Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

I Wish to Acknowledge

2016 -

The following entries constitute an online addendum to the 2009 published piece in Prologue, which spotlights examples of "acknowledgments" to archivists working at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), as found in various works of nonfiction. Although all of these acknowledgments (and many more) deserved inclusion in the piece, not all could be due to space limitations in Prologue’s printed edition. Here we have listed the acknowledgments to NARA and its archival staff in fuller form, so that the reader might gain a better understanding of the scope of NARA’s influence on the type of work produced by authors and historians over the years. Time and resources permitting, the present list will be supplemented with additional entries as they become known. Readers should feel free to contact Chief Librarian Jeffery Hartley at with additional suggestions for inclusion on this list.

See Also:

Adler, Jessica L. Burdens of War: Creating the United States Veterans Health System (2017).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, Mitch Yockelson and Haley Maynard provided expert assistance with World War I-era government records. Juliette Arai and Paul Harrison offered valuable guidance at the National Archives in Washington, DC, especially as I attempted to decipher the complex finding aids of Record Group 15. Likewise, Richard McCulley and Kate Mollan helped me navigate House and Senate records at the Center for Legislative Archives in Washington."

Agran, Edward Gale. Herbert Hoover and the Commodification of Middle-Class America: An American Promise (2016).

"The staff at the Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch, Iowa, as so many often note, are terrific - friendly, always available, encouraging, and of course knowledgeable. It is a wonderful spot to work. I yet again wish to express my gratitude to Craig Wright for all of his help with the photographs."

Alexander, Benjamin F. The New Deal's Forest Army: How the Civilian Conservation Corps Worked (2018).

"In my library research, I have much appreciated the staff at the National Archives in both College Park, Maryland, and Washington, DC, especially Gene Morris, the specialist in College Park with the closest connection to the CCC collection."

Alford, Kenneth D. American Crimes and the Liberation of Paris: Robbery, Rape, and Murder by Renegade GIs, 1944-1947 (2016).

"I am thankful to Holly Reed and Sharon Culley, archives specialists, National Archives, College Park....A special thanks to staff of the National Archives at St. Louis, Bryan K. McGraw, director; Eric Kilgore, Research Room supervisor; Eric Voelz, archivist; and Corey Stewart, Archive Specialist."

Alter, Jonathan. His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, a Life (2020).

"I spent many happy weeks in Atlanta at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, where Meredith Evans is the director and Keith Schuler, Christopher Geissler, Aisha Johnson-Jones, and and especially David Stanhope provided invaluable help. They were of assistance remotely, too."

Alvandi, Roham. Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah: The United States and Iran in the Cold War (2016).

"I owe special thanks to Christian Goos and Donna Lehman at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for generously sifting through countless files for me in Ann Arbor and efficiently processing my numerous mandatory review requests."

Alvarez, C.J. Border Land, Border Water: A History of Construction on the US-Mexico Divide (2019).

"In the archives two people stood out: Ketina Taylor at the National Archives branch in Fort Worth, Texas...Both volunteered hours of their time to help me understand the organization and scope of the collections they know so well. Without their expertise and guidance, many of the sources and images in this book that have never been seen before by researchers would still be filed away in obscurity."

Anderson, Gary Clayton. Massacre in Minnesota: The Dakota War of 1862, the Most Violent Ethnic Conflict in American History (2019).

"So many have contributed over the years to this research that it is impossible to list them all. Robert Kvasnicka, at the National Archives, was always on hand to show me pertinent documents. Bob rediscovered the Sioux trial records in the Senate papers, seemingly lost for a time in the vast shelves of the archives."

Anziska, Seth. Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo (2018).

"I am indebted to the archivists, librarians, and researchers who helped me locate material across multiple locations....In Atlanta, Keith Shuler, Brittany Parris, and Amanda Pellerin assisted at the Jimmy Carter Library; in Sim Valley, Kelly Barton and Shelly Williams assisted at the Ronald Reagan Library...."

Atkinson, Rick. The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777 (2019).

"For twenty years, I have relied on the counsel and friendship of Tim Nenninger, former chief of modern military records at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland."

Avrea, Peter and Barbara. Burma Warrior: Pete Avrea's World War II Story in China-Burma-India 1944-1945 (2018).

"Next came a trip to Washington D.C. where my wife Barbara and I worked with another great professional named Eric van Slander in the Textual Reference Operation at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland. It is an incredible facility."

Baier, Brett and Catherine Whitney. Three Days in Moscow: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of the Soviet Empire (2018).

"Professionals at presidential libraries are the gatekeepers of the history and wisdom of our highest office. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library opened its doors to me and allowed inside their remarkable store of knowledge and insight. In particular, I would like to thank...archivist Ray Wilson, who was so generous with his time and input; audiovisual archivist Michael Pinckney, who helped select wonderful photos for the book...."

"Thanks, too, to archivists Doug Campbell and Buffie Hollis at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, who helped give substance to President Bush's role in the end of the Cold War. I also returned to the Eisenhower Library for research into the relationship between our thirty-fourth and fortieth presidents, and am grateful as always to the wonderful professionals there, especially acting director Tim Rives and archivist Mary Burtzloff."

Baime, A.J. The Accidental President: Harry S. Truman and the Four Months that Changed the World (2017).

"Completing a book of 160,000 words feels like shepherding 160,000 beloved kittens across a busy highway. I owe a great deal of gratitude to a lot of people. First, I would like to thank the archivists at the research institutions where I visited, most notably the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum in Independence. Missouri; the National Archives in College Park, Maryland;...the FDR Presidential Library & Museum in Hyde Park, New York..."

"Particular gratitude goes to Greg Bradsher at the National Archives, Randy Sowell at the Truman Library..."

Baker, Peter and Susan Glasser. The Man Who Ran Washington: The Life and Times of James A. Baker III (2020).

"Thanks too to a host of people who searched their organizations' files for us, including...Geir Gunderson at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, and Donna Lehman, formerly of the library;..."

Bavery, Ashley Johnson. Bootlegged Aliens: Immigration Politics on America's Northern Border (2020).

"I have encountered excellent archivists across the United States and Canada and could not have completed the book's research without the help of Bill Creech at the National Archives, who screened hundreds of deportation files in the Immigration and Naturalization Service Records."

Beevor, Antony. The Battle of Arnhem: The Deadliest Airborne Operation of World War II (2018).

"I once again owe a great deal to Dr. Tim Nenninger of the National Archives at College Park, Maryland...."

Bell-Scott, Patricia. The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice (2016).

"For access and assistance in locating primary materials, I thank ..the departments and people at the following institutions:...The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, Archives Department, Robert Clark, Matthew Hanson, Virginia H. Lewick, Robert Park, Mark Renovitch, and Jay Teichmann."

Beschloss, Michael. Presidents of War (2018).

"For the period I worked on this book, I thank David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, Cynthia Koch and Paul Sparrow of the Roosevelt Library, Michael Devine of the Truman Library, and the Johnson Library's Mark Updegrove, Tina Houston, Claudia Anderson, and the late Harry Middleton...."

Billy, George J. The USS Swordfish: The World War II Patrols of the First American Submarine to Sink a Japanese Ship (2019).

"At the National Archives and Records Center at College Park, Maryland, Barry Zerby and again Kenneth Johnson guided my navigation to essential sources. Similarly, at the National Archives and Records Center in San Bruno, California, Robert Glass rendered valuable assistance in locating very useful information."

Bird, Kai. The Outlier: The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter (2021).

"The National Archives is an underappreciated (and underfunded) national treasure, and so too is the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta. Altogether, I spent nearly five months in the Carter archives, copying more than twenty thousand pages of Carter presidential documents. I could not have been so productive without the expert assistance of such professional archivists as Sara Mitchell, Mary Ann McSweeney, Aisha Johnson-Jones, Dave Stanhope, Brittany Paris, Keith Schuler, and the Carter Library director, Dr. Meredith Evans. I particularly want to thank Sara Mitchell for helping me at the last minute, and in the middle of the 2020 pandemic, to obtain access to a number of Carter photographs."

Black, Megan. The Global Interior: Mineral Frontiers and American Power (2018).

"Numerous archivists helped me survey the terrain of the Interior Department's activities. Early in the process, David Clark of the Truman Library directed me to the files of the Presidential Materials Policy Commission...At the later stages of my research, Barbara Cline of the Johnson library went above and beyond in retrieving scattered traces of space race correspondence. Year after year, Joseph Schwarz of the National Archives and Records Administration demonstrated great patience as I sought Interior Department personnel across numerous, seemingly disconnected, files."

Blades, Brooke S. The Americans on D-Day and in Normandy: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (2019).

"This book would quite simply not have been possible without the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. Many staff provided assistance but a few stood out and must be mentioned: Andrew Knight in Cartography, and Sharon Culley, Holly Reed, and Kaitlyn Crain Enriquez in Still Pictures."

Blume, Lesley M.M. Fallout: The Hiroshima Cover-up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World (2020).

"My deepest thanks to the many archivists who helped me and my team research this project, including...Abigail Malangone and Matt Porter of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library....Randy Sowell and David Clark of the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum..."

Boghardt, Thomas. Covert Legions: U.S. Army Intelligence in Germany, 1944-1949 (2022).

"The writer Patricia Cornwell emphasizes the importance of 'passionate' and 'dogged' research, and Covert Legions is no exception to this rule. The National Archives at College Park houses the lion's share of the mined documents, and I am indebted to archivists Paul B. Brown, David Castillo, William H. Cunliffe, Martin A. Gedra, Eric Van Slander, and Suzanne M. Zoumbaris for guiding me through the vast collections of their organization. A special thank you is due to the archives' director of classification, David Fort, who provided me with copies of several thousand classified documents. At Suitland, Maryland, the staff of the Washington National Records Center helped me review several court-martial records pertaining to espionage in postwar Germany."

Bolzenius, Sandra M. Glory in Their Spirit: How Four Black Women Took On the Army during World War II (2018).

"...and Sharon Culley at the National Archive College Park, Maryland, and many of their colleagues' relentless pursuit of materials was as helpful as it was impressive..."

Bontrager, Shannon. Death at the Edges of Empire: Fallen Soldiers, Cultural Memory, and the Making of an American Nation, 1863-1921 (2020).

"I would like to extend a special thanks to Senior Military Archivist (retired) Richard L. Boylan, who spend several hours with me in the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, helping me fill out request forms, escorting me to the stacks, and alerting me to sources that only someone with his vast experience could locate. It was heartwarming and encouraging to work with such a seasoned scholar who went out of his way to help me."

Borchert, Scott. Republic of Detours: How the New Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover America (2021).

"I'm grateful to the archivists and librarians and their colleagues at multiple institutions whose work made my research for this book possible; my debt goes beyond what is reflected in the citations. Thanks, in particular, to Eugene Morris at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, who helped me navigate the extensive WPA holdings..."

Bouk, Dan. Democracy's Data: The Hidden Stories in the U.S. Census and How to Read Them (2022).

"...David Castillo of the National Archives at College Park, Jim Armistead of the Truman Library, Craig Wright of the Herbert Hoover Library...each aided me in acquiring copies of important archival materials."

Bowen, Wayne H. Truman, Franco's Spain, and the Cold War (2017).

"At the Truman Library, archivist Tammy Williams was especially helpful and creative as I searched for materials on a topic Truman himself did his best to avoid."

Bradley, Mark A. Blood Runs Coal: The Yablonski Murders and the Battle for the United Mine Workers of America (2020).

"I am especially grateful to David Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States, who read an early draft of my manuscript and gave me kind words of support."

Brenes, Michael. For Might and Right: Cold War Defense Spending and the Remaking of American Democracy (2020).

"Jeremy Schmidt, then at the Ford Library, guided me to essential documents on defense spending in the 1970s and sent me links to digitized documents on the library's website."

Brigham, Robert K. Reckless: Henry Kissinger and the Tragedy of Vietnam (2018).

"I am deeply thankful to the authors whose books I read and reread in preparation for this project. The same goes for the archivists at the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, especially Meghan Lee-Parker."

Brooks, Charlotte. American Exodus: Second-Generation Chinese Americans in China, 1901-1949 (2019).

"I am particularly grateful to Kelly McAnnaney at the New York facility, Charliann Cross at the Seattle NARA facility, and Bill Greene at the San Francisco NARA facility for pulling scores of Form 430 application files for me....."

Brower, Kate Andersen. First in Line: Presidents, Vice Presidents, and the Pursuit of Power (2018).

"I appreciate the help of the women who work at the Presidential Materials Division at the National Archives: Stephannie Oriabure, Jessica Owens, and Anna Yallouris. The staffs at several presidential libraries helped me cull through thousands of pages of letters and memos and they include Mary McMurray, Sam Rushay, and David Clark at Harry Truman's Library; Liza Talbott at Lyndon Johnson's library; Scott Russell and Jonathan Movroydis at Richard Nixon's library; and Elaine Didier, John O'Connell, Kate Murray, and Stacy Davis at Gerald R. Ford's library."

Brown, Archie. Mighty Endeavor: The American Nation and World War II (2020).

"In the United States I have gathered much material also at the Reagan Presidential Library Archives in Simi Valley, California, where archivist Jennifer Mandel was an invaluable guide."

Browne, Blaine T. Mighty Endeavor: The American Nation and World War II (2019).

"Many thanks to Beth Fortson at the National Archives, Maryrose Grossman and Arabella Matthews at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library..."

Burke, Colin B. America's Information Wars: The Untold Story of Information Systems in America's Conflicts and Politics from World War II to the Internet Age (2018).

"The staffs at the National Archives in College Park and Washington, D.C., especially Jeff Hartley, often led me to unexpectedly valuable files...."

Carlson, Brady. Dead Presidents: An American Adventure into the Strange Deaths and Surprising Afterlives of Our Nation's Leaders (2016).

"Many thanks to those who took the time to talk with me, show me around on my travels, or send me ideas and information. Most of them are mentioned in the book, but a few who aren't deserve to be named here:...Tom Schwartz and Lynn Smith of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum...and Anne Wheeler at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum."

Carlson, Elliot. Stanley Johnston's Blunder: (2017).

"I was able to pinpoint the location of those documents in the fall of 2012 with the assistance of NARAII archivist Christina Jones, to whom I now pass my thanks. After requesting the documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I finally obtained them in the late summer of 2013, the final step facilitated by the ubiquitous Robert Reed, archivist, special access and FOIA staff. "

"Robert Clark, supervisory archivist at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York, pointed my way through that institution's bewildering thicket of papers and documents."

Carpenter, Daniel. Democracy by Petition: Popular Politics in Transformation, 1790-1870 (2021).

"Archivists too numerous to mention here facilitated much of my research. Let me acknowledge in particular Richard Hunt and his staff at the Legislative Archives Center of the U.S. National Archives..."

Carr, Barnes. The Lenin Plot: The Unknown Story of America's War Against Russia (2020).

"Much valuable help was provided by...Lynn Smith, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library..."

"Cate Brennan, Loretta Deaver, Michele Brown, Sharon Culley, Professor David Fogelsong, Holly Reed, Abbi Oliver, Suzanne Isaacs, Kate Mollan, and Cara Moore at the National Archives and Records Administration helped immensely in my search for rare documents."

Carroll, Andrew. My Fellow Soldiers: General John Pershing and the Americans Who Helped Win the Great War (2017).

"For going out of their way to help with my research, there are numerous historians, archivists, and librarians throughout the United States whom I wish to thanks, including:...Deanna L. Kolling and Kathy Struss at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and Boyhood Home;...Kurt Graham, Jim Armistead, David Clark, Sam Rushay, and Randy Sowell at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum..."

Casey, Steven. The War Beat, Pacific: The American Media at War Against Japan (2021).

"I owe a large debt to all the staff members at many archives, especially...Liza Talbot at the Lyndon Johnson Library..."

Cashin, Joan E. War Stuff: The Struggle for Human and Environmental Resources in the American Civil War (2018).

"These archivists gave prompt, cordial assistance during my research at various institutions: DeAnne Blanton of the National Archives...."

Celeski, Joseph. The Green Berets in the Land of a Million Elephants: U.S. Army Special Warfare and the Secret War in Laos 1959-74 (2018).

"At the National Archives in Maryland, Martin Gedra and Stanley Fanaras worked hard before, during and after my visit to scrub a vast amount of Vietnam-era documents to find materials on the White Star period."

Celeski, Joseph. Special Air Warfare and the Secret War in Laos: Air Commandos 1964–1975 (2019).

"At the National Archives in Maryland, Martin Gedra and Stanley Fanaras worked hard before, during and after my visit to scrub a vast amount of Vietnam-era documents to find materials on this subject."

Chavez, Tizoc Victor. The Diplomatic Presidency: American Foreign Policy from FDR to George H. W. Bush (2022).

"I would particularly like to thank Ray Wilson at the Reagan Library, who was exceedingly generous with his time and made helpful suggestions."

Chopas, Mary Elizabeth Basile. Searching for Subversives: The Story of Italian Internment in Wartime America (2017).

"Elizabeth Gray at the National Archives at College Park helped me navigate the Italian internee files and numerous other government files during my visits there."

Clark, J.P. Preparing for War: The Emergence of the Modern U.S. Army, 1815-1917 (2017).

"As anyone who has done archival research can attest, some collections are more pleasant places in which to pursue the past then others. In my journeys, I have found the most helpful and considerate to be...Timothy Nenninger of the National Archives;..."

Clarke, Frances M. and Rebecca Jo Plant. Of Age: Boy Soldiers and Military Power in the Civil War Era (2023).

"Many other people have contributed to this project over the years. To start at the beginning, back in 2009 an archivist at the National Archives in Washington, DC, took Frances on a behind-the-scenes tour of the stacks. That tour revealed one of the main sets of records that we eventually used to write this book - a collection containing letters from parents trying to get their underage sons discharged from service. We'll be forever grateful to Mike Musick for bending the rules and introducing us to this untapped treasure trove. He had retired by the time we returned to NARA to start our research, so we relied on Trevor Plante and DeAnn Blanton thereafter to figure out the intricacies of military historical records. On multiple trips to NARA over the years, their expertise was invaluable."

Clodfelter, Mark. Violating Reality: The Lavelle Affair, Nixon, and the Parsing of the Truth (2016).

"The author also thanks...Martin Gedra, Dr. Alex J. Daverede III, John Clagett, and Jennifer Dryer at the National Archives and Records Administration at College Park, Maryland..."

Clune, Lori. Executing the Rosenbergs: Death and Diplomacy on a Cold War World (2016).

"I owe a great deal to David Pfeiffer at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland for using his 'very educated guess' on an indefatigable hunt to track the untrackable Rosenberg State Department documents. I am indebted to wonderful and knowledgeable people at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas (particularly Valoise Armstrong); the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri (Sam Rushay and the late Liz Safly)..."

Cobbs, Elizabeth. The Hello Girls: America's First Women Soldiers (2017).

"Others smoothed my path...Holly Reed,...and Mitchell Yockelson contributed generously. Their knowledge guided me. Their kindness encouraged me. The staff of the National Personnel Record Center in St. Louis, especially Cara Moore, provided invaluable assistance."

Conant, Jennet. The Great Secret: The Classified World War II Disaster that Launched the War on Cancer (2020).

"Also at the National Archives at College Park, Tim Nenninger, and in NARA St. Louis, George Fuller, who ventured into the 'burn bay' to look through sealed refrigerated units containing personnel records damaged in the 1973 fire. Holly Reed and Michael Bloomfield helped to find the still photographs....Thank you to...Valoise Armstrong and Mary Burtzloff at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum..."

Connelly, Matthew. The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals about America's Top Secrets (2023).

"In this book I have frequently described libraries as our most effective intelligence agencies - which they are. But they are intelligence agencies that also operate time machines, also known as archives. Without the people who command these vessels, we historians could never connect past, present, and future. Now that I have safely touched down once again, I wish to applaud these noble men and women, particularly...the irascible David Langbart...."

Costigliola, Frank. Kennan: A Life between Worlds (2023).

"Among the treasures of the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, is archivist extraordinaire David Langbart. David commands unparalleled familiarity with the scope as well as the nooks and crannies of the archive's vast holdings of U.S. State Department records. He decoded the log of outgoing despatches from both the Berlin Consulate and the Moscow Embassy so that I could track down the myriad, diverse reports written by Kennan in the 1920s and 1930s. He filled my inbox with scans of Kennan documents from other scattered files. This book owes much to him." "

Cowie, Steven. When Hell Came to Sharpsburg: The Battle of Antietam and Its Impact on the Civilians Who Called It Home (2022).

"I am deeply indebted to the archivists at the National Archives in Washington, D.C, namely Deanne Blanton, Robert Ellis, Danielle Ireland, and Trevor Plante, for helping me unearth a trove of war claims and congressional cases relating to the battle of Antietam."

Cucuz, Diana. Winning Women’s Hearts and Minds: Selling Cold War Culture in the US and the USSR (2022).

"I owe a great deal to the hard work of the archivists at the archives and libraries I visited throughout the years; in particular I thank David Pfeiffer at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland; Randy Sowell at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri; Chelsea Millner at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Independence, Kansas...Their enthusiasm for the areas in which they work, coupled with their ability to quickly and easily find the records that this Canadian historian researching in the United States needed, made my work not only easier but also much more enjoyable."

Curran, Thomas F. Women Making War: Female Confederate Prisoners and Union Military Justice (2020).

"At the National Archives DeAnne Blanton assisted me early and often on a number of issues."

Dack, Mikkel. Everyday Denazification in Postwar Germany: The Fragebogen and Political Screening during the Allied Occupation (2023).

"The twelve-year project involved research at no less than twenty archives in four countries and the exploration of hundreds of record collections, a labyrinth of sources that I could have never navigated on my own. Among the many archivists and librarians who guided me, I must mention the generosity of Amy Schmidt and Eric van Slander at the US National Archives in College Park, Maryland..."

Daddis, Gregory A. Withdrawal: Reassessing America's Final Years in Vietnam (2017).

"All historians know the value of knowledgeable archivists and library staff and I have benefited from working with more than a few. John Wilson at the LBJ Library helped me find some important documents on pacification and the term 'one war'. At the Nixon Library, I have been fortunate to work with some amazingly talented folks: Greg Cummings, Pamela Eisenberg, Mike Ellzey, Mellissa Heddon, Ida Kelley, Meghan Lee-Parker, Ryan Pettigrew, and Jason Schultz."

Davies, Wade. Native Hoops: The Rise of American Indian Basketball, 1895-1970 (2020).

"There have been so many archivists and archives staff members who have assisted me in this project over the years that listing them all would take at least two pages, and I would fear accidentally omitting deserving names in the process. Suffice it here to thank Lori Cox-Paul for assisting me on numerous occasions over a span of years, as I returned more than once to conduct research at the National Archives regional branch in Kansas City, Missouri. Special thanks also to Brita Merkel and Wade Popp for assisting with the many National Archives photos that appear in this book."

Daws,Laura Beth, and Susan L. Brinson. The Greater Good: Media, Family Removal, and TVA Dam Construction in North Alabama (2019).

"Our research took us to numerous places across the South, and we are thankful to many talented and knowledgeable archivists and librarians who assisted us along the way....Maureen Hill, archivist at the National Archives Southeast Region in Atlanta, provided a great deal of assistance in navigating Record Group 142, particularly with regard to Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) family removal records and other TVA archives stored there."

Dearborn, Mary V. Ernest Hemingway: A Biography (2017).

"I have had significant help from archivists and librarians. Every Hemingway scholar is indebted to the matchless Ernest Hemingway Collection at the JFK Library and its staff, especially Susan Wrynn, Stephen Plotkin, Laurie Austin, and Connor Anderson - all of whom brought me materials, answered my questions, and generally made life easier for me."

Dietl, Ralph L. The Strategic Defense Initiative: Ronald Reagan, NATO Europe, and the Nuclear and Space Talks, 1981–1988 (2018).

"I am indebted to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library whose hospitality created an excellent working environment. I am particularly indebted to Ray Wilson whose expertise and counseling offered invaluable guidance."

Dixon, Chris. African Americans and the Pacific War, 1941-1945: Race, Nationality, and the Fight for Freedom (2018).

"In this age of digitization, librarians and archivists remain the often-unsung heroes of historical research....I am also grateful to Eric Van Slander, in the National Archives and Records Administration, at College Park, Maryland. As anyone who has researched in the National Archives can attest, the mass of material can seem overwhelming, and the systems to access that material occasionally obtuse - negotiating both was made easier with Eric's expertise and friendly help....At the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library (Austin, Texas), Liza Talbot procured materials relating to the African American presence in wartime Australia."

Dobbs, Michael. King Richard: Nixon and Watergate - An American Tragedy (2021).

"I would like to thank all the archivists at the Nixon Library, but particularly Ryan Pettigrew, who had the foresight to assemble a huge electronic database of the Nixon photo archive several years ago. This database proved invaluable when the library, along with other branches of the National Archives, was compelled to close its doors to researchers during the coronavirus pandemic. Without this electronic treasure trove and Ryan's assistance, I would been unable to obtain many of the photographs that appear in this book in time for publication."

Dobbs, Michael. The Unwanted: America, Auschwitz, and a Village Caught In Between (2019).

"At the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, David Langbart provided similarly expert assistance to State Department records, indispensable for the understanding of U.S. refugee policy under FDR."

Doherty, Thomas. Show Trial: Hollywood, HUAC, and the Birth of the Blacklist (2018).

"I have always depended on the kindness of archivists:...William H, Davis and Kate Millan at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives and Records Administration;...Orissa Martinez at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library; Jennifer Mandel at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library...."

Donner, Rebecca. All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days: The True Story of the American Woman at the Heart of the German Resistance to Hitler (2021).

"Over five years I consulted with archivists in the United States, England, and Germany; my book would not have been possible without them...At the National Archives, Wanda Williams kindly attended to my Freedom of Information Act appeals, and Paul Brown and Cate Brennan responded to numerous document requests with patience and alacrity."

Drake, Richard. Charles Austin Beard: The Return of the Master Historian of American Imperialism (2018).

"Librarians and archivists gave me unstinting assistance...I received similar help...for the Herbert Hoover Papers from Matthew Schaefer, archivist, and Spencer Howard, archivist technician at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum in West Branch, Iowa..."

Drury, Bob and Tom Clavin. Valley Forge (2018).

"We especially want to recognize the help provided by...Rose Buchanan at the National Archives and Records Administration...."

Dunn, Susan. A Blueprint for War: FDR and the Hundred Days That Mobilized America (2018).

"One of the great pleasures of working on this book was returning again and again to the FDR Library and Museum in Hyde Park, where director Paul Sparrow and archivist Robert Clark steered me through miles of documents."

Eckstein, Arthur M. Bad Moon Rising: How the Weather Underground Beat the FBI and Lost the Revolution (2016).

"I also owe a great debt to James Mathis, a chief archivist at the National Archives, and to his assistant Britney Crawford. They organized the dozens of boxes of FBI material for me, provided an outline of what files were in each box, and even underlined which boxes would hold the most interesting files. Moreover, James gave me his deep historical insights into the FBI in the last years of J. Edgar Hoover; and Britney provided expertise at my talk at the Woodrow Wilson Center."

Edsel, Robert M. The Greatest Treasure Hunt in History: The Story of the Monuments Men (2019).

"The Archivist of the United States, David Ferriero, and his outstanding team at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, in particular Greg Bradsher, have been an important part of my success. They continue to share my commitment to see this important part of our nation's history broadly known.'"

Edwards, Anne. The Reagans: Portrait of a Marriage (2018).

"I have worked in many research libraries, but never have I encountered more helpful, good-natured, and knowledgeable archivists than at the RRPL. No query went unanswered, and no research request was overlooked. I was given access to material not yet catalogued. Thank you, thank you, Diane Barrie! And to you, Steve Branch and Josh Tannenbaum, photo archivists of the highest order, more thanks. Not to be overlooked were the helping hands of Greg Cumming, Megan Lee, David Bridge, John P. Langellier (curator), Mike Dugan, and the many others at the RRPL who also never turned aside a request."

Egan, Jennifer. Manhattan Beach: A Novel (2017).

"Bonnie Sauer at the National Archives gave me physical access to the collection 'Photographs of the Construction and Repair of Buildings, Facilities and Vessels at the New York Navy Yard (1903-1945).'"

Eisenberg, Carolyn Woods. Fire and Rain: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Wars in Southeast Asia (2023).

"Historians rely on their archivists, and I was especially fortunate in having the assistance of John Powers at the Nixon Project in the National Archives..."

Eisenhower, Susan. How Ike Led: The Principles behind Eisenhower's Biggest Decisions (2020).

"As always, I am indebted to Tim Rives, deputy director of the Eisenhower Presidential Library, and Mary Burtzloff, photo archivist, who also worked closely with us."

Eisner, Peter. MacArthur's Spies: The Soldier, the Singer, and the Spymaster Who Defied the Japanese in World War II (2017).

"The staff at the National Archives in Washington, DC, is well-known for its expertise and generosity. Archivist Robert Ellis at the old building in downtown Washington was the point man in locating the lost files of Clavier v. US, hidden away in a location only he was able to find. My thanks to everyone who helped me at the archives, more names than I can recall, but especially Richard W. Peuser, William H. Davis, Rebecca L. Collier, Megan B. Dwyre, Christina Violetta Jones, and Eric Van Slander. My apologies to those inadvertently not mentioned."

Eizenstat, Stuart E. President Carter: The White House Years (2087).

"I benefited greatly from the dedicated assistance of Jay Hakes, David Alsobrook, and, more recently, David Stanhope and his colleagues at the Carter Presidential Library, who helped find key memoranda to the president along with his contemporaneous notes and comments, plus a trove of valuable information in the Evening Reports sent each night to the president by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance or Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher, as well as the Weekly Reports to the president from his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski."

Emery, Theo. Hellfire Boys: The Birth of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service and the Race for the World's Deadliest Weapons (2017).

"While I've not quite gained senior status as a regular at the National Archives, I did receive a great deal of help from the diligent research assistance there, who guided me through the struggles of navigating century-old records."

"NARA historian and author Mitch Yockelson swooped in like an angel of history for a final, fine-tooth fact-check - an astonishing act of generosity for which I am humbly in his debt."

Engel, Jeffrey A. When the World Seemed New: George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War (2017).

"Archivists are the unsung heroes of this story, in particular those at the George Bush Library in College Station, where Warren Finch and Robert Holzweiss have assembled an exemplary knowledgeable and friendly staff. They are uniformly excellent, energetic, and no doubt underpaid. Zachary Roberts has been my prime contact throughout the long declassification odyssey, one we were both surprised and dismayed to realize dated back more than a decade, and was thus the recipient of many late-night emails that began 'Do you know where...' He answered each with enthusiasm and patience. Thanks as well to the Bush library's team of declassification experts who assisted with this project in one form or fashion: Douglass Campbell, Buffie Hollis, Amber Macicek, McKenzie Morse, Kathy Olson, Rebecca Passmore, Christopher Pembleton, Ashley Seely, Elizabeth Staats, Simon Staats, Lisa Trampota, and Deborah Wheeler. Mary Finch and Cody McMillian made sure the photographs for the book were, as always, ideal."

Engerman, David C. The Price of Aid: The Economic Cold War in India (2018).

"My own forays into libraries and archives were made possible - and fruitful - by the extraordinary labors of archivists and librarians. I am grateful to archivists at all of the repositories in the Note on Sources. I'd especially like to thank...Karen Adler Abramson and Steven Plotkin at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library;...and the whole crew at the U.S. National Archives - David Langbart, Tab Lewis, David Pfeiffer, Brian Phelan, and Amy Reytar."

Engle, Stephen D. Gathering to Save a Nation: Lincoln and the Union's War Governors (2016).

"The following repositories also deserve special thanks for assisting me with this project:...National Archives and Records Administration - Trevor Plante."

Erdrich, Louise. The Night Watchman (2020).

"I would like to express my deep appreciation to Joyce Burner, a librarian at the National Archives at Kansas City, who told me she loved a treasure hunt and proceeded to find my grandfather's boarding-school files, letters in which he argued his way into boarding school, as well as one of the actual ballots cast during one of his elections. I would also like to thank National Archives librarian Elizabeth Burnes for her devoted work."

Farrell, John A. Richard Nixon: The Life (2017).

"At the Nixon presidential library, in Yorba Linda, I profited from the expert guidance of Director Michael Ellzey, Pamla Eisenberg, Carla Braswell, Jon Fletcher, Meghan Lee-Parker, Ryan Pettigrew, Craig Ellefson, Jason Schultz, Gregory Cumming, Abigail Malangone, Olivia Anastasiadis, and Dorissa Martinez. "

Farris, Scott. Inga: Kennedy's Great Love, Hitler's Perfect Beauty, and J. Edgar Hoover's Prime Suspect (2016).

"Many archivists deserve recognition. This profession attracts unusually dedicated and helpful people, such as Martha Wagner Murphy, Mark Murphy, and their colleagues at the National Archives and Records Administration..."

Faulkner, Richard S. The School of Hard Knocks: Combat Leadership in the American Expeditionary Forces (2012).

"This book also rests upon the hard work and assistance of numerous dedicated librarians, archivists, and researchers. The efforts, understanding, and kindness shown by Timothy Nenninger and Mitch Yockelson of the National Archives...were essential to the crafting of this work. Their commitments to helping this novice researcher navigate the records of the Great War have won my undying gratitude and admiration."

Felber, Garrett. Those Who Know Don't Say: The Nation of Islam, the Black Freedom Movement, and the Carceral State (2020).

"In the course of researching for this book, I consulted nearly 40 university, public, and government agency libraries and archives. Contrary to the clichés of "hidden," "lost," or "forgotten" papers, these documents were all previously catalogued and retrieved by librarians and archivists, many of whom graciously scanned and emailed me materials so I would not have to travel across the country on a whim or a hunch. I have tried to maintain a list over the years and apologize to those I may have missed:...Haley Maynard and Amanda Weimer at the National Archives in College Park..."

Field, Thomas C. From Development to Dictatorship: Bolivia and the Alliance for Progress in the Kennedy Era (2018).

"On the US side, recent declassification projects, ably facilitated by Stephen Plotkin and Sharon Kelly at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and by Regina Greenwell and Jennifer Cuddeback at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, shed extensive light on the doggedness of US liberal support for Paz Estenssoro's modernizing approach."

Fine, Richard. The Price of Truth: The Journalist Who Defied Military Censors to Report the Fall of Nazi Germany (2018).

"I especially benefitted from the help of the archivists Eric Van Slander at the National Archives, Kevin Bailey at the Eisenhower Library...."

Finkelstein, Allison. Forgotten Veterans, Invisible Memorials: How American Women Commemorated the Great War, 1917–1945 (2021).

"The publication of this book would not have been possible without the help of numerous archivists, public history professionals, and institutions who have guided my research and provided access to collections. I would especially like to thank...Tom McAnear and the staff at the National Archives, College Park; the staff at the National Archives Building, Washington, DC; Christian Belena at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library..."

Finn, Peter. A Guest of the Reich: The Story of American Heiress Gertrude Legendre's Dramatic Captivity and Escape from Nazi Germany (2019).

"Archivists are the great allies of writers, and I want to acknowledge the assistance of...Pamela Anderson at the National Archives in Kansas City, Missouri."

Fitzpatrick, David J. Emory Upton: Misunderstood Reformer (2017).

"The staffs of various manuscript libraries played important roles in the successful completion of this work. Tim Nenninger and Mike Pilgrim at the National Archives were invaluable in helping to sift through the volumes of relevant material located there."

Flaus, Pascal. Le cimetière américain de Saint-Avold (2017).

"Un remerciement tout particulier à nos collègues des Archives nationales américaines á Collège Park et Washington DC, Megan Dwyre, Sharon Culley et Rose Buchanan qui, grâce á leurs recherches préalables, nous ont permis une consultation facilitée sur place, par la mise á disposition, en salle de lecture, des fonds déjà classés, accessibles au public."

Flores, John H. The Mexican Revolution in Chicago: Immigration Politics from the Early Twentieth Century to the Cold War (2018).

"The immigration records I worked with were collected through the considerable work of many archivists and administrators. In particular, Martin Tuohy and the staff at the National Archives and Records Administration worked patiently with me as they retrieved tens of thousands of naturalization documents for my use."

Ford, Walter G. Reducing the Saint-Mihiel Salient, September 1918 (2018).

"Among the many on the author's list warranting special salutes...Mark C. Mollan, archivist, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC...."

Fowler, Randall. More Than a Doctrine: The Eisenhower Era in the Middle East (2018).

"The staff of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, Kansas, especially Kevin Bailey, rendered invaluable assistance during my visit to their archives and continued to offer their help over the course of this project's evolution."

Francis, Charles. Archive Activism: Memoir of a "Uniquely Nasty" Journey (2023).

"Our thanks to Supervisory Archivist Rick Peuser and to Tab Lewis in the research room at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland., for helping us break the code of the Office of the General Counsel at the US Civil Service Commission. (It was suitability all along.) Thank you to Supervisory Archivist (retired) Claudia Anderson at the LBJ Presidential Library. Archivist Anderson alerted us to the opening of Mildred Stegall's Walter Jenkins/Bob Waldron files. She and Research Archivist Brian McNerney went forward, after the library many years of honoring John Macy's donor agreement, to process and open his personal papers. At the JFK Presidential Library, we thank Reference Archivist Stacey Chandler, who discovered Frank Kameny's unanswered plea to include everybody in the "New Frontier" of American space exploration."

Frank, Jeffrey. The Trials of Harry S. Truman: The Extraordinary Presidency of an Ordinary Man, 1945-1953 (2022).

"I got lots of help from a wide range of men and women, starting with the archivists at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, in Independence, Missouri, who were always conscientious and professional. I was especially appreciative of the advice and counsel I got from Randy Sowell, who could find the solution to just about every historical puzzle; and to Tammy Williams, who helped guide me through the Library's extraordinary collection. Many thanks, too, to supervisory archivist Sam Rushay, David Clark, and Laurie Austin; and a farewell thanks to Judy Turner, who retired from the Library and Museum, but was there at the start of this project."

Fraser, Caroline. Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder (2017).

"On repeat visits [to the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library], I've grown to depend on the archival expertise of Matthew Schaefer, Spencer Howard, and Craig Wright. Photo archivist Lynn Smith kindly tracked down additional items, as did audiovisual specialist Jim Detlefsen....On several occasions, beginning in the 1990s, I benefited from discussions with Dwight M. Miller, now retired senior archivist, about the Library's acquisition of the Rose Wilder Lane Papers, and his pivotal early visit to Wilder's Rocky Ridge farmhouse."

Friedman, Norman. Fighters over the Fleet: Naval Air Defence from Biplanes to the Cold War (2016).

"The situation as to aircraft information has been transformed in the last few years as files have been opened at the National Archives center at College Park, Maryland (NARA II). For access to these files, I am grateful to the naval specialists at College Park, particularly Nate Patch, and also to the declassifiers there (including Kenneth A. Johnson, now retired) and to Stephanie Coon, the head of the Indexing Project (consolidating files already reviewed)."

Fuller, Robert Lynn. After D-Day: The U.S. Army Encounters the French (2016).

"Rich Noble and Eric Van Slander of the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, proved helpful; Rich went out of his way to make my visit more enjoyable."

Fuller, Robert L. The Struggle for Cooperation: Liberated France and the American Military, 1944-1946 (2019).

"Rich Noble and Eric Van Slander of the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, proved helpful and went out of their way to make my visit more enjoyable. Rutha Beamon and Sarah Lepianka of the NARA Still Pictures Branch helped find photos for the book cover."

Gage, Beverly. G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century (2020).

"Archivists at the National Archives and Records Administration - especially Richard Peuser - offered crucial support in accessing and understanding FBI records..."

"...was especially helpful with photos and permissions, as was...Kirsten Carter at the FDR Library."

Gallagher, Charles. Nazis of Copley Square: The Forgotten Story of the Christian Front (2021).

"Danielle Dubois Gottwig, at the National Archives and Records Administration, was extremely patient with my multiple requests for declassification of FBI files under the Freedom of Information Act."

Gallagher, Patrick. Traumatic Defeat: POWs, MIAs, and National Mythmaking (2018).

"I am exceptionally grateful for the assistance given by the staff at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Similarly, the staff at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library were very helpful - particularly Jason Schultz, who helped me coordinate my research at that facility."

Garcia Sánchez, Jorge. Byron Khun de Prorok: Arqueólogo y explorador de civilizaciones perdidas (2023).

Dedication: "A Michael Tarabulski..."

Gatzemeyer, Garrett. Bodies for Battle: US Army Physical Culture and Systematic Training, 1885-1957 (2021).

"Some of my supporters may not even know that their names are going into print. I am indebted to the librarians and archivists who helped me access obscure documents and offered insights from their own areas of expertise. I think especially of...Mary Brutzloff from the Eisenhower Presidential Library..."

Gibby, Bryan R. Korean Showdown: National Policy and Military Strategy in a Limited War, 1951–1952 (2021).

"...I benefitted from the patient expertise of...Eric S. Van Slander (National Archives and Records Administration)..."

Goldberg, Sheldon A. From Disarmament to Rearmament: The Reversal of US Policy toward West Germany, 1946–1955 (2017).

"Outside of the University of Maryland, where much of my research took place, my thanks go to the archivists of the Modern Military Records Branch, especially Mr. Richard Boylan, and the archivists of the Diplomatic Branch at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. All of them were instrumental in teaching me how to use the archive's resources to find those records upon which the majority of this work is based. "

"Further afield, I must thank Dr. Randy Sowell of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, who made my short stay very productive, and Dr. Christopher Abraham at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, who prepared my visit and made my research of pertinent records of the president and his advisors both easy and rewarding. Both of these gentlemen were also extremely helpful in answering questions and providing other information long after I departed."

Golway, Terry. Frank and Al: FDR, Al Smith, and the Unlikely Alliance That Created the Modern Democratic Party (2018).

"The bulk of my research took place in one of my favorite places on earth, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum in Hyde Park, New York. My thanks to the library's former deputy director, Bob Clark; archivists Kirsten Carter, Sarah Navins, and Virginia Lewick; archives technician Patrick Fahy; and public program specialist Cliff Laube."

Goodman, Adam. The Deportation Machine: America's Long History of Expelling Immigrants (2020).

"Archivists, demographers, historians, lawyers, and librarians provided invaluable assistance navigating the collections and identifying the sources that enabled me to write this book. In the United States, thanks to...Bill Creech, Lynn Goodsell, Jessie Kratz, Rebecca Sharp, and Alexandra Villaseran at the National Archives and Records Administration..."

Gorenberg, Gershom. War of Shadows: Codebreakers, Spies, and the Secret Struggle to Drive the Nazis from the Middle East (2021).

"Given the sometimes arcane filing system for World War II military records at the US National Archives at College Park, Maryland, I am particularly grateful for the guidance provided by archivist emeritus Tim Mulligan."

"I'm the staff of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential library, especially William Baehr, who helped make sense of the format of War Department cables and their telltale time stamps. At the US National Archives at College Park, Bill Cunliffe added information on the War Department cables, and Eric Van Slander spent much time guiding me through the filing system."

Gorham, Christopher C. The Confidante: The Untold Story of the Woman Who Helped Win World War II and Shape Modern America (2023).

"It was only due to the extraordinary efforts of archivists and library professionals that my research was allowed to progress on schedule. My sincere thanks to...Director Paul Sparrow and Patrick Fahy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York;...and the archivists at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, as well as those at the presidential libraries of Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson."

Graff, Garrett M. Raven Rock: The Story of the U.S. Government's Secret Plan to Save Itself - While the Rest of Us Die (2017).

"This research project took me to the majority of the country's presidential libraries, which together are an underused national treasure. The National Archives writ large and the presidential libraries in particular are a fount of knowledge of the twentieth century. In each of the libraries I visited - from the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston to the Richard Nixon Library a continent away in Yorba Linda, I interacted with talented and knowledgeable staff. The archivists whom I had the chance to work with intimately knew their collections and pointed me to files that I never could have uncovered myself. In Abilene, at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, I'm grateful to Valoise Armstrong and Tim Rives, who also introduced me to some great fried chicken. In Austin, John Wilson navigated me through the archives of the Lyndon B. Johnson Library, and then Lara Hall spent years following up on my declassification requests. In Simi Valley, Ray Wilson helped me track down some highly amusing records about Project Elf at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library."

Graff, Garrett. Watergate: A New History (2019).

"Joel Westphal, at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum, has become a friend over the course of my trips to Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor, and he was instrumental in helping me understand the man who followed Nixon into the White House."

Graff, Garrett. UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government's Search for Alien Life Here - and Out There (2023).

"I relied on a number of great archives across this project, from the always-incredible National Archives and multiple presidential libraries to J. Allen Hynek's still-operating Center for UFO Studies, and a lot in between, and I'm grateful to all those archivists for the hard, time-consuming work of preserving history. I'm especially grateful to Stacy Davis and Joel Westphal at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for their help digging up record on Ford's role in the 'swamp gas' sightings of the 1960s. "

Graham, Elyse. Book and Dagger: How Scholars and Librarians Became the Unlikely Spies of World War II (2024).

"...helped me find my way through the archives of..., and Vincent Turpin did the same in the National Archives."

Graham, Jessica. Shifting the Meaning of Democracy: Race, Politics, and Culture in the United States and Brazil (2019).

"I made many, many trips to the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, and I would be remiss if I did not express my utmost gratitude to the late, phenomenal archivist John Taylor, whose influence is all over this study....I appreciate...RIchard Peuser at NARA..."

Graham, Mary. President's Secrets: The Use and Abuse of Hidden Power (2017).

"I am grateful to the many archivists at presidential libraries who helped answer research questions. They include Claudia Anderson, Sarah Cunningham, and Jennifer Cuddeback at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential library; Randy Sowell at the Harry S. Truman Library; Jeremy Schmidt and Elizabeth Druga at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library; Jon Fletcher at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library; Ira Pemstein at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library; Keith Shuler at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library; Jason Kaplan at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library; and Brandon Zogg at the George W. Bush Presidential Library."

"Others who assisted with research questions included...Bruce Bustard and Abigail Myrick at the National Archives and Records Administration..."

Grann, David. Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI (2017).

"Several research institutions were critical to this project, and I am indebted to them and their staffs. Particularly, I want to thank David S. Ferriero, the archivist of the United States, as well as Greg Bognich, Jake Ersland, Christina Jones, Amy Reytar, Rodney Ross, Barbara Rust, and others at the National Archives..."

Grant, Jonathan A. Between Depression and Disarmament: The International Armaments Business, 1919-1939 (2018).

"Among archivists, I owe special thanks to Eric Van Slander and Martin A. Gedra at the US National Archives II (College Park, Maryland) for cracking the seemingly indecipherable reference codes of the US military attaché reports that proved invaluable for this study."

Grantham, Robin F. Better Read Than Dead: A Biography of Nat Honig (2024).

"Is it possible to write a biography or anything historical without the help of the National Archives? I think not, and I am indebted to the archivists at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland. Marcus Bacher Special Access and FOIA Program, who had to carefully examine documents before releasing what was possible, and his colleague Jacquelyn Beasley who responded quickly to guide me through ordering the file."

Green, Michael. By More Than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783 (2017).

"I am also indebted to...Kelly Barton at the Ronald Reagan Library..."

Greene, Lance. Their Determination to Remain: A Cherokee Community's Resistance to the Trail of Tears in North Carolina (2017).

"...and Lindsay Muha at the National Archives were incredibly helpful in providing information on the locations of historic maps and photographs."

Grillot, Thomas. First Americans: U.S. Patriotism in Indian Country after World War I (2018).

"Farther away, at the National Archives, I want to extend special acknowledgment to William Davis (Washington, D.C.) as well as Tim Rives and Stephen Spence (Kansas City), who never hesitated to go out of their way to help me locate documents and even send some 'across the pond.'"

Guglielmo, Thomas A. Divisions: A New History of Racism and Resistance in America's World War II Military (2021).

"For help tracking down archival and other source material, many thanks to the late Walter Hill, Ken Schlesinger, Eric Van Slander, and Alexis Hill at the National Archives at College Park, Robert Glass at the National Archives at San Francisco, Guy Hall at the National Archives at Atlanta, Barbara Rust at the National Archives at Fort Worth, Gail Farr at the National Archives at Philadelphia, Richard McCulley at the National Archives at Washington, DC...'"

Guillemin, Jeanne. Hidden Atrocities: Japanese Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the Tokyo Trial (2017).

"Among the many archivists who helped me, my special thanks go to...William Cunliffe at the National Archives, College Park..."

Haeussler, Mathias. Inventing Elvis: An American Icon in a Cold War World (2020).

"I would particularly like to thank...Valoise Armstrong at the Eisenhower Presidential Library...."

Hagedorn, Ann. Sleeper Agent: The Atomic Spy in America Who Got Away (2021).

"Throughout the research, librarians and archivists were so often helpful. What the future can know about the past is in their hands: the documentary evidence of history in letters, diaries, reports, government document, personal records, photos, newspapers, magazines, broadsides, and more. I am grateful to the following: Amy Reytar, archivist at the National Archives, in College Park, Maryland...Archivist David Clark at the Truman Library..."

Hamilton, Nigel. War and Peace: FDR's Final Odyssey: D-Day to Yalta, 1943-1945 (2019).

"At the Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library Archives I'd like to thank, for their help in preparing this book, archivists Virginia Lewick and Matt Hansen; at the Eisenhower Presidential Library, deputy director Timothy Reeves, and audiovisual archivist Kathy Struss;...."

Hankins, Michael W. Flying Camelot: The F-15, the F-16, and the Weaponization of Fighter Pilot Nostalgia (2021).

"I also had great help from...John O'Connell at the President Gerald Ford Library..."

Harburn, Todd E. A Life Cut Short at the Little Big Horn: U.S. Army Surgeon George E. Lord (2023).

"Of course, no book project can ever be completed without the assistance of administrators, curators, librarians, archivists, and research assistants at various historical museums and libraries. Among these dedicated public servants are John Deeben, National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C., who has assisted me for both of my Little Big Horn books, and Kelly McAnnaney, National Archives and Records Administration at New York City."

Harden, Blaine. King of Spies: The Dark Reign of America's Spymaster in Korea (2017).

"A small legion of men and women at the National Archives and the Air Force Historical Research Agency spent many hours helping me find documents and photographs. In particular, at the archives in College Park I want to thank Eric van Slander, a reference archivist, and Timothy K. Nenninger, chief of the textual records reference branch. Both of them suggested new directions for research and provided contacts that me obtain Nichols's military service record from the National Archives in St. Louis. There, the chief of archival operations, William Siebert, personally located Nichols's service record and directed me to the air force officials who were authorized to release it."

Harriel, Shelby. Behind the Rifle: Women Soldiers in Civil War Mississippi (2019).

"I would also like to thank DeAnne Blanton at the National Archives..."

Harris, J.P. A Tragedy of the Great War: The Story of Chester Schulz (2016).

"At the US National Archives at College Park, Maryland, Dr. Mitchell Yockelson, whom I already counted as a friend from my days as a historian of the First World War, helped considerably. So did Richard Boylan, Martin Gedra, Jason Staton, and Stanley Fanaras, and many others."

Hartwig, D. Scott. I Dread the Thought of the Place: The Battle of Antietam and the End of the Maryland Campaign (2023).

"I consistently received outstanding the National Archives, from archivists Mike Musick and Trevor Plante."

Hasting, Nancy Vanada. A Tragedy of the Great War: The Story of Chester Schulz (2018).

"Eric Van Slander, Archivist, National Archives II for going above and beyond in helping with my research."

Hayashi, Brian Masaru. Asian American Spies: How Asian Americans Helped Win the Allied Victory (2021).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration II in College Park, Maryland, I received guidance from Larry MacDonald regarding the OSS records that he and a host of volunteers processed and organized after the CIA released them. The late John Taylor was especially helpful in pointing out the largely untapped Shanghai Municipal Police records the CIA pulled out of China before 1949. Nathan Patch, William Cunliffe, and Eric van Slander devoted an enormous amount of their time to track down personnel records of various individuals within the office."

Hedren, Paul L. Powder River: Disastrous Opening of the Great Sioux War (2016).

"Scott Forsythe of the National Archives-Great Lakes Region in Chicago suffered the longest: he was the first to support in a rather meaningful way my Powder River collecting by providing copies of courts-martial records, ACP files, and maps, no doubt believing that this was the project of the moment, not of two decades later. But here it is, Scott: thank you, and enjoy retirement."

"Serious collecting led me to libraries and archives throughout the land, and I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of...Jill D'Andrea, National Archives, Washington, D.C...."

Among others who provided copies, links, insights, and encouragement were...Lori Cox-Paul, National Archives-Kansas City;..."

Heineke, Karl-Heinz. Target Hildesheim: Die Luftangriffe 1944/45 (2020).

"Ich mochte mich bei allen seht herzlich bedanken, dir mei bei der Erstellung ds Buches geholfen haben: ...Robin Cookson, Sharon Culley...Martin Gedra...Holly Reed...Eric Van Slander..."

Heinrich, Thomas. Warship Builders: An Industrial History of U.S. Naval Shipbuilding 1922–1945 (2020).

"Research staffers at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, who helped me unearth a treasure trove of U.S. Navy records include Marci Bayer, Michael Bloomfield, Paul Cogan, Susan Gillette, Jacob Haywood, Russell Hill, Jacob Lusk, Haley Maynard, Amy Morgan, and Lauren Theodore. Special thanks to Nate Patch and Alicia Henneberry. At the regional branches of the National Archives, archivists Gail Farr and Stephen Charla in Philadelphia and Kelly McAnnaney in New York provided invaluable research advice..."

Herf, Jeffrey. Israel's Moment: International Support for and Opposition to establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949 (2022).

"As has been the case for many years, my research in the invaluable National Archives of the United States, conveniently also located in College Park, benefited greatly from the staff of its reading room. David Langbart again offered helpful advice regarding the State Department files; Eric van Slander did as well regarding the military and intelligence files; Amanda Weimar assisted my Freedom of Information Act requests for Department of Justice files; David Fort did likewise for my FOIA requests for CIA, State Department, and military intelligence files."

Herman, Rebecca. Cooperating with the Colossus: A Social and Political History of US Military Bases in World War II Latin America (2022).

"In College Park, David Langbart at the US National Archives taught me the fourth language required for research on this project: the language of the State Department's Central Decimal Files."

Hernon, Peter. The Great Rescue: American Heroes, an Iconic Ship, and the Race to Save Europe in WWI (2017).

"I was helped at the outset by Chris Killillay, an archivist with the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC, who determined that the collections were rich in material related to the ship's wartime cruises."

Hiltner, Aaron. Taking Leave, taking Liberties: American troops on the World War II Home Front (2020).

"Archivists regularly saved me from wasting valuable research hours while patiently putting up with my often-vague requests. The staff at the National Archives and Records Administration in Waltham, Riverside, and San Bruno all devoted many hours to chasing down long-ignored naval records and dusty (and sometimes moldy) boxes. Randy Thompson, Matthew Law, and Henry Mac all stayed persistent while producing useful recommendations and showing interest in the topic."

Hirsh, Richard F. Powering American Farms: The Overlooked Origins of Rural Electrification (2022).

"I am especially grateful to the many professionals who helped me in libraries and archives. They included...Chris Belena at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library."

Hitchcock, William I. The Age of Eisenhower: America and the World in the 1950s (2018).

"For many years I have visited Abilene, Kansas, to work in the pleasant setting of the Eisenhower Library. The collections there are wonderfully rich, and the kind and generous staff helped me find my way through mountains of crucial documents. To Tim Rives, Valoise Armstrong, Kathy Struss, and Chalsea Millner, I want to express my deep gratitude for your professionalism and all-around decency."

Holl, Jack M. The religious Journey of Dwight D. Eisenhower: Duty, God, and Country (2021).

"In addition, I want to acknowledge the generous assistance of the archivists and staff of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential library in Abilene, Kansas. James Leyerzapf became my archivist in 1975 and expertly guided me through the library's resources until 2009. David Haight and Thomas Branigar also offered their incredible expertise. Subsequently, Keith Bailey, Christopher Abraham, Valoise Armstrong, Chalsea Milner, Linda Smith, and Mary Burtzloff ably assisted my research."

Holloway, Anna Gibson and Jonathan W. White. Our Little Monitor: The Greatest Invention of the Civil War (2018).

"Trevor Plante at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., always goes above the call of duty to facilitate my research."

Holmes, Jamie. 12 Seconds of Silence: How a Team of Inventors, Tinkerers, and Spies Took Down a Nazi Superweapon (2020).

"Gene Morris at the National Archives and Records Administration...[was] of particular help."

Holt, Nathalia. Wise Gals: The Spies Who Built the CIA and Changed the Future of Espionage (2022).

"I'm indebted to...Lauren Theodore and Suzanne Isaacs at the National Archives and Records Administration..."

Hone, Trent. Learning War: The Evolution of Fighting Doctrine in the U.S. Navy, 1898–1945 (2018).

"...Barry Zerby, Rick Peuser, Mark Mollan and Charles W. Johnson of the National Archives provided invaluable assistance locating archival records."

Howell, Gerald Andrew (Jeffrey L. Patrick, ed.). Yesterday There Was Glory: With the 4th Division, A.E.F., in World War I (2017).

"Thanks are also due to World War I historian Mitchell Yockelson, who offered valuable suggestions and directed me to the records of the 39th Infantry in the National Archives."

Hulver, Richard A. A Grave Misfortune: The USS Indianapolis Tragedy (2018).

"Naval Archivist Nathaniel Patch, at National Archives II, College Park frequently directed me to documents and collections. His expertise undoubtedly made this a much richer volume."

Hutchinson, Robert. After Nuremberg: American Clemency for Nazi War Criminals (2022).

"At the National Archives in College Park, archivist Meg Dwyer saved the day in locating some vital clemency records that were filed in an unexpected collection while archivists Haley Maynard and Cate Brennan offered valuable assistance in my navigating and obtaining the necessary State Department and Foreign Service files."

Hymel, Kevin M. Patton's War: An American General's Combat Leadership, Volume 1: November 1942 - July 1944 (2021).

"Having done research at the National Archives and Records Administration for the past thirty years, I can attest that everyone there always greeted me with a smile, especially Holly Reed, who knew I thought I knew more about the collections than she did. But seriously, everyone there has helped me in some capacity. Besides Holly in Still Pictures, Tim Nenninger, the branch chief for Modern Military Records, offered advice and wisdom to my research. He would often show up at my research desk with a box of papers, telling me he had stumbled over some documents that were relevant to Patton. You can't put a price on that. Mitch Yockelson is not only an expert on twentieth-century warfare, he is also a great European tour guide and an even better friend. He's always good for a history chat in the Archives cafeteria or a café somewhere in England. Other people who helped me include Robin Cookson,...and Nathan Patch."

Hymel, Kevin M. Patton's War: An American General's Combat Leadership, Volume 2: August-December 1944 (2023).

"Everyone at the National Archives and Records Administration has always been helpful to me, especially Alexandra Lange in Still Pictures. Tim Nenninger, the branch chief for Modern Military Records, offered advice and wisdom to my research. He would often show up at my research desk with a box of papers, telling me he had stumbled over some documents that were relevant to Patton. You can't put a price on that. Mitch Yockelson is not only an expert on twentieth-century warfare, he is also a great European tour guide and an even better friend. He's always good for a history chat in the Archives cafeteria or a café somewhere in England. Other people who helped me include Robin Cookson,...and Nathan Patch."

Hyslop, Stephen G. Atlas of World War II: History's Greatest Conflict Revealed Through Rare Wartime Maps and New Cartography (2018).

"Tim Nenninger and Richard Peuser at the National Archives directed me to secret OSS maps from Burma."

Indyk, Martin. Master of the Game: Henry Kissinger and the Art of Middle East Diplomacy (2021).

"A host of librarians helped in locating documents and photographs. In particular I would like to express my appreciation to....Melissa Heddon at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library; and Elizabeth Druga at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library."

Irwin, Julia F.. Catastrophic Diplomacy: US Foreign Disaster Assistance in the American Century (2024).

"I received personal interest from....David Langbart at the National Archives and Records Administration..."

Jacobs, Seth. Rogue Diplomats: The Proud Tradition of Disobedience in American Foreign Policy (2020).

"I'm also indebted to the archivists at the Eisenhower and Kennedy Presidential Libraries, chief among them Steve Plotkin, who has worked with me on no fewer than three books and served as a mentor to many of my undergraduate and graduate students. If you've got to spend hours sounding the depths of Joseph P. Kennedy's fetid psyche, it helps to have an encyclopedically knowledgeable hail-fellow-well-met like Steve as your guide."

Jacobsen, Annie. Surprise, Kill, Vanish: The Secret History of CIA Paramilitary Armies, Operators, and Assassins (2019).

"As an author who writes about American history, I am grateful for such historians to turn to for their expertise. The commitment and generosity of those whose work to preserve the record and make it available never cease to amaze me. Thank you, Richard Peuser, David Fort, and Jennifer Dryer, at the National Archives and Records Administration;....Herbert Ragan, William J. Clinton Presidential Library; Michael Pinckney, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library; Darla Thompson, Eisenhower Presidential Library; Liza Talbot, Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum; Ryan Pettigrew, Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum; Jeff Senger, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library; Stephen Plotkin and Maryrose Grossman, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library; Mary Finch, George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum; and Steven D. Booth, Barack Obama Presidential Library."

Jeans, Roger B. The CIA and Third Force Movements in China during the Early Cold War (2018).

"Over the years, many overburdened archivists and librarians at other institutions responded to my requests for assistance in locating and photocopying materials. These bodhisattvas include...the estimable and much missed John Taylor and his able successor Eric Van Slander, as well as Martin McGann, William Mahoney, Elizabeth Gray, and Amy Reytar, National Archives;...Randy Sowell, Dennis Bilger, Carol Briley Martin, and Benedict Zobrist, Harry S. Truman Library; James Leyerzapf, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library...."

Jennings, Audra. Out of the Horrors of War: Disability Politics in World War II America (2016).

"I have benefited greatly from the help and support of many amazing archivists and librarians. I would like to thank the archivists and staff of the Truman library, particularly Liz Safly, who is missed, for patiently answering my many questions, for their kindness and consideration, and for the support of my research. I am also grateful for the assistance of archivists at the Roosevelt Library and National Archives at College Park and in Washington, D.C."

Johnsen, William T. The Origins of the Grand Alliance: Anglo-American Military Collaboration from the Panay Incident to Pearl Harbor (2016).

"Wherever I carried out research, I received able assistance from archivists who guided me through their collections. I thank in particular...Charles Shaughnnessy of the Navy and Old Army Branch, National Archives..."

Johnston, James H. Murder, Inc: The CIA under John F. Kennedy (2019).

"Let me begin by thanking those who contributed to my research. Martha Murphy, Britney Crawford, Gene Morris, and Joe Schwarz at the National Archives helped in my research there. Steven Tilley, who has retired from the National Archives, kept me informed of developments years ago when that collection was being put together. Abigail Malangone at the Kennedy Library in Boston provided similar assistance...."

Jones, Howard. My Lai: Vietnam, 1968, and the Descent into Darkness (2017).

"For guiding me through the rich collections in the National Archives, I thank Richard Boylan, Marie Carpenti, Stanley Fanaras, and Martin Gedra....For locating files at the Nixon Library, I wish to express my appreciation to Gregory Cumming, Pam Eisenberg, Meghan Lee-Parker, and Ryan Pettigrew....And John Wilson, Vietnam archivist at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library, brought the William Westmoreland Papers on My Lai to my attention."

Jones, Seth G. A Covert Action: Reagan, the CIA, and the Cold War Struggle in Poland (2018).

"At the Reagan Library, Ray Wilson helped steer me through the archives and suggested new avenues to look for information. He saved me from wasting countless hours."

Kami, Hideaki. Diplomacy Meets Migration: US Relations with Cuba during the Cold War (2018).

"Worthy of special mention are Brittany Paris and Amanda Pellerin at the Jimmy Carter Library, Shelly Williams at the Ronald Reagan Library, and Zachary Roberts at the George H.W. Bush Library. They patiently processed my mandatory review requests for thousands of US records."

Kane, N. Stephen. Selling Reagan's Foreign Policy: Going Public vs. Executive Bargaining (2018).

"I also want to thank...Shelly Williams, archivist and FOI coordinator, and her staff at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for being so responsive to my requests and those of my research assistance for documents.

Kang, S. Deborah. The INS on the Line: Making Immigration Law on the US-Mexico Border, 1917-1954 (2017).

"This book is so much better thanks to the assistance and expertise of numerous archivists and librarians throughout the country. At the National Archives in Washington, DC, Suzanne Harris' efforts on my behalf were nothing short of Herculean."

Kaplan, Edward. The End of Victory: Prevailing in the Thermonuclear Age (2022).

"Finally, every historian learns to cherish good archivists. Thank you to David Haight and the staff at the Eisenhower Presidential Library for their unstinting support. Without them...this project would not have been possible."

Kaplan, Robert D. The Good American: The Epic Life of Bob Gersony, the U.S. Government's Greatest Humanitarian (2021).

"Jennifer Newby, archivist at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California; Cody McMillian, archives technician at the George H W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas; and Dana Simmons, supervisory archivist at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas, all provided assistance for which I am grateful."

Karamanski, Theodore J. Mastering the Inland Seas: How Lighthouses, Navigational Aids, and Harbors Transformed the Great Lakes and America (2020).

"While many research facilities were consulted during this project, several deserve more than a footnote. At the National Archives, Katie Dishman, Glenn Longacre, and Douglas Bicknese shared their knowledge of the Great Lakes Branch's maritime records."

Katz, Catherine Grace. The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans: A Story of Love and War (2020).

"Historians would not be able to bring stories to life without the resources from archives and help from their superb archivists. I wish to thank...Patrick Fahy and Dara Baker of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library..."

Kaufman, Scott. Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party: A Political Biography of Gerald R. Ford (2017).

"There are numerous people who made this book possible. First and foremost is the staff at the Gerald R. Ford Library, who went out of their way to assist me: research archivists Donna Lehman, Elizabeth Druga, Tim Holtz, Mark Fischer, and Hannah Brookhart; supervisory archivist Geir Gundersen; grants coordinator Jeremy Schmidt; and the library's director, Elaine Didier. I will forever appreciate their kindness, suggestions for places to see and eat in Ann Arbor, and all the amazing work they are doing to put numerous documents online."

Kehn, Donald M. In the Highest Degree Tragic: The Sacrifice of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet in the East Indies during World War II (2017).

"Quite a few colleagues and correspondents from a variety of institutions, associations, and websites likewise deserve special mention:...and Pat Osborn at NARA II all merit acknowledgement."

Kendrick, Stephen and Paul Kendrick. Nine Days: The Race to Save Martin Luther King Jr.'s Life and Win the 1960 Election (2021).

"Thank you to the outstanding, helpful staff of the...John F. Kennedy Presidential Library (Maryrose Grossman and James Hill), Nixon Library (Meghan Lee-Parker)..."

Kennedy, Kerry. Robert F. Kennedy: Ripples of Hope: Kerry Kennedy in Conversation with Heads of State, Business Leaders, Influencers, and Activists about Her Father's Impact on Their Lives (2018).

"Thank you to Laurie Austin at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library for helping me find photographs, track down photographers, and determine copyrights. Laurie is a dedicated public servant."

Kidd, Geraldine. Eleanor Roosevelt: Palestine, Israel, and Human Rights (2017).

"I have learnt that the book production process is a lot about project management: gathering, organising and excavating the endless documents from the various archives without which the work would not exist. Therefore, I offer thanks to the staff at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park in New York. My time there, surrounded by the Roosevelt paraphernalia - their letters, personal papers and possessions - allowed my imagination to explore their pasts, all aided and abetted by the assistance of the archivists, in particular Bob Clark."

Kim, Monica. The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War: The Untold History (2019).

"During the research for this project, I have depended on the generosity and willingness of archivists to share their knowledge and time with me. During the many months I spent at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, I hugely benefited from the kindness and good humor of archivist Richard Boylan and the dedicated staff. I also thank Randy Sowell at the Truman Presidential Library...Christopher Abraham at the Eisenhower Presidential Library...."

Kirchik, James. Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington (2022).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration, Archivist of the United States David Ferriero more than lives up to the grandeur of his title. David reached out to me upon reading an article I had published on the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall uprising and helped me acquire Robert Waldron's FBI file. Also at NARA, I was assisted by Richard Peuser, Eric Van Slander, Megan Dwyer, David Fort, Noah Shankin, Abiola Neptune, David Langbart, Adam Berenbak, and Cary McStay."

"I was assisted by numerous archivists at our presidential libraries, namely Kirstin Carter and Sarah Navins at the FDR Library, Randy Sowell and Lisa A. Sullivan (Truman), Valoise Armstrong, Michelle Kopfer and Timothy Rives (Eisenhower), Abigail Malangone (Kennedy), Brian Mcnerney and Samantha Stone (LBJ), Ryan Pettigrew (Nixon), John J. O'Connell (Ford), and Michael Pinckney and Ray Wilson (Reagan).

Kohout, Amy. Taking the Field: Soldiers, Nature, and Empire on American Frontiers (2019).

"...and Paul Harrison helped me navigate military records at the National Archives."

Koncewicz, Michael. They Said No to Nixon: Republicans Who Stood Up to the President's Abuses of Power (2018).

"As a researcher seeking to locate textual documents, I was helped immeasurably by the Nixon Library's archival staff. Their excellent service made those visits to their research room especially productive. I specifically thank Carla Braswell, Gregory Cumming, Pamela Eisenberg, Craig Ellefson, Melissa Heddon, Abigail Malangone, Dorissa Martinez, Meghan Lee-Parker, Ira Pemstein, and Jason Schultz for their assistance Their service has made the campus at Yorba Linda a fantastic place to do research."

Konta, Carla. US Public Diplomacy in Socialist Yugoslavia, 1950–70: Soft Culture, Cold Partners (2020).

"I got invaluable support from staff at the US National Archives at College Park (MD) - David Langbart, Richard Peuser, David Fort, and Amy Schmidt."

Kostal, R. W. Laying Down the Law: The American Legal Revolutions in Occupied Germany and Japan (2019).

"In regard to work at archival institutions, I need to acknowledge the patient and skillful interventions of Pauline Schmidt and Eric Van Slander of the National Archive at College Park, Maryland. Pauline helped me navigate the tangled thickets of American civilian and military occupation agencies in post-Second World War Germany. Eric was indispensable in helping me track down the most pertinent of many thousands of boxes relating to the American occupation of Japan. Eric was, and is, not only a superb archivist but a good friend to me and my work."

Kramm, Robert. Sanitized Sex: Regulating Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and Intimacy in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952 (2017).

"At the archives I visited, I always received a warm welcome and I want to express my gratitude to all the archivists without whose assistance this book wouldn't have been possible. I especially want to thank Eric Vanslander at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, who showed much patience in navigating me through finding aids and piles and boxes of records. His vast knowledge enabled me to discover hidden treasures."

Krell, David. 1962 : Baseball and America in the Time of JFK (2021).

"Photographs are essential to complementing the stories of 1962. Credit is due to Maryrose Grossman, who handles audiovisual materials at the JFK Library; Kathy Struss, AV archivist at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum; Michael Pinckney, AV archivist at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library..."

Lasso, Marixa. Erased: The Untold Story of the Panama Canal (2019).

"The work of a historian relies on the indispensable work of librarians and archivists This project took me to libraries and archives in the United States, Panama, and Colombia. I am grateful to all of them, but I am particularly grateful to Patrice Brown of the National Archives in College Park for guiding me through the Panama Canal documentation..."

Lauterbach, Preston. Bluff City: The Secret Life of Photographer Ernest Withers (2019).

"I obtained copies of the files released as a result of that settlement through the National Archives and Records Administration in the spring of 2017. I'm grateful to...archivist James Mathis for bringing these documents to light."

"In response to my FOIA request...the National Archives provided FBI case files on the 1966 James Meredith march and on the security investigation of Charles Cabbage; thanks to...Mary Kay Schmidt, Noah Shankin, and Laurel Macondray."

Lee, Mordecai. Get Things Moving! FDR, Wayne Coy, and the Office for Emergency Management, 1941-1943 (2018).

"Months after getting back from my last research trip to DC, I stumbled across a 1973 book citing an interview Coy did in 1943 with the historian of the Foreign Economic Administration (something of a successor to Lend-Lease). The book's author had found it at the Washington National Records Center, the Archives' records management service for departments and agencies. I submitted an email inquiry to the National Archives asking if the document could be located. After searching, archivists Cate Brennan and David Langbart shared with me the definitive bad news that the hard copy had been destroyed with other agency records. The State Department might have it on microfilm, but most of its microfilms remained classified. It was possible, though not certain, that it might have been microfilmed as part of a different set. Typical of so many archivists I've worked with, they had a never-say-die attitude. Finally, Langbart found it on a different microfilm at the National Archives II site. Another obstacle: he said there was some administrative uncertainty about how to make a copy, including the need to formally declassify it. A few days later, he solved that. The quality was poor, he admitted, but beggars can't be choosy. I was thrilled to obtain it and appreciative of his extra effort. "

Lelyveld, Joseph. His Final battle: The Last Months of Franklin Roosevelt (2016).

"I'm indebted to members of the staff at the Roosevelt Library, especially Virginia Lewick for introducing me to FRANKLIN, a search engine that opens the digitized portion of the collection to online browsing. "

Lentis, Marinella. Colonized through Art: American Indian Schools and Art Education, 1889-1915 (2017).

"Research for this book could not have been completed without the invaluable knowledge and assistance of many archivists in private and public repositories across the country. I want to thank in particular Randy Thompson and Debra Schultz at the National Archives and Records Administration, Riverside, California...Dave Miller at the National Archives and Records Administration, Denver, Colorado...Ken House at the National Archives and Records Administration, Seattle, Washington...and everyone at the Still Pictures Division at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland."

Levingston, Steven. Kennedy and King: The President, the Pastor, and the Battle over Civil Rights (2017).

"I'm grateful to others for their thoughts and assistance:...Abigail Malangone at the JFK Library..."

Linn, Brian M. Real Soldiering: The US Army in the Aftermath of War, 1815-1980 (2023).

"Much of the earlier research was done quite unknowing of its later use at the National Archives, where archivists such as Tim Nenninger, Richard Boylan, and Richard Peuser were essential in providing access to records and negotiating the classification system."

Little, William H. Mechanic on the Wing: The Untold Story of Carrier Aircraft Service Unit Eleven (CASU-11) 1943-1946 (2020).

"Any work of history requires the cooperation and assistance of many individuals. The following graciously made records available, recommended other avenues of research, provided timely advice and suggestions, and reproduced many copies of source materials and photos....William Greene and Aaron Seltzer - Archival Staff, National Archives at San Francisco. Your knowledge of the archival holdings covering U.S. Navy bases on foreign territory in the Pacific was right on the mark. Every question was swiftly answered by William and Aaron who placed just the right file box in front of me."

Loftis, Larry. Into the Lion's Mouth: The True Story of Dusko Popov: World War II Spy, Patriot, and the Real-Life Inspiration for James Bond (2016).

"I am indebted Mark Murphy of the National Archives and Records Administration, who graciously assisted me time and again, even though my requests were beyond the scope of his FOIA department; William Baehr and Kirsten Carter of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library..."

Logue, Larry M. and Peter Blanck. Heavy Laden: Union Veterans, Psychological Illness, and Suicide (2018).

"We would hardly say that our project was light work, but we will gladly confirm that it profited from the help of many hands. Our exploration of primary sources was aided by...William Creech of the National Archives staff...."

Longacre, Edward G. Unsung Hero of Gettysburg: The Story of Union General David McMurtrie Gregg (2021).

"Additionally, Paul Harrison of the Archives I Reference Section of the National Archives and Records Administration provided access to myriad documents pertaining to Gregg's military career."

Longley, Kyle. LBJ's 1968: Power, Politics, and the Presidency in America's Year of Upheaval (2018).

"In particular, the amazing people at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library assisted me with gathering materials and have been advocates for this project, especially the outstanding archivists Allen Fisher and Brian McNerney. They spent countless hours helping me search for research materials and always updated me on potential finds. We enjoyed a number of wonderful meals together as they shared their expertise way beyond the normal hours of library operations. I also must acknowledge Margaret Harman, who helped me track down the photographs for the book. I am happy that my next book will also be on LBJ, which will allow me to continue to work with the best people in the business."

Lovelace, Alexander G. The Media Offensive: How the Press and Public Opinion Shaped Allied Strategy during World War II (2022).

"In particular, Valoise Armstrong of the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Patrick Fahy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library were extremely helpful in arranging my visits."

Lundgren, Adrienne. Magnificent Intentions: John Wood, First Federal Photographer, 1856-1863 (2024).

"Exciting finds happened in unexpected places. Thanks to the many who shared leads on where to look and for sending me images, such as...William Wade and Sarah Shpargel, National Archives and Records Administration..."

MacDonnell, Francis. Policing Show Business: J. Edgar Hoover, the Hollywood Blacklist, and Cold War Movies (2024).

"In the FOIA unit of the National Archives and Record Administration, many archivists supported my requests for declassified records, among them: Chris Abraham, Marcus Bacher, Stephanie Coon, Jennifer Crabb, Megan Dwyre, Brigette Flynn, Jessica Hartman, Laurel Macondray, Jason Mincey, and Noah Shankin. When I arrived at NARA II in College Park at the University of Maryland, the wonderful librarians and archivists on-site helped me acquire digital copies of declassified FBI files. I owe a particular debt to Michael Hancock, who helped me gain access to records on Betty Garrett, Y. Frank Freeman, and Emmet Lavery. David Langbart guided me through the process of recovering Burl Ives's Passport Records at the State Department. At the Lyndon Johnson Presidential Library, Allen Fisher responded to email queries and tracked down documents relevant to Frederic March's interactions with LBJ and sent me digital copies of relevant materials. "

Maney, Patrick J. Bill Clinton: New Gilded Age President (2016).

"Herbert Reagan at the Clinton Library in Little Rock was enormously helpful in the selection of photographs."

Maurer, John D. Competitive Arms Control: Nixon, Kissinger, and SALT, 1969-1972 (2022).

"Michelle Brown advised on additional research in the National Archives."

McCarthy, David Shamus. Selling the CIA: Public Relations and the Culture of Secrecy (2018).

"I benefited as well from the assistance of staff members at both the National Archives II in College Park, Maryland, and the Library of Congress. The late John E. Taylor gave me a terrific introduction to the CIA records at the National Archives II when I first visited in June 2005."

McConnell, Mitch and Roy E. Brownell II. The US Senate and the Commonwealth: Kentucky Lawmakers and the Evolution of Legislative Leadership (2019).

"For their aid in securing approval for the reproduction of images, the authors would like to acknowledge the efforts of...Elizabeth Druga of the Gerald Ford Presidential Library and Museum...Holly Reed of the National Archives and Records Administration...'"

McGovern, Rory. George W. Goethals and the Army: Change and Continuity in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (2019).

"I would also be remiss if I did not acknowledge and thank the accessible and helpful staffs at the various archives I visited, especially...Tim Nenninger and his team at the National Archives..."

McManus, John C. Fire and Fortitude: The US Army in the Pacific War, 1941-1943 (2019).

"The dedicated military archivists at the National Archives and Records Administration embody professionalism and expertise, none more so than the dean of them all, Tim Nenninger, who was kind enough to lead me to an incredibly rich vein of primary-source material during my months in residence."

"At first glance, the Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, Kansas, seems an odd place to look for revealing source material from the American war with Japan. However, a great many Army veterans of the war, from generals on down, donated their fascinating papers to this library, as did many units that fought in theater. In addition, Eisenhower's letters and writings from his purgatorial days as an aide to MacArthur offer a rich portrait of the SWPA commander and his proclivities. I am grateful to Kevin Bailey and Tim Rives for making my visit to Abilene so productive."

McNeese, Tim. Time in the Wilderness: The Formative Years of John "Black Jack" Pershing in the American West (2021).

"Thanks also go to Dr. Mitchell Yockelson, an investigative archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington DC, who read my manuscript and provided wonderful insights as a historian entirely familiar with John J. Pershing. He, too, provided advice wrapped in tremendous support for this book, and further improvements bear his fingerprints."

Mellen, Joan. Blood in the Water: How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty (2018).

"Research librarians stand tall as heroes of any historical effort. I want to acknowledge in particular...Barbara Cline, Jennifer Cuddeback, and Lara Hall at the LBJ Library in Austin..."

Menzel, Sewall. The Pearl Harbor Secret: Why Roosevelt Undermined the U.S. Navy (2020).

"I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the assistance of many archivists and librarians whose able support enabled this work to come to fruition. First and foremost is Nathaniel S. Patch, archives specialist with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Archives II, Reference Section, Textual Archives Services Division, who guided me over a series of weeklong visits through the labyrinth of a haphazard and convoluted filing system that constitutes hundreds, if not thousands, of Hollinger storage boxes that house the estimated half-million or more documents of one sort or another that deal with the years leading up to the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific. With his assistance I was able to screen through and find the key documents and pages that verified the the Imperial Japanese Navy had broken its own radio listening silence midway through its maneuvering toward Pearl Harbor during the first few days of December 1941-a critical event that was noted by a number of radio monitoring and intercept sources and duly reported to the Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington, DC. Patch also helped me locate the all-important, original translations of the ONI's decoded 'Bomb Plot' messages referred to in the Pearl Harbor Attack Hearings."

"Archivists Kathleen Crosman, Susan H, Karren, and Patty McNamee of NARA's Pacific Alaska Region archive in Seattle guided me over a period of a week, gleaning key pieces of information that I was otherwise unaware of about the 13th Naval District's contributions to and operations of the West Coast Communications Intelligence Network (WCCI). At the NARA Pacific Region San Bruno archive near San Francisco, archivist Robert Glass helped me screen through one of the most disorganized archival systems I have ever encountered, involving a mix of hundreds of Hollinger boxes and cardboard cartons, some of which provided important insights into the organization and functions of the 14th Naval District in Hawaii and the 12th Naval District's operations in San Francisco, which included a number of the commercial radio and cable communications companies operating in support of Naval Intelligence."

Messner, John F. A Scottish Blockade Runner in the American Civil War: Joannes Wylie of the Steamer Ad-Vance (2021).

"The records of the capture of both of Wyllie's blockade runners are held by the National Archives in the United States. Special thanks to Carey Stumm, archivist, National Archives at New York City and Joe Keefe, archives specialist, National Archives at Boston, for their assistance and the provision of the full archival records for both cases..."

Michaelis, David. Eleanor (2020).

"Bob Clarke, past supervisory archivist of the FDR Presidential Library, was my earliest high-altitude guide in Hyde Park, helping me to see exactly why a single-volume life of Eleanor was needed. Veteran archivist Virginia H. Lewick also brought an impeccable clarity and needle-sharp precision to my research room inquiries. I am no less grateful to FDRL's present supervisory archivist, Kirsten Strigel Carter, and to her superb team, including Matthew C. Hanson; Sarah L. Navins; Patrick F. Fahy; and, in earlier years, Mark Renovitch; Sarah Malcolm; and Alycia Vivona."

Miller, Jamie. An African Volk: The Apartheid Regime and Its Search for Survival (2016).

"A special place is reserved here for those who work selflessly in the archives. Without their dedication, historians can achieve very little. I am particularly indebted to...Joseph Schwarz, David Langbart, Timothy Syzek and Nicholas Connico (US National Archives); Bill McNitt (Ford Library); Bert Nason (Carter Library)..."

Miller, Jeffrey B. WWI Crusaders (2018).

"In the research stage, I am grateful for the warm, welcoming, and helpful assistance of Matthew T. Schaefer, archivist at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Archives, West Branch, Iowa....Amy Reytar was especially helpful in navigating the State Department records at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland."

Miller, Jeffrey B. Yanks behind the Lines: How the Commission for Relief in Belgium Saved Millions from Starvation during World War I (2020).

"In the research stage, I am grateful for the warm, welcoming and helpful assistance of numerous individuals. At the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Archives in West Branch, Iowa, Director Thomas F. Schwartz and his great team of Matthew T. Schaefer, outreach archivist; Spencer Howard; Craig Wright; and Lynn Smith were of tremendous help...

"At the National Archives at College Park, Amy Reytar was especially helpful in navigating the State Department records."

Miller, Marilyn G. Port of No Return: Enemy Alien Internment in World War II New Orleans (2021).

"Many archivists, especially William Creech at National Archives I and Haley Maynard at National Archives II, helped me access key records for Camp Algiers and those detained there."

Mills, Bill. Treacherous Passage: Germany's Secret Plot against the United States in Mexico during World War I (2017).

"Archivist Jennifer Albin was extremely helpful in locating the complete court records of the Alexander Agassiz Prize Court Trial at the National Archives at Riverside, California."

Milton, Giles. Checkmate in Berlin: The Cold War Showdown that Shaped the Modern World (2021).

"Still in America, my thanks go to the extraordinarily helpful archivists at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, DC, where I was able to sift through thousands of records from the U.S. Military Government, I am grateful to Kate Mollan at the Center for Legislative Archives for locating an important U.S. Senate report into the behavior of American forces in Germany."

Mitchell, Elizabeth. Lincoln's Lie: A True Civil War Caper through Fake News, Wall Street, and the White House (2020).

"Many assisted in large or small ways, but I particularly want to acknowledge...Paul Harrison at the National Archives in Washington, D.C...."

Mitchell, Nancy. Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race and the Cold War (2016).

"At all the archives I visited - in Africa, Europe, and the United States - I relied on the expertise of the always-overworked archivists. I am indebted to them all, none more so than those at the Carter Library, many of whom - including the great James Yancey - have since retired."

Mitelpunkt, Shaul. Israel in the American Mind: The Cultural Politics of US-Israeli Relations, 1958-1988 (2018).

"I am grateful to the archivists who have taken time to dig up some untraditional materials on my behalf. The full list of archives is included in the bibliography, but I am particularly grateful to Keith Shuler at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library;...Lara Hall and Caroline Anderson at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library..."

Monmonier, Mark. Patents and Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective for Map History (2017).

"I am especially indebted to Jake Ersland and Robert Beebe, archivists in Kansas City..."

Montalbano, Kathryn. Government Surveillance of Religious Expression: Mormons, Quakers, and Muslims in the United States (2018).

"I would additionally like to thank...Cody White, Archivist of the National Archives at Denver, for pointing me in the right direction in the very early stages of this project."

Morgan, Michael Cotey. The Final Act: The Helsinki Accords and the Transformation of the Cold War (2018).

"None of this work would have been possible without the assistance of archivists, librarians, and scholars on both sides of the Atlantic. In particular, I would like to recognize Michael Hussey, David Langbart, John Powers, and James Siekmeier in College Park...Geir Gunderson in Ann Arbor... "

Morley, Jefferson. The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton (2017).

"I also want to thank Martha Murphy Wagner, head of the JFK Records Collection at the National Archives; Karen Abramson and Abigail Malangone at the JFK Library; Claudia Anderson at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library at the University of Texas; and Dorissa Martinez at the Richard M. Nixon Library."

Mrazek, Robert J. The Indomitable Florence Finch (The Untold Story of a War Widow Turned Resistance Fighter and Savior of American POWs) (2020).

"I would also like to thank...Theresa Fitzgerald, and Cara Lebonick at the National Archives at St. Louis..."

Muehlenbeck, Philip. Czechoslovakia in Africa, 1945-1968 (2016).

"In the United States, I benefitted from the assistance of archivists at: National Archives II in College Park, Maryland; the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, Kansas; the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, Massachusetts (I am particularly indebted to Stephen Plotkin and the JFK Foundation for awarding me a Kennedy Library Research Grant in the Fall of 2012)..."

Mundy, Liza. Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II (2017).

"Any number of archivists helped bring records to light. Among these are...Nathaniel Patch, archivist in the reference section at the National Archives II facility in College Park..."

Murray, Erin Byers. Grits: A Cultural and Culinary Journey Through the South (2018).

"My research was facilitated by so many, including the millers, chefs, and growers who gave interviews, as well as archive specialist Ceri McCarron at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library...."

Nasaw, David. The Last Million: Europe's Displaced Persons from World War to Cold War (2020).

"Among those who made special efforts on my behalf and whom I want to single out for thanks are the staff of the National Archives of the United States, College Park, Maryland...; Matthew Schaefer at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library; David Clark at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library;...."

Nelson, David J. How the New Deal Built Florida Tourism: The Civilian Conservation Corps and State Parks (2019).

"While my archival background may render me biased in this viewpoint, I nonetheless maintain that no researcher can survive without the tireless efforts of often nameless and forgotten archivists and librarians. I am no exception and would like to thank them by name:...Gail Farr (National Archives-Philadelphia),...Gene Morris (National Archives-College Park), Salina Pavlovik (National Archives-Atlanta)... "

Nelson, Lawrence J. and Matthew G. Schoenbachler. Nikita Khrushchev's Journey into America (2019).

"To name the many, many archivists who provided kind assistance would be a daunting task, but I would like to specifically acknowledge the help of James Leyerzapf of the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas. A fellow student from our long-ago graduate school days, Jim has spent his distinguished career at the Eisenhower Library, and students of the mid-twentieth century are beneficiaries of Jim's work and his colleagues in Abilene."

Newsome, Hampton. The Fight for the Old North State: The Civil War in North Carolina, January-May 1864 (2019).

"I would also like to thank several archivists, historians, and collectors who went out of their way to gather material for the project and provide suggestions and encouragement:...Bryan Cheeseboro and Paul Harrison (National Archives and Records Administration)..."

Nichols, David A. Ike and McCarthy: Dwight Eisenhower's Secret Campaign against Joseph McCarthy (2017).

"No serious scholar of the Eisenhower presidency can function without the assistance of the wonderful staff at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, Kansas. Karl Weissenbach, the former director, and his successor, Tim Rives, have supported my research and promoted my Eisenhower books. Archivist Christopher Abraham was helpful in the early stages of my research. Retired long-time archivists David Haight and Jim Leyerzapf advised me. The research-friendly condition of the Eisenhower archives can be attributed, in no small part, to their decades of dedicated labor."

Nichter, Luke A. The Last Brahmin: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the Making of the Cold War (2020).

"Various National Archives and Records Administration officials were also supportive. These include David Ferriero (a Beverly native), William "Jay" Bosanko, Maarja Krusten, Mary Burtzloff, Elizabeth Druga, Geir Gunderson, Mark Fischer, Tim Holtz, Matthew Schaefer, Allen Fisher, John Wilson, Chris Banks, Jenna De Graffenried, Abigail Malangone, Michael Desmond, Maura Porter, Michelle DeMartino, Cary McStay, Gregory Cumming, Michael Ellzey, Jason Schultz, Meghan Lee, Ryan Pettigrew, Michael Pinckney, Ray Wilson, Kendra Lightner, Patrick Fahy, Virginia Lewick, David Clark, Janice Davis, Laurie Austin, Samuel Rushay, and the entire Special Access/FOIA office in College Park - you are the best in the business. You can hide, but my FOIA requests will find you."

Nofil, Brianna. The Migrant's Jail: An American History of Mass Incarceration (2024).

"This project would not have been possible without the skill and generosity of archivists across many institutions...Chris Gushman, at the National Archives and Records Administration, New York, assisted me in accessing files amid pandemic closures."

Obmascik, Mark. The Storm on Our Shores: One Island, Two Soldiers, and the Forgotten Battle of World War II (2019).

"The Steny H. Hoyer Research Complex at the National Archives of College Park, Maryland, is a vast and intimidating place, but archivist Megan Dwyre showed me how to navigate it, or at least part of it."

Offner, Amy C. Sorting Out the Mixed Economy: The Rise and Fall of Welfare and Developmental States in the Americas (2019).

"This project depended on the work of many archivists, librarians, and university and public officials who helped me access historical documents. I thank...Valoise Armstrong of the Eisenhower Library...Stephen Plotkin of the Kennedy Library...and the staffs of the...National Archives in College Park and Washington, DC..."

O'Neill, Tom. Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties (2019).

"Thanks to the archivists across the country who endured my unending requests:...National Archives, Greg Bradsher, Richard Boylan, Will Mahoney, John Taylor, Fred Romanski, Marjorie Ciarlante, Martha Murphy, Marty McGann, Carl Wisenbach, Sam Bouchart, Ken Schlesinger, Rod Ross, Steve Tilley, Ramona Oliver, and Janis Wiggins..."

O'Sullivan, Shane. Dirty Tricks: Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA (2018).

"I'd like to thank the dedicated staff at the many archive collections I contacted or visited while researching this book:...Thomas Eisinger at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives for arranging access to screened Senate Watergate Committee files and executive session testimony."

"I also appreciate the help of...Nicole Hartman Hadad and Chris Banks at the LBJ Library;...Jennifer Mandel and Jennifer Newby at the Reagan Library;...and Jessica Hartman (Special Access Staff) and archivist Robert Reed at the National Archives, College Park, MD, for providing access to the Watergate Grand Jury exhibits, WSPF records and the recently-screened transcript of Alfred Baldwin's Los Angeles Times interview."

Padgett, Philip. Advocating Overlord: The D-Day Strategy and the Atomic Bomb (2018).

"Whenever possible, I relied on primary sources. Each archive and library has its own personality. What they share are wonderful people. The archivists and librarians I encountered were passionate about preserving the record of the past and willing guides to its secrets. I'm especially grateful to Virginia Lewick and Matthew Hanson at the FDR Library..."

Paligutan, P. James. Lured by the American Dream: Filipino Servants in the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, 1952-1970 (2022).

"I also thank...Nathaniel Patch at the National Archives II in College Park, Maryland."

Parker, Jason C. Hearts, Minds, Voices: US Cold War Public Diplomacy and the Formation of the Third World (2016).

"Finally I wish to thank the archivists without whom our work is not remotely possible: the staffs at...NARA, and the Truman (especially Randy Sowell, David Clark, Lisa Sullivan, and the much-missed Liz Safly), Eisenhower (especially David Haight and Valoise Armstrong), and Kennedy Presidential Libraries."

Parsons, Keith M. and Robert A. Zaballa. Bombing the Marshall Islands: A Cold War Tragedy (2017).

"Thanks to Mr. Spencer Howard and the staff of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch, Iowa. Their aid in accessing the Lewis Strauss archives was very helpful and most appreciated."

Pearlman, Lauren. Democracy's Capital: Black Political Power in Washington, DC., 1960s to 1970s (2019).

"At the archives, I received good guidance from Greg Cumming at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library...Allen Fisher at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library..."

Pegler-Gordon, Anna. Closing the Golden Door: Asian Migration and the Hidden History of Exclusion at Ellis Island (2019).

"My research was not only sparked but sustained by dedicated librarians and archivists. Most centrally, I appreciate the extraordinary work of the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration in New York City: Kelly McAnnaney, Bonnie Sauer, Matthew Aull, Katie Daniels, Kevin Reilly, Carol Savo, Angela Tudica, and Trina Yackley. At the National Archives in Washington, D.C, my work was supported by George Briscoe and William Creech, along with others engaged in locating and screening files. And at Archives II in College Park, Maryland, by Lynne Goodsell, Holly Reed, and many others in the Textual Records and Still Photographs divisions."

Peiss, Kathy. Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers, and Spies Banded together in World War II Europe (2020).

"I am indebted to librarians and archivists...Larry MacDonald...Richard Peuser...Matt Schaefer...Craig Wright..."

Perrillo, Jonna. Educating the Enemy: Teaching Nazis and Mexicans in the Cold War Borderlands (2022).

"Many archivists helped me diligently, but Paul Brown was instrumental in helping me to make my way through the vast and at times confounding military collections at the National Archives."

Perrusquia, Marc. A Spy in Canaan: How the FBI Used a Famous Photographer to Infiltrate the Civil Rights Movement (2018).

"After settlement of our lawsuit, Martha Murphy and her staff at the National Archives and Records Administration were most professional in processing the large records release and in fielding my many questions."

Plokhy, Serhii. Nuclear Folly: A History of the Cuban Missile Crisis (2021).

"When it comes to primary sources and illustrative material used in the book, I am especially Charles Borsos of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for his advice and help in acquiring the photos I use in the book..."

Polak, Sara. FDR in American Memory: Roosevelt and the Making of an Icon (2021).

"I am grateful to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, New York, especially its former director, Cynthia Koch..."

Posner, Patricia. The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: The Untold Story (2017).

"In the development of documentation I was aided by Paul B. Brown in the Reference Branch, Larry Shockley, Archives Specialist, and Rick Peuser, Chief of the Reference Sections, National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. "

Prados, John. The Ghosts of Langley: Into the CIA's Heart of Darkness (2017).

"At the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library I've not until now had the opportunity to specially acknowledge the late Ted Gittinger, or the recently retired Regina Greenwell. Lara Hall continues to handle my declassification requests there very ably. At the Harry S. Truman Library I am recently indebted to David Clark, Sam Rushay, Randy Sowell, Tammy Williams, Jim Armistead, Jan Davis, and Lisa Sullivan. At the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library my thanks go to Mary Burtzloff, Nicole Beck, Deanna Kolling, and Michelle Kopfer."

Prados, John. Storm over Leyte: The Philippine Invasion and the Destruction of the Japanese Navy (2016).

"My debts to others are wide and deep. At the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) I relied upon John E. Taylor until his death in 2008. I still know no one with so comprehensive a view of the sources, both archival and published. This book continues to benefit from records I consulted upon his advice. Also of key assistance at NARA were Richard A. von Doenhoff, whose knowledge of the naval records was remarkable, and Judy Thorne."

"At the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum I was assisted by Susan Y. Elter, John C. Ferris, and Robert Parks."

Price, John Roy. The Last Liberal Republican: An Insider's Perspective on Nixon's Surprising Social Policy (2021).

"Where I have relied on archives and not my diaries, memoranda, or memory, I have the greatest gratitude for those at the Nixon, Reagan, and Hoover presidential libraries...for their steady support. While he was at the Nixon Library, Ira Pemstein was the archivist who opened and organized my voluminous files. Ira went on to the Reagan Presidential Library, where he is the supervisory archivist, and I thank him and his colleague there, Jennifer Mandel. Besides Meaghan lee parker, the domestic policy guru at the Nixon Library, I appreciate the help from Greg Cumming, Dorissa Martinez, and Carla Braswell and the constant willingness to find something from Ryan Pettigrew, the A/V expert there, and his former colleague, Pam Eisenberg. The director of the Library, Michael Ellzey, has been encouraging...At the Hoover Presidential Library, Craig Wright, its supervisory archivist, Spencer Howard, and Matt Schaefer were all welcoming. Valoise Armstrong at the Eisenhower Presidential Library was helpful."

"For photo permission tracing efforts, I thank...Craig Wright at the Hoover Presidential Library."

Price, Kenneth M. Whitman in Washington: Becoming the National Poet in the Federal City (2020).

"Jackie Budell, at the National Archives, helped me navigate that repository and was resourceful in finding information about soldiers Whitman befriended..."

Priess, David. The President's Book of Secrets: The Untold Story of Intelligence Briefings to America's Presidents, from Kennedy to Obama (2016).

"For their expert help, I acknowledge the undervalued employees of our presidential libraries, most of all Steve Plotkin and Stacey Chandler (Kennedy), Regina Greenwell (Johnson), Meghan Lee-Parker and Jon Fletcher (Nixon), Jeremy Schmidt (Ford), Keith Shuler and Polly Nodine (Carter), Ray Wilson and Michael Pinckney (Reagan), Bob Holzweiss and Mary Finch (George H.W. Bush), and Herbert Ragan (Clinton)."

Proctor, Pat. Containment and Credibility: The Ideology and Deception that Plunged America into the Vietnam War (2016).

"I would also like to thank the many others who made this work possible. First, I would like to thank Margaret Harman and the entire audiovisual archival team at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library for their help in making available hundreds of hours of rare television materials that were essential to the completion of this work."

Puleo, Stephen. Voyage of Mercy: The USS Jamestown, the Irish Famine, and the Remarkable Story of America's First Humanitarian Mission (2020).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), I thank - as always - Archives Historian Jessie Kratz , who offered her initial expertise and then suggested I reach out to Tom Eisinger, senior archivist at NARA's Center for Legislative Archives. Tom provided me with the lengthy House of Representatives report that is used as the foundation for the portions of the book covering George DeKay and the voyage of the Macedonian."

Range, Peter Ross. The Unfathomable Ascent: How Hitler Came to Power (2020).

"The photograph of Adolf Hitler on the following page, and on the pages separating this book’s five parts, are the work of Hitler’s photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann. Hoffmann began photographing Hitler in Munich in the early 1920s. He often used glass-plate negatives for posed studio pictures. After the Second World War, Hoffmann’s sometimes cracked or broken glass plates ended up in the U.S. National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized. In recent years, Archives preservationist Richard E. Schneider painstakingly reassembled many of the damaged plates and digitized 1,270 of them. The six images in this book stem from that work."

Rauchway, Eric. Winter War: Hoover, Roosevelt, and the First Clash over the New Deal (2018).

"This book depended on the assistance of archivists, particularly those at...the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch, Iowa (where Matthew Schaefer was especially helpful), and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York."

Reel, Monte. A Brotherhood of Spies: The U-2 and the CIA's Secret War (2018).

"Of all the people that deserve thanks for helping me with this book, the librarians and archivists - the unsung heroes of narrative nonfiction - might as well come first. The staff at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, and the Library of Congress were, without exception, welcoming and helpful. Archivist Valoise Armstrong at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas, deserves to be singled out for her tireless patience and encouragement while guiding me through the protracted process of filing declassification requests for redacted and withheld materials. The staff at the National Archives Records Administration building in College Park , Maryland, helped me navigate their trove of declassified CIA documents, many of which were - mercifully - released online in early 2017."

Rein, Christopher M. Mobilizing the South: The Thirty-First Infantry Division, Race, and World War II (2022).

"I remain grateful to the staff at the Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, Kansas, including Kevin Bailey...."

Reynolds, Nicholas. Need to Know: World War II and the Rise of American Intelligence (2022).

"A world-class expert on World War II records, Paul Brown of the National Archives in College Park was kind enough to answer my queries, in person before the pandemic and after that online. I salute the archivists of the FDR Library in Hyde Park, New York, who have set the standard by digitizing hundreds of thousands of pages of files."

Reynolds, Nicholas. Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway 's Secret Adventures, 1935-1961 (2017).

"The staff at the JFK Presidential Library, which houses the Ernest Hemingway Collection, has been uniformly helpful. On my first day there, Hannah German offered me a tour of the Hemingway Research Room (the place is set up like his living room in Cuba) and an associated display of memorabilia - starting off my research on just the right note. On subsequent visits staff members were good enough to listen to me expound on my ideas at a noontime talk, and to bring particular sources to my attention. Stephen Plotkin, Michael Desmond, Laurie Austin, Jessica Green, and Connor Anderson all made my work easier."

Rider, Todd H. Forgotten Creators: How German-Speaking Scientists and Engineers Invented the Modern World, and What We Can Learn from Them (2020).

"U.S. National Archives at Atlanta (Morrow, Georgia): Shane Bell, Joel Walker, and other staff for all of the information and assistance they provided."

"U.S. National Archives at Boston (Waltham, Massachusetts): Archival staff for their assistance in locating documents. "

"U.S. National Archives at College Park (Maryland): Paul Brown, Martin Gedra, Russell Hill, Nathaniel Patch, and all of the other archival staff for their assistance in locating documents and answering questions."

Rigg, Bryan Mark. The Rabbi Saved by Hitler's Soldiers: Rebbe Joseph Isaac Schneersohn and His Astonishing Rescue (2016).

"The following people deserve special thanks for their professionalism and help in finding documents for this book: Sam Anthony, special program director at the National Archives in Washington, DC; Kate Flaherty, archives specialist in still pictures at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland; archivist Robert Clark of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York...."

Ritchie, Donald A. The Columnist: Leaks, Lies, and Libel in Drew Pearson's Washington (2021).

"Historians depend upon archivists, and I had great assistance from Martha Murphy and Richard Hunt at the National Archives; Claudia Anderson and Brian McNerney at the Johnson Library..."

"Chris Banks at the LBJ Library...[was] especially helpful in locating photographs."

Roberts, Lawrence. Mayday 1971: A White House at War, a Revolt in the Streets, and the Untold Story of America's Biggest Mass Arrest (2020).

"A first-time author quickly learns to lean on some of the nation's most extraordinary public servants at university libraries and institutions like the National Archives, the Library of Congress, and the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. Their labors to protect priceless historical records and disseminate the truth deserve the gratitude of every citizen. Among archivists who helped point the way: Cary McStay at the National Archives; Dorissa Martinez and Ryan Pettigrew at the Nixon Library..."

Rosenzweig, Laura B. Hollywood's Spies: The Undercover Surveillance of Nazis in Los Angeles (2017).


"Thanks, William Davis at the United States National Archives in Washington, DC, who cut through the complexities of the Dies Committee collection to locate the Los Angeles-related documents."

Ross, Charles D. Breaking the Blockade: The Bahamas during the Civil War (2020).

"Thanks also to the following people and organizations:...Cate Brennan and others at the National Archives..."

Russell, Jan Jarboe. The Train to Crystal City: FDR's Secret Prisoner Exchange Program and America's Only Family Internment Camp during World War II (2016).

"William Creech, archivist at the National Archives in Washington, DC, was a patient tutor as I made my way through the boxes of Record Group 85 and gained access to the Special FBI files of key characters."

Rust, William J. Eisenhower and Cambodia: Diplomacy, Covert Action, and the Origins of the Second Indochina War (2016).

"I am especially thankful for the help provided by Stanley Fanaras and Jeffery Hartley at the National Archives; Mary Burtzloff, Chalsea Millner, and Kathy Struss at the Eisenhower Library; and and Stacey Chandler and Michael Desmond at the Kennedy Library."

Rutkow, Eric. The Longest Line on the Map: The United States, the Pan-American Highway, and the Quest to Link the Americas (2019).

"It would also have been impossible to navigate the holdings at the National Archives, the single-most consequential repository for this project, without the assistance of several archivists, notably transportation specialist David Pfeiffer, who repeatedly located boxes unlisted in the finding aids."

Saleuddin, Rasheed. The Government of Markets: How Interwar Collaborations between the CBOT and the State Created Modern Futures Trading (2018).

"Special mention also needs to go to Pamela Anderson at NARA Kansas City."

Sarotte, M.E. Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate (2022).

"Individuals who went above and beyond include Kelly Hendren...Rob Seibert...and Van Zbinden."

Schlosser, Nicholas J. Hollywood's Spies: The Undercover Surveillance of Nazis in Los Angeles (2017).

"First, I am indebted to the archivists who helped guide me through the vast collections of records and documents upon which this book is based: Amy Schmidt at the National Archives...."

Schrader, Stuart. Badges without Borders: How Global Insurgency Transformed American Policing (2019).

"The relationship of historian to archivist can be vexed, particularly when the historian's questions do not hew to the categories that organize the archive itself. Nonetheless, I could not have had a better experience working with an archivist than I have had with Allen Fisher at the LBJ Library. His deep knowledge and willingness to go even more than the extra mile are unmatched."

Schwartz, David N. The Last Man Who Knew Everything: The Life and Times of Enrico Fermi, Father of the Nuclear Age (2017).

"Also in College Park, National Archives staff Rebecca Calcagno, Tab Lewis, and Laurel Macondray, were helpful."

Schwartz, Thomas A. Henry Kissinger and American Power: A Political Biography (2020).

"I want to thank the archivists at the Nixon Project, especially John Powers...."

Scott, James M. Black Snow: Curtis LeMay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb (2022).

"A few individuals deserve special recognition, including Nate Patch and Erik Van Slander at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, who have helped me over the years on multiple books."

Scott, James M. Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila (2018).

"Nonfiction books are like historical scavenger hunts, and as such, I owe a great thanks to the army of archivists and researchers who helped me hunt down the innumerable pieces of the narrative puzzle. At the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, I want to thank Nate Patch and Eric van Slander, the two of whom have been an incredible assistance to me with this book as well as my previous ones."

Secrest, Meryle. The Mysterious Affair at Olivetti: IBM, the CIA, and the Cold War Conspiracy to Shut Down Production of the World's First Desktop Computer (2019).

"So many other people have helped with queries, information, documents, photographs, and interviews and I am indebted to one and all:...David Holbrook of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Archives...Tim Nenninger of the National Archives..."

Selverstone, Marc J. The Kennedy Withdrawal: Camelot and the American Commitment to Vietnam (2022).

"Along the way, I have been aided by historians and archivists at several repositories, all of whom were generous with their time and expertise. I would like to thank the many specialists at the National Archives and Records Administration, especially Stephanie Coon and Stanley Fanares; Allen Fisher, Jenna de Graffenreid, Brian McNerny, and John Wilson at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library; Maryrose Grossman, Sharon Kelly, Abigail Malangone, and Stephen Plotkin at the John F. Kennedy Library..."

Shackleford, Philip C. Rise of the Mavericks: The U.S. Air Force Security Service and the Cold War (2023).

"To Eric van Slander at the National Archives, College Park - thank you for expertly assisting with my first trip to College Park and in various inquiries before and since - talented archivists like yourself make the world go around!"

Shapiro, Laura. What She Ate: Six Remarkable Women and the Food that Tells Their Stories (2017).

"Thanks as well to Virginia Lewick at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park...'"

Shay, Jack. The Fort McClellan POW Camp: German Prisoners in Alabama, 1943-1946 (2016).

"Archivists and personnel at the National Archives - Darryl Bottoms, Gedra Martin, Ken Schlessinger, and Don Singer - provided advice and background on which World War II domestic front files might prove helpful and which were most likely not worth the effort during several days of searching in late September 2008."

Sheehan-Dean, Aaron. The Calculus of Violence: How Americans Fought the Civil War (2018).

"The staff at the National Archives deserves special thanks for their patience with helping me sort through army records. Trevor Plante, in particular, extended great courtesy throughout my many visits there.'"

Sheflin, Douglas. Legacies of Dust: Land Use and Labor on the Colorado Plains (2019).

"I also found helpful professionals at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) facilities in Denver and Ft. Worth. Eric Bittner guided part of my time at the NARA-Rocky Mountain archive outside of Denver and proved especially helpful with the War Manpower Commission records. Marene Sweeney Baker held my hand for a good portion of my initial visit (and a few subsequent trips), so I am in her debt."

Sherwin, Martin J. Gambling with Armageddon: Nuclear Roulette from Hiroshima to the Cuban Missile Crisis (2020).

"Of course this book could not have been written without the assistance of archivists at the Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson Presidential Libraries and I am grateful to them all for their assistance. I also want to thank my friend, Susan Cooper, formally a senior archivist at the National Archives for her guidance."

Sherwood, John Darrell. War in the Shallows: U.S. Navy Coastal Riverine Warfare in Vietnam, 1965-1968 (2016).

"Federal historians, librarians, and archivists are a close-knit community always willing to help colleagues in other agencies. I am fortunate indeed to be a member of this fraternity. Nate patch, a military records specialist at the National Archives, helped me on numerous occasions to track down documents and photographs related to the project."

Shetterly, Margot. Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race (2016).

"My first thanks are to the historians and archivists who helped me reconstruct this story through its documents: to...Patrick Connelly at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Philadelphia, Meg Hacker at NARA Ft. Worth, Kimberly Gentile at the National Personnel Records Center, and Tab Lewis at NARA College Park."

Shinkle, Peter. Ike's Mystery Man: The Secret Lives of Robert Cutler (2018).

"This project benefitted from the excellent work of the staff of the Eisenhower Presidential Library, including deputy director Timothy Rives and archivists Michelle Kopfer, Jim Leyerzapf and David Haight. Time and again over the past seven years Michelle Kopfer provided prompt and detailed answers to my questions, and courteously handled my numerous requests for declassification of documents...The staff at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland, and in particular supervisory archivist Onaona Guay, provided remarkable assistance."

Shortal, John F. Code Name Arcadia: The First Wartime Conference of Churchill and Roosevelt (2021).

"Special thanks go to Dr. Tim Nenninger and the staff at the National Archives, College Park, Maryland... "

Sides, Hampton. On Desperate Ground: The Marines at The Reservoir, the Korean War's Greatest Battle (2018).

"At the Truman Presidential Library, in Independence, Missouri, I particularly want to thank archivists Sam Rushay and Randy Sowell."

Simon, James F. Eisenhower vs. Warren: The Battle for Civil Rights and Liberties (2018).

"At the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas, the entire staff was courteous and helpful. The archivists served as both guides and experts on that superb collection. In particular, I would like to thank Kevin Bailey, Mary Burtzloff, and Kathy Struss for their advice and assistance."

Simpson, Michael. Anglo-American-Canadian Naval Relations, 1943-1945 (2021).

"In the United States, I have depended on the cordial and ready help of the archivists and librarians of the...National Archives in Washington and College Park, notably Susan Elter. At the Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York, I have profited from the help of several people, notably Robert Parks."

Sloyan, Patrick J. When Reagan Sent in the Marines: The Invasion of Lebanon (2019).

"Jennifer Mandel, a National Archives researcher at Ronald Reagan's Presidential Library, was very helpful in wading through the files in Simi Valley, California."

Smith, Susan L. Toxic Exposures: Mustard Gas and the Health Consequences of World War II in the United States (2016).

"In addition, I want to acknowledge the assistance provided by archivists and librarians at the following locations: US National Archives in College Park, Maryland (Tab Lewis and Mitch Yockelson)..."

Smoot, Betsy Rohaly. Parker Hitt: The Father of American Military Cryptology (2022).

"Dozens of librarians, archivists, historians, and museum personnel were patient with my queries and generous with their time. Particular thanks are due to Eric Van Slander at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park...Herb Pankratz, Timothy Rives, and Chalsea Milner at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library..."

"David Hardin at the National Archives in St. Louis kept an eye on my pandemic-stalled request for photographs."

Snell, Mark A. Gettysburg's Other Battle: The Ordeal of an American Shrine during the First World War (2018).

"Mitchell Yockelson of the National Archives, an expert on the Great War and an old friend, provided valuable insight concerning the various record groups that held documents relative to Gettysburg's two army camps. Also at the National Archives, Marcus Martin in the Still Pictures Unit was especially helpful."

Sohn, Amy. The Man Who Hated Women: Sex, Censorship, and Civil Liberties in the Gilded Age (2021).

"The following resources and individuals helped me to dig deep into my subjects' lives...Leah King and Kate Mollan, NARA...Joan Gearin, NARA at Boston...Trina Yeckley and Carey Stumm, National Archives at Chicago; Gail E. Farr, National Archives at Philadelphia..."

Solovey, Mark. Social Science for What? Battles over Public Funding for the "Other Sciences" at the National Science Foundation (2020).

"It is a pleasure to acknowledge my debt to those who facilitated access to certain published and unpublished materials:...Onaona Guay..."

Søndergaard, Rasmus Sinding. Reagan, Congress and Human Rights: Contesting Morality in US Foreign Policy (2020).

"I am also deeply indebted to a long list of archivists without whose patience and skillful support my archival research across the United States would not have been possible. The list is much too long to mention in full, but I would be remiss not to give thanks to Rodney Ross at the Center for Legislative Archives at the National Archives....and Shelly Williams at the Reagan Library."

Spohr, Kristina. Post Wall, Post Square: How Bush, Gorbachev, Kohl, and Deng Shaped the World after 1989 (2020).

"I am especially grateful to Cody McMilian and and Cori Conrad (George H. W. Bush Presidential Library)...."

Spruill, Marjorie J. Divided We Stand: The Battle over Women's Rights and Family Values that Polarized American Politics (2017).

"William McNitt, director of the Ford Presidential Library, was tremendously helpful as was Donna Lehman, archivist, who was generous with her expertise and her insights.....I also appreciate the assistance provided by...Jenny Sternaman of the Ronald Reagan Library..."

Stahl, Ronit Y. Enlisting Faith: How the Military Chaplaincy Shaped Religion and State in Modern America (2017).

"Many thanks as well to...the late Herb Pankratz at the Eisenhower Presidential Library...Richard McCulley at the Legislative Archives of the National Archives...."

Stein, Susan M. On Distant Service: The Life of the First U.S. Foreign Service Officer to Be Assassinated (2020).

"...and, of special note, Elizabeth Gray and David A. Langbart of the National Archives and Records Administration."

Stern, Scott W. The Trials of Nina McCall: Sex, Surveillance, and the Decades-Long Government Plan to Imprison "Promiscuous" Women (2018).

"Then there were the zillions of people who assisted me in oh so many archives. I will acknowledge all that I can, but please forgive me and my abysmal memory for names:...Tab Lewis and James Kelling, among many others, at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland; Catherine Miller at the National Archives in Atlanta...."

Stoltzfus, Nathan. Hitler's Compromises: Coercion and Consensus in Nazi Germany (2016).

"Thanks to the experts and archivists...William Cunliffe...who...found and made sources available."

Sutton, Matthew Avery. Double Crossed: The Missionaries Who Spied for the United States During the Second World War (2019).

"Many librarians and archivists across the country have been essential to this project. I am particularly grateful to Eric Van Slander at the National Archives for helping me navigate the labyrinth that is the OSS papers."

Sweig, Julia. Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in Plain Sight (2021).

"The archivists at the LBJ Library assisted me and my team with their expertise and unfailing dedication at every turn. Barbara Cline, Claudia Anderson, Sarah Cunningham, and Alexis Percle embody the vision Lady Bird and Lyndon Johnson had for the professionalism and rigor of their presidential library Our presidential libraries are a national treasure - one of the foundations of the democratic tradition of transparency and learning from our history."

Swift, Earl. Hell Put to Shame: The 1921 Murder Farm Massacre and the Horror of America's Second Slavery (2024).

"The bones of this narrative lay in correspondence, speeches, court and DOJ papers, photographs, and newspaper reports. Helping me chase down these documents were…Shane Bell of the National Archives in Atlanta…."

Symonds, Craig L. World War II at Sea: A Global History (2018).

"Thanks also to...Holly Reed and Michael Bloomfield at the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Maryland."

Talhami, Ghada Hashem. American Presidents and Jerusalem (2017).

"I am particularly grateful and indebted to Regina Greenwell, Senior Archivist at the Lyndon Baines Presidential Library, Austin, Texas, who shepherded me through the maze of valuable material relevant to US policy during the Johnson years. A competent scholar in her own right, Greenwell has already been acknowledged by several scholars focusing on this period. Her custodianship of this valuable repository is unmatched by any other expert with whom I have come in contact."

Talton, Benjamin. In this Land of Plenty: Mickey Leland and Africa in American Politics (2019).

"Many expert archivists assisted me along the way, but Raymond Wilson of the Reagan Library is, beyond a doubt, the most thorough, patient, and dedicated archivist in the business."

Taylor, Amy Murrell. Embattled Freedom: Journeys through the Civil War's Slave Refugee Camps (2018).

"At the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C., I benefited from the assistance of Trevor Plante, and at the NARA's now-closed regional branch in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, from that of Tyrone Keels."

Taylor, William A. Military Service and American Democracy: From World War II to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars (2016).

"A grant from the Harry S. Truman Library Institute funded extensive research at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Michael Devine, Lisa A. Sullivan, and Samuel Rushay were tireless helpers. Randy Sowell and David Clark delivered invaluable aid by locating pertinent records there, while Janice Davis contributed high-quality photographs of key personalities involved in this story. A grant from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Foundation sponsored productive research at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas. Meredith Sleichter administered the grant and supplied cheer during my visit. Kevin M. Bailey offered useful suggestions about relevant records at the library. A grant from the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation underwrote wide-ranging research at the Gerald R. Ford Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jeremy Schmidt coordinated the grant, greeted me at the library, and proved most attentive to my project. Stacy Davis delivered outstanding archival support and steered me through a plethora of primary source documents...A Moody Research Grant from the Lyndon B. Johnson Foundation backed extensive research at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Austin, Texas. Amy Barbee and Samantha Stone administered the grant, while Claudia Anderson and John Wilson provided exceptional support...At the National Archives and Records Administration, Paul Brown presented expert guidance through Record Group 220 and Record Group 330. He also deciphered the War Department decimal system as it related to U.S. military service...At the Richard M. Nixon Library, Dorissa Martinez afforded adept archival aid, specifically steering me through the massive subject files within the White House Central Files. She also explained the intricacies of the Nixon Administration White House Special Files and White House Central Files and the differences between executive and general classification. Finally, she called attention to useful material on Martin Anderson's pivotal role for the Nixon administration in the transition to the all-volunteer force (AVF). Jon Fletcher supplied high-resolution photos of significant personalities in the Nixon administration and furnished relevant captions for them."

Thomas, Evan. Road to Surrender: Three Men and the Countdown to the End of World War II (2023).

"At the National Archives, thanks to Eric Van Slander for leading me to the war crimes trials and prison records of Shigenori Togo."

Thomas, William G, III. A Question of Freedom: The Families Who Challenged Slavery from the Nation's Founding to the Civil War (2020).

"Thanks to the following archivists who worked with me throughout this project:...Robert Ellis and the staff of the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C."

Thompson, Jenny and Sherry Thompson. The Kremlinologist: Llewellyn E. Thompson, America's Man in Cold War Moscow (2018).

"Last, but not least, we would like to show our appreciation for archivists at the various libraries, who were so helpful:...Mary Burtzloff, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library...Charlene Hester, Lyndon B. Johnson Library...David Langbart, National Archives, College Park..."

Trauschweizer, Ingo. Maxwell Taylor's Cold War: From Berlin to Vietnam (2019).

"More archivists than I could possibly thank in a short space made it possible to conduct efficient and productive research at the institutions noted in the bibliography....Valoise Armstrong at the Ensenhower particular went beyond their usual tasks and duties to track down materials and enrich this book. Tim Nenninger took time out of his working retirement to explore partially declassified materials kept in the 'top secret vault' at the National Archives."

Tsouras, Peter G. Major General George H. Sharpe and the Creation of American Military Intelligence in the Civil War (2018).

"To the dedicated researchers at the National Archive, I can only offer my deepest appreciation for their positive assistance in searching the military service records, pension files, payrolls, and other resources, without which the history of George H. Sharpe and the Bureau of Military Information (BMI) and so much of the context of this book could not have been written. I particularly want to thank Archivist DeAnne Blanton; Archives Specialists Jill D'Andrea and Rebecca Crawford; and Archives Technicians Dorothy Simmons, Andrew Brethauer, Ray Bottorff, and Alison Gavin."

Twomey, Steve. Countdown to Pearl Harbor: The Twelve Days to the Attack (2016).

"The National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland is huge (and beautiful), and many hands helped retrieve navy files and photographs, but my thanks go in particular to Holly Reed and Nathaniel Patch."

Tye, Larry. Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy (2020).

"Before I sent in the manuscript of this book, I had a series of amazing readers of all or parts of it...Tim Rives, deputy director of the Eisenhower Library, interrupted his house move to vet what I was saying about Ike."

"Kudos, too, to...Adam Berenbak, Theresa Fitzgerald, David Ferriero, and the other terrific people at the National Archives and Records Administration...."

Updegrove, Mark K. The Last Republicans: Inside the Extraordinary Relationship between George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush (2017).

"Our presidential libraries, under the auspices of the National Archives and Records Administration and the direction of archivist of the United States, David Ferriero, and director of presidential libraries, Susan Donius, are national treasures. The George Bush Presidential library and the George W. Bush Presidential Center are no exceptions. At the George Bush Presidential Library, my thanks to director Warren Finch, Mary Finch, Robert Holzweiss, and Cody McMillian; and at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, the directors Alan Lowe and Pat Mordente, Brook Clement, Eric McCrory, and Emily Robison."

Usdin, Steven T. Bureau of Spies: The Secret Connections between Espionage and Journalism in Washington (2018).

"I'd like to thank...and John Powers of the National Archives for their generous help."

Van de Mark, Brian. Road to Disaster: A New History of America's Descent Into Vietnam (2018).

"I owe a considerable debt to the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson presidential libraries, where I have conducted archival research periodically for more than thirty years. The friendly, professional staffs at both libraries labor diligently to share their rich holdings with the public in the belief that the past offers lessons and that an informed citizenry is the bedrock of a democracy. At the JFK Library in Boston, I wish to thank David Castillo, Stacey Chandler, Michael Desmond, Megan Desnoyers, Maryrose Grossman, Rachael Guadagni, Catherine Shaw, and Ronald Whelan. At the LBJ Library in Austin, I thank Claudia Anderson, Regina Greenwell, Margaret Harman, and in particular David Humphrey and John Wilson, the past and present archivists responsible for the library's national security files, who patiently and capably fielded my many requests, large and small."

Vincent, Lynn and Sara Vladic. Indianapolis: The True Story of the Worst Sea Disaster in U.S. Naval History and the Fifty-Year Fight to Exonerate an Innocent Man (2018).

"Giant bouquets of thanks to Nathaniel Patch and Lauren Theodore at the National Archives for SS Wild Hunter and USS Harris records. The Harris deck logs sent us down a storytelling path that had remained hidden for more than seventy years."

Vogel, Steve. Betrayal in Berlin: The True Story of the Cold War's Most Audacious Espionage Operation (2019).

"Thanks also to...Kevin Bailey at the Eisenhower Presidential Library; Dana Bronson at the Kennedy Presidential Library; Rich Peuser and Tim Nenninger at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland...."

Vuic, Kara Dixon. The Girls Next Door: Bringing the Home Front to the Front Lines (2019).

"Research for this book took me to libraries across the country, where I benefited from the tireless help of archivists and historians who amazed me with their encyclopedic knowledge of their collections. Special thanks go to Richard Boylan, who, despite being retired, continued to assist me at the National Archives. Finding one's way through military and civilian records of several wars at the National Archives was a daunting task, but archivists Tab Lewis, Wil Mahoney, and Martin Gedra helped me find my way, even when the subject terms and decimal files did not easily answer my questions. Eric VanSlander did double duty by answering a number of questions and helping with image scans long after I'd left the archive."

Walker, Frank. The Scandalous Freddie McEvoy (2019).

"In Washington, DC, Haley Maynard and Cate Brennan at the US National Archives and Records Administration were very helpful in showing me how to find the myriad FBI and State Department files on Freddie McEvoy, as well as all those suspected Nazi spies he mixed with - some more intimately than others."

Walker, J. Samuel. The Day that Shook America: A Concise History of 9/11 (2021).

"I am grateful for the expertise and professionalism of archivists in the repositories where I conducted research. Adam Berenbak presides over the records of the 9/11 Commission at the National Archives in Washington, DC, with a skillful touch that guided me safely through potential pitfalls. His colleagues in the research room were uniformly friendly and quick to lend a hand, especially on occasions when the machine that adds money to copy cards became unruly. Sarah Haldeman at the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum made my research visit enjoyable and as productive as possible. The various staff members who tended the reading room at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum fielded my requests promptly, answered my questions knowledgably, and explained the difficulties they face in opening records at a faster pace."

Walker, J. Samuel. Most of 14th Street Is Gone: The Washington, DC Riots of 1968 (2018).

"The staff at the National Archives is always a source of valuable information, and, with rare exceptions, offers friendly assistance. I am especially grateful to David Langbart for his sleuthing abilities and to Carly Docca for her rescue mission. Allen Fisher of the Lyndon B. Johnson Library shared his large supply of expertise to guide my research in the collections of the library."

Walker, William. Betrayal at Little Gibraltar: A German Fortress, a Treacherous American General, and the Battle to End World War I (2016).

"I owe a vast debt to archivists and librarians:...Timothy Nenninger, Mitchell Yockelson and others at the US National Archives in College Park, Maryland...."

Waller, Douglas. Lincoln's Spies: Their Secret War to Save a Nation (2019).

"Archivists are the unsung heroes of history books. I had some of the best in the business directing me among the millions of pages of Civil War documents stored in archives and libraries around the country. Michael Musick, who retired as the Subject Area Expert for the Civil War at the National Archives and Records Administration, spent hours giving me tutorials on what to look for in the Archives' vast collection in Washington, D.C. Trevor Plante, chief of reference at the Archives, directed me to collections where he thought I might find valuable information on my four spies, while archivists DeAnne Blanton, William H. Davis, and Cate Brennan cheerfully retrieved files for me from different Civil War record groups. "

Waters, W. Davis and Joseph Brown. Gabriel Rains and the Confederate Torpedo Bureau (2017).

"We also thank the following individuals, without whose help much of this research, useful in our study, might have been missed:...Mike Musick, Reference Services Branch, National Archives and Records Administration...."

"Others who were helpful are...Elmer Parker, National Archives Military Service...."

Watts, Jill. The Black Cabinet: The Untold Story of African Americans and Politics During the Age of Roosevelt (2020).

"I am also grateful to...Kirsten Strigel Carter of the FDR Presidential Library and Museum...Jessica Hartman and Noah Shankin of the National Archives..."

Wawro, Geoffrey. The Forgotten American Soldiers Who Defeated Germany in World War I (2018).

"In College Park, Tim Nenninger was a great help, constantly suggesting document collections and later helping me secure the images for this book."

Wei, William. Asians in Colorado: A History of Persecution and Perseverance in the Centennial State (2016).

"Historians know that their research rests on the work of a legion of librarians, archivists, and specialists who collect, organize, and make accessible the information and materials that are the foundation of their work. These individuals are the unsung heroes of the scholarly community. Among the many such experts who have assisted with this book, I am pleased to acknowledge the following and their affiliated institutions...National Archives and Records Administration: Eric Bittner and Cody White."

Weinberger, Sharon. The Imagineers of War: The Untold History of DARPA, the Pentagon Agency that Changed the World (2017).

"This book was the first opportunity I had to work extensively with the incredible staff at the National Archives and Records Administration, including at the presidential libraries. Many staff there assisted me, but I am particularly grateful to David Fort, at the National Archives in College Park, for his help in processing my FOIA requests."

Wellerstein, Alex. Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States (2021).

"I also would like to thank the many archivists who aided me in my search (notably William Davis at the Center for Legislative Archives, who went above and beyond in helping me find newly released materials...)."

Wheelan, Joseph. Bloody Okinawa: The Last Great Battle of World War II (2020).

"Nathaniel Patch, archivist at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, pointed us to battle reports, memoirs, and communications related to the Battle of Okinawa, and led us through the necessary steps needed to bring the material to our worktable. The archives staff does an excellent job of safeguarding the priceless documents under its purview."

Whelan, Bernadette. De Valera and Roosevelt: Irish and American Diplomacy in Times of Crisis, 1932–1939 (2020).

"The staff in the libraries and archives listed in the bibliography were always helpful and courteous. Special mention must go to...Patrick Fahy, FDR Library;...Cate Brennan, US National Archives and Records Administration..."

Whitcomb, Darrel. Moral Imperative: 1972, Combat Rescue, and the End of America's War in Vietnam (2020).

"The writing of any book is really a journey, and this effort has certainly created its own trail of heroes who facilitated the effort. Special thank yous go out to....Lyman Reid and Martin Gedra at the National Archives, Suitland, Maryland..."

White, Jonathan W. (ed.). To Address You as My Friend: African Americans' Letters to Abraham Lincoln (2021).

"Trevor Plante and Haley Maynard of the National Archives...are always a pleasure to work with."

Whyte, Kenneth. Hoover: An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times (2017).

"Spencer Howard, my main contact the library, and his colleague Matthew Schaefer, are incredibly knowledgeable and resourceful archivists. they steered me through their vast collections, introduced me to primary and secondary sources I might otherwise have missed, and answered innumerable questions about Hoover, Iowa, its corn, its weather, its politics, and its football. They are two of the most pleasant and interesting people I have ever met in the course of my book work. Spencer read this manuscript and saved me from at least a dozen embarrassing errors. Craig Wright, another archivist whom I came to know in my later visits to West Branch, also provided useful guidance."

"Thomas Schwartz, a historian and director of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, took me to lunch at Reid's and generously shared his profound views on Hoover's life and work. He also read a draft of my manuscript, asked searching questions, and made many comments that were of benefit to the final product. I thank him with respect and admiration."

Wiberg, Eric. U-Boats in New England: Submarine Patrols, Survivors and Saboteurs 1942-45 (2019).

"Other archival researchers include Nathanial D.C. and Kevin Reilly at NARA in New York."

Wilkins, Warren K. Nine Days in May: The Battles of the 4th Infantry Division on the Cambodian Border, 1967 (2017).

"Similarly, Martin Gedra at the National Archives and Records Administration...dutifully retrieved essential documents."

Williams, Susan. Spies in the Congo: America's Atomic Mission in World War II (2016).

"For his special help and kindness, I should like to express my gratitude to Patrick Fahy at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in New York."

Williamson, Corbin. The U.S. Navy and Its Cold War Alliances, 1945-1953 (2020).

"The archival and reference staff at the National Archives and Records Administration...provided invaluable support. In particular...Nathaniel Patch...[was[ especially helpful."

Winchester, Jim. Broken Arrow: How the U.S. Navy Lost a Nuclear Bomb (2019).

"The author would like to thank...John Wilson, the National Archives...."

Witcher, Marcus M. Getting Right with Reagan: The Struggle for True Conservatism, 1980-2016 (2019).

"No piece of history is possible without the tireless work of archivists who ensure that scholars' archival trips are a success. Accordingly, I thank the archivists and staff at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for their patience, diligence, and unending support. Specifically, Jennifer Mandel went above and beyond to assist me while I was in the archive and continued to provide clarification and guidance through countless emails. Her expertise has made this book significantly better."

Wolfe, Audra J. Freedom's Laboratory: The Cold War Struggle for the Soul of Science (2018).

"Archivists and librarians at institutions across the country patiently fielded my requests and steered me toward useful documents. I am particularly grateful for the assistance of...John Wilson at the LBJ Presidential Library and Archive;...Jennifer Dryer, David Fort, Jeff Hartley, and Gene Morris at the National Archives at College Park..."

Woods, Colleen. Freedom Incorporated: Anticommunism and Philippine Independence in the Age of Decolonization (2020).

"I would especially like to thank...Eric Van Slander at the National Archives at College Park."

Woolley, William J.. Creating the Modern Army: Citizen-Soldiers and the American Way of War, 1919–1939 (2022).

"Finally, I would like to acknowledge and express my appreciation to those who were helpful to me in this project over the course of many years. These include John Taylor at the National Archives..."

Woolner, David B. The Last 100 Days: FDR at War and at Peace (2017).

"None of this would have been possible, of course, without the resources of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. It has been my privilege to work in close association with the FDR Library for the past two decades and I owe much to the entire staff, especially Supervisory Archivist Kirsten Carter and her colleagues Sarah Navins, Matt Hanson, and Virginia Lewick, for their help and especially their tolerance of my all-too-frequent habit of rushing into the reading room at the last minute to request assistance in finding a particular document. I would like to thank FDR Library director Paul Sparrow for his support and encouragement and extend my appreciation as well to the former director, Lynn Bassanese, for the steady leadership she provided the Library over the years, and to former Senior Archivist Robert Clark for his help and willingness to discuss the merits of this project when I first began."

Yoo, Paula. From a Whisper to a Rallying Cry: The Killing of Vincent Chin and the Trial that Galvanized the Asian American Movement (2021).

"I greatly appreciate the hard work and generosity of my fellow journalists, writers, filmmakers, librarians, academics, and research archivists who provided expertise and access to important primary sources for this book. Your scholarship helped me immensely in my goal to make sure everything was presented in an accurate and authentic manner: Juanita Anderson, Hui-Lim Ang, Leo L. Belleville, Glenn Longacre, Sarah Kreydich, and staff (National Archives at Chicago)...."

Young, Ken. The American Bomb in Britain: US Air Forces' Strategic Presence, 1946–64 (2016).

"Next, of the many professional staff whose diligence brought vital documents into the light of day I thank those of the Eisenhower Library; of the Truman Library (especially Dennis Bilger and Randy Sowell;); and of the Hoover Library (especially Spencer Howard)."

Young, Phoebe. Camping Grounds: Public Nature in American Life from the Civil War to the Occupy Movement (2021).

"...and lastly, the dedicated archivists at the National Archives Administration, both in College Park, Maryland, and Denver, Colorado, especially Eric Bittner, Joseph Schwartz, and Cody White."

Youngblood, Rufus W. 20 Years in the Secret Service: My Life with Five Presidents (2018).

"We have many people to thank for helping us republish this book. Numerous historians and archivists have aided with the research involved. We would especially like to thank...Sarah Cunningham and Brian McNerny of the LBJ Library, Kathy Struss and Tim Rives of the Eisenhower Library, David Clark and Sam Rushay of the Truman Library, Maryrose Grossman and Laurie Austin of the JFK Library, Ryan Pettigrew of the Nixon Library...."

Zeitz, Joshua. Building the Great Society: Inside Lyndon Johnson's White House (2018).

"Special thanks goes to archivist Jenna De Graffenried, who was always quick to steer me in the right direction by phone or email."

Ziparo, Jessica. This Grand Experiment: When Women Entered the Federal Workforce in Civil War-Era Washington, D.C. (2017).

"A special thank you is owed to Rod Ross, the legislative archivist at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., who went above and beyond in his assistance."
