Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about GRS 6.1, Email and Other Electronic Messages Managed under a Capstone Approach
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Updated February 2025
These FAQs provide additional information for agencies implementing GRS 6.1, Email and Other Electronic Messages Managed under a Capstone Approach.
Agencies adopting a Capstone approach should consult other resources available from NARA. These relate to email and electronic messages management, electronic records management, and the Capstone approach. Agencies should supplement use of GRS 6.1 with agency-wide policies and training. Agencies should also incorporate the schedule’s requirements into agency records management implementation tools (such as manuals and file plans). See Section 5: Questions about Implementation for more information.
Each section will open as a separate page
Section 1: General Questions about GRS 6.1
- What is the purpose of GRS 6.1?
- Who should I contact for more information about this schedule?
- How does an agency document that it is using the Capstone GRS?
- Do all agencies have to follow this GRS?
- May an agency implement portions of this GRS?
- What does the GRS mean when using the term “official”?
- Which officials are designated as Capstone (permanent) Officials by this GRS?
Section 2: Questions about “Certain other types of Electronic Messages”
- Why is NARA incrementally expanding Capstone, and excluding some types of electronic messages from this GRS?
- What are examples of the certain other types of electronic messages includes and excluded in the scope of “electronic messages”?
- If any agency is using the GRS for electronic messages, may it only apply the GRS to certain records listed in the inclusions section of the scope?
- If an agency is not creating all of the types of electronic messages listed as inclusions within the GRS scope can it still use GRS 6.1?
- Are the other types of electronic messages all just transitory?
- What if my agency automatically forwards all electronic messages into each individual users’ email account?
Section 3: Questions related to Permanent Email Records and other types of Electronic Messages
- What is meant by "Cutoff and transfer in accordance with the agency's approved form NA-1005, Verification for Implementing GRS 6.1. This will be between 15 and 30 years, or after declassification review (when applicable), whichever is later." within the disposition instructions for item 010?
- Does the GRS apply if Capstone officials have more than one email or messaging account or if their email and/or electronic messages are managed by other staff (such as special assistants, confidential assistants, military assistants, or administrative assistants)?
- Are shared or program accounts covered under this GRS and could they be permanent?
- Must agencies maintain a list of Capstone officials and their associated email addresses or messaging identifiers?
Section 4: Questions related to Temporary Email Records and other types of Electronic Messages
- What is the difference between items 011 and 012?
- Why are supervisory positions excluded from item 012?
- How does an agency determine if it should keep temporary records covered by items 011 and 012 longer than the prescribed minimum retention period?
- Why is the minimum retention period for item 011 seven years?
Section 5: Questions about Implementation
- Does this GRS apply to classified email and messaging accounts?
- Does this GRS include calendars, appointments and tasks?
- How does this GRS affect NARA or agency requirements to file email or other types of messages with other related federal records?
- Why do we only include acting Capstone officials in item 010 if they are acting for longer than 60 days?
- Are there any exceptions to the requirement to designate any acting official as a Capstone official after 60 days or more?
- What are additional considerations when implementing the requirement for capturing acting Capstone officials’ emails?
- How can an agency incorporate this GRS into its implementation tools and policies?
Section 6: Questions about Legacy Records
- How are legacy records defined for GRS 6.1?
- Does the Capstone GRS apply to both retroactive (legacy/existing) and day-forward records?
- Does legacy email include backup or recovery tapes with email stored on them?
- Can other disposition authorities be used to dispose of email and other types of electronic messages prior to using the authorities within GRS 6.1?
- What do we mean by ‘readable email’?
- What do I do if I have legacy records that are not readable?
- What if the status of legacy email and other types of electronic messages is unknown?
Section 7: Questions about Culling
- What is culling?
- Are agencies expected to cull Capstone (permanent) accounts?
- What if an agency can’t cull records?
- Will NARA cull Capstone records after they are legally transferred?
Section 8: Questions about Permanent Records Transfer
- How should agencies transfer email and other types of electronic messages to NARA?
- Will NARA accept encrypted email and other types of electronic records?
- What documentation must an agency submit when it transfers Capstone (permanent) records?
- How will NARA screen permanent records containing controlled unclassified information for public access?
Section 9: Questions about form NA-1005 Resubmission
- Is resubmission and re-approval of the form NA-1005 required?
- What other requirements are related to form NA-1005 changes?
Section 10: Questions about Completing the form NA-1005, Verification for Using GRS 6.1
- Is Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM) approval required on the form?
- Are all the fields on the “General Information” tab mandatory?
- What is the difference between “classified” and “alias accounts” in context of the form fields?
- Is the “Electronic Messages” tab mandatory?
- When is it appropriate to use subsection (b) “Permanent Legacy Records Only” within each of the 10 categories?
- Under section (b) of each category, should the positions listed be carried forward to each subsequent submission, or just new positions that fit this sub-category since the last submission?
- Where do we document changes to positions?
- For subsection (a), “Active Permanent Positions,” what do each of the possible selections for “summary of changes from previous submission” mean, and when should they be used?
- Under subsection (a) of each category, what if you have more than one response to the question about “changes since last submission”?
- How do we document vacant positions on the form?
- If an agency identifies a new position that fits one of the ten (10) permanent categories after the form has been approved, but the position is then removed from the organization before the next resubmission cycle, how does the agency document this?
- Why do we need to provide an URL to an Agency Organization Chart on the "General Information Tab"?
- Can my agency submit more than one form per record group (RG)?
- What specific positions are included in category seven, Principal Regional Officials, under item 010?
- Under category ten of item 010, how do agencies determine what additional roles and positions they should include as Capstone officials?
- Can an agency alter the form to report additional information such as create new fields, delete tabs, add tabs, etc.?