Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0431: Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Licensing - Adjudications and Hearings DAA-0431-2013-0001
High-Level Waste Disposal Licensing - Yucca Mountain Records DAA-0431-2016-0001
Nuclear Regulatory Commission [Capstone Form] GRS-6-1-0431-2023-0002
Inspector General Records (ADAMS) Inactive N1-431-00-001
Inspector General Investigation Case Files (Hard copy) N1-431-00-002
Incident Response Operations Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-003
Administration Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-004
Enforcement Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-005
Executive Director for Operations Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-006
Chief Financial Officer Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-007
Nuclear Reactor Regulation Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-008
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-009
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-010
Confidential Source Files (Hard copy) N1-431-00-011
Investigations Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-012
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-013
Congressional Affairs and International Programs Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-014
Human Resources Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-015
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-016
Chief Information Officer Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-017
General Counsel Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-018
Nuclear Regulatory Research Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-019
Regional Offices Records (ADAMS) N1-431-00-020
Regional Offices Improper Action Records (Hard copy) N1-431-00-021
Investigation Case Files N1-431-01-001
Secretary of the Commission Records (ADAMS) N1-431-01-002
Secretary of the Commission Records (Hard copy) N1-431-02-001
Commissioners' Records (Hard copy) N1-431-02-002
Nuclear Security and Incident Response Records (ADAMS) N1-431-03-001
Supserseded Special Purpose Programs Records N1-431-04-001
Superseded Programs and Related Databases N1-431-05-001
Office of National Security and Incident Response (NSIR) Case Files and Subject Files N1-431-08-001
General Licensing Tracking System N1-431-08-002
National Sealed Source and Device Registry System (NSSDRS) N1-431-08-003
Decommissioning Radioactive Material Sites and Terminating Licenses (CSTS and TLTS) N1-431-08-004
National Source Tracking System N1-431-08-006
Waste Disposal Tracking System (WDTS) N1-431-08-007
Reciprocity Tracking System (RTS) N1-431-08-008
Strategic Workforce Planning System (SWPS) and Senior Executive Service (SES) Succession Planning System N1-431-08-009
MD-715 Database (Personnel Demographic Information) N1-431-08-010
Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) N1-431-08-011
Licensing Tracking System (LTS) and Web-Based Licensing (WBL) N1-431-08-012
Research Information Management System (RIMS) N1-431-08-013
Regional License Information Tracking System N1-431-08-014
Power Reactor Operating Experience Program (ITP, ROE and HFIS) N1-431-08-015
Rational Suite of Tools and NRC System Information Control Database N1-431-08-016
Transportation Approval Package Information System (TAPIS) N1-431-08-017
Reactor Programs System (RPS) N1-431-08-018
In-Service Inspection Database (ISI-DB) N1-431-08-019
Operations Center Information Management System (OCIMS) N1-431-08-020
Generic Issue Management Control System N1-431-08-021
Adjudicatory Hearing Support Systems N1-431-08-022
Nuclear Material Event Database (NMED) N1-431-09-001
Financial Accounting and Integrated Management Information System (FAIMIS) N1-431-10-001
Inspector General Records N1-431-10-002
Abnormal Occurance Case Files Inactive N1-431-87-001
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste N1-431-88-001
Drug Testing Program N1-431-88-004
Regulatory Effectiveness Reviews N1-431-88-005
Project Licensing Case files N1-431-89-001
Project Reactor License Docket Files of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) N1-431-89-003
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Docket Files N1-431-89-004
Research Records N1-431-89-005
Personnel Monitoring Report Files N1-431-89-006
Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee N1-431-90-003
Reactor Operator and Senior Operator Docket Files N1-431-90-004
Regional Offices / Inspection Enforcement Case Files N1-431-92-001
Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Files N1-431-92-002
Nuclear Material Case Files N1-431-92-003
Synthesized Interim Nuclear Documents System (NUDOCS) N1-431-96-001
Allegation Case Files Inactive N1-431-96-002
Chairman and Commissioners Records Inactive N1-431-97-001
Generic Environmental Statement Mixed Oxides (GESMO) Files N1-431-99-001
Congressional Affairs Records (ADAMS) N1-431-99-002
International Programs Records (ADAMS) N1-431-99-003
State Programs Programs Records (ADAMS) N1-431-99-004
Small Business and Civil Rights Records (ADAMS) N1-431-99-005
Public Affairs Records (ADAMS) N1-431-99-006
Miscellaneous Records (WNRC Project) Inactive N1-431-99-008
Commission Appellate Adjudication Records (ADAMS) N1-431-99-009
Performance Appraisal Records NC1-431-77-01
License Compliance Inspection and Enforcement Case Files Inactive NC1-431-78-01
License Compliance Inspection and Enforcement Case Files Inactive NC1-431-79-01
License and Inspection Case Files Inactive NC1-431-80-01
Licensing and Non-licensing Project Files; and Emergency Planning Files NC1-431-81-01
Machine Readable Records NC1-431-81-02
Cartographic Records - Emergency Planning Maps, Design Records - Plans and Systems Design Descriptions NC1-431-81-03
Audiovisual Records - Still Photography Files, Graphic Arts Files, Video Recording Files, and Sound Recording Files NC1-431-81-04
Comprehensive Records Schedule Partially Superseded NC1-431-81-05
Docket Files for the Disposal of High Level Radioactive Wastes in Geologic Repositories NC1-431-83-02
Docket Files for the Land Disposal of Radioactive Wastes NC1-431-83-03
Voice Recordings of Unusual Occurences at Nuclear Power Plants NC1-431-83-05
Office of Investigations Records NC1-431-83-06
Program Action Tracking System (PATS) NC1-431-84-02
Investigative Files NC1-431-84-05
Regulatory History Files for Proposed and Final Rulemaking NC1-431-85-01