Related Websites
United States, International, Academic, and Organization links relating to Holocaust-Era Assets.
United States
- Art Looting Investigation Unit Final Report produced by art experts in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) at the end of WWII.
- Department of the State Holocaust Assets Page
- Holocaust-Era Assets Reports: Prepared for the House International Relations Committee Chairman by the Congressional Research Service.
- Interagency Working Group (IWG) on The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records
- Holocaust Museum tracks current activities regarding Holocaust-Era assets
- Interview with Bernard Bernstein. Bernard Bernstein served as Lt. Colonel and Colonel, U.S. Army, and Financial Advisory to General Dwight D. Eisenhower for Civil Affairs and Military Government, ETO and MTO, 1942-1945; Director, Finance division and Division of Investigation of Cartels and External Assets, U.S. Group Control Commission for Germany, 1944-1945; and Legal Advisor to the American Jewish Conference, 1946-48.
- Interview with Harry N. Rosenfield. Harry Rosenfield was Commissioner of the United States Displaced Persons Commission, 1948-1952; and Executive Director, President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, 1952-1953.
- Presidential Advisory Commission of Holocaust Assets
- Provenance Index Online Searchable Databases :
The Getty Museum combines 6 valuable art provenance related databases into this site.
International Links
- Consulates and Embassies, Presidential Advisory Commission
- The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC) : ICHEIC is a voluntary organization established in October of 1998 by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), in conjunction with several European insurance companies, European regulators, representatives of several Jewish organizations and the State of Israel. The Association of Insurers in the Netherlands later joined ICHEIC on behalf of the entire Dutch insurance industry.
- Holocaust: The Virtual Library History Network : German Coordination Office of the Federal States for the Return of Cultural Property
- Internet Research Catalog of Missing Paintings : Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
- Lost Art Internet Database : Federal Government and its Federal States, Germany
(Choose "English" language from left-hand sidebar.) - The Spoils of War : biannual newsletter
- Vilnius International Forum on Holocaust-Era Looted Cultural Assets
Many international links to organizations, conferences, etc.
- Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce Dormant accounts, Nazi gold and loot
- Swiss Banks - Official Holocaust Victims Assets Litigation
- Swiss Embassy , Washington DC
- Swiss Federal Parliament: Switzerland and the Second World War
- Swiss Task Force on Holocaust Assets
United Kingdom
- Britain's Enemy Property website: 25,000 records held at the PRO relating to enemy property confiscated during WWII
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office (UK): Nazi Gold
Academic Links
- Nazi and East German Propaganda : This valuable German Propaganda Archive is maintained by Randall Bytwerk, Calvin College.
- University of Chicago : Law-related resources on Holocaust-Era assets
- University of the West of England website, Internet Resources on Genocide and Mass Killings . Webpages of particular interest to readers interested in Third Reich war crimes include:
- Appropriation of Assets and Labour by the Third Reich ,
- BioProfiles (Third Reich) ,
- Destruction of European Jewry Explanatory Timeline ,
- Documents Relating to the Jewish Holocaust ,
- Genocide and Mass Killing ,
- Glossary (Third Reich/WWII) ,
- The Jewish Holocaust ,
- Principal Functionaries of the Third Reich ,
- War Crimes and Criminals ,
- World War II Resources .
- University of Pennsylvania: Literature of the Holocaust
- University of Connecticut, Thomas J. Dodd Papers: Nuremberg Trials
- Yale University, Avalon Project: Nuremberg Trials
- Project for the Documentation of Wartime Cultural Assets . Loyola College. New additions to the website include the Art Looting Investigation Unit Final Report produced by art experts within the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) at the end of WWII and The Russian Law on Cultural Property Displaced to the USSR as a Result of World War II .
- U.S. Holocaust Museum educator program for classrooms.
- The Holocaust : Jewish Student Online Research Center (JSOURCE)
- The Wiesenthal Center webpage on European bank and insurance accounts related to the Holocaust-Era. The Interagency Working Group (IWG) held a public forum at the Simon Wiesenthal's Museum of Tolerance on June 24, 1999, to solict the advice of scholars and knowledgeable members of the public about wartime and postwar programs, events and individuals that may have led to the creation of security classified records. The event was broadcast via live audio and may be heard at the Wiesenthal's website
- Forced and Slave labor atrocities documentation. Cohen, Milstein, Hausfield & Tolls e-journal
- The Mazal Library: A Holocaust resource with warcrime trial transcripts
- Holocaust Memorial Center
- ABC News Special Report: The Profits of Plunder .
- PBS Frontline page on Switzerland's WWII neutrality, its financial dealings with the Third Reich, and looted assets still held in Swiss banks
- Bruno Giussani refers to his website as a "one-stop" resource monitoring the controversy over the recovery of WWII assets
- World Web News site on Swiss banks: Yves Magat's website
- Nizkor Project: Labor Camps & the Nuremberg Trials
- Museum Security Network : cultural property security
- Silent Voices Speak : Holocaust-related art exhibitions and lectures