JFK Key Persons
Records Relating to Key Persons, 11/30/1963 - 09/24/1964
National Archives Identifier with link to National Archives Catalog Description |
Folder Title | Box # |
7460327 | Abt, John | 1 |
7460328 | Adamcik, J.P. | 1 |
7460329 | Adams, Robert | 1 |
7460330 | Adams, Vickie | 1 |
7460331 | Akin, Gene Dr. | 1 |
7460332 | Alba, Adrian Thomas | 1 |
7460333 | Alexander, William F | 1 |
7460334 | Allen, Mrs. J.U. | 1 |
7460335 | Altgens, James W | 1 |
7460336 | Anderson, Earl Spencer | 1 |
7460337 | Andrews, Dean Jr. | 1 |
7460338 | Applin, George Jr. | 1 |
7460339 | Arce, Daniel | 1 |
7460340 | Archer, Don Ray | 1 |
7460341 | Armstrong, Andrew | 2 |
7460342 | Arnett, Charles Oliver | 2 |
7460343 | Aycox, James | 2 |
7460344 | Baker, Mrs. Dorothy S. | 2 |
7460345 | Baker, Marion L. (Patrolman) | 2 |
7460346 | Baker, T.L. Lieutenant | 2 |
7460347 | Ballen, Samuel B. | 2 |
7460348 | Barbe, Emmett Charles Jr. | 2 |
7460349 | Bargas, Tommy | 2 |
7460350 | Barnes, Pete | 2 |
7460351 | Barnes, W.E. | 2 |
7460352 | Barnett, Eugene | 3 |
7460353 | Barnhorst, Colin | 3 |
7460354 | Barton, T.R. [empty folder] | 3 |
7460355 | Bashour, Fouad A., Dr. | 3 |
7460356 | Batchelor, Charles | 3 |
7460357 | Bates, Pauline Virginia | 3 |
7460358 | Baum, Pat Davenport | 3 |
7460359 | Baxter, Charles R., Dr. | 3 |
7460360 | Beaty, B. L. | 3 |
7460361 | Beck, E.R. | 3 |
7460362 | Beers, Ira J. | 3 |
7460363 | Bellocchio, Frank | 3 |
7460364 | Belmont, Alan H. | 3 |
7460365 | Benavides, Domingo | 3 |
7460366 | Benton, Nelson | 3 |
7460367 | Bieberdorf, Frederick | 4 |
7460368 | Biggio, William S. | 4 |
7460369 | Blalock, Vance | 4 |
7460370 | Deposition Mary E. Bledsoe, Julia Postal, George Jefferson Applin, Jr., William Arthur Smith | 4 |
7460371 | Bledsoe, Mary E. | 4 |
7460372 | Bogard, Albert G. | 4 |
7460373 | Bookhout, James W. | 4 |
7460374 | Boone, Eugene S. Deputy Sheriff | 4 |
7460375 | Boswell, J. Thornton Cdr | 4 |
7460376 | Botelho, James Anthony | 4 |
7460377 | Bouck, Robert | 4 |
7460378 | Boudreaux, Edward, Mrs. (Anne) | 4 |
7460379 | Bouhe, George | 4 |
7460380 | Bowers, Lee E. | 4 |
7460381 | Bowron, Diana | 4 |
7460382 | Boyd, E.L. | 4 |
7460383 | Branch, John H. | 4 |
7460384 | Brennan, Howard L. | 4 |
7460385 | Brewer, E.D. Deposition see Haygood, Clyde Deposition | 4 |
7460386 | Brewer, Johnny C. | 4 |
7460387 | Bringuier, Carlos Jose | 4 |
7460388 | Brock, Alvin R. | 5 |
7460389 | Brock, ,Mary | 5 |
7460390 | Brock, Robert | 5 |
7460391 | Brooks, Donald E. | 5 |
7460392 | Brown, C.W. | 5 |
7460393 | Brown, E.V. | 5 |
7460394 | Burcham, John W. | 5 |
7460395 | Burleson, Phil | 5 |
7460396 | Burns, Doris | 5 |
7460397 | Burton, T.R. | 5 |
7460398 | Cabell, Earle, Mr. Mrs. | 5 |
7460399 | Cadigan, James | 5 |
7460400 | Call, Richard Dennis | 5 |
7460401 | Callaway, Ted | 5 |
7460402 | Camarata, Donald Peter | 5 |
7460403 | Campbell, Vernon C. | 5 |
7460404 | Carlin, Bruce Ray | 5 |
7460405 | Carlin, Karen Bennett | 5 |
7460406 | Carrico, Charles J. Dr. | 5 |
7460407 | Carro, John | 5 |
7460408 | Carroll, Bob K. | 5 |
7460409 | Carter, Clifton C. | 5 |
7460410 | Cason, Frances | 5 |
7460411 | Cason, Jack C. | 5 |
7460412 | Caster, Warren | 5 |
7460413 | Chabot, George T. | 6 |
7460414 | Chayes, Abram | 6 |
7460415 | Cheek, Bertha | 6 |
7460416 | Church, Mr. and Mrs. George B. | 6 |
7460417 | Clardy, B.S. | 6 |
7460418 | Clark, Max E., Mr. and Mrs. | 6 |
7460419 | Clark, Richard L. | 6 |
7460420 | Clark, William Kemp Dr. | 6 |
7460421 | Clements, Manning C. | 6 |
7460422 | Click, Darryl | 6 |
7460423 | Cole, Alwyn (empty 4/21/65 - RLJ) | 6 |
7460424 | Combest, Billy H. | 6 |
7460425 | Connally, John B. | 6 |
7460426 | Connally, John B- 1-Shooting | 6 |
7460427 | Connally, John B. 2-Injuries - wounds | 6 |
7460428 | Connally, John B. 3-Treatment at Parkland Hospital | 6 |
7460429 | Connally, John B. 4- Interviews | 6 |
7460430 | Connally, John B., Mrs. | 6 |
7460431 | Connor, Peter Francis | 6 |
7460432 | Conway, Hiram L. | 6 |
7460433 | Conway, Hiram P., Mr. and Mrs. | 6 |
7460434 | Cornwall, F. I. | 6 |
7460435 | Corporon, John | 6 |
7460436 | Couch, Malcolm O. | 6 |
7460437 | Cox, Roland A. | 6 |
7460438 | Craddock, Gladys | 6 |
7460439 | Crafard, Curtis Laverne | 7 |
7460440 | Craig, Roger | 7 |
7460441 | Craig, Walter E. | 7 |
7460442 | Crawford, James N. | 7 |
7460443 | Creel, Robert J. | 7 |
7460444 | Crenshaw, Dr. Charles | 7 |
7460445 | Crowe, William D. | 7 |
7460446 | Crowley, James D. | 8 |
7460447 | Croy, Kenneth H. | 8 |
7460448 | Crull, Elgin | 8 |
7460449 | Cunningham, Cortlandt | 8 |
7460450 | Cunningham, Helen | 8 |
7460451 | Curry, Jesse E. | 8 |
7460452 | Curtis, Don T. Dr. | 8 |
7460453 | Cutchshaw, Wilbur Jay | 8 |
7460454 | Daniels, John L. | 9 |
7460455 | Daniels, N.J. | 9 |
7460456 | Davis, Barbara Jeannette | 9 |
7460457 | Davis, Fred or Floyd Mr. | 9 |
7460458 | Davis, Fred or Floyd Mrs. | 9 |
7460459 | Davis, Monroe | 9 |
7460460 | Davis, Virginia Louise | 9 |
7460461 | Davis, Virginia Ruth | 9 |
7460462 | Day, J.Carl Lt. | 9 |
7460463 | Dean, Patrick T. | 9 |
7460464 | Decker, J. E. "Bill" | 9 |
7460465 | Delgado, Nelson | 9 |
7460466 | DeMohrenschildt, George, Nov- 1963 - Jan- 1964 | 10 |
7460467 | DeMohrenschildt, George, March 4, 1964 | 10 |
7460468 | DeMohrenschildt, George and Jeanne Feb- 1964 - Mar. 3, 1964 | 10 |
7460469 | DeMohrenschildt, George, Mrs. (Jeanne) | 10 |
7460470 | Dhority, C. N. | 11 |
7460471 | Dietrich, E. C. | 11 |
7460472 | Dillard, Thomas C. | 11 |
7460473 | Dobbs, Farrell | 11 |
7460474 | Farrell Dobbs Affidavit signed & notarized original | 11 |
7460475 | Deposition of Captain George Donabedian - 1. Exhibit #1 - Exhibit was identified by witness, but "introduced" in no further sense | 11 |
7460476 | Donabedian, George - Deposition | 11 |
7460477 | Donovan, John E. | 11 |
7460478 | Dougherty, Jack | 11 |
7460479 | Dowe, Kenneth L. | 11 |
7460480 | Dulany, Richard Brooks - Deposition (see Akin, Dr. Gene C. Deposition) | 11 |
7460481 | Duncan, William G. | 11 |
7460482 | Dymitruk, Lydia | 11 |
7460483 | Eberhardt, A. M. | 11 |
7460484 | Edwards, Robert E. | 11 |
7460485 | Ekdahl, Edwin | 11 |
7460486 | Enochs, Edwin, Mrs. | 11 |
7460487 | Ethier, Margie N. | 11 |
7460488 | Euins, Amos Lee | 11 |
7460489 | Evans, Julian | 11 |
7460490 | Evans, Mrs. Myrtle | 11 |
7460491 | Evans, Sidney | 11 |
7460492 | Fain, John W. | 12 |
7460493 | Fehrenbach, George Wm. | 12 |
7460494 | Feldsott, Louis | 12 |
7460495 | Fenley, Robert | 12 |
7460496 | Finck, Lt. Col. Pierre A. | 12 |
7460497 | Fischer, Ronald B. | 12 |
7460498 | Fisher, N. T. | 12 |
7460499 | Fleming, Harold | 12 |
7460500 | Folsom, Allison G. Deposition | 12 |
7460501 | Ford, Declan Mrs. Katherine | 12 |
7460502 | Ford, Declan P. | 12 |
7460503 | Foster, Bill Lee | 12 |
7460504 | Foster, J.W. | 12 |
7460505 | Frazier, Buell Wesley | 12 |
7460506 | Frazier, Robert A. | 12 |
7460507 | Frazier, W.B. | 12 |
7460508 | Fritz, J.W. | 12 |
7460509 | Fuqua, Harold R. | 12 |
7460510 | Gallagher, John F. | 13 |
7460511 | Gangl, Theodore Frank | 13 |
7460512 | Gangl, Theodore Frank - Affidavit of | 13 |
7460513 | Garner, Jesse J. Affidavit signed & notorized original | 13 |
7460514 | Garner, Jesse James Mr. | 13 |
7460515 | Garner, Jesse James, Mrs. | 13 |
7460516 | Garrett, Richard | 13 |
7460517 | Gauthier,Leo J. | 13 |
7460518 | George, M. Waldo | 13 |
7460519 | Geraci, Philip, III | 13 |
7460520 | Gibson, Mrs. Donald | 13 |
7460521 | Giesecke, A.H. Jr. Dr. | 13 |
7460522 | Givens, Charles | 13 |
7460523 | Glover, Everett | 13 |
7460524 | Goin, Donald | 14 |
7460525 | Goldstein, David | 14 |
7460526 | Goodson, Clyde F. | 14 |
7460527 | Graef, John | 14 |
7460528 | Graf, Allen D. | 14 |
7460529 | Affidavit of Allen D Graf | 14 |
7460530 | Grant, Eva Nov 1963 | 14 |
7460531 | Grant, Eva December 1963 | 14 |
7460532 | Affidavit of Gene Graves | 15 |
7460533 | Graves, L.C. | 15 |
7460534 | Gravitis, Dorothy | 15 |
7460535 | Gray, Virginia | 15 |
7460536 | Mrs. Virginia Gray - Affadavit signed and notorized original | 15 |
7460537 | Green, Howard L., Mrs. | 15 |
7460538 | Greener, Charles W. Deposition (See Smith, Glenn Emmett Deposition) | 15 |
7460539 | Greener, Woody Francis | 15 |
7460540 | Greer, William R. | 15 |
7460541 | Gregory, Charles Dr. | 15 |
7460542 | Gregory, Paul Roderick | 15 |
7460543 | Gregory, Peter P. | 15 |
7460544 | Gregory, Thomas | 15 |
7460545 | Guinyard, Sam | 15 |
7460546 | Hall, C. Ray | 15 |
7460547 | Hall, Elena | 15 |
7460548 | Hall, John R. | 15 |
7460549 | Hall, Marvin E. (Bert) | 15 |
7460550 | Hallmark, Garnett C. | 15 |
7460551 | Hamblen, C.A. | 15 |
7460552 | Hankal, Robert L. | 15 |
7460553 | Hansen, Timothy M. | 15 |
7460554 | Hardin, Michael | 15 |
7460555 | Hargis, Bobby W. | 15 |
7460556 | Harkness, D.V. Deposition (See Haygood, Clyde Deposition) | 15 |
7460557 | Harrison, O.W. | 15 |
7460558 | Harrison, W.J. "Blackie" | 15 |
7460559 | Harrison, W.T. | 15 |
7460560 | Hartogs, Renatus Dr. | 15 |
7460561 | Hawkins, Ray | 16 |
7460562 | Haygood, Clyde A. Deposition | 16 |
7460563 | Heindel, John Rene | 16 |
7460564 | Helmick, Wanda | 16 |
7460565 | Helms, Richard - CIA | 16 |
7460566 | Henchliffe, Margaret | 16 |
7460567 | Hibbs, Warren E. | 16 |
7460568 | Hicks, Johnny | 16 |
7460569 | Hill, Clinton J. | 16 |
7460570 | Hill, Gerald L. | 16 |
7460571 | Hill, Jean | 16 |
7460572 | Hine, Geneva L. | 16 |
7460573 | Hodge, A.D. | 16 |
7460574 | Holland, S.M. | 16 |
7460575 | Holly, H.B. | 16 |
7460576 | Holmes, H.D. | 16 |
7460577 | Hoover, J. Edgar | 16 |
7460578 | Hosty, James P. | 16 |
7460579 | Howard, Tom | 16 |
7460580 | Howell, Charlotte | 16 |
7460581 | Howlett, John Joe | 16 |
7460582 | Hudson, Emmett J. | 16 |
7460583 | Huffaker, Robert S. | 16 |
7460584 | Hulen, R.L. | 16 |
7460585 | Hulse, C.E. | 16 |
7460586 | Humes, J. J. Cdr. | 16 |
7460587 | Hunley, Bobb | 16 |
7460588 | Affidavit of Bobb Hunley | 16 |
7460589 | Hunt, Jackie H. Dr. | 16 |
7460590 | Hunter, Gertrude, J.T. Mrs. | 16 |
7460591 | Hutchinson, Leonard E. | 17 |
7460592 | Hutson, T.A. | 17 |
7460593 | Isaacs, Martin | 17 |
7460594 | Jackson, Phil | 17 |
7460595 | Jackson, Robert H. | 17 |
7460596 | Jackson, Theodore | 17 |
7460597 | James, Virginia | 17 |
7460598 | Jamison,R.F. | 17 |
7460599 | Jarman, James Earl | 17 |
7460600 | Jenkins, M.T., Dr. | 17 |
7460601 | Jenkins, Ronald L. | 17 |
7460602 | Jez, Leonard E. | 17 |
7460603 | Jimison, R.J. - Deposition (See McClelland, Dr. Robert N. - Dep) | 17 |
7460604 | Jimison, R.J. Mr. | 17 |
7460605 | Johnson, Arnold | 17 |
7460606 | Johnson, Arthur C. Mr. | 17 |
7460607 | Johnson, A. C. Mrs. | 17 |
7460608 | Johnson, Joe | 17 |
7460609 | Johnson, Lyndon B. | 17 |
7460610 | Johnson, Lyndon B. Mrs. Lady Bird | 17 |
7460611 | Johnson, Marvin | 17 |
7460612 | Johnson, Priscilla | 18 |
7460613 | Johnson, Speedy | 18 |
7460614 | Johnston, David L. | 18 |
7460615 | Jones, O.A. | 18 |
7460616 | Jones, Raymond | 18 |
7460617 | Jones, Ronald C. Dr. | 18 |
7460618 | Kaiser, Frankie | 18 |
7460619 | Kaminsky, Eileen | 18 |
7460620 | Kantor, Seth | 18 |
7460621 | Kara-Patnitzky, Waldemar Boris | 18 |
7460622 | Kaufman, Ferdinand | 18 |
7460623 | Kaufman, Stanley M. | 18 |
7460624 | Kellerman, Roy H. | 18 |
7460625 | Kelley, Thomas, Inspector - SS [Secret Service] | 18 |
7460626 | Kelly, Edward | 18 |
7460627 | Kemp, George M. | 18 |
7460628 | Kennedy, John F. | 18 |
7460629 | [Kennedy, John F.] 1-Trip to Texas | 19 |
7460630 | [Kennedy, John F.] 2-Motorcade | 19 |
7460631 | [Kennedy, John F.] 3-Shots - Nov 1963 - Dec 1963 | 19 |
7460632 | [Kennedy, John F.] 3-Shots - January 1964 | 19 |
7460633 | [Kennedy, John F.] 4-Assassination | 19 |
7460634 | [Kennedy, John F.] 4-1 Autopsy | 19 |
7460635 | [Kennedy, John F.] 5-Return of Remains to Washington | 19 |
7460636 | Kennedy, John F. Mrs. | 19 |
7460637 | [Kennedy, Mrs. John F.] 1- Actions at Time of Shooting | 19 |
7460638 | [Kennedy, Mrs. John F.] 2-Interviews | 19 |
7460639 | Killion, Charles L., Special Agent | 19 |
7460640 | King, Glen D. | 20 |
7460641 | Klause, Robert G. | 20 |
7460642 | Kleinlerer, Alexander | 20 |
7460643 | Kleinman, Abraham | 20 |
7460644 | Kline, William | 20 |
7460645 | Knight, K.P. Lt. | 20 |
7460646 | Knight, Russell | 20 |
7460647 | Korengold, Robert J. | 20 |
7460648 | Kramer, Monica | 20 |
7460649 | Kravitz, Herbert B. | 20 |
7460650 | Kriss, H. M. | 20 |
7460651 | Krystinik, Frank | 20 |
7460652 | Kuklies, Nancy | 20 |
7460653 | LaCouer, Louis (empty 4/26/65 per RLJ) | 20 |
7460654 | Lane, Doyle | 20 |
7460655 | Lane, Mark | 20 |
7460656 | Lane, Mark - Dec 1963 - Feb 1964 | 20 |
7460657 | Lane, Mark - March 1964 | 20 |
7460658 | Lane, Mark - April 1964 | 20 |
7460659 | Lane, Mark May 1964 | 21 |
7460660 | Lane, Mark-June to July 1964 | 21 |
7460661 | Lane, Mark-August 1964 | 21 |
7460662 | Lane, Mark-September 1964 | 21 |
7460663 | Lane, Mark-Appearance at Aupsala College East Orange, NJ 5/6/64 | 22 |
7460664 | FBI-Conversation between Mark Lane and Helen Markham, 07/17/1964 | 22 |
7460665 | FBI-Mark Lane-Appearance in Oklahoma 5/5/64 | 22 |
7460666 | Mark Lane-Appearance at the University of Texas | 23 |
7460667 | Mark Lane-Appearance at Westfield State College Westfield, MA 5/1/64 | 23 |
7460668 | Mark Lane - News Conference at Ohio State University April 22, 1964 | 23 |
7460669 | Mark Lane - Appearance at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 4 22 64 | 23 |
7460670 | Mark Lane-Tape#J-2920 | 23 |
7460671 | Mark Lane-Appearance at Ohio Museum of National History Columbia, OH 4/22/64 | 23 |
7460672 | Mark Lane-UPI Press Conference 2/11/64 | 23 |
7460673 | Mark Lane-Press Conference (NBC Coverage) on Lee Harvey Oswald | 23 |
7460674 | Mark Lane-Toledo, OH | 24 |
7460675 | Mark Lane- Appearance at Annie Laws Auditorium 4/21/64 | 24 |
7460676 | Lane, Mark on WDSU Radio News Orleans, LA | 24 |
7460677 | Langley, Kenneth | 25 |
7460678 | Latona, Sebastian | 25 |
7460679 | Lawson, Winston | 25 |
7460680 | Lawrence, Perdue William | 25 |
7460681 | Leavelle, J.R. | 25 |
7460682 | LeBlanc, Charles Joseph | 25 |
7460683 | Lee, Ivan D. | 25 |
7460684 | Lee, Vincent T. | 25 |
7460685 | Lehrer, James | 25 |
7460686 | Leslie, Helen | 25 |
7460687 | Leverich, William | 25 |
7460688 | Lewis, Aubry Lee | 25 |
7460689 | Lewis, Carroll G. | 25 |
7460690 | Lewis, Erwin Donald | 25 |
7460691 | Lewis, L.J. | 25 |
7460692 | Litchfield, W.W. | 25 |
7460693 | Livingston, Clyde I. Mrs. | 25 |
7460694 | Longley,Kenneth | 25 |
7460695 | Lord, Billy Joe | 25 |
7460696 | Lovelady, Billy | 25 |
7460697 | Lowery, Roy Lee | 26 |
7460698 | Lowery, Roy Lee #7 | 26 |
7460699 | Lujan, Daniel | 26 |
7460700 | Lumpkin, G.L. | 26 |
7460701 | Lunday, R.H. | 26 |
7460702 | Lux, J. Philip | 26 |
7460703 | Lyon, K.E. | 26 |
7460704 | McBride, Palmer E. | 26 |
7460705 | McClelland, Robert N. (Dr.) | 26 |
7460706 | McCoy, Ben | 26 |
7460707 | McCullough, John G. | 26 |
7460708 | McCurdy, Danny P. [Daniel Patrick] | 26 |
7460709 | McDonald, M.N. | 26 |
7460710 | McFarland, John and Meryl | 26 |
7460711 | McGee, Homer Lee | 26 |
7460712 | McGrath, Duane J. | 26 |
7460713 | McKenzie, William A. | 26 |
7460714 | McKinney, Robert E. | 26 |
7460715 | McKinzie, Louis | 26 |
7460716 | McMillon, T.D. | 26 |
7460717 | McVickar, John | 26 |
7460718 | McWatters, Cecil J. | 26 |
7460719 | McWillie, Lewis J. | 26 |
7460720 | Mac Cammon, Jim | 26 |
7460721 | Malley, James R. | 26 |
7460722 | Mallory, Katherine | 26 |
7460723 | Mamantov, Ilya A. | 27 |
7460724 | Mandella, Arthur | 27 |
7460725 | Markham, Helen Louise | 27 |
7460726 | Martello, Francis L. | 27 |
7460727 | Martin, F. M. | 27 |
7460728 | Martin, James H. | 27 |
7460729 | Martin, J.D. | 27 |
7460730 | Maxey, B. J. | 27 |
7460731 | Mayo, Mrs. J.H. | 27 |
7460732 | Mayo, L. W. | 27 |
7460733 | Meller, Anna | 27 |
7460734 | Merrell, Barney | 27 |
7460735 | Meyers, Lawrence V. | 27 |
7460736 | Michaelis, Heinz W. | 27 |
7460737 | Miller, Austin L. | 27 |
7460738 | Miller, David | 28 |
7460739 | Miller, L. D. | 28 |
7460740 | Mitchell, Mary Ann | 28 |
7460741 | Molina, Joe R. | 28 |
7460742 | Montgomery, L.D. | 28 |
7460743 | Mooney, Joseph | 28 |
7460744 | Mooney, Luke | 28 |
7460745 | Moore, H. M. | 28 |
7460746 | Moore, Russell Lee | 28 |
7460747 | Mumford, Pamela | 28 |
7460748 | Murphy, Joe | 28 |
7460749 | Murphy, Paul Edward | 28 |
7460750 | Murray, Jr. David Christie | 28 |
7460751 | Murray, J. Jackson | 28 |
7460752 | Murret, Charles F. | 28 |
7460753 | Murret, Dr. Charles W. | 28 |
7460754 | Murret, Eugene John | 28 |
7460755 | Murret, John M. | 28 |
7460756 | Murret, Lillian | 28 |
7460757 | Murret, Marilyn | 28 |
7460758 | Naman, Rita | 28 |
7460759 | Nelson, Doris | 28 |
7460760 | Nelson, Ronald C. | 28 |
7460761 | Nelson, Ruth | 28 |
7460762 | Newman, W. J. | 28 |
7460763 | Newnam, John | 28 |
7460764 | Newton, Johnie F. | 28 |
7460765 | Nichols, Alice Reeves | 29 |
7460766 | Nichols, H. Louis Esq. | 29 |
7460767 | Nicol, Joseph D. | 29 |
7460768 | Norman, Earl | 29 |
7460769 | Norman, Harold | 29 |
7460770 | Norton, Robert L. | 29 |
7460771 | O'Brien, Lawrence F. | 29 |
7460772 | O'Connor, Pat | 29 |
7460773 | Odio, Silvia | 29 |
7460774 | O'Donnell, Kenneth | 29 |
7460775 | Odum, Bardwell D. | 29 |
7460776 | Ofstein, Dennis H. | 29 |
7460777 | Olds, Greg | 29 |
7460778 | Oliver, Revilo Pendleton | 29 |
7460779 | Olsen, Kay (Mrs. Harry) | 29 |
7460780 | Olsen, Harry | 29 |
7460781 | Osbourne, Mack | 29 |
7460782 | O'Sullivan, Frederick | 29 |
7460783 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period | 30 |
7460784 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 1-Affliations | 30 |
7460785 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 2-Description and Indentifications | 30 |
7460786 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 3-Education Nov 1963-Dec- 1963 | 30 |
7460787 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 3-Education Jan-1964 | 30 |
7460788 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 4-Employment-Unemployment | 30 |
7460789 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 5-Finances | 30 |
7460790 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 5-1-Income Tax | 30 |
7460792 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6- Military Service, Nov-Dec 1963 | 31 |
7460793 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6- Military Service, January 1964- | 31 |
7460794 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6-1, Undesirable Discharge | 31 |
7460795 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6-2 Court Martial | 31 |
7460796 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 7 Psychiatric Examinations | 31 |
7460797 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 8 Associates and Relatives, Nov 1963 | 31 |
7460798 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 8 Associates and Relatives, Dec 1963- | 31 |
7460799 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 9 Residences | 31 |
7460800 | Key Persons- Oswald: Russian Period | 32 |
7460801 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1962- Nov 1963, folder 1 | 32 |
7460802 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1962- Nov 1963, folder 2 | 32 |
7460803 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - Dec 1963- April 1964 | 32 |
7460804 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - May 1964- | 32 |
7460805 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1 Preparation for Trip (1959) | 33 |
7460806 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 2 Arrival in Russia | 33 |
7460807 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 3 Chronology of Activities | 33 |
7460808 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 4 Employment | 33 |
7460809 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 5 Correspondence | 33 |
7460810 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 6 Marriage | 33 |
7460811 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7 Return to US (1962) | 33 |
7460812 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-1 Preparation | 33 |
7460813 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-2 Repatriation Loan | 34 |
7460814 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-3 FBI Interviews | 34 |
7460815 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 8 Defection to Russia | 34 |
7460816 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 9 Finances | 34 |
7460817 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period 10 Suicide Attempt | 34 |
7460818 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - November 1963 | 35 |
7460819 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - December 1963 | 35 |
7460820 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - January 1964 | 35 |
7460821 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, November 1963 | 35 |
7460822 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, December 1963 - January 1964, folder 1 | 35 |
7460823 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, December 1963 - January 1964, folder 2 | 35 |
7460824 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, Feb 1964 | 35 |
7460825 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 Political Activities , Nov 1963- Jan 1964 | 36 |
7460826 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 February 1964- April 1964 | 36 |
7460827 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 Political Activities May 1964 | 36 |
7460828 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-1 Communist Party | 36 |
7460829 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-2 Young Communist League [empty] | 37 |
7460830 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Nov 1963, folder 1 | 37 |
7460831 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Nov 1963, folder 2 | 37 |
7460832 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Dec 1, 1963- Dec 4, 1963 | 37 |
7460833 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Dec 5, 1963- Dec 31, 1963 | 37 |
7460834 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Jan 1964- | 37 |
7460835 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-4 Socialist Workers Party | 37 |
7460836 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3 Travel - November 1963 - December 1963 | 37 |
7460837 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3 Travel, Jan 1964- | 37 |
7460838 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Travel, Entry 9 | 37 |
7460839 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Nov 1963 | 38 |
7460840 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Dec 1963 | 38 |
7460841 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Jan 1964 | 38 |
7460842 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico Feb 1- March 5, 1964 | 38 |
7460843 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, March 6-31, 1964 | 38 |
7460844 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, April 1-21, 1964 | 38 |
7460845 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, April 22-30, 1964 | 38 |
7460846 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, May 1964 | 39 |
7460847 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, June 1964, folder 1 | 39 |
7460848 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, June 1964, folder 2 | 39 |
7460849 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-2 Proposed Russian Trip (1963) | 39 |
7460850 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 4 Aliases | 39 |
7460851 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Employment Dec 1963 | 40 |
7460852 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Employment Jan 1964- | 40 |
7460853 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (1 of 4) | 40 |
7460854 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (2 of 4) | 40 |
7460855 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (3 of 4) | 40 |
7460856 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (4 of 4) | 40 |
7460857 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Unemployment Compensation (empty 9-23-92) | 41 |
7460858 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Texas School Book Depository, Dallas | 41 |
7460859 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Leslie Welding Company | 41 |
7460860 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 William B. Reilly and Company | 41 |
7460861 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances Nov 1963 | 41 |
7460862 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances Dec 1963- March 1964 | 41 |
7460863 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances April 1964 | 41 |
7460864 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives Dec 1963 | 41 |
7460865 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives Jan 1964 - Feb 1964 | 41 |
7460866 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives March 1964 - April 1964 | 41 |
7460867 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives May 1964 | 41 |
7460868 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 8 Description and Identification - Nov 1963 | 42 |
7460869 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 8 Description and Identification - December 1963 | 42 |
7460870 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 1 Transfer to County Jail - Nov 1963 | 43 |
7460871 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 1 - Dec 1963 | 43 |
7460872 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 2 Murder | 43 |
7460873 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 3 Remains | 43 |
7460874 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 3-1 Autopsy | 43 |
7460875 | Oswald, Marguerite - November 1963 | 44 |
7460876 | Oswald, Marguerite - Dec 1 - Dec 9, 1963 | 44 |
7460877 | Oswald, Marguerite - Dec 10, 1963 - Jan 31, 1964 | 44 |
7460878 | Oswald, Marguerite - Feb 1964 | 44 |
7460879 | Oswald, Marguerite - March 1964 | 44 |
7460880 | Oswald, Marguerite - e-9- oswald marguerite - "At Random" radio program - 3/21/64 | 44 |
7460881 | Oswald, Marguerite - April 1964 | 44 |
7460882 | Oswald, Marguerite - May 1964 | 44 |
7460883 | Oswald, Marguerite Box 44B Entry 9 | 44 |
7460884 | Oswald, Marguerite - Appearence in Chicago | 44 |
7460885 | Oswald, Marguerite - Exhibits | 44 |
7460886 | Oswald, Marina - Nov 1963 - Jan 1964 | 45 |
7460887 | Oswald, Marina - Feb 1964 - August 1964 | 45 |
7460888 | Oswald, Marina - Sept 1964 | 45 |
7460889 | [Oswald, Marina ] RG 272 E9 179-40004-10283 | 45 |
7460890 | Oswald, Marina - Joint Deposition with Mrs. Whitworth and Mrs Hunter 163 | 45 |
7460891 | [Oswald, Marina] 1 Background - Nov 1963 | 46 |
7460892 | [Oswald, Marina] 1 Background - Dec 1963 | 46 |
7460893 | [Oswald, Marina] 1-2 Biography | 46 |
7460894 | [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Nov- 1963 - Jan- 1964 | 46 |
7460895 | [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Feb 1, 1964 | 46 |
7460896 | [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Feb 2, 1964 | 47 |
7460897 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony | 47 |
7460898 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony before Commission | 47 |
7460900 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony before Commission - Transcript of hearing | 47 |
7460901 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony on Sept 5, 1964 | 47 |
7460902 | [Oswald, Marina] 4 Entry into United States | 47 |
7460903 | [Oswald, Marina] 5 Russian Speaking Associates in Fort Worth and Dallas - Nov- 1963 | 47 |
7460904 | [Oswald, Marina] 5 Russian Speaking Associates in Fort Worth and Dallas - Dec- 1963 | 47 |
7460905 | [Oswald, Marina] 6 Activities after Assassination - Nov 63 - Jan 1964 | 48 |
7460906 | [Oswald, Marina] 6 Activities after Assassination - Feb 1964 | 48 |
7460907 | [Oswald, Marina] 7 entry 9 | 48 |
7460908 | [Oswald, Marina] 7 Relationship with James Martin- Nov 1963 - Feb 29, 1964 | 48 |
7460909 | [Oswald, Marina] 7 Relationship with James Martin Feb 21,1964 | 48 |
7460910 | [Oswald, Marina] 8 Protoective Custody of Sec. Service | 48 |
7460911 | [Oswald, Marina] 9 Plan to Return to Russia 1963 | 48 |
7460912 | [Oswald, Marina] 10 Associates and Relatives | 48 |
7460913 | Oswald, Robert Nov 63 - Dec 63 | 49 |
7460914 | Oswald, Robert Statements | 49 |
7460915 | Oswald, Robert Jan 64 | 49 |
7460916 | Oswald, Robert 1-Testimony | 49 |
7460917 | Owens, Calvin Bud-Depositions | 49 |
7460918 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Nov 63 - Dec 63 | 49 |
7460919 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Nov 63 - Jan 64 | 49 |
7460920 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Jan 64 | 49 |
7460921 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Feb 64 | 49 |
7460922 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1 Background | 50 |
7460923 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] Paines Entry 9 | 50 |
7460924 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-1 Associates and Relatives - Nov 63 - Jan 64 | 50 |
7460925 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-1 Associates and Relatives - Feb 64 | 50 |
7460926 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-2 Affiliations | 50 |
7460927 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-2 Interviews | 50 |
7460928 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Affidavits of Ruth Hyde Paine 1-3 [empty folder] | 50 |
7460929 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Exhibits - Originals | 50 |
7460930 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - 03/21/1964 | 50 |
7460931 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - 03/23/1964 | 50 |
7460932 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Michael depositions | 50 |
7460933 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paines Testimony | 50 |
7460934 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - from 156 | 51 |
7460935 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-Michael Paine | 51 |
7460936 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1 Background | 51 |
7460937 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives | 51 |
7460938 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - cd - 610-626 | 51 |
7460939 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - November 1963 | 51 |
7460940 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - December 1963 | 51 |
7460941 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-2 Paines - Affiliations | 51 |
7460942 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-2 Interviews | 51 |
7460943 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Testimony | 51 |
7460944 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Paine, Michael Deposition, 03/17/1964 | 51 |
7460945 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Paine, Michael, Deposition from 156 | 51 |
7460946 | Palmer, Thomas Stewart | 51 |
7460947 | Pappas, Icarus M. | 51 |
7460948 | Patterson, B.M. | 52 |
7460949 | Patterson, Bobby G. | 52 |
7460950 | Patterson, Robert Carl | 52 |
7460951 | Paul, Ralph - November 1963 | 52 |
7460952 | Paul, Ralph - December 1963 (1 of 2) | 52 |
7460953 | Paul, Ralph - December 1963 (2 of 2) | 52 |
7460954 | Paul, Ralph - Deposition - 4-15-64 | 52 |
7460955 | Pena, Orest | 52 |
7460956 | Pena, Orest - Deposition - Original from 140 | 52 |
7460957 | Penna, Ruperto | 52 |
7460958 | Penna, Ruperto - Deposition - Original from 140 | 52 |
7460959 | Perrin, Nancy | 52 |
7460960 | Perry, Malcolm O., Dr. | 52 |
7460961 | Perry, Dr- Malcom Oliver- Deposition | 52 |
7460962 | Peterman, Mildred | 53 |
7460963 | Peterman, Viola | 53 |
7460964 | Peters, Paul, Dr. | 53 |
7460965 | Peters, Paul C. - Deposition [empty] | 53 |
7460966 | Peterson, Joseph Alexander | 53 |
7460967 | Phenix, George R. | 53 |
7460968 | Pic, John Edward - Deposition - 05/15/1964 | 53 |
7460969 | Pic, Edward John, Jr. | 53 |
7460970 | Pic, John Edward | 53 |
7460971 | Pierce, Edward Eugene | 53 |
7460972 | Pierce, Rio Sam | 53 |
7460973 | Pierce, Rio Sam - Deposition | 53 |
7460974 | Pike, Roy William | 53 |
7460975 | Pinkston, Nat A. | 53 |
7460976 | Piper, Eddie | 53 |
7460977 | Pitts, Elnora | 53 |
7460978 | Pizzo, Frank | 53 |
7460979 | Pizzo, Frank - Deposition from #36 | 53 |
7460980 | Poe, J.M. | 54 |
7460981 | Postal, Julia | 54 |
7460982 | Postal, Julia - see Bledsoe, Mary [empty] | 54 |
7460983 | Potts, Walter E. | 54 |
7460984 | Nancy M. Powell (see also Tammi True) | 54 |
7460985 | Powell, Nancy Deposition 7-25-64 | 54 |
7460986 | Powers, Daniel Patrick | 54 |
7460987 | Powers, Daniel Patrick - May 1, 1964 Deposition | 54 |
7460988 | Powers, David | 54 |
7460989 | Price, Charles Jack | 54 |
7460990 | Price, Charles Jack - Deposition - (See AKIN, Dr. Gene C. - Deposition) [empty] | 54 |
7460991 | Price, Malcom Howard | 54 |
7460992 | Priddy, Hal, Jr. | 54 |
7460993 | Pryor, Roy Auburn | 54 |
7460994 | Pugh, Oran | 54 |
7460995 | Pullman, Edward J. | 54 |
7460996 | Putnam, James A. | 54 |
7460997 | Putnam, James A. - Deposition | 54 |
7460998 | Quigley, John | 54 |
7460999 | Rachal, John Russell | 54 |
7461000 | Rackley, George W., Sr. | 54 |
7461001 | Rackely, Virgie | 54 |
7461002 | Raigorodsky, Paul M. | 54 |
7461003 | Ramsey, James K. | 54 |
7461004 | Randle, Linnie Mae | 54 |
7461005 | Randle, Linnie Mae - 1 Testimony [empty 3/28/78] | 54 |
7461006 | Ray, Anna | 55 |
7461007 | Ray, Frank Henry | 55 |
7461008 | Ray, Frank Henry | 55 |
7461009 | Ray, Thomas M. | 55 |
7461010 | Ray, (Natalie) Thomas M., Mrs. (Dep.) - see Meller, Anna N. (Deposition) | 55 |
7461011 | Ray, Thomas M., Mrs. | 55 |
7461012 | Ray, Thomas - 1 Testimony | 55 |
7461013 | Ray Thomas M, Mrs- see Meller, Anna N. | 55 |
7461014 | Ray, Valentina Frank H. Mrs- see Meller, Anna N. - Deposition | 55 |
7461015 | Rea, Billy Andrew | 55 |
7461016 | Rea, Billy A. Dallas | 55 |
7461017 | Reeves, Huey Moses | 55 |
7461018 | Reeves, Huey Deposition | 55 |
7461019 | Reid, R.A., Mrs. | 55 |
7461020 | Reid, R. A. - 1 Testimony | 55 |
7461021 | Reilly, Frank E. | 55 |
7461022 | Reilly, Frank E- Depositions | 55 |
7461023 | Revill, Jack | 55 |
7461024 | Reynolds, H. Baron | 55 |
7461025 | Reynolds, Warren Allen | 55 |
7461026 | Rheinstein, Frederick | 55 |
7461027 | Rich, Nancy Perrin | 55 |
7461028 | Rich, Nancy Perrin - Deposition | 55 |
7461029 | Richey, Harold, Mrs. (Marjorie R.) | 55 |
7461030 | Richey, Warren E. | 55 |
7461031 | Riggs, Alfreadia | 55 |
7461032 | Riggs, Chester Allen Jr. | 55 |
7461033 | Roberts, Cliff | 55 |
7461034 | Roberts, Earlene | 56 |
7461035 | Roberts, Earlene - 1 Testimony | 56 |
7461036 | Robertson, Mary Jane | 56 |
7461037 | Robertson, Mary Jane, Mrs- - Deposition, see Glen D. King | 56 |
7461038 | Robertson, Victor F. | 56 |
7461039 | Robinson, Marvin C. | 56 |
7461040 | Rockley, George W. | 56 |
7461041 | Rodriguez, Evaristo | 56 |
7461042 | Rodriguez, Evaristo - Deposition | 56 |
7461043 | Rogers, Eric | 56 |
7461044 | Rogers, Eric - Deposition | 56 |
7461045 | Romack, James E. | 56 |
7461046 | Rose, Guy F. | 56 |
7461047 | Ross, Henrietta | 56 |
7461048 | Ross, Mrs. Henrietta M. Q. - Deposition - see Glen D. King | 56 |
7461049 | Rossi, Joseph P. | 56 |
7461051 | Roussel, Henry Joseph Jr- | 56 |
7461052 | Rowland, Arnold Louis | 56 |
7461053 | Rowland, Arnold Louis - 1 Testimony | 56 |
7461054 | Rowland, Barbara | 56 |
7461055 | Rowley, James J. | 56 |
7461056 | Rubenstein, Hyman | 56 |
7461057 | Ruby, Earl | 56 |
7461058 | Ruby, Earl - Nov-63 - Dec-63 | 56 |
7461059 | Ruby, Earl - Jan 1964 | 56 |
7461060 | Ruby, Jack | 57 |
7461061 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-Activities , Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 | 57 |
7461062 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-Activities - January 1964 | 57 |
7461063 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-1 Reaction to Assassination | 58 |
7461064 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-2 Presence at Police Station | 58 |
7461065 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-3 Entrance to Basement of Police Station | 58 |
7461066 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-4-1 | 58 |
7461067 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - Nov- 22-29, 1963 | 58 |
7461068 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - Nov- 30, 1963 | 58 |
7461069 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - December 1963 | 58 |
7461070 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - January 1964 | 58 |
7461071 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-1 Affiliations | 59 |
7461072 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-1-1 Labor Union Activities | 59 |
7461073 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-1-2 Racketeering and Subversive Activities | 59 |
7461074 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 24-25 1963 | 60 |
7461075 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 26-27 1963 | 60 |
7461076 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 28-29 1963 | 60 |
7461077 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 30 1963 | 60 |
7461078 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 1963 | 60 |
7461079 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 6, 1963 | 60 |
7461080 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 7-13, 1963 | 60 |
7461081 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 14, 1963 | 60 |
7461082 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 15-16, 1963 | 61 |
7461083 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 18, 1963 | 61 |
7461084 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 19, 1963 | 61 |
7461085 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 20, 1963 | 61 |
7461086 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 21-31, 1963 | 61 |
7461087 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - January 1964 | 61 |
7461088 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Feb. 1964 - May 1964 | 61 |
7461089 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - June 1964 | 61 |
7461090 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - July 1964 | 61 |
7461091 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 57 | 61 |
7461092 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 l-r | 61 |
7461093 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 l-r 3 of 4 | 61 |
7461094 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-3 Association with Oswald - Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 | 62 |
7461095 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-3 Association with Oswald - January 1964 | 62 |
7461096 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-4 Business and Financial Interests - Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 | 63 |
7461097 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-4 Business and Financial Interests - January 1964 | 63 |
7461098 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-4-1 Income Tax | 63 |
7461099 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-5 Familiarity with the Police | 63 |
7461100 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-6 Medical and Personal History | 63 |
7461101 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-7 Miltary Service | 63 |
7461102 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-8 Police Record | 63 |
7461103 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-9 Political Activities | 63 |
7461104 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-10 Travel | 64 |
7461105 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-10-1 Outside U.S. | 64 |
7461106 | [Ruby, Jack] 3 Address Book - Nov- 1963 - May 1964 | 64 |
7461107 | [Ruby, Jack] 3 Address Book - June 1964 | 64 |
7461108 | [Ruby, Jack] 4 Mail and Telegrams | 64 |
7461109 | [Ruby, Jack] 5 Personal Property - Nov-63 - May 64 | 64 |
7461110 | [Ruby, Jack] 5 Personal Property - June 1964 | 64 |
7461111 | [Ruby, Jack] 6 Telephone Calls | 64 |
7461112 | [Ruby, Jack] 7 Revolver | 64 |
7461113 | [Ruby, Jack] 8 Motive | 65 |
7461114 | [Ruby, Jack] 9-Witnesses Interviewed | 65 |
7461116 | [Ruby, Jack] 10 Arrest and Interrogation | 65 |
7461117 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial (1 of 2) | 65 |
7461118 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial (2 of 2) | 65 |
7461119 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial - Statement of Facts January 20-21, 1964 (1 of 2) | 65 |
7461120 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial - Statement of Facts January 20-21, 1964 (2 of 2) | 65 |
7461121 | [Ruby, Jack] 11-1 Attorneys - Entry 9 - Melvin Belli | 65 |
7461122 | [Ruby, Jack] 12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (1 of 3) | 66 |
7461123 | [Ruby, Jack] 12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (2 of 3) | 66 |
7461124 | [Ruby, Jack] 12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (3 of 3) | 66 |
7461125 | [Ruby, Jack] 13 Attorneys | 66 |
7461126 | Ruby, Samuel David | 67 |
7461127 | Rusk, Dean | 67 |
7461128 | Russell, Harold | 67 |
7461129 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne | 67 |
7461130 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne - 1 testimony | 67 |
7461131 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne - Deposition, 07/23/1964 from 156 | 67 |
7461132 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne - Deposition - see Smith Glen Emmett Deposition | 67 |
7461133 | Salyer, Kenneth Everett | 67 |
7461134 | Salyer, Dr- Kenneth Everett Deposition, see Akin Dr. Gene C Deposition | 67 |
7461135 | Sanders, H. Barefoot | 67 |
7461136 | Saunders, Richard L. | 67 |
7461137 | Saunders, Richard L. - Deposition - Dallas June 26, 1964 | 67 |
7461138 | Saunders, Richard L. - Testimony, 06/26/1964 | 67 |
7461139 | Sawyer, Mildred, Mrs. | 67 |
7461140 | Schmidt, Hunter Jr. | 67 |
7461141 | Schmidt, Hunter J, Jr. - Deposition also Ryder from 156 | 67 |
7461142 | Schmidt, Volkmar | 67 |
7461143 | Schmidt, Volkmar [1-Testimony] | 67 |
7461144 | Scibor, Mitchell | 67 |
7461145 | Scoggins, William W. | 67 |
7461146 | Seldin, Dr. Don W. | 67 |
7461147 | Semingsen, W.W. | 67 |
7461148 | Senator, George | 67 |
7461149 | Senator, George - deposition 4/21/64 (1 of 2) | 68 |
7461150 | Senator, George - deposition 4/21/64 (2 of 2) | 68 |
7461151 | Servance, John | 68 |
7461152 | Shaneyfelt Lyndal L. | 68 |
7461153 | Shasteen, Clifton M. | 68 |
7461154 | Shasteen, Clifton M. . Deposition from 56 | 68 |
7461155 | Shaw, Robert (Dr.) | 68 |
7461156 | Shelley, William H. | 68 |
7461157 | Shields, Edward | 68 |
7461158 | Shires, George Thomas, Dr. | 68 |
7461159 | Shires, George Thomas, Dr. - Deposition | 68 |
7461160 | Siegel, Evelyn Grace, Mrs. | 68 |
7461161 | Simmons, Ronald | 68 |
7461162 | Sims, Richard M. | 68 |
7461163 | Skelton, Royce Glenn | 68 |
7461164 | Slack, Garland, Mr. and Mrs. | 68 |
7461165 | Slack, Willie B. | 68 |
7461166 | Slaughter, Malcolm R. | 68 |
7461167 | Smart, Vernon S. | 68 |
7461168 | Smart, Vernon - Deposition 3 25 64 | 68 |
7461169 | Smith, Bennierita | 69 |
7461170 | Smith, Bennierita - Deposition - April 7-8, 1964 | 69 |
7461171 | Smith, Edgar Leon, Jr. | 69 |
7461172 | Smith, Edgar Leon, Jr. - Deposition, 07/24/1964 from 163 | 69 |
7461173 | Smith, Glenn Emmett | 69 |
7461174 | Smith, Glenn Emmett - 1 Testimony | 69 |
7461175 | Smith, G.W. | 69 |
7461176 | Smith, Hilda L. | 69 |
7461177 | Smith, Joe Marshall | 69 |
7461178 | Smith, John Allison | 69 |
7461179 | Smith, John W., Mrs. | 69 |
7461180 | Smith, William Arthur - Deposition - see Bledsoe, Mary - Deposition | 69 |
7461181 | Snyder, Richard E. | 69 |
7461182 | Solomon, James Maurice - Testimony 3-26-64 | 69 |
7461183 | Sorrels, Forrest V. | 69 |
7461184 | Sorrels, Forrest V. - Testimony 5-6-64 | 69 |
7461185 | Standifer, Roy E. | 69 |
7461186 | Standridge, Ruth Jeanette | 69 |
7461187 | Standridge, Ruth Jeanette - Deposition - see McClelland, Dr. Robert N. Dep | 69 |
7461188 | Staples, Albert F., Dr. | 69 |
7461189 | Staples, Albert F. - Affidavit Signed Notarized Original Ex | 69 |
7461190 | Statman, Irving | 69 |
7461191 | Statman, Irving - Deposition 4 1 64 from 56 | 69 |
7461192 | Steele, Charles Hall, Jr. | 69 |
7461193 | Steele, Don Francis | 69 |
7461194 | Steele, Don Frances - Deposition - see McKinzie Louis Deposition | 69 |
7461195 | Steele, Don Frances - Testimony 3/25/64 | 69 |
7461196 | Stevenson, M.W. | 69 |
7461197 | Stombaugh, Paul | 69 |
7461198 | Stovall, Robert L. | 70 |
7461199 | Stovall, Richard S. | 70 |
7461200 | Stringfellow, L.D. | 70 |
7461201 | Strong, Jesse E. | 70 |
7461202 | Stuckey, William Kirk | 70 |
7461203 | Studebaker, Robert Lee | 70 |
7461204 | Surrey, Robert A. | 70 |
7461205 | Tague, James Thomas | 70 |
7461206 | Talbert, Cecil E. | 70 |
7461207 | Tasker, Harry T. | 70 |
7461208 | Taylor, Gary E. | 70 |
7461209 | Taylor, Gary E. - 1 Testimony | 70 |
7461210 | Taylor, Robert Adrian | 70 |
7461211 | Taylor, Robert - 1 | 70 |
7461212 | Thompson, Llewellyn E. | 70 |
7461213 | Thorne, John M. | 71 |
7461214 | Thorne, John M. - 1 Testimony | 71 |
7461215 | Thornley, Kerry Wendell | 71 |
7461216 | Tice, Wilma May | 71 |
7461217 | Tippit, J.D. | 71 |
7461218 | [Tippit, J.D.] 1- Shooting | 71 |
7461219 | [Tippit, J.D.] 2-Witnesses | 71 |
7461220 | [Tippit, J.D.] 3-Autopsy | 71 |
7461221 | Tobias, M.F. [W.F.] - 1. Testimony | 71 |
7461222 | Tobias, M.F., Mr. and Mrs. [W.F] | 71 |
7461223 | Tomlinson, Darrel C. | 71 |
7461224 | Tomlinson, Darrel C. - deposition see Wester Jane C Deposition | 71 |
7461225 | James J. Tormey | 71 |
7461226 | True, Tammi - see also Nancy M Powell | 71 |
7461227 | Truly, Roy S | 72 |
7461228 | Truly, Roy S - 1 Testimony | 72 |
7461229 | Turner, Fay M. | 72 |
7461230 | Turner, Fay M. - Deposition - see Hutson Thomas Alexander Dep | 72 |
7461231 | Turner, James | 72 |
7461232 | Turner, Jimmy Testimony 3/25/64 | 72 |
7461233 | Twiford, Horace, Mr. and Mrs. | 72 |
7461234 | Underwood, James R. | 72 |
7461235 | Underwood, James Robert - Deposition - see Dillard, Tom C Deposition | 72 |
7461236 | Vargas, Tommy - see Bargas, Tommy | 72 |
7461237 | Vaughn, Roy Eugene | 72 |
7461238 | vaughn Roy Eugene - Testimony 4/17/64 | 72 |
7461239 | Vinson, Phil | 72 |
7461240 | Vinson, Philip Eugene Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 72 |
7461241 | Voebel, Edward | 72 |
7461242 | Voshinin, Igor Vladimir | 72 |
7461243 | Voshinin, Igor Mr. - 1 Testimony | 72 |
7461244 | Voshinin, I.V., Mrs. | 72 |
7461245 | Voshinin, Igor Mrs. - 1 Testimony | 72 |
7461246 | Wade, Henry | 72 |
7461247 | Waldman, William J. | 73 |
7461248 | Waldo, George M Affidavit | 73 |
7461249 | Waldo, Thayer | 73 |
7461250 | Walker, Charles T. | 73 |
7461251 | Walker, Charles T. - Deposition - see Hutson Thomas Alexander Dep | 73 |
7461252 | Walker, Edwin A. | 73 |
7461253 | Walker, Ira N., Jr. | 73 |
7461254 | Wall, Breck | 73 |
7461255 | Walthers, E.R. Buddy | 73 |
7461256 | Walthers, Eddy Raymond - Deposition 07/23/1964 from 156 | 73 |
7461257 | Watherwax, Arthur | 73 |
7461258 | Watherwax, Arthur William - 06/26/1964 | 73 |
7461259 | Watson, James C. | 73 |
7461260 | Watson, James C. - 03/26/1964 | 73 |
7461261 | Weinstock, Louis | 73 |
7461262 | Weinstock, Louis - Affidavit | 73 |
7461263 | Weissman, Bernard | 73 |
7461264 | Weitzman, Seymour | 73 |
7461265 | Weitzman, Seymour - Deposition - see Dillard Tom C Deposition 1 | 73 |
7461266 | West, Troy Eugene | 73 |
7461267 | Westbrook, W.R. | 73 |
7461268 | Wester, Jane Carolyn | 74 |
7461269 | Wester, Jane Carolyn Deposition | 74 |
7461270 | Whaley, William Wayne | 74 |
7461271 | Whaley, William Wayne - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461272 | White, James C. | 74 |
7461273 | White, Martin G., Dr. - Deposition - see Akin, Dr- Gene C- Deposition | 74 |
7461274 | Whitworth, Edith, Mrs. | 74 |
7461275 | Whitworth, Edith, Mrs- - 07/22/1964 | 74 |
7461276 | Whitworth, Edith - joint deposition with Marina Oswald Mrss Hunter, 07/24/1964 | 74 |
7461277 | Wiggins, Woodrow | 74 |
7461278 | Wilcox, Lawrence R. | 74 |
7461279 | Wilcox, Lawrence R. - Deposition - see Semingsen, W.W. | 74 |
7461280 | Williams, Bonnie Ray | 74 |
7461281 | Williams, Bonnie Ray - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461282 | Willis, Linda Kay | 74 |
7461283 | Willis, Phillip L. | 74 |
7461284 | Wood, Homer, Dr. | 74 |
7461285 | Wood, Homer, Dr. - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461286 | Wood, Homer, Dr. Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 74 |
7461287 | Wood, Sterling Charles | 74 |
7461288 | Wood, Sterling Charles Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 74 |
7461289 | Wood, Sterling Charles - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461290 | Wood, Theresa - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 74 |
7461291 | Worley, Gano E. | 74 |
7461292 | Worley, Gano E. - 3-26-64 | 74 |
7461293 | Worrell, James Richard, Jr. | 74 |
7461294 | Wort - perhaps an error for Troy Eugene WGSN | 74 |
7461295 | Wright, Norman | 74 |
7461296 | Wulf, William Eugene | 74 |
7461297 | Yarborough, Ralph W., Senator | 74 |
7461298 | Yeargan, Albert C., Jr. | 74 |
7461299 | Youngblood, Rufus W. - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461300 | Zapruder, Abraham | 74 |