Philippine Archives Collection | Alphabetical List of Guerrilla Units
Alphabetical List of Guerrilla Units and Their File Codes in the Guerrilla Unit Recognition Files
Because of the complexity and number of the names of guerrilla units, this list has been alphabetized as if the numbers of numbered units were spelled out and as if abbreviations were spelled out. Thus, “14th Inf. Rgt.” precedes “4st Inf. Rgt.” as “fourteenth” precedes “fourth;” and “HQ” [headquarters] precedes “Heroes.” Moreover, the unit names are taken from labels in the records and thus vary in style. For example, the researcher looking for “Company A” should check this list under both that label and “A Company” or “A Co.”
For definitions of abbreviations, refer to the Philippine Archives Collection: Glossary of Initialisms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. To learn more about the collection, visit The Journey of the Philippine Archives Collection pages.
For more information about the records, see the full catalog description of the series
Guerrilla Unit Recognition Files, 1941 - 1948 (National Archives Identifier 1257644).
Guerrilla Unit | File Number(s) |
Farmer Labor Auxiliary Service (FLAS) | 166 |
Faros Brigade, FAIT | 110-23 |
F Co., Iba Sector, Sqdn. B, Zambales MD | 309-27 |
F Co., San Marcelino Sector, Sqdn. D, Zambales MD | 309-82 |
F Co., Sta Cruz Sector, Sqdn. A, Zambales MD | 309-15 |
Federal Service Philippine Guerrillas | 114 |
Federal Service Unit | 116 |
F-1st Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-39 |
5th Inf. Div., I Corps, PQOG | 271-2 |
5th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) | 272-5 |
5th Inf. Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-12 |
5th Inf. & 25th Replacement Regt., 1st Organ. Pangasinan Army, Army of the Agno | 185-30 |
5th Operative Dist, Hocson Unit, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD | 16-6 |
5th Provisional Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-112 |
5th Prov Regt., TWS, ECLGA | 308-72 |
5th Regt., Central Div., 1st Organ. Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno | 185-14 |
5th Regt., 5th Inf. Div., I Corps, PQOG | 271-4 |
5th Regt., PMD, ECLGA | 308-54 |
5th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-46 |
5th Skeleton Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-46 |
5th Separate Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-34 |
15th Infantry, USAFIP NL | 274-4 |
15th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-53 |
55th Inf. Regt., 51st Div., Zabat’s Grla Outfit | 235-4 |
51st Inf. G. del Pilar Div., ECLGA (Barker’s Unit) | 308-89 |
51st Infantry, MMD, ECLGA | 308-12 |
51st Inf. Regt., Zabat’s Grla Outfit | 235-2 |
54th Inf. Regt., 5th MD, USFIP | 239 |
59th Inf. Regt., 5th MD (Patriotic Sons of the Philippine Guerrillas) | 235-5 |
52nd Engr Bn., 52nd Inf. Div., 5th MD | 237-2 |
52nd Inf. Div., 5th MD | 237-1 |
52nd Inf. Regt., 5th MD (1st & 2nd Bns., Combat Intell Team), Zabat’s Grla Outfit | 235-3 |
57th Inf. Regt. | 310 |
53rd Inf. Regt., 3rd Camarinos Sur Sector, Camp Isarog | 242 |
Fighting Bolo Bn. of Madalum Lanao | 1-134 |
Fighting Bolo Bn. Unit. See Lanao Military Sector Fighting Bolo Bn. Unit, USAFIP | |
Fighting Bolo Bn. Unit | 57 |
Fighting Bolo Bn. Unit, Tamparan Military Sector | 1-131 |
Fil-American Chinese Grla Association-Mindanao | 280-15 |
Fil-American Chinese Loyal Patriots | 280-14 |
Fil-American Guerrillas, Taal-Lemery | 77 |
Fil-American International Trust, FAIT | 110-46 |
The Filipino Patriots | 299 |
Filipino Volunteer Detachment | 96 |
Filipino Volunteer Guerrilla Troops | 165 |
Filipino Volunteers of 1945 | 259 |
Filipino World War Veterans | 141 |
1st Anderson’s Bn., Anderson’s Grlas | 101-10 |
1st Army Corps. See Marking’s Fil-Americans | |
1st Army Corps Staff, MFA | 109-19 |
1st Attached Bn., 1st Separate Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFI | 1-107 |
1st Atchd Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-90 |
1st Atchd Bn., 4th Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-71 |
1st Atchd Bn., WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-126 |
1st Atchd Bn., WLTM Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-127 |
1st Bat-Cor Regt., ECLGA | 308-86 |
1st Baloi Combat Bn., Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-81 |
1st Batangas Regt., FAIT | 110-60 |
1st Bn., 5th Regt., 1st Div., FAIT | 110-17 |
1st Bn., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-75 |
1st Bn., 1st Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) | 272-2 |
1st Bn., 1st Inf., McLinley Div., FAIT | 275-6 |
1st Bn., 1st Separate Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-104 |
1st Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-87 |
1st Bn., 4th Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-72 |
1st Bn., 4th Regt., 2nd Brigade, FAIT | 110-10 |
1st Bn., Navotas Unit, MFA | 109-20 |
1st Bn., 121st Inf., Lamitan Area, Zamboanga | 91 |
1st Bn., San Juan Regt., I Corps, PQOG | 271-21 |
1st Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-7 |
1st Bn., II Corps, PQOG | 262-2 |
1st Bn., 7th Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-14 |
1st Bn., Singalong Sector, MMD, ECLGA | 308-4 |
1st Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-22 |
1st Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-23 |
1st Bn., 3rd Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) | 272-4 |
1st Bn., 38th Inf. Regt., 35th Div., I Corps, PQOG | 271-16 |
1st Bn., 35th Inf. Regt., 34th Guerrilla Division | 270-3 |
1st Bn., Upland Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-122 |
1st Bn., Wright Manalang Regt., 43rd Div., NEA | 252 |
1st Camarines Sur Regt., FAIT | 110-57 |
1st Cavite Regt., ECLGA | 308-90 |
1st Coastal Bn., 3rd Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-68 |
1st Combat Co., 1st Baloi Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-82 |
1st Co., 1st Bn., Botolan Special Regt., Zambales MD | 309-83 |
1st Div., FAIT | 110-14 |
1st Div. Staff, IV Army Corps, MFA | 109-80 |
1st Grla Brigade, 11th Grla Warfare Div. | 17-24 |
1st Inf. Regt., Barrion’s Manila Div., USFIP | 210-2 |
1st Inf. Regt., Folsom’s Fil-American Grlas | 156-1 |
1st Inf., MMD, ECLGA | 308-5 |
1st Laguna Regt., FAIT (Ibanez Regt., 1st Div., FAIT) | 110-7 |
1st Laguna Regt., I Corps, PQOG | 271-24 |
1st Laguna Regt., 1st Div., I Army Corps, MFA | 109-35 |
First MacArthur Commandos | 158 |
1st Manila Regt. | 22 |
1st Manila Regt. (NMU), ADF | 200-1 |
1st Mapandan Co. (Ind) | 202 |
1st (Nueva Ecija) Regt., Central Div., Army of the Agno | 185- 28 |
1st O’Donnell STMD, LGF (Bruce’s Grlas) | 286-10 |
1st Operative Dist, Hocson Unit, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD | 16-2 |
1st Pangasinan Regt., PTMD, ECLGA | 308-23 |
1st Prov Atchd Bn., 3rd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-30 |
1st Prov Bn., FAIT (Straughn’s) | 275-2 |
1st Prov Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-110 |
1st Prov Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-39 |
1st Prov Regt., FBBU, LMS | 1-136 |
1st Rodriguez PRPA Bn. | 170 |
1st Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-42 |
1st Regt., Central Brigade, 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno | 185-10 |
1st Regt., Eastern Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno | 185-5 |
1st Regt., I Corps, PQOG | 271-35 |
1st Regt., 1st Div., IV Army Corps, MFA | 109-81 |
1st Regt., 1st Div., III AC (David’s Command) | 209-5 |
1st Regt., 4th Div., III AC (David’s Command) | 209-30 |
1st Regt., LGAF | 102-7 |
1st Regt., Nasugbu, FAIT | 110-52 |
1st Regt., OMD, ECLGA | 308-49 |
1st Regt., II Corps, PQOG | 262-1 |
1st Regt., 2nd Div., IV Army Corps, MFA | 109-86 |
1st Regt., III AC (David’s Command) | 209-52 |
1st Regt., Volunteer Guards of Manila | 291 |
1st Regt., Western Brigade, 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno | 185-6 |
1st Regt., Western Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno | 185-7 |
1st Regular Manila Div., ADF | 200-2 |
1st Separate Bn., FBMD, LMS | 1-137 |
1st Separate Bn., 1st Unayan Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-93 |
1st & 2nd Tarlac Regts., STMD, LGF (Bruce’s Grlas) | 286-11 |
1st Tarlac Regt., PTMD, ECLGA | 308-64 |
1st Vinzon’s Regt | 225 |
1st Yay Regt., Marking’s Fil-Americans (MFA) | 109-2 |
1st Zaragosa Co., ECLGA | 308-71 |
400-A Tibag Squadron | 205 |
14th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACG) | 272-12 |
14th Infantry, USAFIP NL | 274-3 |
IV Army Corps. See Marking’s Fil-Americans | |
4th Atchd Bn., 2nd Basak Inf. Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-12 |
4th Bn., Golden Regt., Malakas Div., Blue Eagle Brigade | 213-11 |
4th Bn., 1st Tarlac Regt., PTMD, ECLGA | 308-65 |
4th Bn., 4th Regt., 2nd Div., III AC (David’s Command) | 209-18 |
4th Bn., McKinley Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-5 |
4th Bn. Spearmen Unit, Kiangan District | 159 |
4th Coastal Bn., 3rd Coastal Regt., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-70 |
4th Combat Bn., 21st Inf., MMD, ECLGA | 308-8 |
4th Corps Staff, IV Army Corps | 109-78 |
4th Grla Brigade, 11th Grla Warfare Div. | 17-28 |
4th Inf. Regt., Castaneda Unit (FACGF) | 272-14 |
4th Inf. Regt., Cushing Brigade, Folsom’s Fil-Amer Grlas | 156-8 |
4th Inf. Regt., McKinley Div., FAIT | 275-11 |
41st Inf., MMD, ECLGA | 308-11 |
4th Laguna De Bay Regt., FAIT | 110-30 |
4th Operative Dist, Hocson Unit, Free Luzon Intell Echelon, 6th MD | 16-5 |
4th Prov Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-111 |
4th Regt., Bataan MD, ECLGA | 308-45 |
4th Regt., Central Div., 1st Organ Pangasinan AC, Army of the Agno | 185-13 |
4th Regt., 1st Div., IV Army Corps, MFA | 109-84 |
4th Regt., 4th Div., III AC (David’s Command) | 209-35 |
4th Regt., Pasay-Paranaque Unit, ECLGA | 308-70 |
4th Regt., PMD, ECLGA | 308-53 |
4th Regt., 2nd Brigade, III AC (David’s Command) | 209-36 |
4th Separate Bn., LMS, FBBU, USAFIP | 1-45 |
48th Regt., 47th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-27 |
48th Special Regt., 47th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-31 |
45th Inf., Barrion’s Manila Div., USAFIP | 210-5 |
45th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-20 |
44th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-14 |
44th Regt., 44th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-15 |
47th Regt., 47th Div., Hunters-ROTC | 307-23 |
46th Regt., Tayabas, Hunters-ROTC | 307-22 |
Florida District, ECLGA (GUTAD) | 308-77 |
Flor’s Independent Provisional Bn | 229 |
Free Luzon Intelligence Echelon, 6th MD | 16-1 to 16-17 |
Free Philippine Partisan Bn. (Ind) | 113 |
Free Philippine Patriots KKK | 117 |
Free USAFFE Sabotage and Suicide Command | 147 |
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Source Note: This list originally appeared as Appendix C in the National Archives Special List 61, The Philippine Archives Collection: A Special List of Documents in Record Group 407, Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917–, Concerning U. S. Army and Guerilla Units in the Philippines during World War II, compiled by Jo Ann Williamson and Frank H. Serene (2003).
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