Federal Records Management

AC 01. 2023

Date: October 3, 2022

MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: 2023 Annual Move of Permanent Records

This communication is for federal agencies storing permanent records in NARA's Federal Records Centers (FRCs).

We appreciate your support in preserving the historically valuable records of your agency in the National Archives of the United States. The Transfer Requests for the 2023 Annual Move have been loaded into the Electronic Records Archives (ERA). Agencies may now log into the ERA Portal and submit them for transfer consideration.  

A second communication will be sent to the Agency Records Officer by the end of this week with an accompanying spreadsheet of all Transfer Requests and corresponding transfer numbers identifying what was loaded into ERA.

December 1, 2022 is the deadline for all agency submission actions. 

A few additional reminders:  

  • to be fully submitted to NARA, a Transfer Request must be submitted in both the Transferring Official and Agency Approving Official roles
  • NARA may request finding aids for records proposed for accessioning if the SF135 is insufficient or unavailable
  • a complete and accurate NA Form 14130 is required for classified records

For additional resources please consult the Annual Move Guidance section of our website and the ERA Agency User Manual for step-by-step instructions, ERA field definitions, and system information. If you have questions about getting started using ERA, identifying agency roles, and establishing user accounts, please contact NARA at ERAhelp@nara.gov or by phone at (877) 372-9594.

If you have any questions about a particular transfer, difficulty locating eligible transfers, or general questions about the Annual Move, please send an email to annual.move@nara.gov.  

We look forward to working with you on the 2023 Annual Move.   

Chief Records Officer
for the U.S. Government 
