Military Agency Records
Records of the Foreign Economic Administration (RG 169)
Records of the Board of Economic Warfare (1941-1943)
On December 17, 1941, the Economic Defense Board became, by a change of name, the Board of Economic Warfare. For about four months thereafter there were no major changes in the functions and no significant changes in administrative organization. By an Executive order of April 13, 1942, however, the Board's powers. which hitherto had been limited chiefly to the control of exports, were significantly increased by giving to the Board a large measure of control over imports. It was also directed to "represent the United States Government in dealing with the economic warfare agencies of the United Nations for the purpose of relating the Government's economic warfare program and facilities regarding the importation of strategic and critical materials.
As a result of the Executive order the Board was reorganized, and to the existing membership of the Board proper, presided over by the Vice President of the United States, Henry A. Wallace, there were added the Chairman of the War Production Board and the Administrator of the Office of Lend-Lease Administration. The Offices of Exports, Imports, Economic Warfare Analysis, the General Counsel, and Administrative Management, established at that time, remained in existence during the life of the agency, although the branches and divisions of the offices underwent a number of changes.
By an Executive order of July 15, 1943, the Board of Economic Warfare was terminated and its functions, personnel, and records were transferred to the Office of Economic Warfare (OEW). The various centralized and decentralized files of the Board, which were taken over and maintained practically intact by the OEW, were later distributed to various units of the Foreign Economic Administration.
General Records
Classified Subject File July 1940-June 1942 (Entry 97)
Records of the Board of Economic Warfare and of its predecessors, the Economic Defense Board and the Office of the Administrator of Export Control, consisting mainly of copies of letters, memorandums, reports, minutes of meetings of committees, and other materials relating to all phases of export control and economic warfare and to the organization, administration, policies, and procedures of the agencies. The records are arranged in accordance with a subject-numeric classification system. Please consult the finding aids in the consultation area in Room 2600 for information regarding the classification system. Boxes 1-247
Geographic Central File July 1940-June 1942 (Entry 98)
Letters and memoranda, mainly copies. relating to export control matters involving specific countries and covering subjects similar to those described in the previous entry. The records are arranged alphabetically by country and thereunder by the same subject-numeric system used in the Classified Subject Central File. Boxes 248-293
Records of the Office of Economic Warfare (1943)
By an Executive order of July 15, 943, the Office of Economic Warfare, headed by a Director, Leo T. Crowley, was established in the Office of Emergency Management. To it were transferred the functions, personnel, and records of the Board of Economic Warfare, which was abolished by the order. The Office of Economic Warfare was in existence for only about six weeks. Its functions and administrative organization were substantially those of its predecessors. By an Executive order of September 25, 1943, the Office of Economic Warfare and certain other agencies, together with their personnel and records, were transferred to and consolidated in the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), which was established by that order. The records of the Office were later absorbed into the records of various units of the FEA.
Records of the Foreign Economic Administration (1943-1945)
In order to unify and consolidate the administration of governmental activities relating to foreign economic affairs, the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), was established by an Executive order of September 25, 1943. The functions, personnel, and records of the office of Lend-Lease Administration, the Office of Economic Warfare, the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations of the Department of State, and the foreign economic operations of the Office of Foreign Economic Coordination of the Department of State were transferred to the FEA.
The FEA was responsible for the wartime functions of export control, foreign procurement, lend- lease, reverse lend-lease, participation in foreign relief and rehabilitation, and economic warfare, including foreign economic intelligence. By an Executive order of September 27, 1945, the FEA was abolished and its remaining functions were divided among five agencies, including the Departments of State and Commerce.
Records of the Office of the Administrator
This Office included the Administrator, Leo T. Crowley, his immediate assistants, and six planning and administrative offices.
General Records Subject File of the Administrator, January 1942-October 1945 (Entry 128)
Correspondence of Leo T. Crowley, FEA Administrator, and of Milo Perkins, Executive Director of the Board of Economic Warfare and Office of Economic Warfare, with members of Congress, other Government agencies, private industry, and the general public regarding policy matters in connection with the administration and operations of the above-mentioned agencies, cooperation with other Government agencies on foreign economic operations, legislation, and other matters requiring the attention of the Administrator (or his predecessor). One part of this file, covering the period January 1941-July 1944, is arranged according to a modified Dewey decimal classification scheme. The second part of the file, covering the period August 1944-October 1945, is arranged according to a subject-numeric classification scheme. This scheme is outlined in a binder in the consultation area in Room 2600. Boxes 1-77
Geographic File of the Administrator January 1942-October 1945 (Entry 129)
Correspondence, mainly of Milo Perkins, Executive Director of the Board of Economic Warfare and the Office of Economic Warfare, and of Leo T. Crowley, FEA Administrator, with other Government agencies, representatives of the Administration abroad, and foreign missions in the United States, together with memoranda, reports, and other papers. The records relate in large part to policies of the FEA and its predecessors with respect to commodity requirements, supplies, requisitioning, transportation problems, surplus property disposal, and other economic matters as they concerned various foreign countries. That part of the file for the period January 1942-July 1944 is arranged alphabetically by geographic area or country and thereunder in accordance with a decimal classification system. The second part of the file, for the period August 1944- October 1945, is arranged alphabetically by geographic area or country and thereunder alphabetically by subject. Boxes 1-28
General Letters Sent 1942-1945(Entry 130)
Letters to Field Representatives in Foreign Countries 1942-1945 (Entry 131)
Boxes 1-3
Intraoffice and Interoffice Letters and Memoranda Sent January 1944-October 1945 (Entry 132)
Boxes 1-2
Intra-Agency Memoranda Sent October 1941-December 1943 (Entry 133)
Boxes 1-2
Letters Sent to Other Government Agencies March 1942-October 1945 (Entry 134)
Boxes 1-10
Records of the Office of the Budget and Administrative Planning
Records of the Records Analysis Division
The Records Analysis Division was established in December 1943 to be responsible for the preparation of a history or histories of the FEA. It took over and continued historical activities that had been begun as early as 1942 in both the Office of Lend-Lease Administration and the Board of Economic Warfare.
File of William Lonsdale Taylor, Chief 1943-1946 (Entry 143)
File of the Historian of the Board of Economic Warfare, the Office of Economic Warfare, and the FEA and Chief of the Records Analysis Division. Consists of correspondence, memoranda, progress reports, organizational charts, and administrative issuances dealing with the work and personnel of the Division, the organization of chapters of the history, requests for copies of records from FEA files, history committees, and related subjects. Arranged in part by subject, and in part chronologically by date of document. Boxes 1-6 Historian's Reports of Interviews 1943-1945 (Entry 144)
Boxes 1-2
Historical Monographs Prepared by the Division 1940-1946 (Entry 145)
Typewritten copies of monographs on the organization and operations of the FEA and its predecessor agencies, which were prepared by the staff of the Records Analysis Division. Some of the monographs are bound with supporting papers, consisting of copies of FEA records. Unarranged. Boxes 1-21 Box 18 contains a Report to Congress on Operations of the Foreign Economic Administration, September 25, 1944
Historical Monographs Prepared Outside the Division 1940-1946 (Entry 146)
Boxes 1-6
Records Assembled by the Historian Reports on the Organization of the Division of Controls July-August 1941 (Entry 148)
Box 1
Historical File on the Office of Economic Warfare and Predecessor Agencies 1941-1943 (Entry 150)
Among the folder headings included in this series: Argentina; Blockade; Board of Economic Warfare; British Empire; Intelligence (history); Office of Censorship; Office of Economic Warfare Analysis; Office of War Information; Policy Committee; State Department; and, Treasury.
Boxes 1-9
Historical File on the Foreign Economic Administration 1943-1945 (Entry 151)
Boxes 906-919E
Administrative Issuances of the Economic Defense Board, the Board of Economic Warfare, and the Office of Economic Warfare, September 1941-November 30, 1943 (Entry 153)
Boxes 920-929 FEA Administrative Issuances December 1943-October 1945 (Entry 154)
Boxes 930-930C Budget Materials 1941-1946 (Entry 155)
Boxes 931-947A Minutes of Meetings of the Board of Economic Warfare August 13, 1941-July 15, 1943
(Entry 156) Box 948
Research Reports and Studies 1942-1944 (Entry 157)
Research reports and studies of various divisions of the FEA and predecessor agencies on such subjects as the economy of enemy, neutral, and allied countries, possibilities of and programs for the development and procurement of strategic commodities, problems of occupation, and enemy methods of occupation, together with miscellaneous reports on sources of economic intelligence and other subjects of interest to the Board of Economic Warfare, the Office of Economic Warfare, and the FEA. Arranged by division symbol and thereunder numerically. Boxes 1-27
Economic Warfare Studies of the Army Industrial College 1940-1941 (Entry 158)
Boxes 936-964A
Records Pertaining to Foreign Economic Administration's Relations with France 1943- 1945 (Entry 160)
Boxes 969-975
Cables of the Combined Committee for French North and West African Civil Affairs 1943-1944 (Entry 161)
Box 976
Minutes of Meetings of French North African Committees 1943-1945 (Entry 162)
Box 977
"Brief Historical Statement of Foreign Economic Administration" 1943-1944 (Entry 163)
Boxes 978-979
Foreign Projects Reports January 1943-December 15, 1943 (Entry 167)
Processed copies of periodic reports on foreign projects of the Board of Economic Warfare and the FEA, prepared by the Office of Administrative Management. They contain information concerning the country involved, the Board of Economic Warfare's or FEA's representative, the status of the project, its sponsor, the assignment of the project, and the approximate period of time assigned it. Arranged chronologically. Box 983C location: 570/56/25/05 Records Relating to the Bureau of Areas and the Bureau of Supplies 1944-1945 (Entry 168)
Boxes 984-988
Records of the Office of the General Counsel 1942-1943 (Entry 169)
Boxes 989-990
Material on the "SAFE HAVEN Project" 1943-1945 (Entry 170)
Boxes 991-993 Includes in Box 991 a "Safehaven Study" by Margaret Clarke, n.d.,193pp.
Economic Program Policy Statements 1944-1945 (Entry 172)
Set of processed issuances of the FEA headed "Economic Program with Reference to [various countries of the world]." and supplements thereto. This set of program issuances was compiled by the historian's staff. Arranged by country under two major headings, Economic Programs and Supplements.
Boxes 1-2
Progress Reports of FEA Special Representatives and Missions 1943-1944 (Entry 173)
Typed copies of progress reports from FEA special representatives and missions in foreign countries, which were assembled by the Historian and his staff. Arranged alphabetically by country and thereunder chronologically.
Boxes 1-7
Intelligence Memoranda of the Italian Division 1944-1945 (Entry 179)
Boxes 1-3
Weekly Operations Reports of the Office of Economic Warfare August 1941-November 1943 (Entry 180)
Boxes 1-2
Box 1
Addresses and Statements of BEW and FEA Officials 1942-1946 (Entry 185)Box 1
Records of the Office of Economic Programs
The Office of Economic Programs (OEP) was established on September 13, 1943. It included specialized staffs of advisers who assisted the Administrator and other high officials of the agency in preparing foreign economic policies and programs. The Office represented a consolidation of the War Trade Staff of the Office of Economic Warfare and the Government Liaison and Reciprocal Aid Division of the Office of Lend-Lease Administration. The Office, whose chief was an Assistant FEA Administrator, (Note 24) was largely composed of personnel consisting of economists who served as consultants on such diverse matters as supplies and resources, foreign development, foreign finance, trade policy, and lend lease.
The OEP acted as the integrating unit for the operational branches within FEA whose own projects had to be brought into harmony with the central policies of the Administration. Operational approaches within the framework of FEA were often dissimilar and even in cases, where objectives were not identical in practice, conflicting. OEP had to keep differences in mind and attempt to solve them. Operations personnel, enthusiastic about their programs and bent on achieving their ends quickly and efficiently, had to be reminded of political considerations. It was a primary function of the OEP to conciliate differences and keep the strategy of economic warfare to a consistent pattern.
In 1944 through V. Frank Coe and L. Currie, the OEP was brought directly and originally into the Safehaven program. It was in OEP, under Coe that the Executive Committee on Economic Foreign Policy (ECEFP) was established. An interdepartmental unit, maintained by Angell after Coe left FEA, the ECEFP, animated by OEP, studied issues involved in economic warfare, anticipated the economic programs connected with Germany in the postwar period, and took steps to initiate plans which would operated effectively after the defeat of the Axis.
Since the OEP had, throughout the period of its existence kept in touch with the work of other departments also concerned with economic warfare, and since it maintained close contact with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board, it had already had, before the Safehaven program was organized, practical experience with some of the aspects of German penetration. Advising on commodity agreements and studying the cartel and combine methods of German industry, it had also a background of practical knowledge of what the pattern of German post- hostilities aggression was likely to be.
The Executive Committee on Economic Foreign Policy (ECEFP), guided largely by OEP, had considered from time to time such matters as modification of wartime financial controls over foreign assets. It had, for example, considered the possibility of continuing the Proclaimed List after the surrender of Germany as a method of economic supervision of Axis friends.
With the development of the Safehaven Program idea, the ECEP took over serious study of the matter of controlling enemy assets after the war. Out of this consideration a new committee, the Interdepartmental Committee on Post-Hostilities Controls over Foreign Property was organized. Its membership was composed of representatives from the Departments of State, Treasury, Justice, Commerce, and the Alien Property Custodian, the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, and the FEA. The committee studied, considered, and made recommendations with respect to wartime property and financial controls over foreign assets. It was also made recommendations on the control and disposition of enemy assets in neutral and other non-Axis countries.
The thought was that many departments and agencies were involved in these problems and that the Committee would be a clearing house for the problems as they were defined and for the various departmental proposals as they were worked out. So far as the Safehaven Program was concerned, the Committee would coordinate recommendations regarding programs for dealing with Germany's hidden assets and with its devices of economic penetration. It would also consider policies with respect to United States, and United Nations' attitudes towards neutrals used by the Germans for purposes of economic expansion.
During 1944 the Executive Policy Committee, FEA, met regularly and consistently studied Safehaven problems. Through its relationships with other Departments it brought the FEA attitude toward control of Germany into focus, and through the FEA Administration and its legal advisors pressed for implementation of a strong United States policy toward neutrals with respect to the problem of postwar German penetration. Its policies and views were submitted to the Interdepartmental Committee on Post-Hostilities Controls over Foreign Property for critical consideration.
Central Files February 1942-October 1945 (Entry 200)
Boxes 1-19
Geographic Central Files 1943-1945 (Entry 201)
Boxes 1-6
Interoffice Memoranda and Letters Sent (Addressee File) November 1943-October 1945 (Entry 202)
Boxes 1-4
Reading File of Interoffice Memoranda December 1943-August 1945 (Entry 203)
Box 1
Reading File of Interoffice and Intraoffice Memoranda December 1943-August 1945 (Entry 204)
Box 1
Records of the Business Organization Staff Miscellaneous Records Relating to Monopolies and Cartels April 1942-October 1945 (Entry 210)
Boxes 1-26
Records Relating to Svenska Kullager Fabriken (SKF)March 1942-January 1945 (Entry 211)
Boxes 1-3
Records of the Foreign Economic Development Staff Reports on Foreign Economic Conditions (Subject Files) March 1942-April 1945 (Entry 212)
Boxes 1117-1118
Reports on Foreign Economic Conditions(Geographic File) 1942-1945 (Entry 213)
Boxes 1119-1121
Records of the Lend-Lease and Foreign Finance Staffs General File [Foreign Finance Staff] 1943-1945 (Entry 215)
Boxes 1134-1135
Informational Materials on Foreign Financial Conditions and Developments 1943-1945 (Entry 216)
Boxes 1136-1137
Records of the Programs and Reports Staff General Subject File of the Director 1944-1945 (Entry 217)
Boxes 1138-1141
Records of the Office of the General Counsel
The various legal offices of the agencies absorbed by the FEA became part of the Office of the General Counsel. In addition to its legal functions the Office coordinated liaison activities with Congress.
Central File November 1943-September 1945 (Entry 231)
Boxes 1158-1168
Subject File of the General Counsel 1941-1945 (Entry 237)
Boxes 1169-1175
Boxes 1186-1187
File of the Consultant on International Law January 1943-August 1944 (Entry 243)
Boxes 1196-1197
Records of the Bureau of Areas
The Bureau of Areas was established on November 13, 1943, by a consolidation of those units of the predecessors of the Foreign Economic Administration that were not assigned to the Bureau of Supplies or to the Office of the Administrator. The units of the Office of Economic Warfare that were transferred to the Bureau of Areas included the area divisions of the Country programs Branch of the Office of Exports; the Area Branch, excluding the South Pacific Division, of the Office of Imports; and the Enemy and the Blockade and Supply Branches of the Office of Economic Warfare and Analysis. From the Office of Lend-Lease Administration the Bureau received the geographic divisions of the Office of Foreign Liaison, the Office of Soviet Supply, and the Overseas Missions Divisions; and from the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations there were transferred to the Bureau the Divisions of Field Operations, Supply and Transport, Progress Reports, and Program and Requirements. The Bureau also inherited the "liberated areas" activities of the Office of Foreign Economic Coordination of the Department of State. These offices, branches, and divisions were merged into the Bureau of Areas, and the functions they performed were assigned to the six branches of the Bureau.
Records of the Office of the Executive Director
The Office of the Executive Director planned and directed the programs and policies of the Bureau of Areas pertaining to foreign countries, maintained liaison with the Bureau of Supplies, the staff units of the Office of the Administrator, and various interdepartmental and intergovernmental committees; and supervised the activities of the foreign field missions of the Foreign Economic Administration, working closely in that connection with the diplomatic missions of the Department of State. Its Area Program Coordination Staff reviewed the economic policies of the Administration for each country and coordinated these with the overall supply program, served as a clearance office for instructions from the branches of the Bureau of Supplies to the branches of the Bureau of Areas, and acted as the secretariat for the Administration's Allocations Committee. The Field Operations Staff was the administrative unit in the Bureau that served the foreign field missions by coordinating the activities of these missions with those of the operating branches of the Administration in Washington, supplying the field with digests and newsletters of economic information, and expediting the exchange of reports between the branches in Washington and the offices in the field. Matters relating to lend-lease, reverse lend-lease, and the British White Paper were handled by the Lend-Lease Staff of the Office of the Executive Director; and administrative duties for the branches and staffs of the Bureau were performed by the Executive Officer.
Executive Director Records (Entry UD 1)
Boxes 1-9
Deputy Executive Director Records (Entry UD 2)
Records of the Area Program Coordination Staff Program Coordination Staff Records (Entry UD 3)
Records of the Field Operations Staff Field Operations Staff Records (Entry UD 4)
Box 46
Records of the British Empire and Middle East Branch
All aspects of the FEA's relations with the British Empire and countries in the Middle East were handled by this branch. Its representatives conferred with those of the British Empire on joint aspects of economic warfare and provided for an interchange of economic, political, and military information about lend-lease activities and foreign trade.
Records of the Turkish Division Turkish Division Records (Entry UD 7)
Boxes 1-47
Records of the Enemy Branch
The Enemy Branch was responsible for planning the economic program to be put into effect when the enemy countries should be occupied. It prepared studies and reports for the industrial disarmament of the enemy to prevent future wars, including analyses of the entire economic structure of the Axis countries. The Enemy Branch was established on December 30, 1944, with the name the German and Austrian Branch; a name change was shortly forthcoming. It had a leading role in the Safehaven Program. When it was established and responsibility placed in it for Safehaven activities, the External Security, Intelligence Service, and other staff which hitherto had been independent divisions, were made part of it. In addition, the Branch included personnel from the old independent divisions which had been involved in Safehaven operations. Thus in the beginning of 1945 the Enemy Branch, under the direction of Henry H. Fowler, (Note 25) the Safehaven Program was the responsibility of one unit.
Among the first activities of the Branch was pulling together information for the Currie Mission to Switzerland. An important document developed for this purpose was a "Preliminary List of German Cloaks in Switzerland." This report included a list of five important Swiss banking firms which actively helped Germany be concealing its assets, assisting in then expansion of its holding companies, and disguising its foreign accounts. (Note 26) The covering memorandum to the report, dated January 1, 1945, stated that "these lists contain only partial information, although they are based on a careful study of intercepts, they do not cover all the activities of those banks. Yet they indicate the tremendous amount of such assistance given by the Swiss to the enemy. This assistance which served to finance the enemy's purchases of critical war material has become less important at the present stage of the war. However, it should serve at this time to demonstrate to the Swiss the extent of the damage they have done to the Allied war effort in the past." "In addition," the memorandum continues, " it should be pointed out that their aid to the enemy in the banking field was clearly beyond the obligations under which a neutral must continue trade with a belligerent and dictated solely by the profit motive of the Swiss banks." The memorandum concludes by stating "The Swiss should make up for this undue amount of aid given to the enemy, which we have not interfered with up to the present time, by full compliance with our Safe haven objectives and other remaining financial warfare objectives." (Note 27)
The report listed five banks certain to have cooperated with the Germans. they were Bank Wadenswil; H. Sturzenegger & Cie., a private bank of Basel and closely allied with I.G. Farben; the Swiss Bank Corporation; Johann Wehrli and Company, Zurich; and Financiere A.G. The report lists thirteen holding and finance companies which acted as cloaks for German assets. (Note 28) The report also contained a section on intelligence not entirely verified, including the unconfirmed statement that "it was reported---October 10, 1944, that accounts are held for Hitler in the Swiss Union Bank, Basel, by a German official named Max Amann." (Note 29)
Records of the Blockade Division
The chief functions of the Blockade Division were to administer blockade control measures; to determine blockade clearance for United States exports to neutral countries in Europe; and, so far as the Preclusive Purchase Operations were concerned, to provide data on the supply needs of neutrals and the enemy, and to make recommendations for preclusive operations.
The purpose of the Blockade Division was to control neutral shipping and thus to prevent strategic goods from reaching the Axis through neutral trade channels. To achieve this end the following devices were employed: the Navicert; Ship's Warrant, Seizure and Search; the exercise of British Prize Law, the American proclaimed List, and the British Black List.
The Division was also involved in efforts to stop Germany's smuggling efforts. As the blockade became increasingly successful during the course of the war, and as Germany's supplies grew thinner, it had recourse to smuggling. Smuggling to Germany of easily concealed strategic items and materials increased during 1942 and 1943, alerting both the United States and Great Britain and causing them to take steps to destroy illicit trade between the enemy and the neutrals. In the summer of 1943 the United States Government became so concerned over the problem that through the Department of State the Blockade Committee in London was urged to recommend to the British that through searches of vessels bound from Argentina to neutral European ports be instituted. The United States Navy concurred in this recommendation.
Anticipating the crisis arising because of smuggling, the Blockade Division had already, in June 1943, made a study of the problem and had issued instructions on combating blockade evasion. In its Blockade Enforcement Manual, June 1943, the Division stated "the Axis can finance smuggling in Latin America in two specific ways. In the first place it can use funds already in existence in Latin America, and in the second place it can transmit new or additional funds for that purpose. There are still a considerable number of German and other Axis corporations, German and Italian Banks, Axis nationals and their sympathizers in Latin America with large funds built up before the war, which can be put to use to finance smuggling and other activities beneficial to the Axis. In addition Axis corporations in Latin America which are producing profits can make new funds continuously available so that the investments do not need to be liquidated. Because many Axis funds are cloaked so that they cannot readily be discovered, no estimate of their size is possible. A number of Axis banks are still operating in Buenos Aires such as the Banco de Napoli and the Banco Aleman Transatlantica, but their activities seem to be rather limited. New or additional funds can be transferred from the Axis to South American agents. The axis can remit funds directly to the Argentine, or can use European neutral countries which in turn remit funds to all countries in Latin America. These remittances are not met simply through the exchange of marks for local currency, because these countries rarely wish to invest in marks. Therefore new funds have to be remitted by the Axis to Latin America in the form of goods, coins, stamps, dollar notes, and securities." (Note 30)
The Blockade Division not only collated the material it had accumulated in the process of operating its special activities, but it had asked for the intelligence resources of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (Note 31) the Office of Censorship, the Office of Navy Intelligence, the Army's Military Intelligence (G-2), and the Board of Economic Warfare. Diplomatic Missions were requested to report information on local smuggling rings, and related material at hand in Washington was examined. All available facts were checked and a file was made which listed the names of smugglers, the names of ships used in blockade running, the kinds of commodities smuggled, the names of ports to which deliveries of smuggled goods were made, routes, and methods and means of concealing goods.
The Enemy Branch (later known as the European Enemy Division) made studies of enemy supply positions with respect to materials being smuggled, thus providing the Blockade Division with guides on the importance or relative insignificance of blockade evasions. The greatness of the enemies' need for material guided the counter measures taken smugglers and helped to determine the nature and extent of preclusive purchases.
The significance of the blockade work of the Blockade Division, so far as the Safehaven Program is concerned, is that there was created in the Division a backlog of information about firms and individuals who were actively assisting the Axis, and who would bear watching the future.
Blockade Division Records (Entry UD 8)
Boxes 1-144
Blockade Division Records (Entry UD 16)
Records relate primarily to neutral countries.
Boxes 1-8
Records of the Intelligence Service Staff Intelligence Service Staff Records (Entry UD 9)
Records relate to a variety of matters, including Safe Haven, Special Watch Instructions, and value of censorship material to the FEA.
Boxes 1-12
Records of the European Branch
The area covered by the European Branch included France, Italy, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Northern Europe, and the neutral European countries. Together with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, this Branch assisted in preparing and carrying out programs for the relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of the liberated portions of its area, reviewing requisitions for supplies and determining their essentialness.
Records of the Office of the Director Office of the Director Records (Entry UD 10)
Boxes 1-4
Box 2 contains a folder entitled "Safehaven" that contains four reports labeled:"Looted Art in Occupied Territories, Neutral Countries and Latin America" (May 5, 1945), "Report of Activities No. 4" (June 1945), "The Vesting of German Assets in Spain: A Case Study in Vesting of German Assets Abroad" (July 1945), and "Extra-Territorial Effect of Economic Measures Taken By the Occupying Powers in Germany: Problems of Recognition and Enforcement in Neutral Countries" (May 1945).
Records of the Neutral Countries Division Neutral Countries Division Records (Entry UD 12)
Boxes 1-9
Records of the Liberated Areas Branch Liberated Areas Branch Records (Entry UD 15)
Boxes 1-18
Records of the Pan American Branch Central File October 1942-November 1945 (Entry 384)
Boxes 2318-2332 Reports and Dispatches from United States Missions in Latin America December 1941- November 1945 (Entry 385)
Boxes 2333-2493
Records of the Office of the Director General File of the Director 1943-1945 (Entry 398)
Boxes 2509-2513
Boxes 2513-2514
Records of the Economic Intelligence Division
Until the German and Austrian (Enemy Branch) was created late in 1944, the Economic Intelligence Division had been a separate unit of FEA under the Special Areas Branch, and had serviced most departments of the agency. The Division had its origins in pre-war 1941, when it was discovered that it would be necessary to gather information on the economic resources of Japan for the administration of export control. After December 7, 1941, the Board of Economic Warfare established Analysis Sections and Intelligence Sections on geographical lines, the purpose being to procure economic data for the armed forces and for other United States and Allied Governmental agencies.
Collaborating throughout the war with the British Ministry of Economic Warfare and with other intelligence units operating for the United States, the Economic Intelligence Division, which later became the Intelligence Service Staff, gathered, compiled, classified and made available to the proper authorities the data received from censorship intercepts, foreign radio broadcasts, foreign publications, American business firms with foreign interests, representatives of foreign countries, returned travelers, refugees, and United States intelligence agents operating in foreign countries. (Note 32)
The division maintained close liaison with Military Intelligence (G-2) and the Office of Naval Intelligence, having representatives of those two services attached to the office in Washington, DC. In addition, it maintained a close relationship with the Office of Strategic Services, the Office of Censorship, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. FEA special agents in the field, United States Commercial Company representatives, FEA business experts, and United States diplomatic officers and intelligence agents operating in foreign countries contributed reports to the unit.
Numbered Subject Files (Entry 500B)
Boxes 1-2103
Indexes to the Numbered Subject Files Index by Country (Entry 500AO)
Boxes 1-323
Index by City (Entry 500A1)
Boxes 324-378
Boxes 379-420
Index by Recipient (Entry 500A3)
Boxes 421-425
Index by Foreign Government (Entry 500A4)
Boxes 426-433
Index by Name of Organization (U.S. Government Agency) (Entry 500A5)
Boxes 434-470
Index by Allied Organization (Entry 500A6)
Boxes 471-474
Index: Major Hart's File (Entry 500A7)
Box 475
Index: Pulleston's File (Entry 500A8)
Box 476