The American Landscape
Many federal agencies in the course of carrying out their missions were or are to some extent involved in the management of the natural resources of the nation. Examples of such interests are photographs of river and harbor improvement projects undertaken by the Corps of Engineers; images of western lands taken by Timothy O'Sullivan, William Henry Jackson, John K. Hillers, and others during 19th-century topographical and geological surveys; and photographs, including over 200 by Ansel Adams, of National Park Service areas.
The files of the Department of Agriculture and its bureaus contain pictures of farming and ranching activities and conservation and reclamation projects. Images relating to forest management are in Forest Service records and pictures of mining operations are among the records of the Bureau of Mines and its related offices. Fish and Wildlife Service pictures record a variety of subjects. Among them are images of marine life, birds, mammals and other animals, and plants. Also included are topographical studies of areas in the United States and in several foreign countries.
The government's concerns about environmental conditions are documented in the records of the Environmental Protection Agency, which contain images showing the effects of noise, air, and water pollution and pollution control measures. Many of the pictures were taken for DOCUMERICA, a program sponsored by the agency in the 1970s to produce photographic documentation of environmental subjects throughout the United States.
Some series including images that highlight the American rural and urban landscapes over time are highlighted below:
Hayden Survey, William H. Jackson Photographs
Photographic Albums of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel - The King Survey
Historical Photograph Files
Ansel Adams Photographs of National Parks and Monuments
DOCUMERICA: The Environmental Protection Agency's Program to Photographically Document Subjects of Environmental Concern
Photographs Accompanying Reports to the Secretary of the Interior
Photographs of American Military Activities
“Airscapes” of American and Foreign Areas
To Request Information about Records
For further information about the photographs and graphic works held in the Still Picture unit at College Park, contact:
Mail: Still Picture Reference
Special Media Archives Services Division
National Archives at College Park
Room 5360
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, Maryland 20740-6001
Telephone: 301-837-0561
Fax: 301-837-3621
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