Motion Pictures

200, 1975

200 is an award-winning animated United States Information Agency (USIA) film celebrating the U.S. Bicentennial. The short three and a half minute film, set to an energetic jazz-rock score, involves, according to filmmaker Vince Collins, “every animatable symbol, image or icon of the USA.” 

National Archives Identifier: 55038/Local Identifier: 306.6897

200 is one of several films the Moving Image and Sound branch holds that were made through the USIA’s Young Filmmaker Bicentennial grants. Other films made through the grant in Moving Image and Sound Holdings include My Canadian-American Family, An American Tune, Winter Count, Came To Here From Over There, Homespun, The Strangers, and Apache Bill

Learn more about USIA and other films that were intended for international audiences held by the Moving Image and Sound Branch through the National Archives Catalog, through the Special Media Records Division blog, The Unwritten Record, on History Hub, or in person at our research room in College Park, MD.