 1820. In particular, the 1807 law prohibited the transportation of enslaved people after 1808, and section 9 required that all vessels of 40 tons or more carrying enslaved persons in the coastwise trade file duplicate manifests (ports of origin and destination) showing name, age and description of each person, the name and residence of exporter and consignee, and pledge that the enslaved person had not been imported after 1807.

Slave Manifests are manifests (a document listing the cargo, passengers, or crew of a ship) filed with the collector of customs at various ports, of enslaved people transported in coastwise trade during the period 1807-1860. Manifests can be "inward" for vessels arriving to a port, and "outward" for vessels departing a port. Records are usually arranged by type of manifest, and then chronologically.

Port: Annapolis, Maryland

Series: Slave Manifests for the Port of Annapolis, January 15, 1822

NAID 4693973

An inward coastwise manifest for the sloop Charles of Wareham, Joshua Gibbs, master, recording the importation, into the Port of Annapolis, on January 15, 1822, of an enslaved person named Ephraim. The document also contains the outward coastwise manifest for the Charles, also dated January 15, 1822, indicating that Ephraim was exported to the individual he was consigned to in Charleston.

National Archives at Philadelphia


Port: Baltimore, Maryland

Item: Slave Manifest for Sloop Nancy and Sally

NAID 159719441

An inward coastwise manifest for the sloop Sally and Nancy, J. Vickens master, recording the importation, into the Port of Baltimore, on June 27, 1817. This document lists the names of the enslaved persons on board, names of the holder of the enslaved persons, and the enslaved person's place of residence.

National Archives at Philadelphia

Slave Manifest for the Sloop Nancy and Sally


Port: Beaufort, South Carolina

Series: Coastwise Slave Manifests, 1826-1830; NAID 2767350

Consists of outward slave manifests submitted to the Collector of Customs at the Port of Beaufort, South Carolina by vessels engaged in coastwise travel. Most slave manifests in this series are recorded on standard forms and include the name of the ship and its master, port of departure, port of destination, and a list of the enslaved people on board. For each enslaved person, the manifests provide first name, sex, age, stature, name of shipper or owner, and shipper or enslaver's place of residence. National Archives at Atlanta

Finding Aid: Slave Manifests (by name of the enslaved); Slave Manifests (by name of enslaver)


Port: Charleston, South Carolina

Series: Coastwise Slave Manifests, 1820-1858; NAID 2767346

Consists of inward vessel manifests submitted to the Collector of Customs at the Port of Charleston, South Carolina by vessels engaged in coastwise travel. For each enslaved person, the manifests provide first name, sex, age, stature, name of shipper or enslaver, and shipper or enslaver's place of residence. National Archives at Atlanta

Finding Aid: Slave Manifests (by name of the enslaved); Slave Manifests (by name of enslaver)


Port: Mobile, Alabama

Series: Coastwise Slave Manifests, 1820-1860; NAID 2554808

Consists of inward and outward slave manifests submitted to the Collector of Customs at the Port of Mobile, Alabama by vessels engaged in coastwise travel. Most manifests in this series are recorded on standard forms and include the name of the ship and its master, port of departure, port of destination, and a list of the enslaved people on board. For each enslaved person, the manifests provide first name, sex, age, stature, name of shipper or enslaver, and shipper or enslaver's place of residence. 

Finding Aids: Inward Manifests (by name of enslaver), Inward Manifests (by name of the enslaved); Outward Manifests (by name of the enslaved), Outward Manifests (by name of enslaver) 

National Archives at Atlanta


Port: New Orleans, Louisiana

Series: Slave Manifests, 1817-1861; NAID 5573655

Includes records of “negroes, mulattoes, and people of color” who were transported by ships “for the purpose of being sold or disposed of as slaves.” The manifests are generally printed forms that were submitted by the master of the vessel to the collector of customs. The information given for each ship includes the name, tonnage, rig, name of the master, and port of destination. The information about each person generally includes name (usually just a single name), sex, age, height, and the owner's or shipper's name and place of residence. Each manifest indicates the “class” of each person with notations Black, Mulatto, or Yellow. National Archives at Fort Worth


Port: Newport, Rhode Island

Series: Manifests, 1790-1880; NAID 4492378

Consists of the following subseries: Outward Foreign Manifests, 1790, 1880, and Manifests (all types), 1790-1880. There is only one manifest for each vessel. Manifests are subdivided into coastwise and foreign manifests, and further subdivided by inward and outward manifests. Most of the manifests include shippers' declarations, invoices of merchandise, consular certifications of merchandise laden at foreign ports and clearances from there, permits to land, and reports of inspectors and weighers. Outward foreign manifests are certified lists of the cargos of vessels engaged in foreign trade. They include the name and rig of the vessel and name of master; name of port of embarkation; description of merchandise exported, with shipper's markings; name of consignee and name of consignor; and date of clearance. National Archives at Boston


Port: New York City, New York

Series: Vessel Manifests of Enslaved Persons Transported Through the Port of New York, June 1822–August 1852

NAID 7821181

Consists of inward manifests of vessels arriving with enslaved persons at the port of New York, New York, as well as four outward manifests of enslaved persons on vessels departing from New York for southern ports. Charleston, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia, were the primary ports of departure and arrival.

National Archives at Washington, DC


Port: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Series: Slave Manifests for the Port of Philadelphia, August 1800–April 1860; NAID 875814

Consists of documents which contain information about enslaved persons on board ships arriving or departing from the port of Philadelphia. Ports of destination include Savannah, Charleston, New Orleans, and Pensacola, Florida. Records before 1820 do not list people's names or other personal information. From 1820-1860, manifests contain the name of the ship, enslaver's name, port of departure, port of destination, and a list of the enslaved on board. The manifests give their names, sex, age, stature, class, name of their shipper or enslaver, and their place of residence. National Archives at Philadelphia


Port: Savannah, Georgia

Series: Coastwise Slave Manifests, 1801-1860; NAID 1151775

Consists of inward and outward slave manifests submitted to the Collector of Customs at the Port of Savannah, Georgia by vessels engaged in coastwise travel. Most manifests in this series are recorded on standard forms and include the name of the ship and its master, port of departure, port of destination, and a list of the enslaved people on board. For each enslaved person, the manifests provide first name, sex, age, stature, name of shipper or enslaver, and shipper or enslaver's place of residence. The few documents in this series dating before 1808 list the number of enslaved people transported but do not provide names or other personal information. National Archives at Atlanta

Finding Aids: Foreign Voyages (by name of the enslaved), Foreign Voyages (by name of enslaver)

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RG 48 Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior

Records below are available at the National Archives at College Park.

Series: Records Relating to the Suppression of the African Slave Trade and the Colonization of Enslaved and Freed Black People, 1858-1872; NAID 963320, M160
Several laws were passed in the 19th century for the suppression of the African slave trade and for support of the colonization of recaptured and freed Black people. In 1861, the Interior Department assumed responsibility of administering the anti-slave trade laws and those providing for the colonization of recaptured and freed Black people in Liberia and other countries. The series includes letters sent relating to captured vessels illegally trading in enslaved persons; colonization attempts at Ile a Vache, Haiti, Danish West Indies, British Honduras, and Liberia; communications from Presidents, and Executive agencies; Congressional resolutions and correspondence; and correspondence from the American Colonization Society.

Series: Letters Received and Other Records, 1854-1872, NAID 821350, M160

Consists of communications relating to the colonization project at Ile a Vache, Haiti. This project was a failed attempt, led by Bernard Kock, to establish a colony of freed Black people on the Haitian island in order to grow cotton.

Series: Letters Sent Relating to Suppression of the African Slave Trade and the Colonization of Enslaved and Freed Black People, 1858–1872, NAID 963447, M160

Consists of handwritten copies of letters relating to the apprehension and prosecution of enslavers, return of persons taken from slave ships to Africa, Mixed Courts of Justice, colonization of free Black persons, legislation and appropriations, accounts, and other subjects.

Series: Final Rolls of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1899-1914, NAID 608958, T529

Gives information about people who were tribal citizens by birth and marriage as well as freedpeople who were formerly enslaved by one of the Five Civilized Tribes, freed after the Civil War, and admitted to tribal citizenship. Arranged by tribe, thereunder by citizens by blood, marriage, and freedpeople. 

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RG 55, Records of the Government of the Virgin Islands

These records were established in the Department of the Navy, effective upon the formal transfer of sovereignty over the Danish West Indies from Denmark to the United States, March 28, 1917, under authority of an act of March 3, 1917 (39 Stat. 1132). The United States purchased the islands from Denmark by treaty signed August 14, 1916, ratified by the Senate, September 7, 1916. The islands had originally been administered by the Danish West India and Guinea Company, 1672-1754, succeeded by the Danish Crown, 1754-1917, except for periods of British occupation in 1801 and 1807-1815. Records are located at the National Archives at College Park.

Records Relating Directly to Slavery and Emancipation



Series: Reports Received from the Governor's Committee Appointed to Sound Out the Planters Concerning the Ceding of a Free Day Off to the Laborers, 1840 NAID 619259

Series: Papers Concerning the Plan for the Organization of the Free Blacks, 1830–1831 NAID 619559

Series: Letters Received from the Planters Concerning Gradual Emancipation, 1840 NAID 619560

Series: General Correspondence and Related Records, 1754–1941 NAID 620186

  • Census of the Enslaved and Free Inhabitants (fragments), 1835 NAID 311875087
  • Contract of John M. Lytton to take Black People to Tortola, 1788 NAID 311874800
  • Correspondence Concerning Laborers, 1884 NAID 311875393
  • Emancipation Records, 1820-1826 NAID 311874805
  • Free Men of Color in Christiansted Jurisdiction, 1815 NAID 311874814
  • Governor's Proclamation Concerning the St. Croix Riots, 1878 NAID 311875925
  • Ledger Book for Customs Duties, Trade and Accounts, St. Croix, 1777-81, as well as Census of Whites, Free Blacks and Enslaved People, 1755-81 NAID 311874809

  • List of Enslaved People on St. Johns Plantations, 1843 NAID 311874812

  • List of Enslaved People on St. Thomas Plantations, 1843 NAID 311874810

  • Matters involving Enslaved People, 1840 NAID 311874801

  • Name of Plantation and Number of Black People, 1841 NAID 311874797

  • Plantation 'Parasol' and an Inventory of its Property and Enslaved People, 1842 NAID 311874818

  • Probated Estate of Carolina Colbionsen and Plantation Diamond, including a List of Enslaved People, 1823-1827 NAID 311874823

  • Records concerning the Compensation of Enslavers, 1853 NAID 311874836

  • Records concerning Enslaved People, 1840-1841 NAID 311874799

  • Records concerning the Migration of Plantation Workers, 1852 NAID 311875853

  • Records of Plantation "Envy" including a Census of Enslaved People, 1831-1832 NAID 311874824

  • Records Concerning Plantation 'Work and Rest,' 1849-1859 NAID 311875380

  • Records Concerning Slavery and Emancipation, 1815-1858 NAID 311874806

  • Records relating to Enslaved People, St. Croix, 1762-1785 NAID 311874802

  • Report concerning Sick Royal Black People, 1842 NAID 311874815

Series: Freedom Charters, 1815-1830 NAID 624724

Series: Register of Free Black Men: 

Series: Register of Free Black Women:

Series: Register of Free Black Children:

Series: Register of Free Black Men, Women, and Children in St. John NAID 625502

Series: Proceedings of the Commission to Investigate the Riots of 1848 NAID 626246

Series: Lists of Names of Enslavers and Freedpeople on St. Croix, 1848-1862 NAID 626284

Series: Register of Black Communicants, 1819-1835 NAID 40429323

Series: Lists of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials of Black Inhabitants, 1820–1841 NAID 40429324

Series: Record Concerning the Courts Martial Following the Revolt of 1848 NAID 40429077

Series: Annual Reports Concerning the Increase or Decrease in the Number of Royal Black People, 1765–1785 NAID 74617653

Series: Letters and Documents Concerning Loans for Purchasing Enslaved People, 1803–1807 NAID 74617609

Series: General Ledger for Loans for Enslaved People, 1793-1804 NAID 74617611

Series: Ledger of Current Accounts of Loans regarding Enslaved People, 1794-1805 NAID 74617612

Series: Journal of Slave Loans, 1793-1804 NAID 74617613

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RG 59, General Records of the Department of State

Records within the Department of State relating to slavery and the international slave trade can largely be found in the Central Files. For more information, see State Department Central Files, 1783-1906. Records of the Department of State are available at the National Archives at College Park.

Records in the Central Files relating to American slavery and the international slave trade

Series/File Unit Description Catalog/Microfilm
Territorial Papers for Kansas, 1854-1861 Records relating to the conflict between pro and antislavery factions in the Territory, covering the time period known as Bleeding Kansas. Includes correspondence with the military regarding troop deployment to subdue violence, letters reporting destruction from the guerilla warfare. NAID 218518469, M218
Territorial Papers for Orleans, 1764-1823 Records relating to the importation of enslaved people, freedom seekers (fugitive slaves) seeking refuge in Texas, etc. T260
Letters from Congressional Cmtes, 1830-1861 Letters usually requesting information from Congress. Includes censuses of enslaved persons. NAID 1079643
Proclamations to President Lincoln by Antislavery Societies, 1862-1864 Includes three proclamations that were enclosures to despatches from the U.S. Minister at London. NAID 1079681
Address to President Johnson by the British and Foreign Antislavery Society, 1865 Includes an enclosure to a despatch from the U.S. Minister at London, dated September 19, 1865. NAID 1079687

Petitions for the Recognition of Liberia, 1849–1850

Consists of petitions of private citizens of eight Northern and four Southern states and the District of Columbia calling for the recognition of Liberia. NAID 1079679

Index to United States Documents Relating to Foreign Affairs 1828-1861


The following entries are from the Index to United States Documents relating to Foreign Affairs, compiled from documents from the Department of State and other parts of the government.

The three volumes of the index are published online. Consult the full text to see the context of the index entries and where the documents may be found.

Entries can include despatch numbers when applicable, dates of documents, a short description, and citation.


Volume 1: A thru H

Volume 2: I thru Q

Volume 3: R thru Z


Letter from Frederick Douglass to Secretary of State James G. Blain,

June 25, 1889

NAID 119652164

Part I: A thru H


Index Entry Summary Page
Abbot Devereux, Slaver (Myers) 1857, west coast of Africa, illegal slave trade 7
Aberdeen, Lord (George Hamiliton Gordon) 1828-1843, vessels involved in the slave trade 9
Abreo (Antonio Rodrigo), Slave Dealer   9
Adams (John Quincy), of Mass.   11-14
Adams Gray, Amer. Slaver Brigantine 1857, west coast of Africa, illegal slave trade 15
Addington (Henry Unwin) Prime Minister, United Kingdom 16
Advance, Amer. Slaver Schr. 1852-1853, captured off Porto Praya 17
Albert, Amer. Slaver Brig (Woodberry) 1845, seized in Port of Bahia, Brazil 21
Alecto, H.B.M. Sloop (Hunt) 1857-1858, captures various slave ships 23
Alicia, Slaver   24
Alienage, Citizenship, Naturalization   31-41
Amistad, Spanish Schr. 1839, revolt of enslaved aboard the ship 49-51
Anaconda, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Knight) 1836 52
Anderson (John), Freedom Seeker [Fugitive Slave] 1860, charged with murder, fled to Canada 53
Anderson (W.E.), Witness Against Slave Dealers 1851-1853 54
Andover (Mass.) Citizens 1837-1852, memorial on suppression of slave trade 54
Appleton (John), of Me. Assistant Secretary of State 57-58
Archer (William S.) of Va. Congressman from Virginia 62-64
Ardennes, Amer. Slaver Bank (Marsh) 1858-1860 64
Argaiz (Pedro Alcantara) 1839-1842, Spanish Envoy Extraordinary, Minister Plenipotentiary 65
Armstrong (Mass.) Citizens 1839, memorial for suppression of the slave trade 71
Asp, Amer. Schr. (Weems) 1840-1841, Sierra Leone 73-74
Augusta Religious Anti-Slavery Conv. 1847, memorial for termination of Mexican War 76


Index Entry Subject Index Page
Bacon (John F.) of N.Y. 1841-1842, American Consul Nassau 80
Bagley (Arthur P.), of Ala. 1843-1848, US Senator from Alabama 81
Barclay (Anthony), of Nova Scotia 1854-1856, Secretary to boundary commission 90
Barksdale (William), Repr. From Miss. 1855-1860, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs 90
Bayard (James A. Jr.), Sen. From Del. 1852-1861, US Senator 98-99
Beaver Co. (Pa.) Citizens 1838-1848, memorials to Congress 101-102
Bedinger (Daniel) 1848, transportation of free Black people 102
Bell (Charles H.), of N.Y. 1840, US Navy 104
Bell (John)   105
Benjamin (Judah Peter) 1851-1860, US Senator from Louisiana 107
Bentinotti (Miguel), Slave Dealer   108
Benton (Thomas H.) 1831-1832, Senator from Missouri 108-109
Berrien (John McPherson) 1829-1852, Senator from Georgia 110-111
Beverly (Mass.) Citizens 1835-1854, memorials to Congress 112
Birch (Thomas F.), Comdr. H.B.M. Brig Wizard 1838, capture of vessel Eagle 116
Black (Jeremiah S.), of Penn. 1857-1860, US Attorney General 117
Blythe (Andrew K.), of Miss. 1856-1858, US Consul to Havana 122
Bonham (Milledge L.), Repr. From S.C. 1859-1860, remarks re: suppression of slave trade 126
Boxer, U.S. Brig 1846, capture of slaver Malaga in Cabinda Bay 132
Bradford (Mass.) Citizens 1837-1846, memorials to Congress 133
Bradford Co. (Penn.) Citizens 1837-1850, memorials to Congress 134
Branch (John), Secy. Navy, U.S.A. 1831, re: vessel Fenix 135
Branch (Lawrence O'B.), Repr. From N.C. 1858-1861, member Committee on Foreign Affairs 135
Braxton Co. (Va.) Citizens 1850, transportation of Black people to Africa 136
Brazil, Slaver Brig (Bevans, Faulkner) 1848 143
Bremen, Amer. Slaver Brigantine (Forest) 1857, seized as prize off the Congo 144
Bright (Jesse D.), Sen. From Ind. 1850-1854, remarks on slave trade suppression 147
Brookfield (Vt.) Citizens 1850, petition to Congress 150
Brown (Albert Gallatin) 1848-1860, Congressman from Mississippi 151-152
Brown (James), of La. 1824-1828, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to France 152
Bruce (Henry W.), Rear-Admiral, H.B.M. Navy 1853, capture of slave ship 155
Buchanan (James), of Penn.   156-163
Buckingham Co. (Va.) Citizens 1831, petition to Congress 163
Bucks Co. (Pa.) Citizens 1837-1850, petitions to Congress 164
Bulwer (Sir Henry Lytton) 1850-1851 165-166
Burges (Tristam), Repr. From R.I. 1831-1835 167
Burnett (Henry C.), Repr. From Ky. 1859-1860 168
Butler (Andrew Pickens), Sen. From S.C. 1848-1857 170
Byfield (Mass.) Citizens 1837-1839 175


Index Entry Page Number
Caballero, Amer. Slaver Brig (Huffington) 175
Cabarga (Antonio), Slave Dealer 175
Cabo Verde, Port. Schr. 175
Cabo Verde, Port. Schr. 176
Caire (F.C. Paul) 176
Calderon de la Barca (Angel) 176-178
Calhoun (John Caldwell), of S.C. 179-180, 182
Calhoun, Amer. Slaver (Gordon) 187
Calhoun, Amer. Ship (Fales) 182
Camargo, Amer. Slaver (Gordon) 187
Camden (N.Y.) Citizens 188
Camilla, Amer. Slaver Schr. 188
Campbell (A.), H.B.M. Consul at Lagos 188
Camperdown, Slaver 191
Canning (Stratford) 202
Capture, etc., of Property: Cases 204-205
Carlos Sp. Slaver 208
Carmen, Braz. Schr., Slaver 208
Carnahan (A.M.), et al. 208
Case (Charles), Repr. From Indiana 212
Cass (Lewis), of Mich. 218-218, 220-224
Castlereagh (Viscount), Robert Henry Stewart, Afterwards 2nd Marquess of Loudonderry 227-228
Catherine, Amer. Slaver Bark (Stodder) 228
Catherine, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Peterson) 228
Ceres, Slaver 294
Chancellor, Slave Ship (Freeman) 296
Charles, Amer. Slaver Bark, of Baltimore 298
Charles C. Perkins, Amer. Slaver Brig (Brown) 299
Charleston Colonization Society 299
Charlotte, Amer. Slaver Brig (Lockhail) 300
Chase (Salmon P.) Sen. From O. 301
Chatsworth, Amer. Slaver Brigantine (Burbank) 302
Chauncey (Mark) and William Winn 302
Chesapeake Claims 304
Chester (Vt.) Citizens 304
Christiansburg (O.) Citizens 363
Cincinnati (O.) Citizens 364
City of Norfolk, Slaver 364
Clara, Amer. Slaver (Hooker) 365
Clara, French Gov't. Contract Slaver-Bark 365
Clara, Slaver 365
Clara B. Williams, Amer. Slaver Bark 365-366
Clay (Henry), of Ky. 370, 373-375
Clay (James Brown), of Ky. 375
Clayton (John Middleton), of Del. 382-384
Clingman (Thomas L.) of N.C. 387-388
Cobb (Howell), of Ga. 389
Cochrane (Clarke B.), Repr. From N.Y. 390
Cockburn (Sir Francis), Gov. of Bahamas 390
Coke (Richard, Jr.), Repr. From Va. 391
Collamer (Jacob) 392
Colonization Society of Fredericksburg, O. 396
Comet, Encomium, Enterprise 398-400
Concha (Jose Guttierrez de la:, Capt. Gen. of Cuba 401
Conhocton (N.Y.) Citizens 402
Conover (Thomas A.), of N.J. 404
Constitucao, Portuguese Slaver Schr. (Roberto) 406
Constitution, Amer. Schr. (Johnson) 406
Convention for Formation of Anti-Slavery Society of Pa. 411
Cooper (James), Sen. From Penn. 417
Cortez, Amer. Schr. (Durand) 422
Corthell (Loring) 422
Costa Lima Biana (Jose de), Slave Dealer 424
Courtenay (R. W.) 425
Cowper (H. Augustus), H.B.M. Cons. At Pernambuco 425
Cowperthwait (Josesph), of Phila. 425
Craig (Robert), Repr. From Va. 427
Crampton (John Fiennes Twisleton) 428
Craven (Thomas T.), of N.Y. 431
Crawford (Joseph T.), H.B.M. Cons. Gen. for Cuba 431
Crawford (Martin J.), Repr. From Ga. 431
Creole, Amer. Brig (Ensor) 432-433
Crimean, Slaver Schr. 434
Crittenden (John Jordan), of Ky. 438
Crowninshield (Benjamin Williams) 440
Cunha Reis (Manuel Basilia) Da, Slave Dealer 457-457
Cunha Reis (Manuel Basilia) Da, Slave Dealer 459
Cushing (Caleb), of Mass. 460
Cyclops, H.B.M. Str. (Hastings) 466



Dale, U.S. Sloop, pp472-473

Dallas (George Mifflin), of Penn., pp474-475

Dalrymple (C.J.), H.B.M. Comr. At Havana Under Mixed Commission for Suppression of Slavetrade; see Slavetrade. Cuban Waters

Danville (Ky.) Citizens, p477

Darke Co. (O.) Citizens, p477

Dauphin Co. (Pa.) Citizens, p478

Davis (Jefferson), of Miss., pp481-482

Davis (John), of Mass., p483

Dayton (William Lewis), of N.J., p485

De Kalb Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p488

Delaware Co. (O.) Citizens, p490

Delicia, Slaver Brig, p491

Dickinson (Daniel S.), Sen. From N.Y., p502

Dickson (John), Repr. From N.Y., p503

Diligente, Portuguese Brig, p504

Dix (John A.), Sen. From N.Y., p506

Dolcinea, Port. Slaver Schr. (Da Luz Cavalho), p509

Dolores, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Canal), p509

Dolores, Br. Slaver Schr., p510

Dolphin, H.B.M. Brig (Holland), p510

Dolphin, U.S. Brig,, p510

Doolittle (James R.), Senator From Wisconsin, p513

Dorset, Amer. Slaver Schr., p513

Douglas (Stephen Arnold), pp515-516

Douglas, Amer. Brig (Baker), p517

Douglass (George H.), Mastr Amer. Slaver Brig Kentucky; see Kentucky

Dowdll (James F.), Repr. From Ala., p518

Driscoll (Cornelius F.), Master Amer. Slaver Brig Hope, p520

Duer (John K.), p522

Durkee, Master Amer. Slaver Brig Two Friends, p525



Eagle, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Littig), p526

East Lyme (Conn.) Citizens, p528

Easton (Pa.) Citizens, p528

Echavarria (Jose Ignacio de), Gov. of Havana, p529

Echo, Slaver Brig, p529

Edwin, Amer. Brig (Dayley), p531

Egea (Jose), Slave Trader, p531

El Dorado, U.S. Mail Str., p532

Eleanor, Amer. Bark, p533

Electra, H.B.M. Str. (Morris), p533

Eliza Jane, Amer. Slaver, p534

Elliot (George), Comdr. H.B.M. Sloop Columbine, p535

Elliott (Jesse D.), of Penn., p535

Ellsworth (Henry L.), Officer of Amer. Colonization Soc'y, p539

Emanuel, Amer. Slaver Schr., p539

Emma Lincoln Slaver, p540

Enterprise, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Robinson), p544

Enterprise, U.S. Brig, p544

Erie, Amer. Slaver (Gordon), p544

Erie Co. (O.) Citizens, p545

Erving (George W.), of Mass., p546

Esperanza, Amer. Slaver Schr., Formerly The Mary Reed; see Chauncey (M.) and Winn (W.)

Espiegle, H.B.M. Sloop (Hancock), p547

Essex Co. Anti-Slavery Society, Mass., p548

Euphrates, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Molan), p548

Evans (George R.), of Me., p550

Evansville (Ind.) Citizens, p550

Everett (Alexander Hill), of Mass, pp551-552, 555-556

Ewing (Andrew), Representative From Tenn., p559

Excellent, Brigantine Slaver, p559

"Expedition for Africa", p560

Extradition, pp563-566



Fairy, Amer. Slaver Sloop, p571

Falcon, H.B.M. Ship (Fitz Roy), p571

Falmouth (Mass.) Citizens, p572

Fame, Amer. Slaver Bark (Marks), p573

Fenix, Span. Slaver Schr., p578

Fernandez, Slave Dealer, p579

Ferroz Africano, Port. Slaver; see Diligente

Fessenden (William Pitt), p580

Figaniere E Morao (Joaquinn Cesar de), p581

Fish (Samuel), p586

Fitzgerald (Charles), Comdg. H.B.M. Brigantine Buzzard, p587

Flournoy (J.J.), p529

Flying Eagle, Slaver, p592

Fonseca (Manuel Pinto) de, Slave Dealer, p593

Foote (Henry Stuart), pp594-595

Foote (John), Comdr. H.B.M. Sqdn. W. Coast of Africa, p595

Ford (Richard), Master Amer. Slaver Brig William D. Miller; see William D. Miller

Forest (Tom), Master Amer. Slaver Bremen; see Bremen

Forester, H.B.M. Brig (Norcock), p597

Formosa, Slaver Schr., p598

Forsythe (John), of Ga., pp599-601, 605, 608

Fox (Henry Stephen), pp610-611

Framingham (Mass.) Citizens, p612

Frances Ann, Amer. Slaver Schr., p640

Fraser (Daniel), Colored Br. Subject, p642

Freedmen; see Negroes, Colonization of; Liberia

Freeman, Master Slaver Ship Chancellor; see Chancellor

Friends, Society of, p646



Gabriel (Edmund), H.B.M. Comr. Mixed Commission for Suppression of Slavetrade, Loanda; see Slavetrade, Loanda; see Slavetrade. African Coast

Gabriel, Slaver Brig; see Two Friends

Gallatin (Albert), of Penn, p651

Gantois and Pailhet, p652

Garcia (Carlos), p652

Geeren (John H.), Settler of Key Biscayne, Fla., p657

General de Kalb, Amer. Slave Vessel, p662

General Pickney, Slaver (Pierce), p663

Genesee Co. (N.Y.) Citizens, p664

George William Jones, Amer. Slaver Brig, p665

Georgetown (D.C.) Mayor, Aldermen, and Council, p665

Georgetown (Mass.) Citizens, p665

Georgia, p665

Germantown, U.S. Sloop, p666

Gertrudes, Sp. Slaver, p666

Gettysburg (Pa.) Citizens, p666

Gibbs (Howard), Amer. Cons. Agt. Nuevitas, p667

Giddings (Joshua R.) of Ohio, p669

Gillmer (John S.), of Md., p670

Gilpin (H. D.), Atty. Gen. U.S.A., p671

Glamorgan, Amer. Slaver Brig, p671

Gloucester (Mass.) Citizens, p672

Gooch (Daniel W.) Repr. From Mass., p675

Goodrich, Master Amer. Slaver Brig Yankee; see Yankee

Goodrich (Edmund) [sic], H.B.M. Comr. Brit. and Portuguese Mixed Commission for Suppression of Slavetrade Under Treaty of 1842; see Slavetrade. African

Gordon (Nathaniel), Master Amer. Slaver Camargo; see Camargo

Gordon (Nathaniel), Master Amer. Slaver Erie; see Erie

Graham (John), Master Barque Pons; see Pons

Graham (William A.), of N.C., p680

Grampus, U.S. Schr., p681

Great Britain, pp684, 687-689

Green (James S.), of Missouri, p693

Greene Co. (O.) Citizens, p693

Gregory XVI, p694

Grey (Frederick W.), p695

Grey Eagle, Amer. Slaver Brig, p695

Groesbeck (William S.), of Ohio, p697

Grundy (Felix), of Tenn., p698

Guadaloupe, Slaver, p698

Guerediaga (Ramon De), Slave Dealer, p713

Guerrero, Span. Slaver Brig, p713

Guimaraes (Isidoro Francisco), Gov. of Macao, p714

Guimaraes (Manuel Antonio); Involved in Case of Slaver Herald; see Herald

Gurley (R.R.), Secy. Amer. Colonization Society, p714

Gwin (W.M.), Sen. From Calif., p717



Hackley (William R.), U.S. Atty. So. Distr. Fla., p718

Hagan (John), et al., p718

Haidee, Slaver, p718

Haiti, p720

Hale (John Parker), pp722-723

Hale (Matthew), Master Amer. Slaver Brig Sophia; see Sophia

Hall (Christopher J.), Master Amer. Brig Kremlin. Deposition; see Fenix, Span. Slaver

Hall (James), p724

Hallett (Benjamin F.), U.S. Distr. Atty., Mass., p725

Hamilton (Hamilton), H.B.M.E.E. and M.P., p726

Hamilton Co. (O.) Citizens, p727

Hamlin (Edward S.), Repr. From O., p727

Hamlin (Hannibal), of Me., pp727-728

Hammond (James H.), Sen. From S.C., p729

Hanna, Master Amer. Slaver Bark Orion; see Orion

Hantsman (Henry), Master Span. Slaver Schr. Laura; see Laura

Hardesty (Samuel), p734

Harlan (James), Sen. From Iowa, p735

Harlequin, H.B.M. Sloop Russell), p735

Harriet, Amer. Slaver, p736

Harris (Isham G.), Repr. From M.D., p736

Hastings (George F.), Senior Officer So. Div. H.B.M. Forces S.W. Coast of Africa, p741

Haverhill (Mass.) Citizens, p743

Hayne (Robert Y.), Sen. From S.C., p747

Hecate, H.B.M. Ship (Burgess), p749

Helm (Charles J.), of Ky., p750

Hemphill (John), Sen. From Texas, p751

Henley (John D.), of Md., p751

Henry Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p752

Herald, Amer. Slaver (Barker), pp752-753

Hermosa, Amer. Schr. (Chattin); Claim vs. Gr. Br., p753

Hero, Amer. Schr. (O'Connell), p735

Hesketh (Robert), British Consul at Rio de Janeiro, p755

Highland Co. (O.) Citizens, p758

Hill, Master Amer. Slaver Brig Pilgrim; see Pilgrim

Hill (Joshua), of Ga., p758

Hill (Stephen J.), Gov. of Sierra Leone, p758

Hillsboroug (Ind.) Citizens, p759

Hillyer (Junius), p759

Himmaleh, Amer. Slaver Brig, p760

Hodges (Benjamin), Claimant, p762

Holabird (W.S.), U.S. Atty. Dist. Conn., P765

Holland (Wm. T.), Clerk to Amer. Cons. at Rio de Janeiro, p766

Honore, Slave, p770

Hook (L.), p770

Hooker (Samuel B.), Master Amer. Slaver Clara; see Clara

Hoover (Frederick), p770

Hope, Amer. Slaver Brig (Driscoll), p770

Horatio, Slaver Brig, pp771-772

Hound, Amer. Slaver Schr., p772

Hubbard (Henry), Repr. From N.H., p778

Hudson, Amer. Slaver Brig, p779

Huffington, Master Amer. Slaver Brig Caballero; see Caballero

Hunt (James), Comdr. H.B.M. Sloop Alecto, p786

Hunt (Thomas W.), Master Amer. Slaver Schr. Shakespeare; see Shakespeare

Hunter (Robert M.T.), pp787-788

Hunter (William), of R.I., p789

Hunter (William, Jr.) of R.I., p789

Huntington (E.), Master Amer. Slaver Schr. Ontario; see Ontario

Huron Co. (O.) Citizens, p791

Hyde de Neuville (Jean Guillaume), p793


Part II: I thru Q



Iago, Amer. Schr. (Dupony), p795

Illonois, p795

Illinois, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Swift), p796

Imogene, Amer. Bark, p796

Indiana, pp799-800

Ingersoll (Charles J.), pp800-801

Ingersoll (Ralph I.), of Conn., p803

Inman (William), of N.J., pp804-805

Intervention and Mediation, p809

Iowa, p809

Isturiz (Franciso Javier), p811

Iverson, p812



J. Harris, Slaver, p813

J.J. Cobb, Amer. Bark (Vent), p813

Jackson (George) and Gabriel (Edmund), p815

Jackson Co. (O.) Citizens, p816

James Buchanan, Slaver Schr., p817

Jamestown, Slaver Brig, p818

Janet, Slaver, p819

Jasper, Amer. Slaver Bark (Young), pp820-821

Jefferson, Master Slaver schr. H.N. Gambril; see H.N. Gambril

Jefferson (Thomas), of Va., p822

Jenifer (Daniel), of Md., p823

Jiro (Manuel Francisco), Deponent; see Senator, Amer. Slaver Brig

John Adams, Slaver Brigantine, p829

John Adams U.S. Sloop, p829

Johnson (Reverdy), p831

Johnson (William), Judge Supreme Court of S.C., p833

Johnstown (N.Y.) Citizens, p833

Jones (George W.), Repr. From Tenn., p835

Jones (John J.), Repr. From Ga., p836

Jones (Hohn W.), p836

Jones (William), Sr. Officer Br. Forces W. Coast of Africa, p838

Joseph H. Record, Slaver, p840

Josephine, Slaver Brig, p840

Julia Dean, Amer. Bark, p840

Juliana, Amer. Slaver Brig, p840

Juliet, Amer. Slaver Brig, p840

Jupiter, Amer. Slaver Schr., p841



Keitt (Lawrence M.), Repr. From S.C., p846

Kellett (Arthur), Lieut. Comdg. H.B.M Brig Brisk, p846

Kelly (John), Master Slaver Brig Senator; see Senator

Kendall (Amos), Fourth Auditor U.S. Treasury Dept., p847

Kennedy (J.), Br. Comr. at Havana Under Mixed Commission for Suppression of Slave Trade; see Slave Trade. Cuban Waters.

Kennedy (John P.) of Md., p848

Kent (Edward), p849

Kentucky, p849

Kentucky, Amer. Slaver Brig (Douglass), p850

Kerr (John L.) Repr. From Md., p851

King (William), Master Slaver Schr. Anaconda, p859

Koeler (George C.), Deponent in Case of Slaver Senator; see Senator

Kremlin, Amer. Brig; see Fenix, Span. Slaver

Kroomen, p866



Lafayette (Ind.) Citizens, p869

Lake (John, Jr.), Master Slaver Bark Louisa; see Louisa

Laporte Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p873

Lara (Jose), p873

Lark, Span. Slaver Schr. (Solomon), p873

Larkin, Master Slaver Schr. Merchant; see Merchant

Lasher (Nicholas), Master Amer. Slaver Brig Solon; see Solon

Latrobe (John H. B.), p875

Laura, Span. Slaver Schr. (Hantsman), p875

Laura Anna, Slaver, p875

Laurens, Amer. Slaver Bark, p876

Laurenson (William); Deponent in Case of Slaver Brig Senator; see Senator

Lawrence (Abbott), of Mass., p878

Lawrence, Amer. Brig; Claim vs. Gr. Br., p880

Leach (De Witt C.), Repr. From Mich., p880

Leake (Shelton Farrar), Repr. From Va., p880

Leal, Port. Brig, Slaver, p880

Leda, Amer. Schr. (Pearce ), p881

Leeds (Mark H.); Deponent in Case of Slaver Brig Sooy; see Sooy

Legare (Hugh Swinton), of S.C., pp882-883

Letcher (John), Repr. From Va., p888

Letcher (Rober P.), of Ky., p888

Levin Lank, Amer. Schr.; Claim vs. Gr. Br., p889

Lewis (Addin), U.S. Customs Collector, Port of Mobile, p891

Lewis (I. N.), p891

Lewis (Israel) and Cresup (Thomas), Agrs. for Free People of Color in O., p891

Lewis (Walter W.), Br. Comr. at Sierra Leone Under Mixed Commission for Suppression of Slave Trade; see Slave Trade. African, etc.

Liberia, pp892-898

Lima (Joao Jose Claudio de), Claim for Loss of Slave; see Pantheon, Amer. Barque

Lind (Mather), Master Slaver Brig Ellen; see Ellen

Lindsay (Robert), Admx. of, Claimant, p900

Lis (Manuel Beltran) de, p901

Littlefield (James), Deponent in Case of Pons; see Pons

Livingston (Taliaferro), p907

Loanda, p908

Lockhail (I.), Master Slaver Brig Charlotte; see Charlotte

Lockport (N.Y.) Citizens, p908

Locomotora, Port. Slaver Schr. (Souza), p909

London (England), p910

Lorain Co. (O.) Citizens, p911

Louis, French Slaver, p912

Louis McLane, Amer. Slaver, p912

Lovett, Master Slaver Brig Malaga; see Malaga

Lucas, Slave Dealer, p917

Lucy Ann, Amer. Brig, p918

Lucy Penniman, Amer. Slaver, p918

Lydia Gibbs, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Watson), p919

Lyme (O.) Citizens, p919

Lynx, U.S. Schr., p919

Lyons (Richard Bickerton Pemell), Lord, p920

Lyra, Slaver Bark (Dickey), p921



Macaulay (Zachary), p922

McBlair (William) of Md., p922

MacCauley (Daniel Smith), of Penn., p925

McIntosh (James McKay), of Ga., p933

McKeever (Isaac), of Penn., p935

McKeon (John), of N.Y., p935

McRae (J. J.), Repr. From Miss., p945

Madden (R. R.), Br. Comr. at Havana Under Mixed Commission for Suppression of the Slave Trade; see Slave Trade. Cuban Waters. Commission, etc.

Madison Co. (Ill.) Citizens, p946

Maffit (John N.), of Ga., p947

Magoun, Amer. Ship (Russell), p947

Mahoning Co. (O.) Citizens, p948

Malaga, Amer. Slaver Brig (Lovett), p950

Mallory (Stephen R.), of Fla., pp951-952

Malmesbury (James Harris), Third Earl of, pp952-953

Maloney (Walter C.) U.S. Marshal, So. Distr. Fla., p954

Mann (Ambrose Dudley), of Ohio, p956

Manning (Cornelius), Claimant, p957

Marcolino (Joze), Master Port. Slaver Schr. Violante; see Violante

Marcy (William Larned), of NY., pp960-962, 966, 968

Maria Primeira, Port. Slaver, p969

Mariana, Amer. Slaver, p970

Marion, U.S. Sloop, p970

Marsden (George), Citizen of U.S., p972

Marsh (Thomas), Master amer. Bark Ardennes; p975

Martha, Slaver Ship, p979

Martin (Hugh), of Del., p979

Marvin (William H.), U.S. Judge, So. Distr. Fla., p982

Mary Cushing, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Reynolds), p984

Mary E. Smith, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Cranotick), p984

Mary Elizabeth, Amer. Brig (Henry), p984

Mary Hooper, Amer. Schr. (Bergstiand), p985

Mary Jane Peck, Amer. Slaver Schr., p985

Maryland Citizens, p985

Maryland Colonization Society; see Negroes (Colonization)

Mason (James M.), of Va., pp986-988, 991-994

Mason (John Y.), of Va., pp995-996

Massachusetts, p997-998

Matson (H. J), Lieut. Comdg. Br. Brig Waterwitch, p1000

Mayo (Isaac), of Md., p1002

Meade (Hugh K.), p1002

Medina Co. (O.) Citizens, p1009

Mello (Francisco Cordova de), Slave Dealer, p1010

Mercer (C. F.), Repr. From Va., p1012

Meriwether (James A.), p1013

Merritt (William Hamilton), p1013

Metcalfe (Thomas), Repr. From Ky., p1014

Methodist Episcopal Church, U.S.A., p1014

Methuen (Mass.) Citizens, p1014

Mexico, p1051, 1067

Michel (Colin), Execr. Of D. Nagle and Antonio de Frias, Subjects of King of Spain, p1084

Milanden, Amer. Slaver Bark, p1087

Miles (William Porcher), of S.C., p1087

Miller, Master Slaver Brig Wizard; see Wizard, p1087

Miller (B.) Slave Dealer p1088Miller (Jacob W.), Sen. From N.J., p1088

Millson (John S.), Repr. From Va., p1089

Minot, Me., Citizens, p1090

Miranda (Joao Antonio de), Slave Dealer; see Pons, Amer. Bark

Mississippi, p1091

Missouri, p1092

Mixed Commissions, p1093

Mohawk, U.S. Str., p1093

Monroe (James), of Va., p1098

Monroe Co. (N.Y.), p1099

Monte Christo, Slaver, p1101

Montes (Pedro), Arrest of; see Amistad, Sp. Schr., p1101

Montevideo, Amer. Slaver Brig (Pendleton), p1101

Moore (Laban T.), Repr. From Ky., p1105

Morae (Ignacio Jose), Brazilian Consul at Loanda, p1106

Moreno (Fernando J.), U.S. Marshal, so. Distr. Of Florida, p1107

Morgan (Thomas), Master Amer. Slaver Bark Orion; see Orion

Morgan (Thos.), Chief Officer Amer. Bark Orion, p1108

Morse (Freeman H.), p1112

Motta (Joaquin Gaspar de), Slave Dealer, p1113

Mougham (Matthias), p1113

Moulatto, Slaver, p1113

Mowry (Sylvester), Lieut. Comdg. Fort Yuma, p1114

Murphy (William S.), of O., p1117



N. Hand, Amer. Slaver Brigantine (Stevenson), p1119

Nancy, Amer. Slaver Brig, p1119

Nancy, Amer. Slaver Brig, p1119

Nancy, Amer. Brig (Williams), p1120

Napier (Francis) Lord, pp1121-1122

Natchez, U.S. Sloop, p1124

Neat (George); Deponent in Case of Slaver bark Pons; see Pons

Negroes, p1126

Nelson (John), of Md., p1127

Neptune, Br. Slaver Brig, p1128

Nesbitt (C.R.), Colonial Secy. At Nassau, N.P., Bermudas, p1128

New Albany (Ind.) Citizens, p1139

New Jersey, p1142

New Orleans (La.), p1142

New York City, p1144

New York State, p1147

New York State Colonization Socy., p1149

Newcomb (W.E.), Deponent in Case of Brig Sophia; see Sophia

Niagara, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Disney), p1151

Nichols (Matthias H.) Repr. From O., p1152

Nicholson (John), Claimant; Admr. Of A.L. Duncan, p1152

Nicholson (John), U.S. Marshal, New Orleans, p1152

Nile, Amer. Schr., p1153

Niles (John Milton), of Conn., p1153

Noble Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p1155

Norway (N.Y.) Citizens, p1199

Nueva Constitution, Sp. Slaver, p1199

Nueva Paz, Amer. and Br. Brig, Slaver, p1199



Oake (J.), Comdr. H.B.M. Sloop Ferret, p1200

Ogilby (William), H.B.M. Cons., S.C., p1204

Ohio, pp1204-1206

Ohio Co. (Va.) Citizens, p1207

Olds (Edson B.), Repr. From Ohio, p1207

Olinda, Braz. Brig-of-War, p1207

Oneida Co. (N.Y.) Citizens, p1208

Onis (Luis de), p1208

On-Ka-Hy-E, U.S. Schr. (Purchased), p1209

Ontario, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Martinez; Huntingdon), p1209

Onward, Amer. Slaver Brig, p1209

Oregon Territory, p1210

Oregon, Amer. Slaver Schr., p1211

Orion, Amer. Slaver Bark (Hanna), pp1211-1212

Ormond (James), Claimant, p1212

Oswego Co. (N.Y.) Citizens, p1215



Paine (John Stone), of Me., p1220

Palmella, Conde, Later duque de, p1221

Palmesrston (Henry John Temple), Third Viscount, pp1223-1226

Pamelia, Amer. Slaver Brig (Pratt), p1226

Pamphilia, Amer. Slaver, p1226

Panchita, Amer. Bark (Sladden), p1227

Pantheon, Amer. Slaver Bark p1227

Panther, Amer. Slaver Bark (Clapp), p1227

Paqueta de la Boverde, Port. Brig; see Diligente

Parks Gorham, p1245

Parks (Harvey C.), Seaman, Deponent in Case of Bark Jasper; see Jasper

Patterson (William), Deponent in Case of Brig Kentucky; see Kentucky

Patuxent, Slaver, p1248

Paulding (James K.), of N.Y., p1249

Paulo Rodriguez (Joao Antonio de), Slave Dealer, p1250

Paz, Amer. Slaver, p1250

Peerless, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Brand), p1253

Pelican, H.B.M. Sloop (Popham), p1253

Pendleton, Master Amer. Slaver Brig Montivideo; see Montivideo

Pennsylvania, pp1258-1260

Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, p1260

Pennsylvania Socy. for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, p1260

Perry (Matthew Calbraith), of R.I., pp1263-1265

Perry, U.S. Brig, p1270

Perry Spencer, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Monroe), p1270

Persian, H.B.M. Ship (Quin), p1270

Petrel, Amer. Slaver Bark p1276

Petrie (Peter), Master Br. Vessel Marmion, p1276

Pezuela (Juan Manuel), Capt. Gen. of Cuba, p1278

Phelps (John Smith), Repr. From Mo., p1279

Phelps (Samuel Shethar), p1279

Philadelphia (Penn.), p1281

Phillips (Philip), p1282

Phillips (William M.), Master Amer. Slaver Venus; see Venus

Philomel, H.B.M. Ship (Skene), p1282

Phipp (Elias), Deponent in Case of Amer. Ship Herald; see Herald

Picao, Brazilian Slaver (Joaquin), p1283

Pickens (Francis W.), p1283

Pierce (Franklin), of N.H., p1285

Pike (John W.), Lieut. Comdg. H.B.M.S. Antelope, p1286

Pike (Nicolas), of N.Y., p1286

Pike Co. (O.) Citizens, p1287

Pilgrim, Amer. Slaver Brig (Hill), p1287

Piracy, pp1289-1290

Pizarro, Span. Man-of-War, p1290

Pleasants (B.F.), Actg. Solicitor Treasury, U.S., p1291

Pluto, H.B.M. Str. (Simpson); see Amer. Bark Orion

Polk (James Knox), of Tenn., pp1297-1298

Polk (Trusten), p1299

Pons, Amer. Slaver Bark (Graham; Berry), p1301

Pontifical States, p1302

Porpoise, Amer. Brig (Libby), p1303

Porpoise, U.S. Schr., p1304

Porter (Augustus S.), Sen. From Mich., p1306

Porter (Edward), H.B.M. Consul at Bahia, p1307

Porter (James M.), p1307

Porter (John), Lieut. Comdg. U.S. Brig Boxer, p1307

Powell (Lazarus W.), Sen. From Ky., p1313

Powell (Levin M.), of Va., p1313

Pratt, Master Amer. Slaver Brig Pamelia; see Pamelia

Pratt (Thomas G.), of Md., p1314

Preston (William Campbell), of S.C., p1320

Privateering, p1323

Prometheus, H.B.M. Sloop (Hope), p1326

Prometheus, U.S. Brig, p1326

Prova, Port. Slaver Schr. (Dias), p1326

Providence (R.I.) Citizens, p1326

Pryor (Roger A.), Repr. From Va., p1327

Pugh (George E.), Sen. From O., p1328

Purvis (J.B.), Comdr. H.B.M. Ship Alfred, p1328

Putnam (Ind.) Citizens, p1329

Pylades, H.B.M. Schr. (Castle), p1329



Quintuple Treaty, p1331


Part III: R thru Z



Racer, H.B.M. Brig (Reed), p1333

Rachel P. Brown, Amer. Slaver Schr., p1333

Ramos (Jose Peres), and Costales (I. Manuel), Deponents in Case of Jasper; see Jasper

Ramsay (William W.), of Va., p1336

Randolph Co. (Ill.) Citizens, p1337

Randolph Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p1338

Ranger (Francis), Master Amer. Slaver William Clarke; see William Clarke

Raritan, U.S. Frigate, p1338

Rauch (Charles), Master Amer. Slaver Brig Uncas; see Uncas, p1338

Reagan (John H.), Repr. From Texas, p1339

Rebecca, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Watson, Arteta), p1340

Rebecca, Amer. Ship (Carter), p1340

Recognition, p1383

Redfield (Hemon J.), Collector of Customs, New York City, p1384

Reed (Archibald), Comdr. H.B.M. Ship Racer, p1384

Reeve (John), Comdr. H.B.M. Sloop Lily, p1388

Reform Convention, Annapolis, p1389

Rego (Jose Ricardo de Sa), p1389

Rendall (John), H.B.M. Consul at Boa Vista, Cape Verde, p1391

Reynolds (John H.), Repr. From N.Y., p1394

Rezende (Manoel Jose de), Slave Dealer, p1394

Rhode Island, p1395

Rhoderick Dhu, Amer. Bark (Sims), p1396

Richard Cobden, Amer. Ship (Black), p1399

Rives (William Cabell), of Va., p1408

Roach, Master Slaver Uncas; see Uncas

Roarer, Amer. Slaver, p1409

Robert McClelland, U.S. Revenue Cutter (Morrison), p1410

Robert Wilson, Slaver Schr., p1410

Roberts (J.J.), p1411

Robertson (Joseph W.), p1413

Robertson (William H.), of La., pp1413-1415

Robinson (Ann), Claimant, p1416

Robinson (C.W.), Master Amer. Slaver Schr. Enterprise; see Enterprise

Roderick, Master Slaver Brig Nancy; see Nancy

Rodeur, Fr. Slaver, p1419

Rosa, Slaver, p1423

Ross, Co. (O.) Citizens, p1424

Rudd (Edward), Claimant, pp1425-1426

Rufus Soule, Amer. Brigantine (Anderson; Davis), pp1426-1427

Rush (Richard), of Penn, p1428

Rush Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p1428

Rusk (Thomas Jefferson), of Texas, p1429

Russell (John) Lord, p1431

Russwurm (John B.), Agt. Md. State Colonization Society, p1433

Ruverosa Y Urgellis (Francisco), p1434



Sa (Bernardino da), Slave Dealer, p1434

St. Andrews, Amer. Slaver Brigantine, p1435

St. Joseph's Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p1436

Salisbury (Mass.) Citizens, p1440

San Antonio, Port. Slaver Brig, p1442

San Joseph, Spanish Slaver, p1443

Sandy Bay (Mass.) Citizens, p1447

Sappho, H.B.M. Sloop (Moresby); see Moresby (F.); see also Panchita, Amer. Bark; Charles Slaver

Sarah Anne, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Fronte), p1450

Sartiges (Etienne Gilbert Eugene), p1453

Saucy Jack, Amer. Privateer, Slaver, p1453

Savage (Thomas), pp1455-1456

Sawyer (William), Repr. From O., p1457

Schenck (Robert C.), of O., p1458

Schrnley (Edward W.H.), p1459

Sea Eagle, Amer. Brig (Smith), p1464

Seddon (James A.), Repr. From Va., p1466

Sedgwick (Thomas), Counsel for Africans On Board Amistad; see Amistad

Semmes (Benedict I.), Repr. From Md., p1467

Senator, Amer. Slaver Brig (Kelly), p1468

Seneca Co. (N.Y.) Citizens, p1468

Serrano (Francisco), Capt. Gen. of Cuba, p1469

Sete de Avril, Port. Schr. Martinho), p1469

Sevier (Ambrose H.), of Ark., P1471

Seward (James L.), Repr. From Ga., pp1471, 1473-1474

Seys (John), U.S. Agt. For Liberated Africans, p1475

Shakspeare, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Hunt), p1476

Sharkey (W.L.), of Miss., p1477

Sharpshooter, H.B.M. Str., p1477

Shelby Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p1478

Sheldon (Daniel, Jr.), of Conn., p1478

Sherman (John) of O., p1480

Sierra de Pillar, Por. Brig of War (Rodoralho), p1486

Silenus, Amer. Slaver Brig, p1487

Silva, Don, Slave Dealer, p1487

Silva Paranhos (Jose Maria da), Visconde do Rio Branco, p1487

Simmons (James F.), Sen. From R.I., p1488

Simonds (Lewis E.), of Mass., p1488

Singleton (Otho R.), of Miss., p1490

Skene (John D.), Comdr. H.B.M. Ship Philomel, p1490

Slacum (George W.), of D.C., p1490

Slave Dealers, p1493

Slave Trade, pp1493-1519

Slidell (John), of La., pp1519, 1521

Smith (Benjamin Everett), of Md., p1524

Smith (William), of Va., p1531

Soares (Joao), Slave Dealer, 1533

Solomon (T.M.), Master Span. Slaver Schr. Lark; see Lark

Solon, Amer. Slaver Brig (Lasher), p1534

Sooy, Amer. Slaver Brig (Leeds), p1535

Sophia, Amer. Slaver Brig (Hale), p1535

Soule (Pierre), of La., pp1536-1537

South Carolina, p1541

Southern (Henry), H.B.M.E.E. and M.P. in Brazil, p1542

Sovereignty, p1543

Spain, pp1554-1556

Spaulding (Eldridge G.), of N.Y., p1558

Speight (Jesse), p1559

Spencer (William A.), of N.Y., p1559

Spitfire, Slaver Schr., p1560

Splendid (Or, Velha Annita), Slaver Bark (Rich), p1561

Spy, H.B.M. Brigantine (Raymond), p1526

Stanly (Edward), of N.C., p1565

Stanton (Frederick P.), of Tenn., p1567

Staples (S.P.), Counsel for Africans On Board Amistad; see Amistad, p1567

Star, H.B.M. Brig, p1567

Stevens (A.H.), p1570

Stevens (Lucius), Deponent in Case of Brig Creole; see Creole

Stevenson (Andrew), of Va., pp1571-1572

Stevenson (Michael) Master Slaver Schr. N. Hand; see N. Hand

Stewart (James A.), Repr. From Md., p1574

Storm King, Amer. Slaver Brigantine, p1577

Stowe (Vt.) Citizens, p1578

Strange (Robert), Sen. From N.C., p1578

Suiters (Joseph), p1581

Sumner (G.W.); see Sophia, Amer. Brig, p1582

Susan, Amer. Brig (Wilford), pp1583-1584

Susquehannah Co. (Penn.) Citizens, p1585

Swift (Benjamin), Sen. From Vt., p1587

Swift, Amer. Slaver Schr., Late Conchita (Ryan), p1587



Taney (Roger Brooke), p1590

Taylor (Miles), p1593

Taylor (Zachary), p1594

Tazewell (Littleton Walker), of Va., p1594

Teazer, H.B.M. Str. (Grubbe), p1595

Tejedor (Gregorio), Slave Dealer, p1595

Temerario, Brazilian Slaver Brig, p1595

Temple (William), Deponent in Case of Slaver Brig Senator; see Senator

Termagant, H.B.M. Brig (Seagram), p1597

Texas (Republic), pp1603-1606, 1608-1609, 1611, 1621, 1625

Texas (State), p1633

Thomas (John Addison), of N.Y., p1637

Thompson (J.), p1639

Thompson (Jacob), p1640

Tigris, Amer. Brig (Frye), p1644

Tilden (Daniel R.), Repr. From O., p1645

Timas (Antonio Soares), p1645

Titi, Amer. Brig, p1646

Tod (David), of O., pp1650-1651

Toombs (Robert), of Ga., p1653

Topham (George W.), Deponent in Case of Sooy; see Sooy

Toreado (Peter), Slave Dealer, p1654

Totten (Benjamin J.), of N.Y., p1656

Toucey (Isaac), of Conn., pp1657-1658

Treaty, Amer. Slaver, p1659

[Trenchard (Edward)], of N.J., p1659

Trescot (William H.), of S.C., p1660

Trist (Nicholas P.), of Va., pp1661-1664

Triton, H.B.M. Ship (Burton), p1664

Triton, Slaver, p1664

Triuphante, Slaver, p1664

Trousdale (William), of Tenn., p1665

Trumbull (Lyman), Sen. From Ill., p1665

Truxton, U.S. Brig, p1666

Tuck (Amos), Repr. From N.H., p1666

Tucker (William), Senior Officer, H.B.M. Navy, W. Coast of Africa, p1667

Tudor (John), Comdr. H.B.M. Str. Firefly, p1667

Tudor (William, Jr.), of Mass., p1669

Turner (Daniel), of R.I., p1675

Turney (Hopkins L.), Sen. From Tenn., p1676

Two Friends, Late The Gabriel, Amer. Slaver Brig (Durkee), p1677

Tyler (Alexander H.), of Md., p1679

Tyler (John), of Va., pp1680-1681



Uncas, Slaver Brig (Roach), p1682

Underwood (Joseph R.), of Ky., pp1682-1683

United States of America, pp1766, 1770

Upshur (Abel P.), of Va., pp1857-1859

Usher (George M.), Owner of Slaver Magoun p1861



Vail (Aaron, Jr.) of N.Y., pp1861-1862

Valedes (Jose Antonio), Secy. Mixed Court Justice, Havana, p1863

Van Buren (Martin), pp1865, 1867

Van Dyke (James C.), U.S. Distr. Atty., Eastern Distr. Penn., p1869

Vandalia, U.S. Sloop, p1877

Vaughan (Charles Richard), p1879

Velha Aunto, Slave Str; see Splendid

Venable (Abraham W.), Repr. From N.C., p1880

Venganza, Slaver, p1881

Venus, Late Duquesa de Braganza, Amer. Slaver Corvette (Wallace; Phillips), p1882

Venus, Amer. Slaver Bark, p1882

Venus Havannera, Sp. Slaver, p1882

Vermont, pp1883-1884

Vernon (Conn.) Citizens, p1884

Vernon (N.Y.) Citizens, p1884

Vesey (Charles), Comdr. H.B.M. Str. Styx, p1884

Vessels, p1886

Vesta, Amer. Slaver, p1886

Victoria, Port. Slaver Brig (Alfonso), p1887

Vintage, Amer. Slaver Brig, p1889

Violante, Port. Slaver Schr. (Marcolino), p1889

Viper, Amer. Slaver Schr., p1889

Viper, H.B.M. Ship (Hodgkinson; Hewett), p1889

Visit and Search, pp1890-1898

Vixen, U.S. Str., p1898

Volador, Spanish Slaver Brig, p1898

Volusia, Amer. Brigantine; Claim vs. Gr. Br., p1898



W.D. Miller, Amer. Slaver Brig; see William D. Miller

Walker (Isaac P.), Sen. From Wisc., p1902

Walker (Robert J.), p1903

Wallace (William), Master Amer. Slaver Venus; see Venus

Walton (N.Y.) Citizens, p1906

Wanderer, Slaver Yacht, p1906

Warren, U.S. Sloop, p1911

Washington (D.C.), p1911

Washington (Penn.) Citizens, p1911

Washington Amer. Slaver Bark (Neill); see Senhora da Boa Viagem, Port. Schr.

Washington's Barge, Amer. Slaver Brig (Matson), p1915

Watson (Artate), Master Amer. Slaver Schr. Rebecca; see Rebecca

Webster (Daniel), of Mass., pp1919-1922, 1925

Webster (Daniel Fletcher), of Mass., p1929

Weems (Wilson L.), Master Slaver Asp; see Asp

Weetman, Br. Subject, p1930

Whig, Amer. Slaver Brig, p1943

Whitcomb (James), p1943

Whitley Co. (Ind.) Citizens, p1945

Wigfall (Louis T.), Sen. From Tex., p1947

Wildfire, Slaver, pp1947-1948

William, Amer. Slaver Bark (Weston, Alias Symmes), p1949

William Clarke, Amer. Slaver (Ranger), p1950

William D. Miller, Amer. Slaver Brig (Ford, Abarroa), p1950

William Ridgway, Amer. Slaver Schr. (Chase), p1950

Williams (Mary L.), p1952

Williams (Nathaniel), U.S. Atty. For Distr. of Md., p1952

Willis (John G.), Amer. Coml. Agt. St. Paul de Loanda, p1954

Wilmot (Arthur P.E.), Comdr. H.B.M. Sloop Harlequin, p1955

Wilmot (David), Repr. From Penn., p1955

Wilson (Edmund), Comdr. H.B.M. Brig Cygnet, p1955

Wilson (Henry), Sen. From Mass., pp1955-1956

Wilson (James P.), of Md., p1956

Windward, Amer. Slaver Schr., p1957

Winthrop (Robert C.), pp1958-1959

Wise (Charles A.), Comdr. H.B.M. Naval Forces, African Station, p1960

Wise (Henry A.), pp1960-1961

Wise (Henry A.), Legal Repr. Of J.J. Wise, p1962

Wittich (William), Prof. at London University, p1962

Wizard, Slaver Brig (Miller), p1963

Wolverine, H.B.M. Sloop (Tucker), p1963

Wood (Edmond), Deponent in Case of St. Andrews, p1964

Woodbury (Charles Levi), Comr. Circ. Ct. U.S. Distr. Mass., p1965

Woodside (William), Deponent in Case of Creole; Creole

Wyoming, Amer. Slaver Brigantine (Christopher; Edwards), pp19711-1972



Yankee, Amer. Slaver Brig (Goodrich), p1972

York Springs (Penn.) Anti-Slavery Socy., p1975

Yorktown, U.S. Sloop, p1975

Young (James), Claim vs. Gr. Br., p1975

Young (Samuel), Master Amer. Slaver Bark Jasper; see Jasper

Young Men's Anti-Slavery Society of Philadelphia, p1976

Yulee (David Levy), p1978



Zenobia, Amer. Slaver Schr., p1980

Zephyr, Amer. Slaver, p1980


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RG 60 General Records of the Department of Justice

Records are available at the National Archives at College Park.

Series: Supreme Court Case Papers, 1809-1870 NAID 4971833

Consists of papers relating to cases before the Supreme Court in which the United States was a party or had an interest. Includes transcripts of record of cases in the lower courts, briefs, memoranda, opinions, and other papers. Relevant folders are listed below:

U.S. v. Africans of the Antelope

Bill of Complaint of Lewis Cruger, In Chancery

The Brig Mary Anne v. U.S, 1818

U.S. v. Brig Mary Ann

U.S. v. the cargo of the Brig Diana, 1814

U.S. v. Mulvey (Africans of the Ramirez), 1825

U.S. v. Brig Emily, February, 1824

U.S. v. Schooner Fenix, September 1831

U.S. v. brig Nancy

U.S. v. Brig Caroline, February, 1824

U.S. v. Ship Gavoune, 1836

U.S. v. The Panther, 1845

U.S. v. Schooner Catherine, December, 1839

U.S. v. John Gooding, 1826

U.S. v. Schooner St. Jago de Cuba, 1820

U.S. v. Schooner Elmira Cornelius, December 1865

U.S. v. Antonio Huertas, 1834

U.S. v. Brig Josepa Segunde, 1807

U.S. v. Schooners Merino, Constitution, Louisa, and Enslaved Africans, 1818

U.S. v. Bark Kate, 1864

U.S. v. Francis Sorrell (Antelope and Ramirez), 1822

U.S. v. Cornelius Coolidge, 1816

U.S. v. Schooner L'Epine, 1816

U.S. v. The Barque Weathergage, 1860

Lewis Cruger, Administrator of Charles Murray, v. Wm. C. Daniel, Bill of Complaint

The Life and Fire Insurance Company of New York v. The Heirs of Nicholas Wilson, in the State of Louisiana, 1834


Series: Opinion Books, 1817-1870; NAID 4946239

Fair copies of opinions on legal questions given by the Attorney General to the President and heads of executive departments. Partly available on microfilm publication T412. Opinions from 1845-1853 are found in Opinions on Legal Questions, 1790-1882; NAID 4942935

William Wirt (1817-1829)

Subject Date
Introduction of Black people into the U.S.; seizure under the laws of the U.S. and Georgia (No. 26) 31 Mar, 1818
 When vessels having Black people on board may be lawfully seized under act of 2nd March 1807 (No. 29) 16 Apr, 1819
Run-away slaves [freedom seekers], conveyance of, one State to another by captain of a vessel (No. 53) 29 Aug, 1819
Introduction of enslaved people into States in violation of act of 20 April 1818 (No. 57) 8 Sept, 1819
Bond from foreign vessels clearing out of US for Africa under Act of 22 March 1794 (No. 64) 8 Oct, 1819
Laws of enslaved people of the USA, King's Case (No. 68)  
Officer's share of a forfeiture under the Slave Laws of the US, Archibald Clark's case (No. 70) 16 Dec, 1819
Manner of disposing of Black people unlawfully brought into the United States prior to the act of March 3, 1819 (No. 76) 2 Feb, 1820
Right of Officers to monies of forfeiture under the slave laws - Act 1807, Case of the Carmelita (No. 77) 5 Feb, 1820
Seizure of a vessel suspected of being equipped for the slave trade, Case of the Camelion (No. 105) 19 May, 1820
Examination of the charges against General Mitchell of having unlawfully introduced enslaved individuals into the USA (No. 146) 20 Jan, 1821
Joseph F. Smith's application for pardon for breech of Slave laws (No. 166) 25 Apr, 1821
Enslaved people introduced into USA by Passengers of Brig Cannon (No. 183) 16 Aug, 1821
Case of William J. Rogers. Transportation of Black people Coastwise (No. 192) 11 Oct, 1821
Enslaved servants taken from US by Persons going to travel in foreign countries not within the Act of 1818 (No. 198) 5 Nov, 1821
Case of the La Jeune Eugenie (captured slaver) (No. 200) 7 Nov, 1821
Case of the Schooner Farmer's Fancy (No. 201) 7 Nov, 1821
Case of Joseph F. Smith convicted of violations of the Slave Laws (No. 203)                                                                         7 Nov, 1821
Cases of the St. Stephens and the Susan (carrying enslaved people coastwise) (No. 204) 7 Nov, 1821
Are Free Persons of Color in Virginia, citizens of the United States within the meaning of the acts of Congress regulating the trade of the USA, (can free Black people command vessels) (No. 205)r 7 Nov, 1821
Application by French Minister of France for restoration of a French vessel having Africans on board, Case of La Pensee 22 Jan, 1822
Georgia claims, questions of Interest (see also No. 240) 11 Jun, 1822
An enslaved person, the property of a Danish subject, brought to the port of New York from St. Croix by Thomas Disney, Master of the American Ship, Elias Burger. Have we the power or are we under any obligation to restore said enslaved person on the demand of the Danish Government? (No. 245) 27 Sept, 1822
Construction of several acts of Congress, as to the intention of Congress, to incorporate Black people and other people of color within the army of the United States (No. 265) 27 Mar, 1823
Claims of the Marshall of the state of Georgia for the support of Black people constituting the cargo of the Spanish vessel, Ramirez (No. 285) 30 Dec, 1820
Free people and persons of color - Construction of the Legislative Acts of South Carolina, Dec 20, 1820 - touching their seizure, and confinement when brought in said State (No. 299) 8 May, 1824
Georgia Claims, Creek Nation treaty with USA, enslaved people involved 28 Jul, 1828

John Macpherson Berrien (1829-1831) 

Free Negroes carried into South Carolina 25 Mar, 1829
Black people claimed under Spanish Treaty, D. Nagles Case 31 Mar, 1829

Roger B. Taney (1831-1833)

Pardon Petition for enslaved person Donnelly 1 Mar, 1832

Benjamin Franklin Butler (1833-1838)

Enslaved persons murder of white men, in Indian country, not triable in an Indian court, but must be tried in United States court 26 Dec, 1834
Ms. Thornton case, for pardon of her enslaved person accused of attempted murder 25 Feb, 1836
The President has no Constitutional authority to direct apprehension of enslaved persons in the American Indian country 30 Aug, 1838

Felix Grundy (1838-1840)

Case of the Amistad and the Africans Nov 1839

Henry D. Gilpin (1840-1841)

Case of the Amistad 11 Apr, 1840
Enslaved people killed by American Indians 15 Apr, 1840
Transportation of enslaved people on the coastlines 16 Apr, 1840
Transportation of enslaved people on the coastline 29 Jul, 1840
Case of the Amistad 14 Dec, 1840

Hugh S. Legare (1841-1843)

Case of the Amistad 6 Apr, 1842
Colonization Society and reception of transported Africans 24 Dec, 1842
Free people of color entitled to benefit of preemption Act of 1841 15 Mar, 1843

John Nelson (1843-1845)

Case of Jenkins, a Black man, distinction between enslaved and freed person 25 Aug, 1843
Slave Trade Acts: Exposition of terms, and of the rights and responsibilities of ship owners selling vessels deliverable on the Coast of Africa 29 Aug, 1843
Complaint of Portuguese Minister over the abduction of an enslaved person by American vessel from the Cape Verde islands 2 Nov, 1843

Series: Registers of Letters Received, 1809-1863, NAID 4954963
Register (or numbered index) to the series Letters Received, 1809-1870 NAID 4739294. Volumes are arranged by source of the letter received: state, executive departments (Department of State, War Department, Navy Department, etc.), the President, and the Attorney General. Entries show date of letter, surname of writer, date received, action taken, number of letter, subject, and remarks. Also includes other documents found among the Attorney General's papers. Note: There is a good chance that much of the correspondence discussing matters with American Indian nations would have also concerned enslaved people.

Volume A

Department of State

No. Subject Date
208 Enslaved person from Barbados 27 Oct, 1817
405 Slave trade prosecution 16 May, 1826
705 African captives commandeered British slaver 23 Nov, 1831
731 Execution of Donelly, an enslaved man from Mobile, Alabama 7 Jun, 1832
741 South Carolina laws regulating freed people 19 May, 1832
1568 Construction slave trade acts 22 Jul, 1833
1594 Captive person taken from Verde Island 25 Oct, 1833
2335 Freedom seekers [fugitive slaves], case of the Crafts 22 Nov, 1850
2469 Questions regarding the slave trade Nov 1851
4228 Foreign ships flying American flag (practice of slavers) 13 Jun, 1859

War Department

No. Subject Date
393 Indian Spring Treaty and Black people 22 Jul, 1825
1002 Enslaved people fleeing to American Indian country 11 Feb, 1836

Department of the Treasury

No. Subject Date
110 Black people concerned with Mitchell case 21 Mar, 1818
463 Indemnification for enslaved people relative to the Treaty of Ghent 6 Dec, 1827
1208 Manifest of enslaved people transported coastwise 15 Apr, 1840
1263 Transportation of enslaved persons between Mobile, AL and New Orleans, LA 28 Jul, 1840
1303 Opinion asked relative to purchase of Spanish schooner Amistad 8 Dec, 1840

Opinion asked relative to free people and the Preemption Act of 1841

14 Dec, 1842
3576 As to violation of the Act of Congress for suppression of slave trade 22 Dec, 1857
3479 As to whether application has been received for pardon of Andie and of David, and enslaved person Brown 23 Dec, 1857
3921 As to whether under the Act of March 2, 1857, enslaved people can be lawfully be paid for services in the War of 1812 27 Aug, 1858
4113 Relative to Wanderer and two Black people 5 Mar, 1859
4644 Barge William condemned as a slaver 26 Sept, 1860
4726 Relative to D.H. Steward arresting and transporting Africans as marshal of Georgia 2 Jan, 1861
6224 Ask an opinion regarding freed people 24 Sept, 1862

Navy Department

No. Subject Date
117 Orders to cruisers against the introduction of enslaved people 15 Apr, 1818
172 Seizure of vessels with enslaved people trading under another flag 24 Mar, 1819
204 Case stated in a letter from President of colonization society 21 Sept, 1819
418 Black people of the Ramerez 29 Dec, 1826
460 Capture of the Antelope and Ramerez - claim of Captain Jackson for bounty 9 Nov, 1827
490 Case of the Antelope and Ramerez slave ships 10 Apr, 1828
578 Purchase of arms for defense of colony in Liberia 19 Sept, 1829
617 Transporting Africans on the Washington barge 21 May, 1830


Capture of slave ship Phoenix by the Grampus 16 Aug, 1830
768 Case of Africans illegally introduced 10 Jul, 1832
1202 Expenses of Black people taken on board Amistad 27 Mar, 1840
1207 Black people's evidence before Court Martial 11 Apr, 1840
1212 Court martial of G. Mason, an enslaved person from Florida 20 Apr, 1840
1358 Salvage money of the Amistad 13 Jan, 1842
2100 American vessel suspected of being in the slave trade 14 Apr, 1849

Department of Interior

No. Subject Date
35 Sends copy of his paper containing evidence of the late fugitive slave case 30 Apr, 1860

Attorney General

No. Subject Date
80 Opinion case hazard and half of the Nancy 6 July, 1816
193 Affidavit relative to enslaved female brought from Savannah, Georgia 20 Aug, 1819
125 Case of James Barry a fugitive slave/freedom seeker belonging to a Danish subject 3 Aug, 1822
268 Africans found aboard La Pense 22 Jan, 1822
353 Supreme Court mandate relative to the Emily, and Caroline (slave ships) 12 June, 1824
2334 Case of the fugitive slaves/freedom seekers, W. & E. Craft from Georgia against C. Devens, Jr. U.S. Atty., Massachusetts 18 Nov, 1850


No. Subject Date
205 Colonization of enslaved Africans 13 Oct, 1819
2315 Opinion asked relative to fugitive slave bill 18 Sept, 1850

Correspondence Arranged by State. Register identifies the state.



No. Subject Date
1306 Asks an interview relative to the Amistad 10 Dec, 1840
1307 Establishing meeting time for the Amistad interview

10 Dec, 1840


No. Subject Date
6 Cargoes of the Penobscot and the Nancy 31 Dec, 1811
2269 J.D. Lewis, of Virginia complaints of loss of enslaved people 3 Mar, 1850


No. Subject Date
192 Enslaved female arrived from Savannah on board the General Jackson 21 Aug, 1819
271 The Caroline and Mite slaving vessels 22 Feb, 1822
307 South Carolina law as to Black mariners, referred by Secy. of State 13 Feb, 1823
119 Constitutionality of slave law 21 Apr, 1824
2333 As to fugitive slaves/freedom seekers William & Ellen Croft (Craft) case against C. Devens, Jr. U.S. Atty, Massachusetts 1 Nov, 1850
2393 Letter from A. Mathes, relative to arresting enslaved people in Indian territory (see 2391) 24 Jan, 1851


No.  Subject Date
15 Capture of the Ariadne and S. Carolina 3 Mar, 1813
68 Deposition of Case of the American brig, Nancy 6 Nov, 1817
925 A kidnapped enslaved person brought from Jamaica 7 Sept, 1834
1211 Liability of the U.S. for enslaved people killed in Florida 20 Apr, 1840


No. Subject Date
730 Case of enslaved Donelly condemned for murder of white man, applicant for pardon, Report of case enclosed 31 Mar, 1832


No. Subject Date
270 Case of C. Muloy and 150 Africans of the cargo of the Ramerez 5 Feb, 1822
390 Relative to the brig Grampus Enclosing decree in Circuit Court 28 June, 1825
392 Galpin's claim for Black people, case falling under the Indian Spring Treaty referred Secy. of War 20 July, 1825
1178 Asks documents relative to freed persons in Bermuda, case of the Amistad 3 Feb, 1840
1186 Relative to proceedings against a fugitive from justice 20 Feb, 1840
1193 Relative to the enslaved on board the Amistad being Spanish property 9 Mar, 1840
1310 Case of the schooner, Amistad 14 Dec, 1840


No. Subject Date
378 Request for defer of the slave trade question 3 Feb, 1825

Asks return of the argument, case of the Amistad

31 Aug, 1840
1294 Record case of the U.S. vs the Amistad 18 Nov, 1840


No. Subject Date
304 African slave case 3 Feb, 1822
311 Relative to imprisonment of D. Frazer, Black mariner. Referred by C.J. Steedman, Sheriff of Charleston 1830
987 Asks copies of opinion of Attys. General Wirt and Berrien relative to people of color entering the United States 1836
2402 As to scruples of jurors relative to fugitive slaves/freedom seekers 22 Feb, 1851


No. Subject Date
2392 As to power to arrest fugitive slaves/freedom seekers in Indian territory (see 2393) 23 Jan, 1850


No. Subject Date
70 Case of the brig, Nancy. Ill treatment of Black people by the owner and mate, Hazzard and Haff 18 Nov, 1817


No. Subject Date
309 Imprisonment of D. Frazer, Black mariner 15 Dec 1830


No. Subject Date
10 Merchants in Rhode Island engaged in the slave trade 8 Oct 1812
11 Merchants in Rhode Island engaged in the slave trade 13 Oct 1812
1202 Expenses of Black people taken on board the Amistad 27 Mar 1840


No. Subject Date
1096 Opinion asked relative to hostile Black people in the Seminole Nation 30 July 1836


No. Subject Date
310 Relative to the imprisonment of D. Frazer, Black mariner. Referred by British Consul, W. Ogilby (see 309) 16 Dec 1830
313 Certain vessels and enslaved people captured on the coast of Florida 27 Feb 1823


No. Subject Date


Relative to pardon of her servant boy, letter to Judge Taney within 14 June 1846
1292 Asks copies of record in case of the Amistad 11 Nov 1840
1315 Asking when the case of the Amistad will be reached 30 Dec 1840


No. Subject Date
308 Case of D. Frazer, a free Black man. Referred by Secy. of State Van Buren (see 309, 310) 26 Dec 1830
658 Release of D. Frazer, Black mariner. Letter from Consul at Charleston enclosed. Referred by Secy. of State (see 308, 309, 310) 15 Jan 1831


Volume B
Attorney General

No. Subject Date
2788 Relative to the Amelia 22 July, 1856
3103 That the Sec. of State has determined to apply to Congress for appropriations to pay the expenses incurred in securing the cargo of the Bark, Amelia 8 Aug, 1856
3194 Relative to the African "slave trade" 31 Jan, 1859
3209 Relating to the Echo case 31 Mar, 1859
3224 Relative to suppressing slave trade 31 Mar, 1859
3237 As to violation of "fugitive slave law" in case of Add White 7 June, 1857
3415 Relative to the Deputy Marshal's account in the fugitive slave law, Boston 24 July, 1857
4062 Relative tot he case of the Wanderer 10 Jan, 1859
4077 Relative to the importation of Africans by the Wanderer 31 Jan, 1859
4078 Relative to the importation of Africans by the Wanderer 1 Feb, 1859
4166 Relative to an account of $1500 in favor of J.W. Mayne for services in the prosecution of the crew of the Brig, Echo 13 Apr, 1959

State Department

No. Subject Date
4228 Foreign ships flying American flag (practice of slavers) 13 June, 1859

Treasury Department

No. Subject Date
3576 As to violation of the Act of Congress for suppression of slave trade 22 Dec, 1857
3479 As to whether application has been received for pardon of Andie and of David, the enslaved man of one Brown 23 Dec, 1857
4644 Bargue William condemned as slaver 26 Sept, 1860
4113 Relative to "Wanderer" and two Black people 5 Mar, 1859
3921 As to whether under the Act of March 2, 1857, enslaved people can be lawfully paid for services in the War of 1812 27 Aug, 1858

Interior Department

No. Subject Date
3477 Can enslaver obtain patent invented by enslaved 7 Sept, 1857
3583 Is enslaver entitled to patent invented by enslaved 27 Dec, 1857
4115 U.S. Marshal, South Carolina, seeks compensation for expenses incurred while detaining Africans from the brig Echo 11 Mar, 1859
4449 Relative to account for services of A.R. Allen in taking Captain Farnham of the Wanderer to Savannah 4 Jan, 1860

Alphabetical Listing of Sender: Correspondence Arranged by State



No. Subject Date
4056 Relative to suit of John F. Mason, (Black man) v. Joseph C. and David Gamble 5 Jan, 1859


No. Subject Date
4107 Prosecuting under Fugitive Slave Act 26 Feb, 1859


No. Subject Date
3304 Request for return of fugitive slave/freedom seeker 3 Apr, 1857
3962 Wants copies of the President's message and reports from State and Navy Depts. in reference to the "slave trade" which were transmitted to Senate April 21, 1858 13 Nov, 1858
4466 Ask that the military force at Ft. Leavenworth be placed at his disposal to aid in the arrest persons concerned in the violation of the Fugitive Slave Act 17 Jan, 1860


No.  Subject Date
4360 About Mr. Swaynet's bill for service in Fugitive Slave case 18 Sept, 1859


No. Subject Date
4456 Wants to employ Mr. Arrington as "counsel" in a "fugitive slave" case with a fee of $1000 9 Jan, 1860
4515 Relative to Mr. Arrington's bill for service in the Chicago "Fugitive slave rescue" case 5 Apr, 1860


No. Subject Date
4579 Reporting the arrival of the schooner Clotilde with captured Africans on board 23 July, 1860
4709 Ask about the bill of Mr. Arrington for legal services in the fugitive slave/freedom seeker case in Chicago 18 Apr, 1860


No. Subject Date
2886 Relative to the fugitive slave law and revenue laws. Conflict of State and U.S. authorities 8 Jul, 1854
3978 Desires to know what compensation he is entitled to for custody of the captured African of the Brig Echo 3 Dec, 1858


No. Subject Date
3175 With regards to the rescue of a runaway slave/freedom seeker 20 Apr, 1859
3184 Relating to the violation of the fugitive slave law 25 Aor, 1859


No. Subject Date
4606 Writ of habeus corpus issued for the seizure of Black people imported into Alabama 28 July 1860


No. Subject Date
2901 Rel. to one James Smith engaged in the "slave trade" 31 Oct, 1854


No. Subject Date
3590 As to resistance to the execution of the slave law in southern Ohio, in the case of Add White 30 May 1857


No. Subject Date
4529 Rel. to slave rescue case. Wishes sanction Atty. General 24 Apr 1860


No. Subject Date
4094 Relative to the Barque Wanderer 17 Feb 1859


No. Subject Date
2706 Relative to the schooner Machet P. Brown captured on the West Coast of Africa 25 May 1853
2850 States that an unusual number of criminal prosecutions, including several fugitive slave rescue cases are to be tried at the July term District Court 9 June 1854
4593 Rel. to recent importation of Black people into Alabama 18 July 1860
4600 Rel. to the schooner Clotilde and Africans introduced by her 24 July 1860


No. Subject Date
4502 Respecting the right of Congress to pass the slave trade laws 20 Mar 1860
4540 Reporting arrival of U.S. Steamer Mohawk, at Key West with the Barque Wildfire with 350 Africans on board 26 May 1860
4542 Reporting the arrival of the U.S. Steamer Wyandott at Key West with Barque William as a prize with 550 Black people 15 May 1860
4547 Sending an opinion of Judge Jonas on slave trade laws 23 May 1860


No. Subject Date
2687 As to recapture of freedom seeker. Rel. to case of John B. Davis 3 Oct 1853
4512 Is Captain Martin of the Wanderer to be demanded under the Extradition Treaty with England 29 Mar 1860



No. Subject Date
2901 Rel. to one James Smith engaged in the "slave trade" 31 Oct 1854


No. Subject Date
3590 As to resistance to the execution of the slave law in southern Ohio, in the case of Add White 30 May 1857


No. Subject Date
4529 Rel. to slave rescue case. Wishes sanction Atty. General 24 Apr 1860


No. Subject Date
4094 Relative to the Barque Wanderer 17 Feb 1859


No. Subject Date
2706 Relative to the schooner Machet P. Brown captured on the West Coast of Africa 25 May 1853
2850 States that an unusual number of criminal prosecutions, including several fugitive slave rescue cases are to be tried at the July term District Court 9 June 1854
4593 Rel. to recent importation of Black people into Alabama 18 July 1860
4600 Rel. to the schooner Clotilde and Africans introduced by her 24 July 1860


No. Subject Date
4502 Respecting the right of Congress to pass the slave trade laws 20 Mar 1860
4540 Reporting arrival of U.S. Steamer Mohawk, at Key West with the Barque Wildfire with 350 Africans on board 26 May 1860
4542 Reporting the arrival of the U.S. Steamer Wyandott at Key West with Barque William as a prize with 550 Black people 15 May 1860
4547 Sending an opinion of Judge Jonas on slave trade laws 23 May 1860


No. Subject Date
2687 As to recapture of freedom seeker. Rel. to case of John B. Davis 3 Oct 1853
4512 Is Captain Martin of the Wanderer to be demanded under the Extradition Treaty with England 29 Mar 1860


Volume C
Treasury Department

No. Subject Date
4726 Rel. to D.H. Steward arresting and transporting Africans as marshal of Georgia 2 Jan 1861
6224 Ask an opinion regarding freed citizens 24 Sept 1862

Alphabetical Listing of Sender: Correspondence Arranged by State



No. Subject Date
6283 Relative to action under the Confiscation Act of July 17, 1862 25 Oct 1862
6532 Seizure of property under the Confiscation Act of July 1862 9 Mar 1893
5963 Maryland fugitives slaves/freedom seekers entering District of Columbia - application of Law of 1850 9 May 1862


No. Subject Date
6181 Complaints that his enslaved people have been taken away 30 Aug 1862


No. Subject Date
6182 Wants a copy of the Confiscation Act sent 30 Aug 1862


No. Subject Date
5446 Relative to Confiscation Act of Aug. 6, 1861 19 Sept 1861


No. Subject Date
6401 Asks instructions as to proceedings under the Confiscation Act 31 Dec 1862
6412 Relative to a question arising under the Confiscation Act 7 Jan 1863
6433 Ask instruction under the Confiscation Act 16 Jan 1863
6467 Asks as to proceedings under the Confiscation Act 2 Feb 1863


No. Subject Date
5651 Cannot Black people in Washington Jail be released 5 Dec 1861


No. Subject Date
5220 Does the Government with the slave laws execute 11 July 1861
5429 Does the Confiscation Act extends to stocks and money on deposit 13 Sept 1861
5742 Encloses copy of an act to suppress the African Slave Trade and asks your opinion and suggestions 25 Jan 1862



No. Subject Date
5375 Confiscation Act and proclamation prohibiting transportation of property to and from the revolted states 5 Sept 1861
5409 Asks instruction as to Confiscation cases 10 Sept 1861


No. Subject Date
6542 Ask for instructions under the Confiscation Act 14 Mar 1863


No. Subject Date
5332 Rel. to seizure of goods declared forfeit by "force" and confiscation act 22 Aug 1861
5448 Can real estate or the rents there of be seized confiscated under the acts of 1st Session of the 37th Congress 19 Sept 1861


No. Subject Date
6289 Has secured conviction of slaver Albert Horn 29 Oct 1862
6295 Relative to an act to confiscate the property of Rebels 2 Oct 1862


No. Subject Date
5463 Wants advice as to the construction of the Confiscation Act 21 Sept 1861


No. Subject Date
5395 Construction of the Act of Aug. 6, 1861 - Confiscation Act 7 Sept 1861
5498 Construction of the Confiscation Act 9 Oct 1861
5513 Rel. to construction of the Confiscation Act, money of Rebels on deposit subject to draft 14 Oct 1861


No. Subject Date
6264 An inquiry to the Confiscation Act 14 Oct 1861



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RG 69 Records of the Work Projects Administration

The Works Projects Administration (WPA), established May 6, 1935, was responsible for the Government's work relief program. It succeeded both the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the Civil Works Administration, which were established in 1933. The WPA was officially abolished June 30, 1943. See Researcher News for information about the availability of these records.

Series: Special Research Materials related to the "Living Newspaper," 1936-1939, NAID 2108426

Selected Files:

  • Negro Living Newspaper Play. Entry 965
  • Leonard E. Strong, Negroes in Wars. Brief account of African-Americans in Revolutionary War, Civil War, and WWI
  • (4 copies). Oct. 1936.
  • Robert Whittington, Negro Troops in Civil War. List of battles in which African-Americans fought with a listing of Negro soldiers who received medals for their actions in the Civil War. Oct. 1938.
  • Robert Whittington, Negro Troops in the Civil War List of battles in which African-Americans fought with date of battle accompanied by the number of troops used and killed. Oct. 1938.
  • H. Radin, Benjamin Franklin and Slavery. Cop of November 9, 1978 "An Address to the Public from the Pennslvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes, Unlawfully Held in Bondage" by Benjamin Franklin. Oct 1938.
  • Arthur Ambrose, Negro Soldiers in the Civil War - Their Bravery and Skill - Pertinent Quotes. Excerpts from The Negro in the War of the Rebellion and History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 by George Washington Williams. Oct. 1938.
  • Arthur Ambrose, Negro Soldiery and Valor in Civil War. Instances of Negro valor found in History of Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 by George W. Williams. Oct. 1938.
  • H. Radin, Benjamin Franklin and Slavery. Benjamin Franklin's plans for improving the condition of free African- Americans. Oct. 1938.
  • Charles Mulligan, Reactions to Assassination of Lincoln. Quotes from Myths After Lincoln by Lloyd Lewis concerning feelings about the severity of Reconstruction. Oct. 1938.
  • Charles Mulligan, Lincoln Assassination V. Union Labor Reaction. Excerpts from Social History of America by Herman Schluter concerning addresses sent to America by the International Workingmen's Association. Oct. 1938.
  • Charles L. Mulligan, Lincoln Assassination I: The South. Excerpts from various books concerning reactions to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Oct 1938.
  • Charles L. Mulligan, Lincoln's Assassination II: The Case Against Jeff Davis. Excerpts and summaries of sections from Why Was Lincoln Murdered? By Louis Eisenschiml. Oct. 1938.
  • Chas. L. Mulligan, Lincoln Assassination III: The Case Against Andrew Johnson. Excerpts and summaries of sections from Why Was Lincoln Murdered? By Louis Eisenschiml. Oct. 1938.
  • Chas. L. Mulligan, Lincoln Assassination IV: Stanton. Excerpts and summaries of sections from Why Was Lincoln Murdered? by Louis Eisenschiml concerning the possible involvement of Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Oct. 1938.
  • Robert Whittington, Ku Klux Klan Testimony. Testimony by Joint Select Committee into affairs in the late insurrectionary states concerning the testimony of a Mr. Samuel White forced by the Klan to renounce his political faith in the Republican party. May 1938.
  • Catherine A. Durkin, Newspaper Comments During Reconstruction. Description of a plot in Canada by a man from Mississippi to infect Union occupying forces through clothes. Oct. 1938.
  • Catherine A. Durkin, Newspaper Comments During Reconstruction. Newspaper articles concerning Negro suffrage, remembrances of Lincoln, and President Johnson's terms of pardon for the rebels. Oct. 1938.
  • Mathieu Smith, Character Sketch of Thaddeus Stevens. July 1938.
  • Cooper, No Title. Discussion of effect of slavery on economic prosperity based on Notes on Political Economy by N. Ware. N.d.


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RG 76 Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitration

Following arbitration by the Emperor of Russia in 1822, a mixed claims commission was provided for in a convention signed to settle U.S. claims against Great Britain concerning enslaved people and property lost during the War of 1812. Because of difficulties faced by the commission, a new convention was signed in 1826 in which Great Britain agreed to pay a sum in satisfaction of all claims awarded under the arbitration of the Emperor. A domestic claims commission was established by an act in 1827 to handle the disbursement of awards. In 1853, another mixed claims commission was established to settle claims presented to either government since December 24, 1814.

There are several series that pertain to the business of the mixed claims commissions and the domestic claims commission. These records are located at Archives II in College Park, Maryland

Creator: Records of the Mixed Claims Commission (established by convention of 1822)

  • Series: Minutes of the Mixed Commission. Aug 25, 1823-Mar 26, 1827, NAID 1170324
  • Series: Docket of 1822 Commission. Ca. 1825-1826, NAID 1170329
  • Series: Index to General Records, NAID 1170331
  • Series: General Records. Ca. 1814-28, NAID 1170335
  • Series: Records Relating to Detained American Vessels. Ca. 1812-19, NAID 1171986

Creator: Records of the Domestic Claims Commission

Creator: Records of the Mixed Claims Commission (established by convention of 1853)

  • Series: Minutes of the Commission. Sept. 15, 1853-Jan. 15, 1855, NAID 1174165
  • Series: Index to Case Files of American and British Claims. NAID 1174166

Creator: Miscellaneous Claims, ca. 1797-1863


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RG 206 Records of the Solicitor of the Treasury

The Office of the Solicitor of the Treasury (1830-1934) was created in the Department of the Treasury to supervise all legal proceedings involving the collection of debts due the United States. This record group includes letters relative to suits for the forfeiture of vessels involved in the slave trade. These records are located at Archives II in College Park, Maryland.

Series: Index to Letters Received, September 1, 1865 - January 9, 1911, NAID 6409498

Contains indexes to incoming letters for several series among the records of the Solicitor of the Treasury. The following information is usually given for each letter: date received, date written, name of writer, title of writer if he was a Government official, where written, brief summary of contents, and disposition of letter. Entries dated after 1895 also give the case file number of the letter.

Volume 1

Date Subject
December 8, 1865 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Relative to proposition to compromise judgement against H.M. Bearnes and G.H. Blanchard on bond slaver barge Weathergage
December 8, 1865 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Relative to proposition to compromise judgment against H.M. Bearnes and G.H. Blanchard on bond slaver barge Weathergage
March 12, 1866 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Relative to proposition to settle case of barge Weathergage
December 1, 1865 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Enclosing letter from Messrs. Beebe, Dean, and Donahue proposing compromise of liability of Henry M. Bearnes as surety on bond ship Weathergage
December 8, 1865 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Relative to proposal to compromise judgment against H.M. Bearnes and G.H. Blanchard on bond slaver barge Weathergage
December 8, 1865 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Relative to proposal to compromise judgment against H.M. Bearnes and G.H. Blanchard on bond slaver barge Weathergage
March 12, 1866 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Relative to proposition to settle case of barge Weathergage
April 23, 1866 From the Collector of Customs. Sandusky. Reporting Seizure of sloop Jago
March 16, 1866 From Secretary of the Treasury. Washington, D.C. U.S. v. Sureties on Bond for Barge Weathergage accepts offer.

Volume 2

Date Subject
July 9, 1866 From the United States Attorney. New York, South District. Relative to proposition made by Beebe, Dean, and Donahue in matter of Weathergage
July 21, 1866 Waddell, W. C. H. New York. Relative to the Weathergage


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RG 217 Records of the United States General Accounting

Established within the Department of Treasury by an act of 1817 that authorized four additional auditors and an comptroller. The 1789 Act that established the Treasury provided for a comptroller to superintend the adjustment and preservation of the public accounts and auditor to supervise disbursements.

There are several series that account for the Department of Treasury involvement with the African slave trade. These records are located at Archives l in Washington, D.C.

Settled Accounts of Claimants and Disbursing Officers of the First Auditor, 1790-1894.

Claims case files include: African shipping; the bounty on Blacks illegally imported; the support of captured Africans illegally entering the United States; bounty for the capture of illegal slave ships; expenditures of the American Colonization Society in support of persons of African descent.

Series: Abstract of Bounty Claims for the Capture of Slave Ships, 1859-1871, NAID 2524503

Gives name of the claimant, name of captured and capturing ships, and name of the payee. There is a list of vessels captured for engaging in the slave trade, 1857-60, date of seizure, names of vessels making seizure, the squadron, and the locality of the capture.

Microfilm: Records of the Board of Commissioners for the Emancipation of Slaves in the District of Columbia, 1862-63 within NAID 302045

An act of April 12, 1862 (12 Stat.376) abolished slavery in the District of Columbia. The President was authorized to appoint a board of commissioners to examine petitions for compensation from former owners of freed slaves in the District. Petitions disclosed name of petitioner, slaves, and value of slaves claimed in the petition. Bound volumes also show summary of action taken, number of the petition, amount awarded, and signature of the claimant. These records are microfilmed under Microfilm Number 520. There are 6 rolls.

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RG 287 Publications of the U.S. Government, 1790-1979

This record group is a collection of selected publications of U.S. Government agencies, arranged according to a classification system (SuDoc System) devised by the Office of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office (GPO). The core collection is a library that was maintained by GPO's Public Documents Division during the period 1895-1972, and whose contents were arranged according to the SuDoc System. The library began in 1895 following the establishment of GPO of the position of Superintendent of Documents by an act of January 12, 1895 (28 Stat. 601), with responsibility for the cataloging, sale, and distribution of Federal Government publications. By 1972, when the National Archives acquired the library, it included official publications dating from the early years of the government. 

Annual Reports

Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Navy

Year Page(s)
1828 pp.126-127
1830 pp.42-43
1834 p.315
1836 pp.442-443, 450
1837 pp.716, 725
1848 pp.604, 605-606, 607
1849 p.428
1850 pp.193, 194, 195
1851 pp.4-5
1852 pp.291, 293, 299-301
1853 pp.298-299
1854 pp.386-387
1855 pp.5-6
1856 p.407
1857 pp.576, 578
1858 pp.5, 13-14
1859 pp.1138-1139, 1144, 1149-1150
1861 pp.20, 21
1862 p.23
1865 p.XI


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RG 366 Records of Civil War Special Agencies of the Treasury Department

An Act of July 13, 1862, (12 Stat. 257) prohibited commercial intercourse between people residing in the seceded states and citizens of the United States and provided that merchandise transported for commercial purposes from or to the Confederacy would be forfeited to the United States. The Treasury Department received control over commercial intercourse, and Special Agents under the Special Agency system were given authority to supervise trade and commerce in areas of the Confederacy occupied by Union forces. Under Treasury Department regulations of July 29, 1864, it established "freedmen's home colonies" to provide employment and welfare to assistance to freed slaves. Nine Special Agencies were ultimately established in the Confederate States, each responsible for a prescribed geographical boundary. Records are located at the National Archives in Washington, DC.

Records are arranged by Special Agency, thereunder by districts and activity.

  • Records of the First Special Agency, Mississippi Valley (includes St. Louis, south-east portions of Illinois, Kentucky, western Tennessee, eastern Arkansas and Louisiana, Mississippi and western Alabama); entries 1 - 115.
  • Records of the Second Special Agency, (includes parts of Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana), entries 116 - 411.
  • Records of the Third Special Agency, (includes parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, and Florida), entries 412 - 555.
  • Records of the Fourth Special Agency, (Texas), entries 558 - 570.
  • Records of the Fifth Special Agency, (includes parts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida), entries 571 - 620.
  • Records of the Sixth Special Agency, (North Carolina), entries 622-653.
  • Records of the Seventh Special Agency, (includes Virginia and North Carolina), entries 655-739.
  • Records of the Eighth Special Agency, (includes parts of South Carolina and Georgia); amended Treasury Department's general regulation, April 25, 1865, entries 740-748.
  • Records of the Ninth Special Agency, (Florida and Alabama); amended Treasury Department's general regulation, April 24, 1865, entries 749-774

