Papers of Russell Holmes
Background on the Russell Holmes Papers
The Russell Holmes papers consist of 50,000 pages of CIA documents maintained by Holmes in his role as the custodian of the Oswald 201 file, as well as the Segregated Collection of CIA records compiled for the investigation of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). Holmes was the CIA liaison for all inquiries on the assassination after the end of the HSCA investigation until his retirement.
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190, or e-mail:
List of Folder Titles in the Holmes Papers
Folder Title List
Volume: 20.2 Feet
Box 1
- RH01-F:001. Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott
- RH01-F:002. Bella Abzug Committee
- RH01-F:003. AMLASH/1
- RH01-F:004. AMLASH/1. Maria Teresa Proenza-Proenza
- RH01-F:005. AMMUG/1. Report on Oswald Case
- RH01-F:006. AMMUG/1. Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH01-F:007. AMTRUNK/1. AMLEO.
- RH01-F:008. Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: News clippings, 1/63- 9/22/88 (two folders)
Box 2
- RH01-F:009. Eusebio Azcue-Lopez
- RH01-F:010. Tenant H. Bagley. Nosenko
- RH01-F:011. Lists of documents released to FOIA requesters
- RH01-F:012. Nadine Detourgess. Coclay Stanojecic
- RH01-F:013. Maurice (Morris) Bishop. Jim (J. Walton) Moore
- RH01-F:014. Roger Blahut
- RH01-F:015. Carlos Bringuier
- RH01-F:016. Luisa Calderon
- RH01-F:017. Cambridge News
- RH01-F:018. Carlucci's statement before the HSCA, 12/11/78
- RH01-F:019. David Christ, Alias Daniel Carswell
- RH01-F:020. Plotting Castro's Assassination. Giancana, Roselli, Traficante, Marie Lorenz, Frank Sturgis
- RH01-F:021. "Black Book" given by Fidel Castro to Senator McGovern
- RH01-F:022. Alleged Chinese Communist/Castro plot to assassinate JFK
- RH01-F:023. Letter addressed to American Embassy in Stockholm
- RH01-F:024. CIA documents (from FBI sensitive study) referred by FBI to CIA
- RH01-F:025. Lee Harvey Oswald- Mexico City
- RH01-F:026. ARRB determined document "not believed relevant."
- RH01-F:027. ARRB determined document "not believed relevant."
- RH01-F:028. Oscar Contreras
- RH01-F:029. GPFLOOR. Mrs. UNSTAR. Robert Nieto
- RH01-F:030. Cuban Mug book
- RH01-F:031. Gomez, Enrique; Cubela, Rolando.
- RH01-F:032. Warren Commission; Review of Records; Request for records (three folders)
- RH02-F: Inventory. Inventory of F033 to F050
- RH02-F:033. DDI, Miscellaneous documents. Reaction to JFK assassination (two folders)
Box 4
- RH02-F:034. Harry Dean
- RH02-F:035. List of U.S. Defectors to USSR, 1958-1963
- RH02-F:036. Delimitation Agreement, 1949
- RH02-F:037. Petr Deraybin
- RH02-F:038. Salvador Diaz-Verson
- RH02-F:039. Willem Oltmans, Dimitur Dimitrov
- RH02-F:040. CIA Disseminations to Community (three folders)
- RH02-F:041. William R. Dobkins
- RH02-F:042. Telephone conversation between Osvaldo Dorticos and Joaquin Hernandez
- RH02-F:043. Silvia Duran
- RH02-F:044. Silvia Duran (three folders)
- RH02-F:045. Edward Jay Epstein (two folders)
Box 6
- RH02-F:046. Bernard Fensterwald
- RH02-F:047. Cubana Flights from Mexico City to Havanna, 11/22/63
- RH02-F:048. Gaeton Fonzi
- RH02-F:049. Garrison Investigation
- RH02-F:050. Garrison Investigation
Box 7
- RH02-F:050. Garrison Investigation
- RH03-F: Inventory. Inventory of F050 to F061
- RH03-F:050. Garrison Investigation (three folders)
- RH03-F:051. William G. Gaudet
- RH03-F:052. Richard T. Gibson
- RH03-F:053. John M. Goshko; Gilberto Alvarado Ugarte
- RH03-F:054. Burt W. Griffin
- RH03-F:055. John L. Hart - testimony before HSCA (two folders)
Box 8
- RH03-F:056. Richard Helms (three folders)
- RH03-F:057. Paul L. Hoch
- RH03-F:058. Paul L. Hoch
- RH03-F:059. Lee Harvey Oswald - Mexico City
- RH03-F:060. HSCA Request for CIA responses
- RH03-F:061-I. HSCA Written Requests (seven folders)
- RH04-F:062. Johnny Roselli; Richard Cain; Sam Giancana
- RH04-F:063. Johnny Roselli; Richard Cain; Sam Giancana
- RH04-F:064. Johnny Roselli; Richard Cain; Sam Giancana
- RH04-F:065. Johnny Roselli; Richard Cain; Sam Giancana
- RH04-F:066. Antulio Ortiz-Ramirez, Sr.; Yuri Nosenko
- RH04-F:067. Lee Harvey Oswald; HSCA; Warren Commission
- RH04-F:068. Lee Harvey Oswald; Marina Oswald; Mexico City; DeMohrenschildts
- RH04-F:069. Antulio Ramirez Ortiz
- RH04-F:070. Criteria for Opening 201 files
Box 11
- RH04-F:071. The 201 System
- RH04-F:072. Information in Oswald's 201 file as of 11/22/63
- RH04-F:073. ARRB determined document "not believed relevant."
- RH04-F:074. FBI Reports on Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH04-F:075. Lee Harvey Oswald 201 file
- RH04-F:076. John McCone - Warren Commission affidavit
- RH04-F:077. Procedures on Debriefing U.S. Defector Repatriates
- RH04-F:078. Policy on Debriefing returning U.S. Defectors
- RH04-F:079. Document still being processed.
- RH04-F:080. Richard E. Snyder
- RH04-F:081. E. Howard Hunt
- RH04-F:082. DCI Telephone Transcripts and Memos of Conversations
- RH04-F:083. Philip Agee; News coverage of 1978 Havana Youth Festival
- RH04-F:084. Mission Directive for Mexico
- RH04-F:085. Mexico City
- RH04-F:086. Agreements between Government Agencies
- RH04-F:087. LILYRIC
- RH04-F:088. Oswald in Mexico City
- RH04-F:089. Delimitations Agreement-- Postponed in full.
- RH04-F:090. Regulations governing recruitment; Field Double Agent Guide
- RH04-F:091. Information report - Travels in USSR
- RH04-F:092. Question regarding opening sheet on Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 file
- RH04-F:093. Dissemination of Non-CIA documents
- RH04-F:094. Comments regarding HTLINGUAL Watchlist cards
- RH04-F:095. Guy Vitale and Calvin Hicks
- RH04-F:096. Gilberto Alvarado; Luisa Calderon telephone conversation
- RH04-F:097. Repatriated American defectors; Teresa Proenza, AMLASH
- RH04-F:098. HSCA review of files
- RH04-F:099. Carlos Guillen
- RH04-F:100. Mexican Ham radio operator in touch with Cuba
Box 12
- RH04-F:101. Information received from CIA Station, Mexico City
- RH04-F:102. Records relating to HSCA Investigation
- RH04-F:104. AFGHAN/1
- RH04-F:105. KDFACTOR
- RH04-F:106. William G. Gaudet
- RH04-F:107. AMNIP
- RH04-F:108-I. Mexico City
- RH04-F:108-Ia. Mexico City
- RH04-F:108-II. Mexico City
- RH04-F:108-Iia. Mexico City
- RH04-F:108-III. Warren Commission
- RH04-F:108-IIIa. Lee Harvey Oswald's Address book; Mexico City
- RH04-F:108-IIIb. USSR; Mexico City; Mohammed Reggab; Jack Ruby; Robert Slusser
- RH04-F:108-IV. Mexico City
- RH04-F:108-Lva. Mexico City
- RH04-F:108-Ivb. Mexico City
- RH05-F:108-V. Yuri Nosenko; Mexico City; Jack Ruby
- RH05-F:109-I. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia, Mexico City
- RH05-F:109-Ia. Mexico City
- RH05-F:109-II. Mexico City
- RH05-F:109-Iia. Mexico City; traces; travels
- RH05-F:109-Iib. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-Iic. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-III. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-IIIa. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-IIIb. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-IV. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-Iva. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-Ivb. Lee Harvey Oswald - various subjects
- RH05-F:109-V. Warren Commission Numbered Commission Documents (two folders)
- RH05-F:109-6. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia
- RH05-F:109-7. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (two folders)
- RH05-F:109-8. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (two folders)
- RH06-F: Inventory. Inventory F109-F123
- RH06-F:109-9. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia
- RH06-F:109-10. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (three folders)
- RH06-F:109-11. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (two folders)
- RH06-F:109-12. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (two folders)
- RH06-F:109-13. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (two folders)
- RH06-F:109-14. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (three folders)
- RH06-F:109-15. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia (two folders)
- RH06-F:109-16. Lee Harvey Oswald - Russia
- RH06-F:110. Waldemar Boris Karapatnitzky
- RH06-F:111. Valeriy Vladimirovich Kostikov
- RH06-F:112. Monica Kramer
- RH06-F:113. Vladimir Sergeyavich Kuznetsov
- RH06-F:114. Leads investigated by the CIA
- RH06-F:115. False Leads
- RH06-F:116. License Plates (Mexico City)
- RH06-F:117. Marie Lorenz
- RH06-F:118. Ambassador Mann file
- RH06-F:119. Victor Leo Marchetti
- RH06-F:120. Joseph James Martin
- RH06-F:121. Rolando Masferrer
- RH06-F:122. Original CIA folder empty.
- RH06-F:123. Hugh C. McDonald
- RH07-F: Inventory. Inventory F124 - F137
- RH07-F:124-I. George S. DeMohrenschildt
Box 21
- RH07-F:124-I. George S. DeMohrenschildt
- RH07-F:124-2. George S. DeMohrenschildt (two folders)
- RH07-F:124-3. George S. DeMohrenschildt
- RH07-F:125. Sylvia Odio (two folders)
- RH07-F:126. Mexico City Chronology
- RH07-F:127. Mexico City Station History
- RH07-F:128-1. Comments on Ron Kessler article "CIA Withheld Details of Oswald Call." (four folders)
- RH07-F:129. Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City
- RH07-F:130. Lee Harvey Oswald's contacts with the Cuban and Soviet Consulats, Mexico City
- RH07-F:131. Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City - Chronology of photographs taken in Mexico City 9/27 - 10/3/63
- RH07-F:132. Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City - Correspondence - "Unidentified Man" in Mexico City
- RH07-F:133. Photographic Coverage - Cuban Consulate - LIONION (later AFGHAN)
- RH07-F:134. Photographic Coverage - Cuban Consulate
- RH07-F:135. Photographic Coverage - Cuban and Soviet Consulates (two folders)
- RH07-F:136. Project FACTOR (formerly LIEMPTY) background material. Photographic coverage of Soviet Consulate
- RH07-F:137. Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH08-F:138. Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City. Photographs of "Unidentified Individual" - Soviet diplomatic installation (two folders)
- RH08-F:139. "Unidentified Individual" (three folders)
- RH08-F:140. Photographic Record of the "Unidentified Individual"
- RH08-F:141. Photograph of "Unidentified Individual"
- RH08-F:142. Correspondence regarding "Unidentified Individual" (two folders)
- RH08-F:143. "Unidentified Individual" - Mexico City
- RH08-F:144. Photographs of areas in Mexico City known to Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH08-F:145. Photographs - 21 individuals
- RH08-F:146. Bernard Fensterwald
- RH08-F:148. Telephone tap against Soviet Consulate
- RH08-F:149. Telephone taps (and transcripts) 11/22 - 12/13/63
- RH08-F:150. Transcripts of telephone taps (pertaining to Lee Harvey Oswald)
- RH08-F:151. Transcripts of telephone taps
- RH08-F:152. LIFEAT- background material
- RH08-F:153. James Walton Moore
- RH08-F:154. Yuriy Ivanovich Moskalev - possible identity of "unidentified individual"
- RH08-F:155. Richard Case Nagell
- RH08-F:156-1. Correspondence between CIA and National Archives
- RH08-F:156-1. Correspondence between CIA and National Archives
- RH09-F: Inventory. Inventory F157 - F171
- RH09-F:157. Donald Norton; Clay Shaw
- RH09-F:158. Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko
- RH09-F:159. Nosenko documents in Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 file (three folders)
- RH09-F:160. Use of Nosenko information in Warren Commission Report (two folders)
- RH09-F:161. Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko - personal information; legal position of defector
- RH09-F:162. Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko - Bruce Sollie's report of June 19, 1967
- RH09-F:163-1. Willem Leonard Oltsman (three folders)
- RH09-F:164. Contacts between Lee Harvey Oswald and Soviet citizens, 6/13/62 - 11/22/63.
- RH09-F:165. Lee Harvey Oswald - Information
- RH09-F:166. Lee Harvey Oswald - travels (1962)
- RH09-F:167. CI/SIG File - Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH09-F:168. CI/SIG File - FBI interviews of the Oswalds
- RH09-F:169-I. CI/SIG File - Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH09-F:170-I. CI/SIG File No. 568 - Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH09-F:170-I. CI/SIG File No. 568 - Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH09-F:171. CI/SIG File No. 568 - Lee Harvey Oswald - HTLINGUAL memoranda (two folders)
- RH10-F: Inventory. Inventory F172 - F197
- RH10-F:172. CI/PROJECT File - Lee Harvey Oswald in the USSR (two folders)
- RH10-F:173. HTLINGUAL - material relating to Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH10-F:174. HTLINGUAL - items relating to Lee Harvey
- RH10-F:175. HTLINGUAL - items relating to Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH10-F:176. CI/SIG File No. 950 - President's Commission on Warren Report (three folders)
- RH10-F:177. David Philips
- RH10-F:178. Gilberto Policarpo-Lopez
- RH10-F:179. Presidential Protection
- RH10-F:180. Maria Teresa Proenza-Proenza
- RH10-F:181. Mohammed Reggab
- RH10-F:182. Rockefeller Commission
- RH10-F:183. Rockefeller Commission
- RH10-F:184. Rockefeller Commission
- RH10-F:185. Ylario Rojas-Villanueva
- RH10-F:186. Winston M. Scott - Manuscript: It Came to Little
- RH10-F:187. Sensitive documents from other component files
- RH10-F:188. Church Committee
- RH10-F:189. Senate Select Committee - Schweiker Subcommittee
- RH10-F:190. Church Committee
- RH10-F:191. Church Committee
- RH10-F:192. HSCA Signature sheets from Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 file
- RH10-F:193. Jean-Paul Souetre
- RH10-F:194. Jean-Paul Souetre
- RH10-F:195. Special Investigation Group (SIG)
- RH10-F:196. Frank Sturgis
- RH10-F:197. Edward Stuart Suggs (aka Jack S. Martin)
- RH11-F: Inventory. Inventory F198 - F213
- RH11-F:198. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Schweiker Subcommittee
- RH11-F:198. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Schweiker Subcommittee
- RH11-F:199. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Answers to questions raised
- RH11-F:200. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Question No. 1
- RH11-F:201. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Question No. 15 (three folders)
- RH11-F:202. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Question No. 24 (two folders)
- RH11-F:203. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Question No. 29 (two folders)
- RH11-F:204. Task Force report - Comments on Book V
- RH11-F:205. Task Force report - Background File: "77 Working Group" - Comments on Book V
- RH11-F:206. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Book V, SSC Final Report - Questions raised by SSC
- RH11-F:207. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Book V, SSC Final Report - Cable Traffic to & from CIA headquarters after assassination of Kennedy
- RH11-F:208. Task Force report (8/30/77) - Comments on Book V, SSC Final Report - The Investigation of the Assassination of President Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies (two folders)
- RH11-F:209. Not in box, 5/3/99
- RH11-F:210. Joe Trento article
- RH11-F:211. Antonio Carlos Veciana-Blanch
- RH11-F:212. Robert Wall (four folders)
- RH11-F:213. CIA correspondence to Warren Commission (three folders)
- RH12-F:214. Correspondence from Warren Commission to CIA
- RH12-F:215. CIA's information in Warren Commission documents
- RH12-F:216. CIA memoranda addressed to Warren Commission
- RH12-F:216. CIA memoranda addressed to Warren Commission
- RH12-F:217. Warren Commission - CIA Studies prepared by SR/CI (two folders)
- RH12-F:218. CIA support to Warren Commission
- RH12-F:219. Warren Commission documents originated by CIA and Commission documents containing CIA information that are held by the National Archives
- RH12-F:220. Log of all documents received by the Warren Commission, November 1963 - September 1964
- RH12-F:221. Warren Commission documents relating to Oswald's travel to the Soviet Union, including statement by Priscilla Johnson McMillan.
- RH12-F:222. Warren Commission Numbered Document 283
- RH12-F:223. Warren Commission Numbered Document 284
- RH12-F:224. Warren Commission Numbered Document 347
- RH12-F:225. Warren Commission Numbered Document 442
- RH12-F:226. Original CIA folder is empty.
- RH12-F:227. Warren Commission Numbered Document 680
- RH12-F: Inventory. Inventory F214 - F235
- RH12-F:228. Warren Commission Numbered Document 692
- RH12-F:229. Warren Commission Numbered Document 844
- RH12-F:230. Warren Commission Numbered Document
- RH12-F:231. Warren Commission Numbered Document 1084d
- RH12-F:232. Warren Commission Exhibit 3152 (two folders)
- RH12-F:233. Carlos John Wilson-Hudson
- RH12-F:234. Zapruder Film
- RH13-F:236. Card index to names requested by HSCA
- RH13-F:237. Chief of Station's Records (Mexico City)
- RH13-F:238. CI/R&A Files regarding Lee Harvey Oswald and related matters
- RH13-F:238. CI/R&A Files regarding Lee Harvey Oswald and related matters
- RH13-F:239. Signature Sheets covering CIA records requested and reviewed by HSCA Staff Employees (six folders)
- RH13-F:240. Signature Sheets covering CIA records requested and reviewed by HSCA Staff Employees
- RH14-F:01. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:02. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:03. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:04. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:05. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:06. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:07. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:08. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:09. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:10. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:11. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:12. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:13. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:14. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:15. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:16. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:17. Lucien, Conein
- RH14-F:18. Mark Allen v. DOD & CIA
- RH14-F:19. Undergoing processing.
- RH14-F:20. HSCA Review Procedures; Mexico City
- RH14-F:20a. Segregated Collection; Mark Allen; HSCA
- RH15-F:01. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:02. Gerald P. Hemming (two folders)
- RH15-F:03. Gerald P. Hemming (two folders)
- RH15-F:04. Gerald P. Hemming (three folders)
- RH15-F:05. Gerald P. Hemming; Fonseca Fernandez
- RH15-F:06. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:07. Gerald P. Hemming (two folders)
- RH15-F:08. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:09. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:10. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:11. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:12. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:13. Gerald P. Hemming (three folders)
- RH15-F:14. Gerald P. Hemming
- RH15-F:15. Gerald P. Hemming (three folders)
- RH16-F:01. Records Management
- RH16-F:02. Mark Allen FOIA Request
- RH16-F:03. HSCA Equities
- RH16-F:04. Lee Harvey Oswald: Mexico City; Chronology; Inventory
- RH16-F:05. Descriptive Box List
- RH16-F:06. Warren Commission; Mexico City; Cuba
- RH16-F:06a. Meetings with Warren Commission and Staff; Mexico City
- RH16-F:06b. Russia; Mexico City
- RH16-F:07. Mexico City Chronology
- RH16-F:08. Mexico City; FOIA Requests
- RH16-F:09. Mexico City; Richard Sprague
- RH16-F:10. Mexico City; "Unidentified Individual"
- RH16-F:11. Garrison Investigation
- RH16-F:12. Garrison Investigation
- RH16-F:13. AMLASH; Mexico City
- RH16-F:14. Yuriy Moskalev
- RH16-F:15. Shaw & Allen v. CIA (three folders)
- RH16-F:16. Paul Hoch
- RH16-F:17. Mexico City
- RH16-F:18. Lee Harvey Oswald 201 file
- RH16-F:19. Warren Commission; HSCA; Mexico City
- RH16-F:20. J. Walton Moore
- RH16-F:21. Sylvia Odio
- RH16-F:22. Mark Allen
- RH16-F:23. Pike Committee; HSCA; Rockefeller Commission
- RH16-F:24. Nick Horrock; Release of Information
- RH17-F:01. Inventory of documents not included in 1st 34 boxes of HSCA Sequestered Collection
- RH17-F:02. Mexico City; Cuba
- RH17-F:03. FOIA Requests
- RH17-F:04. Clay Shaw; Jim Garrison
- RH17-F:05. Yuriy Nosenko; Russia
- RH17-F:05. Yuriy Nosenko; Russia
- RH17-F:06. Cuba; Fidel Castro
- RH17-F:06a. Cuba; Fidel Castro
- RH17-F:06b. Cuba; Fidel Castro; AMMUG
- RH17-F:06c. Cuba; Fidel Castro; Mexico City; Sylvia Duran
- RH17-F:07. HSCA; Richard
- RH17-F:08. Mexico City
- RH17-F:08a. Mexico City
- RH17-F:08b. Mexico City; Unidentified Photo
- RH17-F:08c. Mexico City; Unidentified Photo
- RH17-F:09. Newspaper clippings; Jim Garrison
- RH17-F:10. Newspaper clippings
- RH17-F:11. Newspaper clippings (three folders)
- RH17-F:12. Newspaper clippings (three folders)
- RH17-F:13. Church Committee
- RH17-F:13a. Church Committee
- RH17-F:13b. Rockefeller Commission
- RH17-F:14. Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 file
- RH18-F:01. George DeMohrenschildt (two folders)
- RH18-F:02. Mexico City
- RH18-F:02a. AMLASH; Review of Records
- RH18-F:02b. Mexico City
- RH18-F:02c. AMLASH
- RH18-F:03. Sylvia Odio
- RH18-F:04. Richard Helms; QJWIN; ZRRIFLE
- RH18-F:05. Russia
- RH18-F:06. Congressional Reports
- RH18-F:07. FOIA Requests; Disposition of Documents
- RH18-F:08. List of Document File Numbers
- RH18-F:09. Mark Allen
- RH18-F:10. HSCA Microfilm
- RH18-F:10a. HSCA Microfilm
- RH18-F:10b. HSCA Inventory; Russ Holmes Inventory (boxes 1-13)
- RH18-F:10c. Inventory of Safe No. 21801
- RH18-F:11. HSCA Inventories (two folders)
- RH18-F:12. Mexico City
- RH18-F:12a. Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 file
- RH18-F:13. Sylvia Meagher index
- RH18-F:14. Lee Harvey Oswald; Marina Oswald
- RH18-F:15. HSCA; Status of FOIAs
- RH18-F:16. ARRB determined document "not believed relevant."
- RH18-F:17. Pages from "The Lone Star: The Life of John Connally"
- RH18-F:18. Finding aid to Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 file
- RH18-F:19. Finding aid to Lee Harvey Oswald's 201 file
- RH18-F:20. "A Review of Counterintelligence Literature, 1975-1992"
- RH19-F:01. Disposition Notes; Biographical Study of Lee Harvey Oswald
- RH19-F:01a. Mexico City; Warren Commission
- RH19-F:01b. Fensterwald FOIA Request
- RH19-F:01c. Mexico City - transcripts of telephone conversations
- RH19-F:02. Fensterwald FOIA Request (three folders)
- RH19-F:03. Mexico City
- RH19-F:03a. Mexico City; Nosenko
- RH19-F:04. No folder in original CIA box.
- RH19-F:05. ARRB determined document "not believed relevant."
- RH19-F:06. Fensterwald FOIA Request
- RH19-F:07. ARRB determined document "not believed relevant."
- RH19-F:08. Monthly Intelligence Report, April 1968; Garrison; Fensterwald
- RH19-F:09. Bernard Fensterwald; Jim Garrison
- RH19-F:10. Harold Weisberg FOIA Request