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New Electronic Records in the Catalog

Series Title Record Group Number National Archives Identifier
Policy Development Files, i: 2024-2024, c: 1958-2008 22 472455953
Oregon and Washington Wild and Scenic Rivers Electronic Data Map Files, i: 2000-2009 49


Oregon and Washington Coastal Areas Electronic Map Files, i: 2000-2009 49 6003857
Oregon and Washington Wilderness Study Area (WSA) Geodatabase Files, i: 2002-2009 49 6158283
Oregon and Washington Resource Area Boundaries (RAB) Geodatabase Files, i: 2000-2009 49 6735396
Organizational History Files, i: 1993-1993 77 147969786
Transcripts of Meetings, i: 1976-2015, c: 1976-2015; additions 82 41089944
Speeches, i: 2005-2018, c: 2005-2018: additions 134 29001668
U. S. Civil Aircraft Registry Files, i: 2004-2004 237 2408859
Astrogram Newsletters, i: 1958-2023, c: 1958-2023 255 404573076
Green Job Public Data Files, i: 2010-2013, c: 2010-2013 257 423285165
Survey of Employer-Provided Training (SEPT) Records, i: 1987-2017, c: 1987-2017: addition 257 404524262
Foreign Direct Investment Files, i: 1992-2017, c: 1992-2017 257 470599672
Policies and Procedures, i: 2018-2018, c: 1992-1992 305 148026048
Dark Territory Positive Train Control (PTC) Demonstration Project Records, i: 2004-2004, c: 2004-2004 399 472494347
Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) News Press Releases, i: 2009-2013, c: 2009-2013 480 472752587
Commission Meeting Records, i: 2017-2024, c: 1986-1993: FY24 Additions 539 70646023

Key: i = inclusive dates (time period in which the records were created), c = coverage dates (time period covered by the subjects of the archival materials)

Updated March 4, 2025
