Military Records

Philippine Archives Collection | Alphabetical List of Guerrilla Units

Alphabetical List of Guerrilla Units and Their File Codes in the Guerrilla Unit Recognition Files

P - Z

Because of the complexity and number of the names of guerrilla units, this list has been alphabetized as if the numbers of numbered units were spelled out and as if abbreviations were spelled out. Thus, “14th Inf. Rgt.” precedes “4st Inf. Rgt.” as “fourteenth” precedes “fourth;” and “HQ” [headquarters] precedes “Heroes.” Moreover, the unit names are taken from labels in the records and thus vary in style. For example, the researcher looking for “Company A” should check this list under both that label and “A Company” or “A Co.”

A-E      F-O       P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

For definitions of abbreviations, refer to the Philippine Archives Collection: Glossary of Initialisms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. To learn more about the collection, visit The Journey of the Philippine Archives Collection pages.

For more information about the records, see the full National Archives Catalog description of the series Guerrilla Unit Recognition Files, 1941 - 1948 (National Archives Identifier 1257644).

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
Pagamutan Nang Maralita 32
Palakpaquin Unit, Blue Eagle Brigade 213-14
Palanan Bay Grlas Area 82
Palsuig Special Bn., Sqdn. B, Zambales MD 309-35
Palawan Special Bn. 199-1
Pandacan Unit, III AC (David's Command) 209-47
Pandita Area, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD 16-16
Pangasinan Anti-Crime Service, LGAF 102-20
Pangasinan Free Area Bn., Hunters-ROTC 307-5
Pangasinan Scouting Sqdn., PMA, LGAF 102-18
Pantabangan Guerrilla First Aider 29
Paras Uni, I Army Corps, MFA 109-27
Partner's Guerrillas 135
Pasig Unit, I Army Corps, MFA (Antonio's) 109-30
Pasig Unit, I Army Corps, MFA (Enriquez) 109-32
Pasig Unit, I Army Corps, MFA (Sta Ana Bros) 109-31
Patnanungan Guerrilla Forces, FAIT 110-64
Phantom Co., 1st Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-9
Phil Celent Jr, DI Detachment 19
Phil Chinese Anti-Jap Storm Troops 104
Phil Chinese Anti-Japs Vol Corps (Wa-Chi Unit) 105
Philippine Constabulary Guerrilla Unit 188
Philippine Guerrilla Forces at Samar (Arteche's Grlas) 212-2
Philippine Militia Babatngon Sector K Company 17-7
Philippine Militia Company 280-17
Philippine Militia Forces 280-20
Philippine Militia Volunteer Guard Service Corps & Women's Auxiliary Service, Leyte Area 17-31
Philippine National Volunteers 93
Philippine National Volunteer Army USA (VAUSA) 241
Philippine Underground Movement 171
PIC Prov Bn., 44th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-15A
Pigao Independent Platoon 195
Pineda's Intelligence Unit, II Army Corps, MFA 109-46
Pineda's Unit, Marking's Fil-Americans 109-98
Pioneer Balayan Town Grla, Bahia Deguito Unit, FAIT 110-42
Pioneer Calaca Town Guerrilla Unit, FAIT 110-44
Poray Range Regt., Hunters-ROTC 307-43
Porch Club Unit, II Army Corps, MFA 109-68
Pozorrubio Guerrilla Unit 146
PQOG, I Corps 271-1 to 271-37
PQOG, II Corps 262-1 to 262-6
Provisional Bn. (Ind) 132
Prov Bn., 7th Regt., II Army Corps, MFA 109-65
Prov Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-144
Pugot Ulo Secret Society, Cut Head 263
Purisima Intelligence Unit (4th Bn., Taparan's Unit) 206-2

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
QM Co., Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-32
Quintana Regt., Folsom's Fil-American Guerrillas 156-4
Quintan's Guerrilla Unit, FAIT 110-54

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
Rainbow Regt., Malakas Div., Blue Eagle Brigade 213-8
Ramcal Unit (Ind) 64
Rapiz Regt., MFAT. See Call to Colors Regt. 109-64
Raxa Matanda Intelligence Unit, I Corps, PQOG 271-28
R Co., 3rd Bn., 2nd Regt., NEPMD 107-4
Red Cross First Aiders' Unit 78
Redor's Unit, Fil-Amer Irregular Troops (FAIT) 110-56
Regt.l Sv Co., HQ Bn., 1st Regt., 1st Div., III AC, David's Command 209-58
Regt. 122, Eastern Nueva Ecija MD, ECLGA 308-73
Rei-zar Regt., Barrion's Manila Div., USFIP 210-4
Relenas Regt., FAIT 110-20
Rendova Unit, 48th Special Regt., 47th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-36
Republic Regt., Bulacan Military Area (BMA) 214-4
Reserved Squadron, LGAF 102-6
Reyes Pro-American Foreshore Patrol Unit 180
Reyes Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) 272-15
Rice Sector, Salt Military Area, Anderson's Grlas 101-19
Rillo-Neri Unit, FAIT (Lipa Grla HQ Combat Team) 110-9
Rizal Cement Unit, II Army Corps, MFA 109-47
Rizal Guerrilla Group HQ 197
Rojano's A-1 Unit 4
Romblon Special Bn., 6th MD 14-12
Rosario Unit, III AC (David's Command) 209-48
Ruanto's Bn. (3rd Bn.) Redor's FAIT, Infanta Sector 110-34

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
Saber Force 51
Sablayan Guerrilla Bn. 198
Sab & Dem Pltn, Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-35
Sab & Dem Unit, 4th Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-47
Sabotage Unit, Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-34
Saboteur & MID Regt., MFAT 109-16
St. Michael's Unit, 48th Regt., 47th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-29
Saint's Regt., II Army Corps, MFA 109-61
Salvador's Combat Unit, I Army Corps, MFA 109-38
Salvador's Intell Unit, I Army Corps, MFA 109-29
Salva's Intelligence Unit, II Army Corps, MFA 109-54
Samar Area Command 212-1
Saniano's Dayside Bn., MFA 109-56
San Isidro Sector, Southern Nueva Ecija Sector, Anderson's Guerrillas 101-11
San Jose Batangas Guerrillas, MFAIT 110-37
San Jose Guerrilla Unit 300
San Juan Combat Unit, I Army Corps, MFA 109-28
San Juan Ermitano Unit, 44th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-18
San Juan MP Unit, FAIT 110-19
San Juan Regt., FAIT 110-68
San Juan Regt., MFAT 109-24
San Juan Unit, FAIT 110-18
Sta Ana Vigilantes 56
Sta Barbara Regt., 1st Organ Pangasinan Army Corps, Army of the Agno 185-26
Santa Cruz Convalescent Home Guerrilla Unit (Ind) 249
Sta Cruz Regimental Guerrillas 145
Sta Fe Brigade, FAIT 110-13
Santa Fe Sector, Western Luzon Grla Forces 89
Santa Maria Det, McKinley Div., FAIT 275-18
Sta Maria Unit, I Army Corps, MFA 109-33
Santa Maria V-J Unit, 45th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-21
Santa Mesa Unit, FAIT 110-59
Sta Mesa Unit, 44th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-19
Sta Rosa Poblacion Unit (Celestial Fiv, I AC, MFA 109-12
Sta Rosa Sector, SNES (Anderson's Command) 101-12
Santolan Unit, MFA 109-23
Sto Tomas Guerrilla Unit, I Corps, PQOG 271-29
Sto Tomas Service Pltn 303
Santos Bn., FAIT 110-25
Santos Combat Unit, II Army Corps, MFA 109-61A
Sariaya Guerrilla Unit 24
Sarrat Independent unit, FAIT 110-32
Saulog Guerrilla Forces 175
Sawang Mountain Troops, Zambales MD 309-106
2nd (Ancheta) Regt., Folsom's Fil-American Grlas 156-2
II Army Corps. See Marking's Fil-Americans
2nd Atchd Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-78
2nd Atchd Bn., 1st Separate Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-108
2nd Atchd Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-91
2nd Atchd Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-10
2nd Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-27
2nd Atchd Combat Co., G-S HQ, LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-97
2nd Atchd Co., WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-128
2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-6
2nd Bn., Bolo Combat Team, 61st Inf. Regt., 6th MD 14-9
2nd Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-76
2nd Bn., 1st Inf., McKinley Brigade, FAIT 275-7
2nd Bn., 1st Separate Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-105
2nd Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-80
2nd Bn., 4th Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-73
2nd Bn., 4th Regt., & Med Det, 2nd Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-16
2nd Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-8
2nd Bn., Talisay Regt., I Corps, PQOG 271-22
2nd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-24
2nd Bn., 21st Inf., MMD, ECLGA 308-7
2nd Bn., Upland Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-123
2nd Camarines Sur Regt., FAIT 110-21
2nd Combat Co., 5th Div., I Corps, PQOG 271-7
2nd Co., Bolo Unit (Ind) 174
2nd Co., 1st Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD 309-94
2nd Co., 2nd Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD 309-97
2nd Co., 3rd Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD 309-100
2nd (Composite) Regt., I Corps, PQOG 271-36
2nd Div. Staff, IV Army Corps, MFA 109-85
2nd Grla Brigade, 11th Grla Warfare Div. 17-25
2nd Inf., McKinley Div., FAIT 275-8
2nd Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) 272-3
2nd Operative Dist, Hocson Unit, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD 16-3
2nd Pangasinan Regt., PTMD, ECLGA 308-24
2nd Prov Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-31
2nd Prov Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-15
2nd Prov bn, 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-32
2nd Prov Bn., 3rd Pangasinan Regt., PTMD, ECLGA 308-27
2nd Prov Regt., ECLGA 308-82
2nd Prov Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-42
2nd Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-43
2nd Regt., Central Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno 185-11
2nd Regt., 1st Div., IV Army Corps, MFA 109-82
2nd Regt., 1st Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-7
2nd Regt., 4th Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-32
2nd Regt., LGAF 102-8
2nd Regt., Nasugbu, FAIT 110-51
2nd Regt., PMD, ECLGA 308-51
2nd Regt., 2nd Div., IV Army Corps, MFA 109-87
2nd Regt., III AC (David's Command) 209-54
2nd Regt., Western Div., Army of the Agno 185-8
2nd Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-40
2nd Separate Bn. w/Atchd Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-41
2nd S.S. Bn., Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-43
2nd Yay Regiment, Marking's Fil-Americans (MFA) 109-3
Secret Medical Organization, MFA 109-6
Secret Service Operatives, Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-40
Sector #3, PQOG 271-33
Sector 41, Salt Military Area, Anderson's Grlas 101-18
Sector 42 (Alzaga Bn.), SMA, Anderson's Grlas 101-4
Sector 43, SMA, Anderson's Grlas 101-3
Seminar Unit 121
Separate Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP  1-38
Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-60 to 1-63
Separate Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-37
Separate Bn., WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-129
Separate Co., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-114 to 1-118
Separate Co., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-17 to 1-18
Sv Co., Med & Supply Unit & Intell Unit, Luzon Grla Forces 286-7
Sv Co., San Antonio Sector, Sqdn. C, Zambales MD 309-48
Sv Co., III AC (David's Command) 209-55
Sv Troop, Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-31
7th & 8th Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT 275-15
17th Regt., 15th Div., I Corps, PQOG 271-8
17th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-55
7th Allied Intell Bureau (AID), Luzon Unit (under Villanueva) 6-2
7th (Dolores) Regt., 5th Inf. Div., I Corps, PQOG 271-5
7th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) 272-6
7th Military District 6-1 to 6-5
7th MD (Abcede) 6-1
7th Operative Dist, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD 16-8
7th Regt. (Cavite Unit), Straughn's FAIT 110-53
7th Regt., 3rd Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-25
7th Regt., 34th Div. 221
7th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-48
71st Inf., MMD, ECLGA 308-14
73rd Div. East Negros Forces (Ind) 6-4
Shore Patrol, ELBS, II Army Corps, MFA 109-73
Signal Co., Special Unit, Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-30
Silangan Regt., Malakas Div., Blue Eagle Brigade 213-5
Siniloan Volunteer Corps, FAIT 110-62
16th Inf., USAFIP NL 274-8
16th Separate Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-95
16th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-54
6th Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-35
6th Inf. Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT 275-13
6th Military District 14-1 to 14-13
6th Operative Dist, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD 16-7
6th Prov Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-113
6th Prov Regt., LGAF 102-9
6th Regt., PMD, ECLGA 308-55
6th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-47
60th Inf. Regt., 5th MD (Patriotic Sons of the Phil Grlas) 235-6
65th Combat Team, 6th MD 14-6
61st Combat Team, 6th MD 14-2
61st Inf., MMD, ECLGA 308-13
64th Combat Team, 6th MD 14-5
62nd Combat Team, 6th MD 14-3
66th Combat Team, 6th MD 14-7
66th Inf., USAFIP NL 274-5
63rd Combat Team, 6th MD 14-4
SMS [Serafim M. Silvestre] Regt., III AC (David's Cmd) 209-49
Soriano's 1st Independent Guerrillas 28
Sorsogon Regt., Intelligence Unit 216
Southeastern Nueva Ecija Sector, LGAF 102-15
Southern Cebu Sector, USAFFE Band 2-3
Southern Luzon Command, Hukbalahap 118-3
Southern Nueva Ecija Grla Unit, Cabanatuan Sector 62
South Sector Regt., Barrions Manila Division, USAFIP 210-3
Spanish-American War Veterans (Barker's Unit) 308-88
Spark Regiment, II Corps, PQOG 262-4
Spear Bn., 36th Inf. Regt., 34th Grla Div. 270-5
Special Co., Iba Sector, Sqdn. B, Zambales MD 309-30
Special Co., Masinloc Sector, Sqdn. A, Zambales MD 309-11
Special Co., McKinley Div., FAIT 275-4
Special Det, 4th Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-37
Special Det Radio Station CUP (Anderson's Grlas) 101-13
Special Det, 2nd Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-23
Special Intell Det, 10th MD 280-12
Special Intell Section, Nueva Ecija 296
Special intell Unit, AIB, "PACO" 16-11
Special Military Intelligence 55
Special Separate Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-83
Special Sv Unit, ECLGA 308-68
Special Unayan Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-96
Spider Regt., QMC, II Army Corps, MFA 109-59
Sqdn. 1, LGAF 102-24
Sqdn. 3, C Co., Aquino's Regt., Hukbalahap 118-5
Sqdn. 25, 3rd Bn., 8th Regional Command, Hukbalahap 118-7
Sqdn. 30 (negrito) STMD, LGF (Bruce's Grlas) 286-5
Sqdn. 31, Hukbalahap 118-8
Sqdn. 45, C Co., Aquino's Regt., Hukbalahap 118-6
Sqdn. 51, NWPMD 107-2
Sqdn. 52, NWPMD 107-3
Sqdn. 54, ECLGA 308-69
Sqdns. 72 & 74, Pampanga MD, ECLGA 308-57
Sqdn. 75 194
Sqdn. 77, ECLGA (Bell's Unit) 308-78
Sqdn. 80, Bulacan Military Area (BMA) 214-16
Sqdn. 85, Bulacan Military Area (BMA) 214-17
Sqdn. 86, BMA (Biak-na-Bato Regt.) 214-22
Sqdn. 87, Bulacan Military Area (BMA) 214-18
Sqdn. 101, Bamban Bn., STMD, LGF (Bruce's Grlas) 286-4
Sqdn. 101, LGAF 102-25
Sqdn. 102, LGAF 102-26
Sqdn. 106, LGF 286-12
Sqdn. 111, LGAF 102-29
Sqdn. 122, LGAF 102-30
Sqdn. 123, LGAF 102-31
Sqdn. 130, LGAF 102-32
Sqdn. 150, LGAF 102-33
Sqdn. 155, LGF 286-13
Sqdn. 160, LGAF 102-34
Sqdn. 168, LGAF 102-35
Sqdn. 180, Anderson's Grlas 101-16
Sqdn. 200, LGAF 102-36
Sqdn. 201, LGAF 102-37
Sqdn. 202, LGAF 102-38
Sqdn. 203, LGAF 102-39
Sqdn. 204, LGAF 102-40
Sqdn. 205, LGAF 102-41
Sqdn. 206, LGAF 102-42
Sqdn. 206A, LGAF 102-43
Sqdn. 207, LGAF 102-44
Sqdn. 211, LGAF 102-45
Sqdn. 213, LGAF 102-46
Sqdn. 221, LGAF 102-47
Sqdn. 222, LGAF 102-48
Sqdn. 223, LGAF 102-49
Sqdn. 224, LGAF 102-50
Sqdn. 225, LGAF 102-51
Sqdn. 226, LGAF 102-52
Sqdn. 227, LGAF 102-53
Sqdn. 228, LGAF 102-54
Sqdn. 229, LGAF 102-55
Sqdn. 235, LGAF 102-56
Sqdn. 255, LGAF 102-57
Sqdn. 265, LGAF 102-58
Sqdn. 267, LGAF 102-59
Sqdn. 268, LGAF 102-60
Sqdn. 269, LGAF 102-61
Sqdn. 270, LGAF 102-62
Sqdn. 300, LGAF 102-63
Sqdn. 303, LGAF 102-64
Sqdn. 303A, LGAF 102-65
Sqdn. 304, LGAF 102-66
Sqdn. 311, LGAF 102-67
Sqdn. 320, LGAF 102-68
Sqdn. 333, LGAF 102-69
Sqdn. 380, LGAF 102-70
Sqdn. 399, LGAF 102-71
Sqdn. 401, LGAF 102-72
Sqdn. 402, LGAF 102-73
Sqdn. 403, LGAF 102-74
Sqdn. 407, Sector 41, Salt Military Area, Andersons Grlas 101-8
Sqdn. 409, Salt Military Area, Anderson's Grlas 101-5
Sqdn. 425, LGAF 102-75
Sqdn. 427, LGAF 102-76
Sqdn. 430, LGAF 102-77
Sqdn. 430, (Ind) 289
Sqdn. 438, LGAF 102-78
Sqdn. 439, LGAF 102-79
Stars & Stripes Unit 34
Stevenot Regt., MFA 109-58
Straughn Div., FAIT 110-36
Straughn Regt., FAIT 110-38
Sub Net A, Dist Intell West Central Luzon, 6th MD 16-14
Suicide & Sabotage Section, S-3, Hocson Unit, Free Luzon Intell Echelon 16-10
Suicide Bn., 3rd Inf. Regt., FAC 134
Sulu Area Command 305-1

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
Taal-Lemery Women Auxiliary Corps, 2nd Bn., 49th Regt., 47th Div., Hunters-ROTC 307-39
Tacloban-Babatngon Sector 17-11
Tafalla Unit, II Corps, PQOG 262-6
Tagig-Pateros Unit, I AC, MFA 109-41
Talim Island Unit, MFAT 109-11
Talisayan Misamis Oriental Grla Forces 258
Tamaraw Grla Unit, Abra de Ilog, Mindoro 250
Tamarao's Regiment, MFA 109-93
Tanauan Grla Combat Team 109-89
Tanauan Grlas Zebra Troops 255
Tanauan Unit, MFA 109-63
Tanay Unit, San Juan Regt., MFAT 109-25
Tangcong Vaca Grla Unit 247
Tanggulan Mil Organ (TMO) FAIT 110-27
Tanib (Dayrit Unit) Independent 294
Taparan's Unit 206-1
Tarlac ROTC 307-10
Tayabas Regt., II AC, MFA 109-70
Tayabas (2nd Inf.) Regt., Folsom's Fil-Amer Grlas 156-7
TE Bn., Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-20
10th Military District 280-1 to 280-22
10th Regt., 3rd Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-28
10th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-51
Teresa Unit, Marking's Fil-Americans 109-99
10th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) 272-8
III AC (David's Command) 209-1 to 209-59
3rd Atchd Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-80
3rd Atchd Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-11
3rd Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-28
3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-21
3rd Bn. & Mizpah Intel Unit, Nakar Div., ECLGA 308-63
3rd Bn., 5th Regt., FAIT 110-65
3rd Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-77
3rd Bn., 1st Separate Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-106
3rd Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-89
3rd Bn., 4th Regt., 2nd Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-17
3rd Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-9
3rd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-25
3rd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-26
3rd Coastal Bn., 3rd Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-69
3rd Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-67
3rd Co., 1st Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD 309-95
3rd Co., 2nd Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD 309-98
3rd Co., 3rd Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD 309-101
3rd Grla Brigade, 11th Grla Warfare Div. 17-27
3rd Infantry Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT 275-9
3rd Laguna Regt., II Army Corps, MFA 109-9
3rd (Nocum) Regt., Folsom's Fil-American Grlas 156-3
3rd Operative Dist (Charles Hope Unit), Hocson Unit,Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD 16-4
3rd Pangasinan Regt., PTMD, ECLGA 308-25
3rd Prov Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-29
3rd Prov Regt., Philippine Scouts (PRPS) 203
3rd Prov Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-44
3rd Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-44
3rd Eegt, Central Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno 185-12
3rd Regt., Fil-American Irregular Troops (FAIT) 110-16
3rd Regt., 1st Div., IV Army Corps, MFA 109-83
3rd Regt., 1st Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-10
3rd Regt., 4th Div., III AC (David's Command) 209-34
3rd Regt., PMD, ECLGA 308-52
3rd Regt., 2nd Div., IV Army Corps, MFA 109-88
3rd Regt., Western Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno 185-9
3rd Sabotage & Intell Bn., Sulu (AIB) PAAC 227
3rd Separate Bn., or 3rd Atchd Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-92
3rd Separate Bn., Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-94
13th Inf., 11th Div., Northern Luzon Grla Forces (Madamba Grla Outfit) 54-3
13th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) 272-11
13th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-52
30th National Volunteers Regt., Northern Luzon (Agno) Area, Army of the Agno 185-21
35th Infantry Div., I Corps, PQOG 271-12
31st Inf., MMD, ECLGA 308-10
31st Inf. Prov Guerrilla Bn. 301
31st Inf. Regt., Bul MD, ECLGA 308-19
31st Inf. Regt., Mt. Province, Army of the Agno 185-22
34th Inf. Regt., 34th Guerrilla Div. 270-2
32nd Inf. Regt., Bul MD, ECLGA 308-20
32nd Inf. Regt., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno 185-23
36th Inf. Regt., 35th Div., I Corps, PQOG 271-13
36th Inf. Regt., 34th Grla Div. 270-4
Thorpe Grla Regt. 211
Thorp's USAFFE Grla 43
300th Independent Grla Sqdn. 155
Ticao Courier & Transport Pltn, Intell Sec, 6th MD 14-11
Tilik Co., Tilik Unit, Lubang Special Bn. 154
Tinambac Civilian Scouts (Ronda) 288
Tokyo Special Agents 130
Tolosa Area Command 17-32
Transport Bn., Bataan MD, ECLGA 308-36
The Trigger Man & Intell Sqdn. (Ind) 177
Triggors Unit, Mal-Rizaldi, Hunters-ROTC 307-13
Trimvirate Grlas 112
Tuason Traveling Grla Unit 268
Tuy Unit, FAIT 110-63
12th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) 272-10
12th Inf. Regt., McKinley 275-17
12th Inf., USAFIP NL 274-7
20th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-59
28th National Volunteers Inf. Regt., Northern Luzon (Agno) Area, Army of the Agno 185-19
25th Intell Sqdn., LGAF 102-4
25th National Volunteers Regt., Northern Luzon (Agno) Area, Army of the Agno 185-16
25th Reconnaisance Sqdn., LGAF 102-5
25th Red Lion Div., I Corps, PQOG 271-10
25th Red Lion Regt., National Vol of the Philippines 110-26
21st Inf., MMD, ECLGA 308-9
24th Inf. Regt., Tayuk Det, Army of the Agno 185-29
24th National Volunteers Inf. Regt., Northern Luzon (Agno) Area, Army of the Agno 185-15
29th Inf. Regt., Northern Luzon (Agno), Army of the Agno 185-20
22nd Anti-Sabotage Regt., 6th Eastern Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan Army Corps, Army of the Agno 185-24
27th Inf. Regt., 25th Red Lions Inf. Div., I Corps, PQOG 271-11
27th Regt., Northern Luzon (Agno) Area, Army of the Agno 185-18
26th National Volunteers Regt., Northern Luzon Agno Area, Army of the Agno 185-17
206th Grla Bn. (Ind) 65

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
Underground Intelligence Resistance 267
United Strength of Soldiers & Civilian Forces 191
Unit IV, Div. III, Dagami Area Command 17-22
Unit I, Div. IV, 95th Inf. Regt., 92nd Div., LAC 17-16
Unit X, U.S. Forces in the Philippines 280-13
Unit II, Div. II, Dagami Area Command 17-18
Unit II, Div. IV, 95th Inf. Regt., 92nd Div., LAC 17-17
Upland Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-121
USAFFE Camarines Norte Station 222
USAFFE Intell Unit & Japanese Counter Propaganda 86
USAFFE Sqdn. 82, BMA 214-21
USAFFE Sqdn. 156, Bulacan Mil Area (BMA) 214-19
USSAFE Veterans Grla Unit (Rinconada Det) 219
U.S. Army World War Chinese Grlas 106-2
(U.S.) Army World War Veterans 163
U.S. Chinese Volunteers in the Philippines 106-2
U.S. Counter Enemy Propaganda Bureau 181
USFIP, Fort Bn. 306
USFIP Underground Unit 149

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
Valenzuela Regt., Bulacan Mil Area (BMA) 214-5
Valera's Regt., MFA 109-94
Valera's Regt., III AC (David's Command) 209-51
VAUSA Of Burias Det 228
Vera's Tayabas Grlas 277
Victoria Unit, FAIT 110-11
Victorias Hunters Legion 193
Victory Bn., Victory Unit, MFA 109-8
Villavicencio's Unit (3rd Bn.), 3rd Inf. Regt., Folsom's 156-6
Vinzon's Div., Turko's Command 224
Vinzon's Intell Combat Team 226
Vinzon's Regt., Nakar Div., ECLGA 308-59
Virac Troopers 217
Voice of Freedom, McQue Div. 98
Voice of the Underground Propaganda Corps,ECLGA 308-79
Volunteer Guard Bn., 2nd Bn., 43rd Inf. Regt., Cebu 2-2
Volunteer Guard Bolo Bn. in Panalo-on, Kapatagan, Lanao 283
Volunteer Guards, Cebu Area Command (CAC) 2-7
Volunteer Guard Force, 3rd Regt., Barili, 87th Inf. Area 2-5
Vol Guards of Barrios Castilla & Cepilla 17-12
Vol Guard of Barrio Malaguicay 17-5
Vol Guards of Himamaylan 6-5
Vol Guards of Tuburan 2-4
Vol Guards Organ of Caibiran 17-4
Vol Guard Force in the Islands of Cebu 2-9
Vol Guard, Tolosa Sector 17-13
Vol Guards, Unit V, Div. I, Dagami Area Command 17-19
Vol Guard Unit (Regt.) 17-10
Vol Guerrillas 70
Vol Grlas of Labuan, Zamboanga City 79
Vulcan Inf. Regt. 213-12

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
WAS Organization in Liloan, Leyte 17-30
WAS, 2nd Grla Brigade, 11th Grla Warfare Div. 17-26
Walter Cushing's Regt. See Major Walter Cushings Grlas
Water Transport, QMC, FAIT 110-58
Western Bulacan Dist, ECLGA (Barker's Unit) 308-81
Western Lanao Special Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-65
Western Leyte Grla Warfare Forces (WLGWF) 17-14
Western LGF (Zambales) 89
Western Marauders, 3rd Bn., 2nd Pangasinan Regt. 302
Western Pangasinan Guerrilla Forces 61
Western Pangasinan Guerrilla Forces 260
Western Pangasinan Grla Unit 94
Western Slope Zambales Grla Organization 115
WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP 1-125
Women's Auxiliary Corps of Bais Guerrilla Unit 298
Women's Auxiliary Service, Agoho-Mambajao Sector, 110th Regt., 110th Div., 10th MD 280-22
Women's Auxiliary Service, 103rd Regt., LGAF 102-28

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
X Co., 6th Bn., 3rd Pangasinan Regt., PTMD, ECLGA 308-28

Guerrilla Unit File Number(s)
Zambales Free Area, Hunters-ROTC 307-6
Zambales MD, Magsaysay's Grlas 309-1 to -106
Zobel's Guerrilla Unit 137

Source Note: This list originally appeared as Appendix C in the National Archives Special List 61, The Philippine Archives Collection: A Special List of Documents in Record Group 407, Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917–, Concerning U. S. Army and Guerilla Units in the Philippines during World War II, compiled by Jo Ann Williamson and Frank H. Serene (2003).
