CIA Miscellaneous Files
Folder Title ListVolume: 5.6 feet
The CIA Miscellaneous Files consist of records in the custody of the CIA that the Assassination Records Review Board identified as being "assassination-related." The JFK Collection contains approximately 22 additional feet of CIA records, which are not currently described on-line. In the near future, these CIA records will be described in the JFK Collection database.
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190, or e-mail:
Box 1:-
JFK-M-01 (F 1)
Mission Statement -
JFK-M-01 (F 2)
David R. McLean
Frederick Walter
Alfred T. Cox
John A. McCone
CI History -
JFK-M0-01 (F 6)
Bay of Pigs Operation Vol III -
JFK-M-01 (F 7)
IG Report 1964
Box 2:
- JFK-M-02 (F 1)
JFK-M-02 (F 2)
Travel to Cuba
OCI Review -
JFK-M-02 (F 3)
- JFK-M-03 (F 1)
Ted Shackley -
JFK-M-03 (F 2)
William M. -
JFK-M-03 (F 3)
James Angleton -
JFK-M-03 (F 4)
Winston Scott -
JFK-M-03 (F 5)
Special ActivitiesTSD
John Patrice Lumumba -
JFK-M-03 (F 6)
Charles Ford/RFK/Mafia -
JFK-M-03 (F 7)
S. Breckinridge Files -
JFK-M-03 (F 8)
L.H. Oswald -
JFK-M-04 (F 1)
G. Joannides -
JFK-M-04 (F 2)
Clay Shaw -
JFK-M-04 (F 3)
James Garrison
JFK-M-05 (F 2)
Office of Security -
JFK-M-05 (F 3)
Jack Ruby -
JFK-M-05 (F 4)
Richard Nagel -
JFK-M-05 (F 5)
Harold Weisberg -
JFK-M-05 (F 6)
Walter Sheridan
Box 5:
JFK-M-06 (F 1)
John McCone -
JFK-M-06 (F 2)
DCI Meeting w/ President -
JFK-M-06 (F 3)
DCI Mc ConeDCI DullesDefense -
JFK-M-06 (F 4)
Special Group -
JFK-M-06 (F 5)
DCI Mc Cone -
JFK-M-06 (F 6)
DCI Meetings w/ -
JFK-M-06 (F 7)
DCI Mc Cone - Vietnam -
JFK-M-06 (F 8)
Notes for DCIWeekend Reading -
JFK-M-06 (F 9)
DCI Mc Cone- Vietnam -
JFK-M-06 (F 10)
DCI Mc Cone- Memo for the Record -
JFK-M-06 (F 11) 303
Committee Meetings -
JFK-M-06 (F 12)
DCI Mc Cone- Memo for the Record -
JFK-M-06 (F 13)
DCI Mc Cone-Memo for the Record -
JFK-M-06 (F 14)
DCI Mc ConeTelephone CallsE.O. -
JFK-M-06 (F 15)
DCI Meetings w/ President -
JFK-M-06 (F 16)
DCI Meetings w/ President -
JFK-M-06 (F 17)
DCI Meetings w/ President -
JFK-M-06 (F 18)
DCI Files -
JFK-M-06 (F 19)
DCI Meeting w/ President -
JFK-M-06 (F 20)
DCI Mc Cone- Vietnam -
JFK-M-06 (F 21)
DCI Mc Cone- Memoranda -
JFK-M-06 (F 22)
303 Committee Meetings -
JFK-M-06 (F 23)
DCI Mc Cone- Telephone Calls -
JFK-M-06 (F 24)
Transcripts DCI Mc Cone/ FBI Sam Papich Meeting -
JFK-M-06 (F 25)
303 Committee Meetings -
JFK-M-06 (F 26)
Dulles Secretary Calendar
Box 6:
JFK-M-07 (F 1)
Secret Service
Special Group Meeting at WH
FPCC/ Steve Long
Israel Shenker
Photo Reconnnaissance
Ray Rivero/ Artime Buesa
Byron Cameron/ Franco Babun
Raul Roa
Robert S. Allen/ Paul Scott
Spectrum Paper
JFK Library
CS OP in USA/ Richard Helms
Charles Ford/ Charles Fiscalini
Jim Braden/ John Moulder/ Eugene Brading
Patrice Lumumba
Robert Webster
Carlo Bringuier
Benjamin Pepper
Lloyd A. Ray
William Harvey
George McGovern
Anti-Castro Ops
NSC Meeting
Rufus Phillips
President's Mtg on Vietnam
Gov. Harriman
L.H. Oswald
Maria Boissevain
Rojas Masferrer/David Cabeza/ Father Madrigal
William C. Wood
Joachim Joesten
Valentine Ashworth
Steuart Pittman/ Samuel Cummings/ INTERARMCO
James Garrison
Yuri Nosenko/ Edward Epstein
Thomas J. DeVine/ George H.W. Bush
Luis A. Castillo/ Antonio Eloriaga-Reyes -
JFK-M-07 (F 2)
DDCI Files- Unit Index -
JFK-M-07 (F 3)
DDP Files (1 of 3) SSC
Box 7:
JFK-M-07 (F 3)
DDP Files (2 of 3) (3 of 3) -
JFK-M- 08 (F 1)
Gordon Novel
Box 8:
JFK-M-08 (F 2)
William Pawley -
JFK-M-08 (F 3)
Yuri Nosenko -
JFK-M-08 (F 4)
Yuri Nosenko -
Audio tapes -
JFK-M-10 (F 1)
Sam Halpern
Box 9:
JFK-M-10 (F 2)
Sam Halpern -
JFK-M-10 (F 3)
Sam Halpern -
JFK-M-11 (F 1)
ARRB Request -
JFK-M-11 (F 2)
ARRB Request -
JFK-M-11 (F 3)
ARRB Request/Release
Mexican Wiretaps
Fabia Escalante -
JFK-M-11 (F 4)
ARRB Releases -
JFK-M-12 (F 1)
HSCA documents -
JFK-M-12 (F 2)
John Rosselli
A.J. Balletti
Robert Maheu
Sam Giancana -
JFK-M-12 (F 3)
Louis J. Dube
Mark Allen
Gerald Liebanau
- JFK-M-12 (F 4) to JFK-M-12 (F 7)
Box 10:
JFK-M-13 (F 1)
Exec Reg File- DCI Bush
Garcia Kohly
Paul Hoch
Zapruder Film JFK-M-13 (F 2)
Exec Reg File- HSCA
Jim Braden/ E. H. Brading
Ronald Hanford
Dan Rather/ James Earl Ray/ Sirhan-Sirhan
Clare Booth Luce
Yuri Nosenko
David Belin
Nick Horrack
Paul Hoch
Martin Luther King
Dan Schorr
Firehock Memos
Eric S. Galt
Sen. Schweiker
B. Fensterwald/ Unident Photo
Jim Garrison
Emory L. Brown
David Wise
Dr. Tietjen
Drew Pearson/ Khrushchev
Alvararado Ugarte -
JFK-M-13 (F 3)
Exec Reg File- HSCA
Bernard Fensterwald -
JFK-M-13 (F 4)
Exec Reg File- HSCA -
JFK-M-13 (F 5)
Exec Reg File- HSCA
Yuri Nosenko
Helen Watriss
Mexican Photos
James Angleton
Charles Spears/ Frank S. Wright
A.M. Golitsyn
Lyman Neal Hayes
Maurice Bishop
John L. Hart
Rep. Preyer
Gary Cornwell -
JFK-M-13 (F 6)
Exec Reg File- HSCA
Teresa Proenza
Yuri Nosenko
Regis T. Blahut
Richard Helms
ShevchenkoJ -
FK-M-13 (F 7)
Exec Reg File- HSCA
Clare Booth Luce
Justin Mc Carthy
Santos Trafficante
Loran Hall
Antulio Ortiz Ramirez
R.W. Darden -
JFK-M-13 (F 8)
Exec Reg File- HSCA
L. H. Oswald
Ronald Kessler
Richard Sprague
George S. Demohrenschildt
G. R. Hewes
R.H. Bennett/ Hugh Mc Donald -
JFK-M-13 (F 9)
Exec Reg Files- Warren Commission
Nick Horrock
David Belin
Dan Rather -
JFK-M-13 (F 10)
Exec Reg File- Warren Commission
David Belin
Paul L. Hoch -
JFK-M-13 (F 11)
Exec Reg File- Warren Commission
Allen Dulles
Clare Booth Luce
Justin Mc Carthy
JFK-M-13 (F6)
JFK-M-13 (F7)
JFK-M-13 (F8)
JFK-M-13 (F9)
HSCA/Warren Commission
JFK-M-13 (F10)
HSCA/Warren Commission
- JFK-M-14 (F 1) to JFK-M-14 (F 13)
- JFK-M-14 (F 14) to JFK-M-14 (F 34)
Boxes 12-21: Administrative Files Relating to CIA Response to JFK Act and ARRB
Box 12- JFK-M-15 (F 1-2) to JFK-M-16 (F 1)
- JFK-M-16 (F 2) to JFK-M-16 (F 7)
- JFK-M-16 (F 8-11) to JFK-M-16 (F 15)
- JFK-M-17 (F 1-12) to JFK-M-17 (F 17-25)
- JFK-M-18 (F 1) to JFK-M-18 (F 14)
- JFK-M-18 (F 15) to JFK-M-20 (F 1-15)
- JFK-M-20 (F 16-18) to JFK-M-21 (F 6-8)
- JFK-M-21 (F 9-11) to JFK-M-22 (F17)
- JFK-M-23 (F 1-8) to JFK-M-24 (F 44-49)
- JFK-M-24 (F 50-51) to JFK-M-24 (F 56-57)