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New Electronic Records in the Catalog

Series Title Record Group Number National Archives Identifier
Press Releases, i: 1973-1979, c: 1973-1979 81 415936242
Establishment Files, i: 2007-2007, c: 2007-2007 [Committee on Military Personnel Testing] 330


Meeting Files, i: 2007-2007, c: 2007-2007 [Committee on Military Personnel Testing] 330 441986997
Traffic Monitoring and Analysis System Monthly Traffic Volume Trend Reports, i: 2007-2023, c: 1942-2023:   2023 additions 406 21264697
Meeting Materials, i: 2007-2008, c: 2007-2008 468 400756007
Charter and Membership Action Records, i: 2007-2008, c: 2007-2008 468 400756004

Key: i = inclusive dates (time period in which the records were created), c = coverage dates (time period covered by the subjects of the archival materials)

Updated January 2, 2025
