Motion Pictures

World War II Films at the National Archives in College Park, MD

refer to caption

Wings for This Man

Army Air Forces Special Film Project, 1945

The Moving Image and Sound Branch of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) holds an extensive collection of domestic and foreign films, audio and video recordings related to World War II and the immediate pre- and post-War years. These items were acquired by NARA from federal military and civilian agencies, or were donated to NARA by private individuals or organizations.

Film and Video

Film and video content includes events, people and activities in the European, Mediterranean, African, and Pacific Theaters of Operations, as well as the home front and the civilian war effort in the United States. Coverage includes edited films and unedited documentation of combat operations, military and civilian training and motivational films, staff information films and briefing reports, special film projects, feature length films and documentaries, government-produced and commercial newsreels, and films acquired by the government through foreign sources. The majority of film of period film footage originated on 35mm black and white film, however there are sizable holdings of color 16mm film in Record Group/series 127 R and 18 SFP (see links below)


Audio recordings includes informational and documentary recordings produced by civilian and military agencies, as well as military tribunals, and were originally recorded on transcription discs, wire recordings and magnetic tape. Coverage includes domestic war-effort radio programs, speeches, press conferences, interviews and actuality recordings made by military correspondents during combat, recordings acquired from foreign sources, as well as network news broadcasts from NBC Radio and CBS Radio. While the majority of recordings are in English, holdings also include recordings made in German, Italian, and Japanese.

Finding Aids

Finding aids, such as original shots lists, content summaries, film catalogs, scripts and other materials can be accessed at the Motion Picture Research Room in College Park, Maryland. As these materials are digitized, they are added to NARA’s Online Catalog. Finding aids are generally associated with a particular film or audio series. 
Film and Audio Series of World War II Content
While item-level descriptions for all World War II-era films are not yet listed in NARA’s Online Catalog, these film and audio series and donated collections are among the most significant:

Frequently Used Series


Moving Images Relating to Military Activities (Local Identifier: 111-ADC)

Armed Forces Screen Reports (Local Identifier: 111-AFSR) 

Army - Navy Screen Magazine, 1943 - 1958 (Local Identifier:111-ANSM)

Motion Picture Films from the "Alien Roundup" Program Series (Local Identifier : 111 BW) 

Moving Images Relating to Civilian Affairs (Local Identifier: 111-CAD) 

Motion Picture Films from the "Combat Bulletin" Program Series (Local Identifier 111-CB) 

Motion Picture Films from the "Campaign Reports" Program Series, 1944 - 1945 (Local Identifier: 111-CR)

Engineering Board Film Digests ( Local Identifier: 111 EB)

Educational Films (Local Identifier: 111-EF)

Film Bulletins, ca. 1939 - ca. 1945 (Local Identifier:111-FB)


Moving Images of Historical Reports (Local Identifier: 111-HR)

Post-World War II Historical Reports (Local Identifier 111-HRA)

Motion Picture Films from the "Historical Reports" Program Series (Local Identifier: 111-HRB)

Historical Film Reports Relating to World War II (Local Identifier 111-HRC) 

Historical Film Reports (Local Identifier: 111 HRE) 

Moving Images Relating to World War II (Local Identifier : 111-L)

Documentary Films (Local Identifier: 111-M)

Miscellaneous German Films (Local Identifier: 111-M527)

Miscellaneous Training Films (Local Identifier: 111-M528)

Miscellaneous Films Including Canadian Army Training Films and Films Relating to Russia, Italy, and Japan (Local Identifier: 111-M529)

Moving Images Relating to Military Activities (Local Identifier: 111-MPE) 

Orientation Films (Local Identifier: 111-OF)

Moving Images Relating to American Security (Local Identifier: 111-OSD)

Professional Medical Films (Local Identifier: 111-PMF)

Special Bulletins (Local Identifier: 111-SB)

Special Film Reports (Local Identifier 111-SFR)

Motion Picture Films Relating to the Relocation of Japanese Aliens (Local Identifier: 111-T21)

Training Films (Local Identifier: 111-TF)

Motion Picture Films From "The Big Picture" Television Program Series (Local Identifier: 111-TV)

War Films (Local Identifier: 111-WF)





Motion Picture Films Confiscated From Foreign Countries And Sources, 1940 - 1944 (Local Identifier: 242 GENERAL)

Motion Picture Films of Vichy French News Newsreels, 1944 - 1944 (Local Identifier: 242-FN) 

Motion Picture Films of German News Newsreels and Newsreel Excerpts, (Local Identifier: 242-GN)

Motion Picture Films of German-Portuguese News Newsreels, 1940 - 1941(Local Identifier: 242-GPN)

Motion Picture Films of Italian News, 1940 - 1943 (Local Identifier: 242-ITN)

Motion Picture Films from G-2 Army Military Intelligence Division (Local Identifier: 242-MID)

U.F.A. Newsreels, 1939 - 1940 (Local Identifier:242-MID-G)

Motion Picture Films from G-2 Army Military Intelligence Division Relating to Japan, 1937 - 1941 (Local Identifier: 242-MID-J)

Miscellaneous Motion Pictures Films to World War II and Post-War Activities, 1940 - 1945 (Local Identifier: 242-N-MR)

National Broadcasting Company/Soviet Television Newsreels, 1945 - 1947 (Local Identifier: 242-NPC) 

Motion Picture Films of German Rocket and Scientific Experiments at Peenemunde, 1935 - 1945 (Local Identifier: 242-P) 

Motion Picture Films of UFA Newsreels (German), 1939 - 1940 (Local Identifier: 242-UFA) 

Moving Image of "La Conquista di Nanchino", 1937 - 1940 (Local Identifier: 242-MID-I)


Sound Recordings of Speeches of Axis Leaders and Other Propaganda Material, (Local Identifier: 242-GENERALa)

Sound Recordings of Pre-Nuremberg Trial Interrogations and German Radio Broadcasts (Local Identifier: 242-PTIa)





Records of the American National Red Cross, Series: Motion Picture Films, (Local Identifier: ANRC-ANRC)

Ford Motor Company Collection,  Series: Motion Picture Films Relating to the Ford Motor Company, the Henry Ford Family, Noted Personalities, Industry, and Numerous Americana and Other Subjects

Jack Lieb Collection, Series: Motion Picture Films Relating to the Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) and Commemorative Visits After the War, (Local Identifier: LIEB-JL)

March of Time Collection, Series: "March of Time" Motion Picture Newsreel Releases (Local Identifier: MT-MT)  Note: Donor and copyright restrictions. Items from this series may not be reproduced without written permission.

March of Time Collection, Series: Outtakes from 'March Of Time' Newsreels (Local Identifier: MT-MTT) 

Paramount Pictures, Inc., Collection, Series: Motion Picture Newsreel Film(Local Identifier: PARA-PN) Note: Donor and copyright restrictions. Items from this series may not be reproduced without written permission.

Willian F. Rope Collection, Series: German-Language Motion Picture Films (Local Identifier: ROPE-ROPE)

MCA/Universal Pictures Collection, Series: Motion Picture Releases of the Universal Newsreel Library (Local Identifier: UN-UN) Note: In 1978, a fire destroyed nitrate motion picture film of some newsreels (or issues) including most of volumes 14 through 17, which include the years 1941-1944. Universal disposed of many separate music and narrative soundtracks before donating the collection to the National Archives.

MCA/Universal Pictures Collection 1929 - 1967, Series: Outtakes from Motion Picture Newsreels of the Universal Newsreel Library (Local Identifier: UN-OT) Note: In 1978, a fire destroyed nitrate motion picture film most of which were outtakes from the 1930s and 1940s. 

MCA/Universal Pictures Collection, Series: Universal Newsreels’ Subject Card Catalog  Note: The subject and personality cards in this series describe both the edited newsreel releases and the outtakes described above. 

Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc., Collection, Series: Motion Picture Films (Local Identifier: WARN-WARNER)



American Broadcasting Company Collection, Series: Audio Recordings of ABC Radio News Programs Including News Commentaries, Special Events, Public Affairs, Actuality News, and Some Sports and Entertainment, (Local Identifier: ABC-ABCa)  Note: Donor and copyright restrictions. Items from this series may not be reproduced without written permission.

Washington Records, Incorporated, Collection, Series: Sound Recordings of FDR Speeches, (Local Identifier: FDR-RLXa)

David Goldin Collection, Series: Audio Recordings of Radio Broadcasts of Speeches, Interviews, Combat Reports, Special Events, Public Affairs, and Entertainment for U.S. Troops (Local Identifier: G-Ga)  Note: Some of the commercial broadcasts in this collection may be  subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from the rights holder. 

University of Washington Collection, Series: Audio Recordings Forming the Milo Ryan Phonoarchive of Radio Newscasts Relating to World War II and Special Coverage of Other Historical Events (Local Identifier: MR-MRa)  Note: Donor and copyright restrictions. Items from this series may not be reproduced without written permission.

National Broadcasting Company, Inc., Collection, Series: Sound Recordings of Broadcasts (Local Identifier: NBC-NBCa) Note: Donor and copyright restrictions. Items from this series may not be reproduced without written permission.

WTOP Radio Broadcast Collection, Series: News, Political Coverage, and Entertainment Radio Broadcasts (Local Identifier: WTOP-WTOPa) Note: Some of the commercial broadcasts in this collection may be  subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission from the rights holder.