Civilian Agency Records
Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions (RG 43)
Records of Meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers and Related Conferences, 1945-1949
The Council of Foreign Ministers, established to work out postwar settlements, held its first formal session in September and October 1945 in London. It was followed by the Paris Conference on Reparations, and the Tripartite Meeting of Foreign Ministers in Moscow, later the same year. In 1946-1949 five more sessions of the Council of Foreign Ministers were held in Paris, New York, Moscow, and London. During the same years related conferences, such as the Paris Peace Conference and the Austrian Treaty Commission, were held. The records of these meetings include official conference documents (agenda, minutes, and records of decisions), correspondence, telegrams, memoranda, reports, working papers, speeches, and draft agreements. There are separate subject files in addition to the records of each conference. The conference records are arranged by conference and thereunder by subject or type of record. The subject files are arranged alphabetically and thereunder chronologically. (Lot File Nos. M88 and 52-M64). Boxes 1-321 Only selected records follows. Researchers interested in all the records should consult the finding aids in the consultation area in Room 2600.
Records Relating to the Paris Conference on Reparations
The Paris Conference on Reparations was an 18-power conference held in Paris, November 9- December 21, 1945. At the invitation of the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, as the powers occupying the western zones of Germany, met to discuss a recommendation for the adoption of the Paris Agreement on Reparations, which established policies and procedures for the division of German assets among the 18 governments. (Note 34) Background Memoranda and Reports, June 24, 1944-October 23, 1945
Numbered Documents
Telegrams Sent to and From James W. Angell
Data on Claims by Individual Countries
Final Act of the Conference
Final Report of James W. Angell
Miscellaneous Records Relating to Reparations 1944-1948
Reference and Working Papers Relating to the First, Second, and Third Sessions of the Council of Foreign Ministers and the Paris Peace Conference Country File 1945-1946
Miscellaneous Subject File 1945-1946
Working Papers of Jacques Reinstein, William Bray, and Samuel Reber 1945-1946
Records of the Austrian Treaty Commission May-October 1947
Austrian Treaty Commission-Subject Files 1947
Economic Studies and Preliminary Reports
Records of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Fifth Session, London, November 25- December 15, 1947
Subject Files - Country 1947
Subject Files - General 1947
Rome Conference on Implementation of the Peace Treaties
Records of Meetings on European Questions 1949
Records of Discussions Regarding Swiss-Allied Accord
Records of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Sixth Session, Paris, May 23-June 20, 1949
Subject Files of the Sixth Session
Records of Post-CFM 1949 Meetings
Subject File 1949-Alphabetically By Country
Subject Files 1949-General
Records of the Council of Foreign Ministers and of Other Meetings of the Foreign Ministers of the United States and the European Powers, 1943-1955 [Lot File M-88] [Entry URU MLR 16 accretion] CFM Working Groups
Office of Intelligence Research Reports 1947 (3 folders)
Reports and Studies on Germany 1945-1953
Contractual Arrangements
Inter-Governmental Study Group for Germany, London-Paris 1950-1951
Subject File
Tripartite Commission on German Debt
Conference on German External Debts, London, February-August 1952
Conference on German External Assets and Looted Gold, Washington January 6-21, 1953
German Debt Subject File
Subject and Working Files of Jacques J. Reinstein (Note 35), 1945-1951
Subject File Relating to Italy
Background File Relating to Italy
Background File Relating to Trieste
Subject File Relating to Bulgaria
Subject File Relating to Hungary
Subject File Relating to Romania
Subject File Relating to Satellites and the Danube
Miscellaneous Subject File
Subject File Relating to Treaties
Negotiation File
Background File on German Industry and Trade
Surrender File (Working Security Committee Documents)
General Subject File