Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0056: General Records of the Department of the Treasury

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), Office of Audit, TeamMate Audit Management System DAA-0056-2012-0001
United States Department of the Treasury (Treasury) Trusted Agent FISMA (TAF) System (Media Neutral) DAA-0056-2012-0002
Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act Program Agency Agreements DAA-0056-2013-0001
Non-Evidentiary Audio/Video Files DAA-0056-2018-0001
Legislation Reviewed by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration DAA-0056-2018-0009
Routine Litigation Case Files DAA-0056-2018-0012
Disclosure Section Files DAA-0056-2018-0013
Addendum to the Permanent Records for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Office of Financial Stability DAA-0056-2020-0001
Department of the Treasury [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0056-2017-0001
Department of the Treasury, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0056-2023-0002
Department of the Treasury, Office of Inspector General (OIG) [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0056-2023-0003
Department of the Treasury, Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0056-2023-0004
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: Intelligence Report Case Files Inactive N1-056-00-001
Inspector General Program and Investigative Files N1-056-00-002
Subject and Administrative Files N1-056-00-003
Year 2000 (Y2K) Records Inactive N1-056-01-002
Central File Photographic Negatives Documenting Treasury, 1954-95 Inactive N1-056-01-003
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) Records N1-056-01-005
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) Records N1-056-01-006
Miscellaneous Records of the Office of the Under Secretary (Enforcement) N1-056-01-007
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) Chief Counsel Records N1-056-01-008
Office of Public Affairs Records N1-056-01-009
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center N1-056-02-002
Office of the Secretary Official Correspondence N1-056-02-003
Office of Foreign Assets Control N1-056-02-004
Office of Partnership in Education Records N1-056-03-001
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund Records N1-056-03-002
Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) N1-056-03-004
Treasurer of the United States Records N1-056-03-005
Office of Legislative Affairs Records N1-056-03-006
Photographic Laboratory Records N1-056-03-007
Office of Sallie Mae Oversight Records N1-056-03-008
Air Transportation Stabilization Board (ATSB) Records N1-056-03-009
Departmental Offices Records Common to Most Offices N1-056-03-010
Financial Transactions Files N1-056-03-011
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Oversight Board Records N1-056-04-003
Forms for Access to or Removal of Documentary Materials N1-056-05-001
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) Disclosure Section Records Inactive N1-056-05-002
Secretary's Honor Awards Program Records N1-056-06-001
Office of Intelligence and Analysis Records N1-056-06-002
Records Loaned to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) N1-056-07-001
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration- Office of Audit Records (TIGTA) Audit Records N1-056-08-001
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration- Office of Audit Records (TIGTA) Miscellaneous Records N1-056-08-002
Financial Analysis and Reporting System (FARS) Inactive N1-056-08-003
Treasury Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture (TEOAF) Agent Website and Joint Operations System (AWS) N1-056-08-004
District of Columbia (D.C.) Pensions System to Administer Retirement (STAR) N1-056-09-001
Loan Management and Control System (LMCS) Files N1-056-09-002
Foreign Credit Reporting System (FCRS) N1-056-09-003
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) N1-056-09-004
Strategic Planning Files and Email and Word Processing Files N1-056-09-005
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) Audit Records N1-056-09-006
Treasury International Capital (TIC) Reporting System N1-056-09-007
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund Allocation Agreement Assessment (AAS) N1-056-09-009
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund Award Tracking System (ATS) N1-056-09-010
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund Compliance and Monitoring System (CCMS) N1-056-09-011
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund Community Investment Intelligence System (CIIS) N1-056-09-012
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund Disbursements N1-056-09-013
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund Public Website N1-056-09-014
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund New Markets Compliance Monitoring System (NCMS) N1-056-09-015
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund MyCDFI System N1-056-09-016
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund E-work System N1-056-09-017
Correspondence Management - Office of Counsel Tracking System N1-056-09-018
Office of the Inspector General Correspondence Management System N1-056-09-020
Office of the Inspector General Investigation Management Information System (IMIS) N1-056-09-021
Office of the Inspector General Hotline Database N1-056-09-022
Office of the Inspector General TeamMate Audits N1-056-09-023
Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) Records N1-056-10-001
Records of the Office of the General Counsel N1-056-10-002
Joint Audit Management Enterprise System (JAMES) Inactive N1-056-11-001
Office of Civil Rights and Diversity Records N1-056-11-002
Web Records N1-056-11-003
Hazardous Materials Program Records N1-056-11-004
U.S. Savings Bond Division Records Inactive N1-056-86-001
National Advisory Council Studies and Reports from International Financial Institutions N1-056-86-002
Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs (OASIA) Records, 1934-78 Inactive N1-056-86-003
Civil Rights Files and Intergovernmental Relations Files N1-056-86-004
United States Synthetic Fuels Corporation Records, 1980-86 N1-056-86-005
Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) Records N1-056-86-006
Office of Tax Policy Records N1-056-87-001
Synthetic Fuels Corporation (SFC) Transition Records N1-056-88-001
Office of Tax Policy Legislative History Files N1-056-88-002
Scrapbooks of the Second Liberty Loan Campaign, 1917 Inactive N1-056-89-001
Office of the Field Director, War Finance Division Records, 1941-47 Inactive N1-056-89-002
Miscellaneous Records of the U.S. Savings Bonds Division, 1941-73 Inactive N1-056-89-003
Office of Administration Records, 1936-73 Inactive N1-056-89-005
Miscellaneous Records N1-056-89-006
Information Systems Plans; Treasury Systems Committee Files N1-056-90-001
Records Relating to Participation in the National Security Council, 1969-77 Inactive N1-056-90-002
Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee Records, 1980-86 Inactive N1-056-90-003
Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary Records N1-056-90-004
Tax Legislative Council Closed Regulation Files N1-056-90-005
Office of Law Enforcement Miscellaneous Training Records, 1927-72 Inactive N1-056-90-006
Fair Employment Policy Files, 1948-62 N1-056-90-007
Compromise Case Files, 1935-1960 Inactive N1-056-90-008
Miscellaneous Records of the Division of Research and Statistics, 1926-49 Inactive N1-056-90-009
Grant in Aid Application Forms (SF 240) Inactive N1-056-90-010
Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Enforcement Records, 1962-69 Inactive N1-056-90-011
Miscellaneous Records of the Office of Law Enforcement, 1934-64 Inactive N1-056-91-001
Henry Morganthau Jr. "Diaries", ca. 1933-ca. 1948 N1-056-91-002
Energy Petroleum Supply Committee Files, 1973- 1975 Inactive N1-056-91-003
Charles Walker, Under Secretary Files, 1969-1971 Inactive N1-056-91-004
Synthetic Fuels Corporation/Budget Files Inactive N1-056-92-001
Federal Financing Bank Records N1-056-94-001
Office of General Counsel Miscellaneous Records N1-056-95-001
United States-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission Records Inactive N1-056-95-002
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Records N1-056-95-003
Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board Records N1-056-95-004
Federal Financing Bank Records Revision N1-056-98-001
United States-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission Records N1-056-99-001
Office of Revenue Sharing Records NC-056-75-001
Office of Equal Opportunity Records NC-056-75-002
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms: Basic Files of Establishments Requalified as of July 1, 1959 Inactive NC-056-75-003
Gold License Case Files, 1933-75 Inactive NC-056-76-001
Record Material Common to All Offices of Record within the Office of the Secretary NC-056-76-002
Correspondence, Memoranda & Other Receiving Action from the Department of the Treasury NC-174-000110
Office of Domestic Gold and Silver Operations NC-174-000112
Trade, Energy and Financial Resources Records NC1-056-76-03
Administration of the Foreign Portfolio Investment Project NC1-056-76-05
Affirmative Action Plan Records NC1-056-77-02
Foreign Credits Report Forms Inactive NC1-056-77-03
Bicentennial Program Development and Implementation, 1970-76 Inactive NC1-056-78-02
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) Records NC1-056-78-03
Office of Intelligence Support (OIS) Correspondence and Reference Files NC1-056-78-04
Office of the Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs Records NC1-056-78-05
Legal Division, Office of General Counsel Records NC1-056-78-06
Policies and Programs Formulated and Executed by the Office of the Secretary NC1-056-78-07
Miscellaneous Records, 1948-73 Inactive NC1-056-78-08
Still Photographs, Negatives, and Proofs of Presidents and Others, 1918-52 Inactive NC1-056-78-09
Individual Income Tax Model Control Stream and Data Sample Inactive NC1-056-78-10
Office of the Inspector General Inactive NC1-056-79-01
Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Records NC1-056-79-02
Treasurer of the United States Records Inactive NC1-056-79-05
Emergency Loan Guarantee Board (ELGB) Records Inactive NC1-056-79-06
Individual Income Tax Model Control Stream and Data Sample NC1-056-79-07
Miscellaneous Records of the Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Inactive NC1-056-79-08
Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Records Inactive NC1-056-79-09
Assistant Secretary for Domestic Finance Records NC1-056-79-10
National Advisory Council (NAC) Staff Drafts. 1945-62 Inactive NC1-056-79-11
Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Operations NC1-056-80-01
Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary International Affairs NC1-056-80-02
Records of the Immediate Offices of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary Inactive NC1-056-80-03
Corporate Self-Estimate of Coming Year Taxes Inactive NC1-056-81-01
Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) Decision Records Inactive NC1-056-82-04
Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings NC1-056-83-01
U.S. Savings Bond Promotion Films, 1952-75 Inactive NC1-056-83-02
U.S. Savings Bond Division Motion Picture Films Inactive NC1-056-84-01
Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Board (LGB) NC1-056-84-02
U.S. Savings Bond Division Exhibit Case Files, 1962-67 Inactive NC1-056-84-03
National Advisory Council to the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Records Inactive NC1-056-85-01
Fiscal Assistant Secretary Records, 1930-84 Inactive NC1-056-85-02