Philippine Archives Collection | Alphabetical List of Guerrilla Units
Alphabetical List of Guerrilla Units and Their File Codes in the Guerrilla Unit Recognition Files
P - Z
Because of the complexity and number of the names of guerrilla units, this list has been alphabetized as if the numbers of numbered units were spelled out and as if abbreviations were spelled out. Thus, “14th Inf. Rgt.” precedes “4st Inf. Rgt.” as “fourteenth” precedes “fourth;” and “HQ” [headquarters] precedes “Heroes.” Moreover, the unit names are taken from labels in the records and thus vary in style. For example, the researcher looking for “Company A” should check this list under both that label and “A Company” or “A Co.”
For definitions of abbreviations, refer to the Philippine Archives Collection: Glossary of Initialisms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. To learn more about the collection, visit The Journey of the Philippine Archives Collection pages.
For more information about the records, see the full National Archives Catalog description of the series Guerrilla Unit Recognition Files, 1941 - 1948 (National Archives Identifier 1257644).
Guerrilla Unit | File Number(s) |
Saber Force | 51 |
Sablayan Guerrilla Bn. | 198 |
Sab & Dem Pltn, Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-35 |
Sab & Dem Unit, 4th Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-47 |
Sabotage Unit, Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-34 |
Saboteur & MID Regt., MFAT | 109-16 |
St. Michael's Unit, 48th Regt., 47th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-29 |
Saint's Regt., II Army Corps, MFA | 109-61 |
Salvador's Combat Unit, I Army Corps, MFA | 109-38 |
Salvador's Intell Unit, I Army Corps, MFA | 109-29 |
Salva's Intelligence Unit, II Army Corps, MFA | 109-54 |
Samar Area Command | 212-1 |
Saniano's Dayside Bn., MFA | 109-56 |
San Isidro Sector, Southern Nueva Ecija Sector, Anderson's Guerrillas | 101-11 |
San Jose Batangas Guerrillas, MFAIT | 110-37 |
San Jose Guerrilla Unit | 300 |
San Juan Combat Unit, I Army Corps, MFA | 109-28 |
San Juan Ermitano Unit, 44th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-18 |
San Juan MP Unit, FAIT | 110-19 |
San Juan Regt., FAIT | 110-68 |
San Juan Regt., MFAT | 109-24 |
San Juan Unit, FAIT | 110-18 |
Sta Ana Vigilantes | 56 |
Sta Barbara Regt., 1st Organ Pangasinan Army Corps, Army of the Agno | 185-26 |
Santa Cruz Convalescent Home Guerrilla Unit (Ind) | 249 |
Sta Cruz Regimental Guerrillas | 145 |
Sta Fe Brigade, FAIT | 110-13 |
Santa Fe Sector, Western Luzon Grla Forces | 89 |
Santa Maria Det, McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-18 |
Sta Maria Unit, I Army Corps, MFA | 109-33 |
Santa Maria V-J Unit, 45th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-21 |
Santa Mesa Unit, FAIT | 110-59 |
Sta Mesa Unit, 44th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-19 |
Sta Rosa Poblacion Unit (Celestial Fiv, I AC, MFA | 109-12 |
Sta Rosa Sector, SNES (Anderson's Command) | 101-12 |
Santolan Unit, MFA | 109-23 |
Sto Tomas Guerrilla Unit, I Corps, PQOG | 271-29 |
Sto Tomas Service Pltn | 303 |
Santos Bn., FAIT | 110-25 |
Santos Combat Unit, II Army Corps, MFA | 109-61A |
Sariaya Guerrilla Unit | 24 |
Sarrat Independent unit, FAIT | 110-32 |
Saulog Guerrilla Forces | 175 |
Sawang Mountain Troops, Zambales MD | 309-106 |
2nd (Ancheta) Regt., Folsom's Fil-American Grlas | 156-2 |
II Army Corps. See Marking's Fil-Americans | |
2nd Atchd Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-78 |
2nd Atchd Bn., 1st Separate Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-108 |
2nd Atchd Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-91 |
2nd Atchd Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-10 |
2nd Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-27 |
2nd Atchd Combat Co., G-S HQ, LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-97 |
2nd Atchd Co., WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-128 |
2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-6 |
2nd Bn., Bolo Combat Team, 61st Inf. Regt., 6th MD | 14-9 |
2nd Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-76 |
2nd Bn., 1st Inf., McKinley Brigade, FAIT | 275-7 |
2nd Bn., 1st Separate Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-105 |
2nd Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-80 |
2nd Bn., 4th Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-73 |
2nd Bn., 4th Regt., & Med Det, 2nd Div., III AC (David's Command) | 209-16 |
2nd Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-8 |
2nd Bn., Talisay Regt., I Corps, PQOG | 271-22 |
2nd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-24 |
2nd Bn., 21st Inf., MMD, ECLGA | 308-7 |
2nd Bn., Upland Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-123 |
2nd Camarines Sur Regt., FAIT | 110-21 |
2nd Combat Co., 5th Div., I Corps, PQOG | 271-7 |
2nd Co., Bolo Unit (Ind) | 174 |
2nd Co., 1st Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD | 309-94 |
2nd Co., 2nd Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD | 309-97 |
2nd Co., 3rd Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD | 309-100 |
2nd (Composite) Regt., I Corps, PQOG | 271-36 |
2nd Div. Staff, IV Army Corps, MFA | 109-85 |
2nd Grla Brigade, 11th Grla Warfare Div. | 17-25 |
2nd Inf., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-8 |
2nd Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) | 272-3 |
2nd Operative Dist, Hocson Unit, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD | 16-3 |
2nd Pangasinan Regt., PTMD, ECLGA | 308-24 |
2nd Prov Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-31 |
2nd Prov Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-15 |
2nd Prov bn, 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-32 |
2nd Prov Bn., 3rd Pangasinan Regt., PTMD, ECLGA | 308-27 |
2nd Prov Regt., ECLGA | 308-82 |
2nd Prov Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-42 |
2nd Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-43 |
2nd Regt., Central Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno | 185-11 |
2nd Regt., 1st Div., IV Army Corps, MFA | 109-82 |
2nd Regt., 1st Div., III AC (David's Command) | 209-7 |
2nd Regt., 4th Div., III AC (David's Command) | 209-32 |
2nd Regt., LGAF | 102-8 |
2nd Regt., Nasugbu, FAIT | 110-51 |
2nd Regt., PMD, ECLGA | 308-51 |
2nd Regt., 2nd Div., IV Army Corps, MFA | 109-87 |
2nd Regt., III AC (David's Command) | 209-54 |
2nd Regt., Western Div., Army of the Agno | 185-8 |
2nd Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-40 |
2nd Separate Bn. w/Atchd Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-41 |
2nd S.S. Bn., Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-43 |
2nd Yay Regiment, Marking's Fil-Americans (MFA) | 109-3 |
Secret Medical Organization, MFA | 109-6 |
Secret Service Operatives, Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-40 |
Sector #3, PQOG | 271-33 |
Sector 41, Salt Military Area, Anderson's Grlas | 101-18 |
Sector 42 (Alzaga Bn.), SMA, Anderson's Grlas | 101-4 |
Sector 43, SMA, Anderson's Grlas | 101-3 |
Seminar Unit | 121 |
Separate Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-38 |
Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-60 to 1-63 |
Separate Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-37 |
Separate Bn., WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-129 |
Separate Co., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-114 to 1-118 |
Separate Co., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-17 to 1-18 |
Sv Co., Med & Supply Unit & Intell Unit, Luzon Grla Forces | 286-7 |
Sv Co., San Antonio Sector, Sqdn. C, Zambales MD | 309-48 |
Sv Co., III AC (David's Command) | 209-55 |
Sv Troop, Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-31 |
7th & 8th Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-15 |
17th Regt., 15th Div., I Corps, PQOG | 271-8 |
17th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-55 |
7th Allied Intell Bureau (AID), Luzon Unit (under Villanueva) | 6-2 |
7th (Dolores) Regt., 5th Inf. Div., I Corps, PQOG | 271-5 |
7th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) | 272-6 |
7th Military District | 6-1 to 6-5 |
7th MD (Abcede) | 6-1 |
7th Operative Dist, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD | 16-8 |
7th Regt. (Cavite Unit), Straughn's FAIT | 110-53 |
7th Regt., 3rd Div., III AC (David's Command) | 209-25 |
7th Regt., 34th Div. | 221 |
7th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-48 |
71st Inf., MMD, ECLGA | 308-14 |
73rd Div. East Negros Forces (Ind) | 6-4 |
Shore Patrol, ELBS, II Army Corps, MFA | 109-73 |
Signal Co., Special Unit, Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-30 |
Silangan Regt., Malakas Div., Blue Eagle Brigade | 213-5 |
Siniloan Volunteer Corps, FAIT | 110-62 |
16th Inf., USAFIP NL | 274-8 |
16th Separate Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-95 |
16th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-54 |
6th Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-35 |
6th Inf. Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-13 |
6th Military District | 14-1 to 14-13 |
6th Operative Dist, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD | 16-7 |
6th Prov Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-113 |
6th Prov Regt., LGAF | 102-9 |
6th Regt., PMD, ECLGA | 308-55 |
6th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-47 |
60th Inf. Regt., 5th MD (Patriotic Sons of the Phil Grlas) | 235-6 |
65th Combat Team, 6th MD | 14-6 |
61st Combat Team, 6th MD | 14-2 |
61st Inf., MMD, ECLGA | 308-13 |
64th Combat Team, 6th MD | 14-5 |
62nd Combat Team, 6th MD | 14-3 |
66th Combat Team, 6th MD | 14-7 |
66th Inf., USAFIP NL | 274-5 |
63rd Combat Team, 6th MD | 14-4 |
SMS [Serafim M. Silvestre] Regt., III AC (David's Cmd) | 209-49 |
Soriano's 1st Independent Guerrillas | 28 |
Sorsogon Regt., Intelligence Unit | 216 |
Southeastern Nueva Ecija Sector, LGAF | 102-15 |
Southern Cebu Sector, USAFFE Band | 2-3 |
Southern Luzon Command, Hukbalahap | 118-3 |
Southern Nueva Ecija Grla Unit, Cabanatuan Sector | 62 |
South Sector Regt., Barrions Manila Division, USAFIP | 210-3 |
Spanish-American War Veterans (Barker's Unit) | 308-88 |
Spark Regiment, II Corps, PQOG | 262-4 |
Spear Bn., 36th Inf. Regt., 34th Grla Div. | 270-5 |
Special Co., Iba Sector, Sqdn. B, Zambales MD | 309-30 |
Special Co., Masinloc Sector, Sqdn. A, Zambales MD | 309-11 |
Special Co., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-4 |
Special Det, 4th Div., III AC (David's Command) | 209-37 |
Special Det Radio Station CUP (Anderson's Grlas) | 101-13 |
Special Det, 2nd Div., III AC (David's Command) | 209-23 |
Special Intell Det, 10th MD | 280-12 |
Special Intell Section, Nueva Ecija | 296 |
Special intell Unit, AIB, "PACO" | 16-11 |
Special Military Intelligence | 55 |
Special Separate Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-83 |
Special Sv Unit, ECLGA | 308-68 |
Special Unayan Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-96 |
Spider Regt., QMC, II Army Corps, MFA | 109-59 |
Sqdn. 1, LGAF | 102-24 |
Sqdn. 3, C Co., Aquino's Regt., Hukbalahap | 118-5 |
Sqdn. 25, 3rd Bn., 8th Regional Command, Hukbalahap | 118-7 |
Sqdn. 30 (negrito) STMD, LGF (Bruce's Grlas) | 286-5 |
Sqdn. 31, Hukbalahap | 118-8 |
Sqdn. 45, C Co., Aquino's Regt., Hukbalahap | 118-6 |
Sqdn. 51, NWPMD | 107-2 |
Sqdn. 52, NWPMD | 107-3 |
Sqdn. 54, ECLGA | 308-69 |
Sqdns. 72 & 74, Pampanga MD, ECLGA | 308-57 |
Sqdn. 75 | 194 |
Sqdn. 77, ECLGA (Bell's Unit) | 308-78 |
Sqdn. 80, Bulacan Military Area (BMA) | 214-16 |
Sqdn. 85, Bulacan Military Area (BMA) | 214-17 |
Sqdn. 86, BMA (Biak-na-Bato Regt.) | 214-22 |
Sqdn. 87, Bulacan Military Area (BMA) | 214-18 |
Sqdn. 101, Bamban Bn., STMD, LGF (Bruce's Grlas) | 286-4 |
Sqdn. 101, LGAF | 102-25 |
Sqdn. 102, LGAF | 102-26 |
Sqdn. 106, LGF | 286-12 |
Sqdn. 111, LGAF | 102-29 |
Sqdn. 122, LGAF | 102-30 |
Sqdn. 123, LGAF | 102-31 |
Sqdn. 130, LGAF | 102-32 |
Sqdn. 150, LGAF | 102-33 |
Sqdn. 155, LGF | 286-13 |
Sqdn. 160, LGAF | 102-34 |
Sqdn. 168, LGAF | 102-35 |
Sqdn. 180, Anderson's Grlas | 101-16 |
Sqdn. 200, LGAF | 102-36 |
Sqdn. 201, LGAF | 102-37 |
Sqdn. 202, LGAF | 102-38 |
Sqdn. 203, LGAF | 102-39 |
Sqdn. 204, LGAF | 102-40 |
Sqdn. 205, LGAF | 102-41 |
Sqdn. 206, LGAF | 102-42 |
Sqdn. 206A, LGAF | 102-43 |
Sqdn. 207, LGAF | 102-44 |
Sqdn. 211, LGAF | 102-45 |
Sqdn. 213, LGAF | 102-46 |
Sqdn. 221, LGAF | 102-47 |
Sqdn. 222, LGAF | 102-48 |
Sqdn. 223, LGAF | 102-49 |
Sqdn. 224, LGAF | 102-50 |
Sqdn. 225, LGAF | 102-51 |
Sqdn. 226, LGAF | 102-52 |
Sqdn. 227, LGAF | 102-53 |
Sqdn. 228, LGAF | 102-54 |
Sqdn. 229, LGAF | 102-55 |
Sqdn. 235, LGAF | 102-56 |
Sqdn. 255, LGAF | 102-57 |
Sqdn. 265, LGAF | 102-58 |
Sqdn. 267, LGAF | 102-59 |
Sqdn. 268, LGAF | 102-60 |
Sqdn. 269, LGAF | 102-61 |
Sqdn. 270, LGAF | 102-62 |
Sqdn. 300, LGAF | 102-63 |
Sqdn. 303, LGAF | 102-64 |
Sqdn. 303A, LGAF | 102-65 |
Sqdn. 304, LGAF | 102-66 |
Sqdn. 311, LGAF | 102-67 |
Sqdn. 320, LGAF | 102-68 |
Sqdn. 333, LGAF | 102-69 |
Sqdn. 380, LGAF | 102-70 |
Sqdn. 399, LGAF | 102-71 |
Sqdn. 401, LGAF | 102-72 |
Sqdn. 402, LGAF | 102-73 |
Sqdn. 403, LGAF | 102-74 |
Sqdn. 407, Sector 41, Salt Military Area, Andersons Grlas | 101-8 |
Sqdn. 409, Salt Military Area, Anderson's Grlas | 101-5 |
Sqdn. 425, LGAF | 102-75 |
Sqdn. 427, LGAF | 102-76 |
Sqdn. 430, LGAF | 102-77 |
Sqdn. 430, (Ind) | 289 |
Sqdn. 438, LGAF | 102-78 |
Sqdn. 439, LGAF | 102-79 |
Stars & Stripes Unit | 34 |
Stevenot Regt., MFA | 109-58 |
Straughn Div., FAIT | 110-36 |
Straughn Regt., FAIT | 110-38 |
Sub Net A, Dist Intell West Central Luzon, 6th MD | 16-14 |
Suicide & Sabotage Section, S-3, Hocson Unit, Free Luzon Intell Echelon | 16-10 |
Suicide Bn., 3rd Inf. Regt., FAC | 134 |
Sulu Area Command | 305-1 |
Guerrilla Unit | File Number(s) |
WAS Organization in Liloan, Leyte | 17-30 |
WAS, 2nd Grla Brigade, 11th Grla Warfare Div. | 17-26 |
Walter Cushing's Regt. See Major Walter Cushings Grlas | |
Water Transport, QMC, FAIT | 110-58 |
Western Bulacan Dist, ECLGA (Barker's Unit) | 308-81 |
Western Lanao Special Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-65 |
Western Leyte Grla Warfare Forces (WLGWF) | 17-14 |
Western LGF (Zambales) | 89 |
Western Marauders, 3rd Bn., 2nd Pangasinan Regt. | 302 |
Western Pangasinan Guerrilla Forces | 61 |
Western Pangasinan Guerrilla Forces | 260 |
Western Pangasinan Grla Unit | 94 |
Western Slope Zambales Grla Organization | 115 |
WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-125 |
Women's Auxiliary Corps of Bais Guerrilla Unit | 298 |
Women's Auxiliary Service, Agoho-Mambajao Sector, 110th Regt., 110th Div., 10th MD | 280-22 |
Women's Auxiliary Service, 103rd Regt., LGAF | 102-28 |
Source Note: This list originally appeared as Appendix C in the National Archives Special List 61, The Philippine Archives Collection: A Special List of Documents in Record Group 407, Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917–, Concerning U. S. Army and Guerilla Units in the Philippines during World War II, compiled by Jo Ann Williamson and Frank H. Serene (2003).