Federal Records Management

Records Control Schedules

These requests for disposition authority documents are agency requests to NARA submitted since 1973.  Older items may have subsequently been superseded by more recent submissions.  Please see the FAQ for more information. Questions about active disposition authorities should be directed to the agency records officer.

NOTE: NARA’s process for determining which records schedules in the RCS are currently valid is an ongoing work in progress. Records schedules will be marked inactive when all items on the schedule have been superseded. Before implementing disposition using these records schedules, always verify that you are using the most recent and current disposition authority (or item).

Full Text:   
Job No:   

Tip 1: Use Phrases in Quotes

Example:  "audit files"

Without quotation marks, any page containing the words "audit" OR "files" will appear in results.
When surrounded by quotation marks, the words are treated as a phrase and only pages with the exact phrase "audit files" will appear in results. This is the most powerful query refinement technique.

Tip 2: Use a Plus (+) or Minus (-) Sign to Require or Reject Words

Example:  audit files +system -withdrawn

You can require that the word "system" be in any documents in the results list by placing a plus (+) sign before it.
You can reject words with the minus (-) sign.
In the example, no documents with the word "withdrawn" will appear on the results page unless a search engine is programmed to make them appear above the regular results list.

Tip 3: Combine Tips 1, 2

Example:  audit files +"Internal Revenue Service" +system

By combining phrases with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, and capitalizing where it's appropriate, you can increase the relevance of search results.

Tip 4: Spell Out All Acronyms

Example:  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Avoid using acronyms for instance: IRS for Internal Revenue Service can be mistaken for another acronym such as IRS-CI and effect search results.

Tip 5: Searching by Job Number

Example:  N1-016-00-001

NOTE: You MUST enter the job number in the correct format. Consult the SF 15 Numbering Key if necessary.


RG-0185: Panama Canal

Go up one directory level

Title Number/Filename
Vital Statistics Registration Books, 1907-1950 Inactive N1-185-01-001
Cartographic Records, 1930-2004 Inactive N1-185-04-001
Disbursement Vouchers and Employee Record Sheets, 1890-1918 Inactive N1-185-06-002
U.S. Bicentennial Celebrations in the Canal Zone, Motion Picture Film, 1976 Inactive N1-185-86-001
Panama Canal Railroad Company (PCRRC), 1920-53 Inactive N1-185-86-002
Specimen Signature Cards of Notaries Public, 1922-82 Inactive N1-185-87-001
Photographic Negatives from the Special Engineering Division (SED), 1941-47 Inactive N1-185-88-001
Meteorological and Hydrographic Records, 1891-1976 Inactive N1-185-88-002
Unscheduled Records at Atlanta Federal Records Center (4NC) Partially Superseded N1-185-88-003
General Files, 1904-74; Index, 1904-49 Inactive N1-185-88-004
Admeasurement Records Inactive N1-185-88-006
Non-Employee Medical Files N1-185-88-007
Governor's Files of the Panama Canal Company/Canal Zone Government, 1907-79 Inactive N1-185-89-001
Commission Information Office Records at Atlanta Federal Records Center (4NC) Inactive N1-185-89-003
Ship Crew Cards, 1900-1981 N1-185-90-011
Rulemaking Files Inactive N1-185-91-001
Board of Directors Records Inactive N1-185-91-002
Isthmian Canal Commission and Panama Railroad Company, 1904-14 Inactive N1-185-92-001
Panama Canal Commission's Comprehensive Records Schedule No. 2 - Personnel Records Inactive N1-185-92-002
Canal Zone Police and Government Convict Records Inactive N1-185-92-003
Palo Seco Hospital (Leprosarium) Records Inactive N1-185-93-001
Panama Canal Commission, Office of General Counsel Inactive N1-185-93-002
Records of the Office of the Secretary Panama Canal Commission N1-185-93-003
Marine Licensing Examination Records Inactive N1-185-94-001
Panama Canal Commission Agency Publications Inactive N1-185-94-002
Panama Canal Commission, Various Engineering Records Inactive N1-185-95-001
1936 and 1955 Treaty Negotiation Records Inactive N1-185-95-002
Panama Canal Commission, Meteorological and Hydrographic Records Inactive N1-185-96-001
Canal Operations Systems Inactive N1-185-96-002
Glass Plate Photographic Negatives of Floating Equipment & Related Items Inactive N1-185-96-003
Panama Canal Commission, Inspector General Records Inactive N1-185-96-004
Panama Canal Commission, Information Services and Public Relations Records Inactive N1-185-96-006
Panama Canal Commission, Audiovisual Records Inactive N1-185-96-007
Panama Canal Commission, Housing, Building, Space and Land Management Records Inactive N1-185-96-008
Panama Canal Commission, Communications and Mail Management Records Inactive N1-185-97-001
Panama Canal Commission, Geotechnical, Meteorological and Hydrographic Records Inactive N1-185-97-002
Panama Canal Commission, Procurement and Supply Records Inactive N1-185-97-003
Panama Canal Commission, Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Operations Records Inactive N1-185-97-004
Panama Canal Commission, Facility Security and Protective Services Records Inactive N1-185-97-005
Panama Canal Commission, Architectural and Engineering Records Inactive N1-185-97-006
Panama Railroad, Panama Canal Company New York Office, 1912-63 Inactive N1-185-97-007
Panama Canal Commission, Travel, Transportation and Shipping Records Inactive N1-185-97-008
Panama Canal Commission, Employee Folders, 1903-20 Inactive N1-185-97-009
Panama Canal Commission, Law and Legal Matters Inactive N1-185-97-010
Panama Canal Commission, Personnel Records Inactive N1-185-97-011
Panama Canal Commission, Budget Preparation, Presentation, and Apportionment Records Inactive N1-185-97-012
Panama Canal Commission, Health, Safety, and Sanitation Records Inactive N1-185-97-013
Panama Canal Commission, Accountable Officers' Records Inactive N1-185-97-014
Panama Canal Commission, Expenditure Accounting Records Inactive N1-185-97-015
Panama Canal Commission, Stores, Plant and Cost Accounting Inactive N1-185-97-016
Panama Canal Commission, Maintenance and Public Utilities Records Inactive N1-185-97-017
Panama Canal Commission, Aedes Aegypti Mosquito Monitoring Records Inactive N1-185-97-018
Panama Canal Commission, Payroll and Pay Administration Records Inactive N1-185-97-019
Panama Canal Commission, Canal Operations and Services Records Inactive N1-185-97-020
Panama Canal Commission, Architectural and Engineering Electronic Records Inactive N1-185-97-021
Panama Canal Commission, General Management and Administrative Records Inactive N1-185-97-022
Panama Canal Commission Records Stored at Diablo Heights Agency Records Center, 1849-1979 Inactive N1-185-97-023
Panama Canal Commission, Meteorological and Hydrographic Records Inactive N1-185-98-001
Panama Canal Commission, Expenditure Accounting Files Inactive N1-185-98-002
Panama Canal Commission, Special Item Project Records, 1941-43 Inactive N1-185-98-003
Panama Canal Commission, Computer Tracking and Monitoring System Records Inactive N1-185-99-001
Panama Canal Commission, Cargo and Vessel Traffic Records, 1937-99 Inactive N1-185-99-002
Panama Canal Commission, Inspector General Records Inactive N1-185-99-003
Panama Canal Commission, River Level or Fluviograph Charts, 1880-96 Inactive NC-185-75-001
Record Control Schedule No. 1 - Records in Common Use Throughout the Agency Inactive NC1-185-77-01
Record Control Schedule No. 2 - Records of the Personnel Bureau Inactive NC1-185-77-02
Record Control Schedule No. 3 - Records of the Office of Financial Vice President Inactive NC1-185-77-03
Record Control Schedule No. 4 - Records of the Health Bureau Inactive NC1-185-77-04
Record Control Schedule No. 5 - Records of the Engineering and Construction Bureau Inactive NC1-185-77-05
Record Control Schedule No. 6 - Records of the Transporation and Terminals Bureau Inactive NC1-185-77-06
Record Control Schedule No. 7 - Records of the Civil Affairs Bureau Inactive NC1-185-77-07
Record Control Schedule No. 8 - Records of the Marine Bureau Inactive NC1-185-77-08
Record Control Schedule No. 9 - Records of the Supply and Community Service Bureau Inactive NC1-185-77-09
Record Control Schedule No. 10 - Records of the Office of the Governor-President Inactive NC1-185-77-10
Panama Canal Master Engineer and Pilot Licenses NC1-185-78-01
Ancon Hospital and Colon Hospital In-Patient Charts NC1-185-79-01
Canal Zone Government Student School Transcripts NC1-185-79-02
Glass Plate Negatives Related to the Construction and Operation of the Panama Canal, 1904-39 Inactive NC1-185-79-03
Panama Canal Company Fiscal Records, 1904-78 Inactive NC1-185-79-04
Panama Canal Commission, Special Engineering Division Third Locks Project Records Inactive NC1-185-79-05
Panama Canal Company, Police, Land, and Fire Station Records, 1917-75 Inactive NC1-185-79-07
Panama Canal Company, Marine Bunkering Fuel Gate Pass Inactive NC1-185-79-08
Passenger and Crew Lists, Quarantine, Deportation, and Ship Register Records NC1-185-79-09
Panama Canal Company, Elementary School Transcripts Inactive NC1-185-80-01
Panama Canal Commission, Bertillon Cards of Gorgas and Coco Solo Hospitals, 1900-45 Inactive NC1-185-80-02
Panama Canal Commission, Maps and Engineering Plans Inactive NC1-185-81-01
Panama Canal Commission, Central Employment Office Examination Announcement Files Inactive NC1-185-81-02
Panama Canal Commission, Hospital Out-Patient Records Inactive NC1-185-81-03
Panama Canal Commission, Record of Leave Transferred (Form 1150) Inactive NC1-185-81-04
Panama Canal Commission, Leave Liability and Inventory Files Inactive NC1-185-81-05
Panama Canal Commission, Equipment Records Inactive NC1-185-81-06
Panama Canal Commission, Printing Projects Inactive NC1-185-81-07
Panama Canal Commission, Canal Zone Government Convicts Records, 1904-80 Inactive NC1-185-81-08
Panama Canal Commission, Indexes to Payroll Books, 1920-55 Inactive NC1-185-81-09
Panama Canal Commission, Passenger Transportation Records Inactive NC1-185-82-01
Transit Operation Sheets, Ship Accident Reports, and Ship Plans and Drawings NC1-185-82-03
Canal Zone Board of Registration for Architects and Professional Engineers, Registration and Certification Records, 1947-79 Inactive NC1-185-82-04
Panama Canal Commission, Freight Claims Inactive NC1-185-84-01
Central Files - General Correspondence NC1-185-84-03
Canal Zone Vehicle, Motorboat, and Launch Registration, 1970-1979 Inactive NC1-185-85-01