Art Provenance and Claims Records and Research
Descriptive List of Key Records
Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, General Records, 1945-1952. (Entry 492)
Description: This series consists of correspondence, memorandums, reports, press clippings, and custody receipts. The most prominent subjects are art loans, art exhibitions, Jewish cultural objects, and monuments and fine arts policy planning. The records also include a draft monograph on war damage to German monuments (300 pages, 1950), records relating to the history of the Offenbach Archival Depot (1946-1947), and photographs of the Hungarian Crown of St. Stephen. Arranged alphabetically by subject or by type of record.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 1–18.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, Administrative Records, 1944-1951. (Entry 493)
Description: This series consists of correspondence, memorandums, reports, directives, organization charts, and other records relating to the general administration of the monuments and fine arts program. The administrative records also include invoices documenting ordinary purchases of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, records relating to personnel employed by the collecting point, records relating to both general policy on the regulation of art trade and to individual art dealers, and records relating to the development of U.S. monuments and fine art policy. Arranged alphabetically by subject or by type of record.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 18–29.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, Cultural Object Movement and Control Records, 1945-1952. (Entry 494)
Description: This series consists of shipment files, location registers, control cards, custody receipts, and other kinds of records documenting the custody and movement of cultural objects. A one-volume summary of incoming shipments and outgoing shipments of cultural objects, which includes the shipment number, the date received or shipped, the number of objects included, places of origin or destination, and other information concerning each shipment, is located at the beginning of the series. This volume serves as an index to the individual shipment folder files that follow it. Also included are some Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point inventory control records, such as location registers, property control cards, and custody receipts for cultural objects received by the collecting point. Arranged by type of record.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 29–41.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, Restitution Claim Records, 1945-1948. (Entry 495)
Description: This series consists of correspondence, memorandums, and reports pertaining to restitution claims. Most of the records originated in the 1945-50 period, although some date as late as 1958, and most consist of individual claim case files, containing records relating to claims made by individuals, institutions, and countries for the return of looted art objects. The terms "external restitutions" and "internal restitutions" are used throughout the records. External restitutions pertained to the return of looted objects to other countries or to citizens or institutions of other countries, while internal restitutions concerned the return of looted objects to German citizens. Arranged alphabetically by country and thereunder by either miscellaneous claims, internal restitutions, and/or alphabetically by claimant.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 41–50.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, Activity Reports, 1945-1951. (Entry 496)
Description: This series consists of monthly and consolidated reports from monuments and fine arts offices in Land Hesse and Bavaria to higher head-quarters, including reports on the status of the collecting points, consolidated summaries of monuments and fine arts activities, and district summaries of monuments and fine arts activities. Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically by month or date.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 49–55.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, Records Relating to the Status of Monuments, Museums, and Archives, 1945-1950. (Entry 497)
Description: This series consists of correspondence, reports, questionnaires, inventory lists, and photographs that describe the condition of monuments and the holdings of museums and archives throughout Hesse. This series also consists of extensive documentation on the Berlin State Museums (Staatliche Museen, Berlin). The records relating to the Berlin State Museums include inventory lists, reports on the wartime evacuation of the museum collections, the discovery of the different repositories by the U.S. and Allied authorities, the condition of the collections, and the movement and storage of the art and cultural objects within the various collections. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 55–71.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, Restitution, Research, and Reference Records 1900-1954. (Entry 498)
Description: This series consists of intelligence, interrogation, and investigative reports, and captured documents, relating to Hermann Goering, Ettle Gisela Limberger, Adolf Weinbmuller, Heinrich Hoffmann, Ernst Buchner, Walter Andrea Hofer, Walter Bornheim, Dr. Hans Frank, Alfred Rosenberg, Joachim von Ribbontrop, Sess-Inquart, Walter Funk, Baldur von Scirach, and Albert Speer. Records relating to the German occupation of the Netherlands, the disposition of German assets in Italy, the German evacuation of cultural objects from Berlin during the war, the German seizure of works of art in Poland, the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), and the early development of the Nazi Party in the Berchtesgaden area; and some publications including touring guide books to points of cultural interest in Germany, France, and the low countries. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 72–91.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records of Central Collecting Point ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting
Point, Directory of Property Received at Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, 1945-1949. (Entry 499)
Description: This series consists of summary lists of property shipments received at the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point. Includes types of properties shipped, repository from which the property was shipped, and the disposition of the property. Arranged numerically by shipment number and thereunder by date.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Roll 91.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting
Points (Ardelia Hall Collection), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Card Index. (Entry 500)
Description: This series consists of 5- by 8-inch property control cards that function as an incomplete listing of the WCCP accession numbers. Although each card may include information such as the measurements of the artwork, artwork classification, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair record, central collecting point accession number, destination, date of arrival to the collecting point, and disposition of each cultural object, many of the cards only contain shipment information and artwork classification. In some cases, a photograph of the artwork is attached to the card. Arranged numerically by Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point accession number, with gaps.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 91–92.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting
Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, Records Relating to the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Restitution. (Entry 501)
Description: This series consists of 5- by 8-inch property control cards that indicate to which country the Nazi-looted cultural objects were restituted. Each card may list the measurements of the artwork, artwork classification, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair record, central collecting point accession number, date of arrival to the collecting point, destination, exit date, and disposition of each cultural object. In some cases, a photograph of the artwork is attached to the card. Arranged by country and thereunder by accession number.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 92–97.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting
Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, Records Related to Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Accessions, 1945-1949. (Entry 502)
Description: This series consists of 5- by 8-inch property control cards that serve as the primary method to locate cultural objects housed at the WCCP. Each card may list the measurements of the artwork, artwork classification, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair record, central collecting point accession number, and date of arrival to the collecting point of each cultural object. In some cases, a photograph of the artwork is attached to the card. This series is arranged alphabetically by artwork classification and thereunder by Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point accession number, with gaps.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 97–109.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting
Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, Records Relating to the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Releases, 1949-1951. (Entry 503)
Description: This series consists of 5- by 8-inch property control cards that indicate what artwork was released to the following institutions or localities: Berlin, Darmstadt, Dorotheum in Vienna, Geislingen, Hamburg, Heylshof Stiftung, Karlsruhe, Mainz, Mannheim, Munich, and Wiesbaden. Each card may list the measurements of the artwork, artwork classification, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair record, central collecting point accession number, date of arrival to the collecting point, and exit date of each cultural object. In some cases, a photograph of the artwork is attached to the card. Arranged alphabetically by institution or locality to which the property was released and thereunder numerically by Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point accession number, with gaps.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 109–110.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central
Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, Records Related to Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Property Releases to German Private Owners,
1945-1950. (Entry 504)
Description: This series consists of 5- by 8-inch property control cards that pertain to cultural objects that were returned to various private owners in Germany. Each card may list the measurements of the artwork, artwork classification, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair record, central collecting point accession number, date of arrival to the collecting point, and exit date of each cultural object. In some cases, a photograph of the artwork is attached to the card. Arranged alphabetically by name of the private owner.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 110–112.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting
Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, Records Related to Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Transfers, 1945-1948. (Entry 505)
Description: This series consists of 5- by 8-inch property control cards that indicate transfers to the custody of the following: the Bavarian Minister President, the West German Federal Government, Gemälde Galerie in Wiesbaden, the Hessian Minister President, the JRSO (Jewish Restitution Successor Organization) in Nürnberg, HICOG, the former Sächsische Landesbibliothek, the Staatliche Museen in Berlin, the Staats Galerie in Stuttgart, the Munich CCP, and the Treuhänder Deutsche Reichsbank in Hesse. Each card may list the measurements of the artwork, artwork classification, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair record, central collecting point accession number, date of arrival to the collecting point, exit date, in-shipment number, out-shipment number, and transfer destination of each cultural object. In some cases, a photograph of the artwork is attached to the card. Arranged by destination of transfer.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Rolls 112–117.
Record Group & Series: RG 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters,
World War II, Office of the Military Governor, United States (OMGUS), Property Division, Records Concerning the Central Collecting
Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"), Records of the Wiesbaden Central Collection
Point, nazistic and Militaristic Property Transfers, 1945-1950. (Entry 506)
Description: This series consists of 5- by 8-inch property control cards that indicate whether the artwork was to be sent to Washington, DC, or to be destroyed. The cards may list the measurements of the artwork, artwork classification, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair record, central collecting point accession number, date of arrival to the collecting point, destination, exit date, and disposition of each cultural object. In some cases, a photograph of the artwork is attached to the card. Arranged by final disposition and thereunder by Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point accession number, with gaps.
This series is available on NARA Microfilm Publication M1947, Roll 117.