Accessioning Textual Records
Annual Move
The Annual Move is a regularly scheduled process by which records are moved from the legal custody of federal agencies and physical custody of the Federal Records Centers to the physical and legal custody of the National Archives.
To learn more about the Annual Move and the transfer of permanent records from the Federal Records Centers to the National Archives, please visit our Annual Move page.
Direct Offers
Direct Offers are records offered by Federal agencies without NARA prompting. Direct Offers are primarily located at one of the agency’s facilities.
- To learn more about how to offer records that are in your physical custody to the National Archives, please visit our Direct Offer page.
- For specific guidance on creating and submitting ERA Transfer Requests, please see our Direct Offer Transfer Request Form Guidance page and the ERA Agency User Manual.
Finding Aids
All transfers to the National Archives must be accompanied with a finding aid in order to facilitate description and access by NARA staff and the public.
Contact Us
For questions about:
Textual records accessioning at Archives I in Washington, DC or Archives II in College Park, MD, please contact:
Accessioning at National Archives field sites, please contact:
- National Archives at Atlanta:
- National Archives at Boston:
- National Archives at Chicago:
- National Archives at Denver:
- National Archives at Fort Worth:
- National Archives at Kansas City:
- National Archives at Philadelphia:
- National Archives at Riverside:
- National Archives at St. Louis:
- National Archives at San Francisco:
- National Archives at Seattle:
The Annual Move, please contact:
Appraisal and scheduling, please contact:
- Your appraisal archivist