Federal Records Management

AC 32.2024

Date: July 1, 2024  

Memorandum to Federal Records Management Contacts: Continuing the Transition to Electronic Records

Today we want to send out a message to all federal records management staff and contractors who have been working so diligently to meet all the goals of the OMB/NARA Memo M-23-07. We appreciate all your efforts to meet the deadline and make these goals a reality.

The work you have done to transfer paper or analog records to the Federal Records Centers (FRCs) for storage or to the holdings of the National Archives of the United States before the deadline is significant and impressive. As you know, for those permanent records, this work resulted in a surge of transfers that will become part of our nation’s history.

Many of the transfer requests submitted to NARA before the deadline are waiting for processing, approval, and then the actual physical transfer. NARA staff will continue to work through all these requests. We will accept the physical transfer of these records after the request is approved.

Additionally, we will continue to review exception requests from your Senior Agency Official for Records Management if your agency has not been able to meet all of the goals in the Memo. For more information about exception requests, please refer to NARA Bulletin 2020-01.

During July, you will notice a change in the FRC’s ARCIS system. Going forward, ARCIS users will not be able to request transfers of records unless they have an approved exception. If you have questions, please contact your FRC account representative.

We will continue to provide agencies with guidance on how they can continue to transition to fully electronic recordkeeping. We are developing guidance on outstanding questions about managing Official Personnel Folders and Employee Medical Files as well as digitizing other types of records, including film records. 

It is important to acknowledge the significant progress we have made so far in transitioning the federal government to fully electronic records management. We will continue to make progress especially as technology advances and new challenges and opportunities are identified. 

Chief Records Officer 
for the U.S. Government

Federal Records Centers Program

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