Index to Publication
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Index to Publication
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Abbie Rowe Collection, 79.1
Aberdeen Proving Ground, 111.4
Adjutant General's Office (RG 407)
Aerial reconnaissance, A.5, A.12
Aeronautics, 48.1
Aeronautics, Bureau of (RG 72)
Africa, Northern, 18.2, 80.1, 111.6, 112.1, 131.1, 226.4, 239.1, 306.1, 337.1, OG.9, DM.15, A.10
African-American photographers, A.15
African-Americans, 111.8, 208.1, A.15
Afrika Corps, OG.2
Agency for International Development (RG 286)
Agricultural Economics, Bureau of (RG 83)
Agricultural production, 83.1, 169.1, 286.1
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Services (RG 145)
Agriculture, Office of the Secretary of (RG 16)
Air combat, 18.3, 127.3
Air flight routes, 18.1, 18.2, A.13
Air Transport Command, 18.1, 18.2, A.11, A.13
Aircraft, 18.1, 18.3, 18.4, 38.1, 72.1, 80.1, 80.2, 127.1, 165.1, 226.4, 237.1, 342.3, 407.1, 428.1, OG.3, A.11, A.12
Aircraft carriers, 38.2, 80.2
Airfields, 18.1, 18.2, 69.1, 71.1, 162.1, 407.1, A.11-A.13
Alamogordo, NM, 77.2
Alaska, 18.2
Alaska Highway, 30.1
Aleutian Islands, 18.2, 111.6
Algeria, 226.1
Alien Property, Office of (RG 131), 48.1
Allied Operational and Occupation Headquarters, World War II (RG 331)
American Battle Monuments Commission (RG 117)
American Broadcasting Company (ABC), DM.12
American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas (RG 129)
American Graves Registration Command, 332.1
American Indians, 75.1
Amphibious operations, 208.2, 227.1, 227.2, 337.1, 428.1, A.9, A.10
Anacostia Naval Station, DC, A.5
Angaur Island, 56.2
Anti-Semitism, OG.2
Antisubmarine Warfare, 26.2
Anzio, Italy, 165.2
Aquino, Iva Toquri, 262.1
Armed Forces Radio, DM.11
Armored combat, 38.2
Army Air Force, 5th, 18.3; 12th, 18.2
Army Air Forces (RG 18), 111.6, 342.1-342.3, A.6, A.11-A.13
Army Electronics Support Command, 319.2
Army Ground Forces, Headquarters (RG 337)
Army Medical Corps, 112.1
Army Pictorial Center, 111.8
Army Pictorial Service, A.1
Still Picture Library, A.3
Army Service Forces, Headquarters (RG 160)
Army Special Training Division, 160.1
Army Staff (RG 319)
Art, 331.1, DM.8
Atlantic Charter Meeting, 80.1, 80.2
Atlantic Ocean, 80.1
Atomic bomb, I.28, 77.1-77.2, 127.3, 243.1, 243.2, 243.3, 319.1, 342.3, DM.6, DM.9
Atomic energy, 48.1, DM.13
Atrocities, 56.2, 84.1, 111.7, 153.1, 165.1, 238.1, 238.2, 338.1, 338.2
Australia, 127.1
Austria, 238.2
Axis Powers, 18.3, 208.4, 226.4, 262.1, DM.10
Axis Sally, I.30, 262.1
Azores, 332.1
Balkan countries, 226.4, OG.1
Ball- and roller-bearing industry, 18.3
Bangkok, Thailand, 18.2
Barrage balloons, 111.4, 111.10
Bartow, Robert C., DM.9
Bataan, OG.6
Batavia, Java, 84.1
Beck, Gen. Ludwig, 226.5
Belair Shipyard, CA, 178.1
Belgium, 243.1, 332.1
Berlin Airlift, 260.1
Best, Robert, 60.1
Bierderlinden, Gen. William A., DM.11
Bolivia, 234.1
Bombardment Advisory Commission, 18.3
Bomb damage, 18.2, 171.2, 226.1, 243.1-243.3, 342.1, OG.9
Bombing raids, 18.2, 18.3, 38.2, 111.6, 111.8, 127.3, 342.2, 342.3, OG.9
Boomerang (B-24), 165.1
Bowles, Chester, 188.2
Bradley, Gen. Omar, 238.2
Braun, Eva, OG.1, OG.2, DM.8
Brazil, 229.1, 234.1
Buchenwald concentration camp, 153.1
Bulge, Battle of the, 338.2
Burgman, Herbert John, 60.1
Burma, 18.2, 111.3, 111.5, 226.1, 239.1
Burma Road, 18.3
California, 119.1
California State University, Hayward, DM.8
Camera records, I.20, I.23
Camouflage, 111.10, 156.1, 171.1, OG.9
Camp Bergwald, NY, 131.2
Camp Kennedy, TX, 59.1
Canada, DM.3
Capra, Col. Frank, I.17, 111.8
Captured Enemy Records (RG 242), I.17, 111.3, 111.8, 428.1
Italian, I.29, OG.5
Caribbean, 18.2
Carmody, John M., 162.2
Caroline Islands, 38.1
Cartoons, 65.1, 111.6, 208.1
Casablanca Conference, 18.2, 208.4
Casino, Italy, 18.3
Casualties, I.13, 112.1, 127.1, 208.1, 319.1, 338.2, DM.1
Cavalry, 5th, 391.1
Cemeteries, 66.1, 117.1, 332.1
Censorship, I.12-I.14, 216.1
Censorship, Office of (RG 216)
Central America, 229.1-229.3
Chandler, Douglas, 60.1, 262.1
Chief Signal Officer, Office of the (RG 111), OG. 10, OG.10
Chief Counsel for War Crimes, Office of, 238.4
Cherbourg, France, 226.1
Child care centers, 69.1
China, 18.2, 111.5, 111.8, 127.1, 165.2, 226.1, 226.2, 226.4, 238.2, 239.1, 342.2, OG.6, DM.3
China-Burma-India theater, 18.2, 226.4
Churchill, Winston, 56.3, 80.2, 111.1, 208.2, 208.4, DM.10, DM.14, DM.15
Ciano, Count Galeazzo, OG.7
Citizen's Service Corps, 171.1
Civil Air Patrol, 171.1
Civilian Conservation Corps (RG 35)
Civilian defense, 121.1, 171.1-171.3, OG.9, OG.10
Civilian Defense, Office of (RG 171), I.4, OG. 10
Clark, Gen. Mark, 210.2
Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 165.2
Columbia, 234.1
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), DM.11, DM.14, DM.15
Columbia Pictures, DM.5
Combat photographers, I.7, I.8, I.9
Combat scenes, I.17, 18.2, 26.1, 111.1, 111.3, 111.6, 111.9, 127.1, 127.2, 208.1, 338.2
Commerce and Industry Association of New York, 171.3
Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, 220.1
Committee on Public Information, I.16
Community War Services, Office of (RG 215)
Concentration camps, 111.2, 111.8, 153.1, 208.1, 238.2, 238.3, 338.2, DM.7
Conservation, I.5, 33.1, 179.3, 208.1
Constant, Maurice, 38.1
Construction, defense, 69.1, 71.1, 111.10, 162.1, 338.1
Corregidor, OG.6
Counterintelligence Corps in Japan, DM.1
Cuba, 127.1
Czechoslovakia, 229.1
D-Day, I.29, 26.1, 337.1, DM.10
David Goldin Collection, DM.11
Davies, Joseph E., DM.5
"Day of Infamy" speech, 48.1
de Gaulle, Charles, 111.1, 338.2
Decontamination procedures, 35.1
Defense industries, 69.1, 86.1, 111.9, 121.1, 162.1, 171.1, 179.2, 229.1
Delaney, Edward, 262.1
Deutsch Amerikanische Berufsgemeinschaft (DAB), 131.2
Diplomats, 38.1, 59.1, 331.1, DM.1, DM.4
Documentaries, I.17, I.19, I.23, 18.2, 80.3, 111.5, 127.2, 342.3, OG.10
Dresden, Germany, DM.8
Dumbarton Oaks conference, 208.4
Dunkirk, battle at, OG.2, OG.4
Economic Cooperation Administration, 306.1
Economic recovery programs, 286.1
Education, Office of, 80.3
Eichelberger, Gen. Robert L., 165.2
Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 38.2, 111.1, 238.2, 338.2, DM.15
El Alamein, Battle of, OG.9
Emergency Management, Office of, 44.1
Emergency Refugee Shelter, Oswego, NY, 210.1
Engineers, Army Corps of, 30.1
Engineers, Office of the Chief of (RG 77)
Entertainment, for troops, 18.2, 127.1, DM.11
Equipment, 121.1, 234.1, 319.1
Engineer, 77.1
foreign military, 165.1
European Theater of Operations, 18.3, 26.1, 38.2, 111.2, 111.6, 112.2, 165.2
Extension Service (RG 33)
Eyewitness accounts, 38.1
Federal Aviation Administration (RG 237)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (RG 65)
Federal Works Agency (RG 162)
Fine Arts, Commission of (RG 66)
Fire fighting, 35.1, 171.2
Fire prevention, 171.1
Fleet operations, 111.3
Ford, John, 80.2, 226.3
Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (RG 262), I.30
Foreign Economic Administration (RG 169)
Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Office of, 59.1
Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State (RG 84)
Forest Fire Fighters Service, 171.1
Forest Service (RG 95)
Formosa, 319.1
Fort Belvoir, VA, 111.4
Fort Bragg, NC, 111.4
Fort Richardson, AK, 338.1
France, 18.2, 18.3, 66.1, 111.3, 127.3, 208.1, 226.1, 226.4, 243.1, 332.1, OG.1, OG.2, OG.5, DM.1, A.10
France, Battle of, 111.3
Frankfurt, West Germany, 239.1
Freihausen, Germany, OG.9
Gen. George Patton, 332.1
Ernie Pyle, 38.2
George VI, King of England, 262.1 DM.10
Georgia, 16.1
German-American Bund, 131.1, 131.2, 131.3
German-American Vocational League, 131.2
German Radio Broadcasting Corp., 60.1
German Railroads Information Office, 131.1
Germany, 18.2, 18.3, 111.8, 131.1, 131.2, 131.3, 165.2, 208.4, 226.5, 229.1, 238.1, 238.2, 243.1, 262.1, 319.1, 342.1, 342.2, 342.3, OG.2, OG.5, OG.10, DM.1, DM.6, DM.7, DM.8, DM.10, DM.11, DM.13, DM.15
Naval High Command, OG.4
Propaganda Ministry, OG.1
Gliders, 111.10, 342.3
Godfrey, Arthur, DM.14
Goebbels, Joseph, 238.3, 262.1, OG.7
Goering, Hermann, 238.3, OG.7
Goldin, David, DM.11
Government Reports, Office of (RG 44)
Graf Spee (ship), 59.1
Great Britain, 18.2, 52.1, 56.3, 111.8, 171.2, 171.3, 196.1, 226.1, 332.1, 342.2, OG.2, OG.5, OG.8, OG.9, DM.3, DM.6, DM.10
Ministry of Information, OG.9
Greenland, OG.2
Grew, Joseph C., 179.3
Gripsholm (ship), 59.1
Guadalcanal, 80.1
Guam, 111.3, 127.3, 342.3
Guayule production, 16.1, 54.1, 95.1
Guayule Emergency Rubber Program, 16.1, 95.1
Guided missiles, 218.1, 226.4
Haiphong, Vietnam, 18.3
Haiti, 234.1
Hamm, Luxembourg, 332.1
Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation, VA, 336.1
Hanoi, Vietnam, 18.2
Harlan, Veit, OG.2
Hawaii, 65.1, 226.3, OG.6
Hayward, Capt. Louis, A.9
Heidelberg, Germany, DM.11
Hell's Angels (B-17), 165.1
Hemp, 16.1, 54.1
Henderson, Leon, 179.3, 188.2
Hermann Goering steel plant, 238.2
Hevea, 54.1
Hickman, John, DM.11
Himmler, Heinrich, 238.3
Hirohito, Emperor, 111.1
Hiroshima, Japan, I.28, 77.1, 127.3, 243.1-243.3, 342.3, DM.6, DM.9
Hitchcock, Alfred, DM.5
Hitler, Adolf, I.29, 48.1, 111.1, 131.3, 226.5, 238.3, 262.1, OG.1, OG.2, OG.7, DM.3, DM.5, DM.6, DM.7, DM.8, DM.10, DM.15
Hitler Youth, OG.1
Summer camps, 131.2
Holland, 111.6
Hoover, J. Edgar, 65.1
Hope, Bob, 18.2
Hospitals, 112.1, 342.3
Housing, DM.2
for military personnel, 196.1
for veterans, 162.1
"Hump," the, 18.3
Hunt, Col. Ora E., 127.3
Huston, Capt. John, I.23, 111.5, 111.6
Iceland, 127.1
Ickes, Harold L., 188.2
Immigrants, 48.1
India, 18.2
Indian Affairs, Bureau of (RG 75)
Indian Ocean, 111.3
Indochina, 18.3
Indonesia, 84.1
Intelligence activities, I.12, 226.3, A.5
Inter-American Affairs, Office of (RG 229)
Inter-American Affairs, Office of Coordinator of, 287.1
Interior, Office of the Secretary of (RG 48)
International Bank for Reconstruction Development, 208.4
International conferences, 18.2, 208.4, 306.1, DM.4
International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 111.7, 238.1, 238.3
International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Tokyo, 238.1, 238.2
International Monetary Fund, 208.4
Internment centers,
Italy, 18.2, 18.3, 111.5, 165.2, 208.1, 208.4, 210.2, 226.4, 229.1, 243.1, 262.1, A.10
Iwo Jima, 80.1, 127.3
Jack Lieb Collection, DM.2
Japan, I.28, 38.2, 77.1, 80.2, 84.1, 111.6, 111.8, 127.1, 165.2, 208.4, 226.2, 226.3, 226.4, 238.2, 243.1-243.3, 262.1, 319.1, 331.1, 342.1, 342.2, 342.3, 428.1, OG.5, OG.6, DM.1, DM.3, DM.6, DM.10, DM.14, DM.15
Japanese Americans, 49.1, 59.1, 208.3, 210.1-210.3, 220.1
Japanese War Ministry, 238.2
Java, 84.1
Jennings, Humphrey, OG.9
Jews, 48.1, OG.2, DM.6
John Hickman Collection, DM.11
Joint New Weapons Committee, 218.1
Judge Advocate Division, War Crimes Branch (U.S. Army Commands), 338.2-338.3
Judge Advocate General (Army), Office of the Chief of (RG 153)
Jungle warfare, 38.2, 111.5, 127.2
Justice, Department of (RG 60)
Kaltenbach, Frederick Wilhelm, 60.1, 262.1
Kandy, Ceylon, 226.1
Kerr, Robert S., 188.2
KIRO (radio station), DM.15
Kiska Island, 111.6
Knox, Frank, 179.3, 229.1
Koch, Ilsa, 153.1
Kok-saghyz production, 54.1
Krupp armament works, 238.1, 238.2
Kunming, China, 226.1
Labor-management relations, 179.2
LaGuardia, Fiorello H., 188.2, DM.14
Land Management, Bureau of (RG 49)
Landmarks, 18.1, 59.2, 342.1, A.13
Lang, Fritz, DM.5
Laval, Pierre, 262.1
Ledo Road, 111.5
Lee, Russell, A.12, A.13
Lend-lease aid, 18.3, 59.1, 208.2, 208.4, OG.9
Lenfilm, OG.11
Leopold, Sgt. John F., A.9
Leyte Island, Philippines, 208.2
Library of Congress, 111.8
Lidice, Czechoslovakia, 229.1
Lieb, Jack, DM.2
Lindbergh, Charles A., DM.10
London, England, 226.1
Lorentz, Lt. Col. Pare, 18.2, A.12, A.13
Low Countries, OG.2
Luftwaffe, OG.2, DM.15
Luxembourg, 332.1
MacArthur, General Douglas, 111.5, 165.2, 331.1, DM.10, DM.15
McNair, Gen. Lesley J., 337.1
Machinery, 54.1, 111.10
decoding, 64.1
Maelzer, Lt. Gen. Kurt, 153.2
Magidoff, Robert, OG.11
Mail, transportation of, A.11
Malmedy, Belgium, 338.2
Manhattan Engineering District, 77.1-77.2
Manhattan (ship), 26.2
Manzanar Relocation Center, CA, 49.1
Maps, 18.1, 65.1, 331.1
Marburg Central Collecting Point, 260.3
Mariana Islands, 38.1, 127.2, 342.3
Marine Corps Motion Picture and Television Archives, 127.2
Marine Division, Second, A.9
Marshall Islands, 38.1, 127.3
Marshall Plan, 286.1, 306.1
Maryland, University of, DM.14
Mauthausen concentration camp, DM.7
Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of (RG 52), I.6
Medicine, practice of, I.13, 15.1, 111.1, 112.1, 127.1, 338.2, 428.1, DM.2, DM.7
Mediterranean Sea, OG.5
Mellon Institute, 171.2
Merchant Marine, 178.2
Messina, Sicily, 18.2
Mexico, 95.1
Middle East, OG.9
Midway, 80.1, 80.2, 127.3, 306.1
Military command facilities, 18.1
Military Government for Germany (US), Office of (OMGUS), 111.7, 260.1
Military installations, I.12, 18.1, 111.1, 226.1, 229.1, 319.1
Military personnel, I.13, 18.1, 64.1, 111.1, 117.1, 121.1, 162.1, 226.1, 306.2, 319.1, 331.1, 336.1, 338.1, 338.2, 342.2, 391.1, 407.1
American Indian, 75.1
Brazilian, 229.1
Chinese, 226.1
Coast Guard, 26.1
German, OG.1
Japanese, 127.3
"Milo Ryan Phonarchive Collection, The", DM.15
Mine warfare, 38.1
Mineral resources, 169.1
Mobile, AL, 208.3
Moffet, Al, DM.8
Montgomery, Bernard, 111.1
Monuments, 239.1
Moore, Garry, DM.14
Mora, Phillipe, DM.8
Moreland, George C., DM.11
Mosfilm, OG.11
Motion Picture Bureau (Office of War Information), 208.2
Munich Central Collecting Point, 260.3
Murrow, Edward R., 178.2, DM.10
Museum of Modern Art, 111.8
Mussolini, Benito, I.29, 262.1, OG.7, DM.15
Mutual Broadcasting System (MBS), DM.11
Nagaski, Japan, I.28, 77.1, 243.1, 243.2, 342.3, DM.6
Naples, Italy, 18.2
National Archives and Records Administration (RG 64)
National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized (RG 242)
National Archives Collection of World War II Crimes Records (RG 238)
National Archives Conference on Captured German and Related Records, 64.2
National Archives Conference on Research on the Second World War, 64.2
National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 215.2, OG.11, DM.9, DM.11
National Defense Advisory Commission, 48.1
National Guard, 145.1
National parks, 79.1
National Park Service (RG 79)
National Research Committee, 227.1
National Safety Council, 171.3
National Socialist German Workers' Party, 238.2, OG.2. See also Nazi Party.
National Youth Administration (RG 119)
Naval Combat Photographic Units, A.5
Naval Districts and Shore Establishments
(RG 181) Naval Operations, Office of the Chief of (RG 38)
Naval Personnel, Bureau of (RG 24)
Naval Photographic Center, I.17, 428.1
Naval School of Photography, A.5, A.8
Naval Shore Establishments, 71.1, 80.1
Navigational aids, 18.1
Navy, Department of the, 1798-1947 (RG 80), 127.2
Navy, Department of the, 1947- (RG 428), 127.2
Navy Nurse Corps, 52.1
Navy Photographic Science Laboratory, I.17
Nazi Party, I.29, 111.7, 131.1, 131.2, 131.3, 226.4, 238.2, OG.1, OG.2.
Nelson, Donald M., 179.3, 188.2
Netherlands, The, 332.1
Netherlands East Indies, 239.1, DM.3
New Britain, 18.3
New Guinea, 18.2, 18.3
New York City, NY, 131.3
New York Navy Yard, 181.1
New York Press Club, DM.14
New York Times
Paris Bureau, 306.1
Newport News, VA, 336.1
Newsmaps, 44.1
Newspaper clippings, 111.1, 407.1
Newsreels, I.17, I.19, I.21, 18.2, 18.3, 59.2, 111.3, 111.6, 111.8, 208.2, 342.3, 428.1, OG.3, OG.5, OG.6, OG.9, OG.10, OG.11, DM.2, DM.3, DM.4
Nippon Eiga Studios, 342.3
Normandy, France, 26.2, 52.1, 226.1, DM.15
North Atlantic, 18.2, DM.3
Northern Ireland, 226.1, 332.1
NOVA (television series), DM.7
Nuremburg, Germany, 238.2, OG.2
Oahu, HI, 65.1
Occupation Headquarters, World War II (RG 260)
Offenburg, Germany, 131.2
Okinawa, 18.2, 80.1, 80.2, 127.2, 127.3
Olivier, Laurence, DM.6
Oral history interviews, DM.6
Ordnance, 111.10, 342.3
German, 77.1
testing of, 111.4
Oregon Shipbuilding Corp., 178.1
Osaka Mainichi Newspaper Publishing Co., 238.2
Outtakes, I.20, I.23, 18.2, 80.3, 342.3, DM.9
Pacific Theater of Operations, 18.3, 26.1, 38.2, 107.1, 111.2, 127.1, 127.2, 127.3, 165.2, 428.1, A.5, A.7, A.8, A.9, A.10
Palau Islands, 56.2
Palestine, 239.1
Panama Canal Zone, 18.2, DM.3
Panay incident, OG.7
Paris, France, OG.2
Patterson, Robert P., 107.1
Patton, Gen. George S., 111.1, 332.1, DM.15
Peace demonstrations, 119.1
Pearl Harbor, 65.1
Peenemunde, Germany, OG.3, DM.7
Peleliu Island, 56.2
Peru, 234.1
Petain, Henri, 262.1
Peter, King of Yugoslavia, 208.2
Petroleum industry, 18.3
Philippine Islands, 80.1, 165.2, 208.2, 226.2, 239.1, 268.1, 407.1, OG.6
Philippine War Damage Commission (RG 268)
Photo Review, 208.1
Photographic research, A.1
Pictorial Engineering and Research Laboratory, A.1
Pius Xl, Pope, OG.7
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering (RG 54)
Ploesti, Romania, 18.2, 18.3
Poland, 226.4, 229.1, 238.1, OG.1, OG.2, DM.1, DM.13, DM.15
Porter, Paul, 188.2
Posters, 44.1, 56.1, 59.1, 95.1, 156.1, 179.1, 188.1, 208.1, 229.1, 287.1, 331.1, A.15
Poston, Theodore, A.15
Potsdam conference, 80.1
Pound, Ezra, I.30, 262.1
Prejudice, 111.9
Presbyterian Church, 210.2
Press conferences, I.30
Price Administration, Office of (RG 188), I.4, 48.1
Price controls, 188.1, 188.2
Prisoners of war, 16.1, 127.1, 208.1, 238.2, 319.1, 331.1, 338.2
Japanese, 18.3
Private Snafu, 111.6
Propaganda, I.16. I.17, I.26, I.30, 38.2, 56.2, 59.2, 60.1, 84.1, 111.6, 111.8, 111.9, 179.2, 226.2, 226.4, 229.3, 262.1, OG.2, OG.7, DM.5
"Prostitution and the War" (filmstrip), 215.1
Psychological warfare, 38.2, 165.2
Publications of the US Government (RG 287)
Public Broadcasting System, DM.7
Public Building Service (RG 121)
Public Health Service, 215.2
Public Housing Administration (RG 196)
Public Roads, Bureau of (RG 30)
Pyle, Ernie, 38.2, 165.2
Quebec conferences, 111.6
Raack, Richard C., DM.8
Rabaul, New Britain, 18.3
Radar, 218.1, 227.2
Radio broadcasts, I.26, I.27, I.28, I.29, I.30, 18.5, 38.2, 56.3, 127.3, 162.2, 178.2, 179.3, 188.2, 208.4, 229.3, DM.10, DM.14, DM.15
Rationing, I.5, 16.1, 145.1, 188.1, 188.2, 208.3, 331.1, DM.2
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RG 234)
Recreational facilities,
Recruitment, military, 18.5, 24.1, 127.3, A.6, A.10
Red Cross, 121.1, 208.2, 208.4, DM.2
Swedish, 59.1
Refugees, 208.2, 208.3, 210.1, 260.1, 319.1, 331.1, DM.10
Rehabilitation services, 15.1, 111.9
Repatriates, 59.1
Rescue activities, 171.1, 171.2
Revista Alemana, OG.1
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 262.1, OG.1
Riefenstahl, Leni, OG.2
Road construction, 30.1, 111.5
Roberts Commission, 239.1
Roberts, Owen J., 239.1
Rock Island Arsenal, IL, 156.1
Rocket bombs, OG.9
Rocket research, OG.3, DM.7
Romania, 18.3
Rome, Italy, OG.9
Rommel, Gen. Erwin, 111.1, OG.1, OG.2, OG.9
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 179.2
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 48.1, 64.1, 79.1, 80.2, 111.1, 178.2, 208.2, 208.4, 262.1, DM.1, DM.5, DM.9, DM.10, DM.14, DM.15
Rubber, 16.1, 54.1, 95.1, 234.1
Rubber Development Corporation, 234.1
Russia, 18.3, 111.8, OG.1, OG.2, OG.4, OG.8, OG.9, OG.10, OG.11, DM.1, DM.5, DM.6, DM.13
Russo-Finnish War, 306.1
Ryan, Milo, DM.15
Saboteurs, 226.4
German, 65.1
St. Louis, MO, 131.2
Salerno, Italy, 165.2
San Francisco Conference, 208.2
Sandburg, Carl, 178.2
Schafer, Ernst, 319.2
Schools, 121.1
Scientific research, 48.1
Scientific Research and Development, Office of (RG 227)
Scotland, 226.1
Scrap metal
Screen magazines, I.17
Sea battles, 19.1
Seabees, 24.1, 71.1
Seattle, University of, DM.15
Seattle, WA, DM.15
Selective Service System, 48.1, 162.1
Shaw, George Bernard, DM.10
Shipbuilding industry, 38.2, 178.1, 181.1
Ships, 19.1, 26.1, 80.1, 181.1, 428.1, A.5
Ships, Bureau of (RG 19), I.6
Shipyards, 19.1, 181.1
Shortwave Radio messages, I.29, I.30, DM.10
Sicily, 226.4, OG.9
Signal Corps Photographic Center, A.1
Signal Corps Photographic Laboratory, A.1
Smokescreens, 18.3
Social Security Administration (RG 47)
Society for the Study of Public Relations in France, DM.10
Solomon Islands, 80.2
Somaliland, OG.5
Sourillan, Prof. Jose, DM.10
South America, 18.2, 229.1-229.3
South Atlantic, 18.2
South Pacific, 18.2, 127.1, A.10
Soviet Central Studio of Documentary Films, OG.11
Speeches, I.30, 48.1, 56.3, 131.3, 162.2, 171.3, 178.2, 179.3, 188.2, 208.4, 226.5, 238.2, 238.3, 262.1, 306.2, OG.7, DM.10, DM.11, DM.12, DM.14, DM.15
Speer, Albert, 238.3, OG.7
Sri Lanka, 226.1
Stalin, Josef, DM.10
State, Department of (RG 59)
Steichen, Edward, I.9, A.6, A.7
Sternberg, Joseph von, 59.2
Stimson, Henry L., 165.2
Strategic Services, Office of (RG 226), I.6
Submarine warfare, 26.2, 38.2, 428.1, OG.2, OG.4
Supply activities, 18.2, 208.1
Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 331.1
Surgeon General (Army), Office of the (RG 112), 342.3
Surrender ceremonies, 80.1, 127.3, 208.1, DM.10
Sydnor, Charles W., Jr., DM.8
Taft, Robert A., 188.2
Taiwan, 319.1
Tarawa Island, 127.2, 208.2, A.9
Task Force 58, 80.2
Teheran conference, 80.1
Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards (RG 220)
Thailand, 18.2, 18.3
Thames Television, DM.6
Tibet, 319.2
Topography, 18.1, 18.2, 38.1, 111.6
Tokyo, Japan, 18.2, 127.3
Tokyo Rose, I.30, 262.1
Town Hall, Inc., DM.13
Trade agreements, 208.4
Training films, I.17, I.19, I.22, 80.3, 111.1, 111.9, 127.2, 171.2, 179.1, 179.3, 208.1, OG.4, OG.9, OG.10
Training programs, 38.1, 69.1, 111.1, 127.3, 145.1, 160.1, 226.1, 226.3, 226.4, 337.1, 407.1, A.1, A.2, A.4, A.6, A.8
Transportation, Office of the Chief of (RG 336)
Treason trials, 60.1
Treasury, Department of the (RG 56), I.28
Trinity Project, 77.2
Trotsky, Leon, DM.10
Truman, Harry S., 64.1, 79.1, 111.1, 188.2, 208.4, 262.1, DM.10
Tule Lake Relocation Center, CA, 49.1
Tunesia, 226.1
Tuskegee Air Field, AL, 18.1
Twentieth Century Fox, DM.5
Typhus, 112.1
Ueno Museum, Tokyo, 331.1
Uniforms, 52.1
U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), OG.1, DM.1
United Nations, 306.1, 306.2
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 208.4
General Assembly, opening session, 208.4
Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 208.4
U.S.A. (magazine), 208.1
US Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations (RG 342)
US Army, 111.1, 171.3, 210.1
US Army Commands (RG 338)
US Cadet Nurse Corps, 215.2
US Civil Administration of the Ryuku Islands, 260.2
US Coast Guard (RG 26), A.10
US Information Agency (RG 306)
US Joint Chiefs of Staff (RG 218)
US Marines (RG 127), 38.2, 80.1, 80.2, 80.3, A.8, A.9
US Maritime Commission (RG 178)
US Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 238.1, 238.4
US Naval Reserve, A.6
US Navy, 71.1, 72.1, 127.2, 226.1, 226.3, 229.1, DM.3, A.5-A.7
US Regular Army Mobile Units (RG 391)
US Savings Bond Division, 56.1
US Senate, Interstate Commerce Committee, DM.5
U.S.S. Augusta, 80.1
U.S.S. Callaway, DM.1
U.S.S. Lexington, A.6
U.S.S. Missouri, 80.1
U.S.S. Panay, 111.6
U.S.S. Westpoint, DM.1
US Signal Corps, I.11, I.16, I.17, 111.1-111.10, 238.2, 238.3, 331.1, DM.7, A.1, A.2, A.4
US Strategic Bombing Survey (RG 243), I.6, I.28, 342.3
US Theaters of War, World War II (RG 332)
University of California, Berkely, 119.1
V-E Day, I.29, 38.2, 79.1, 208.1, 306.2, DM.14, DM.15
V-J Day, I.29, 79.1, 208.1, 306.2, DM.10, DM.12, DM.14, DM.15
Venereal disease, 111.10
Veterans, 15.1
Veterans Administration (RG 15)
Victory Farm Volunteers, 16.1, 33.1
Victory gardens, 16.1
Victory (magazine), 208.1
Voice of America, I.30, 208.1, 306.2
Von Braun, Werner, DM.7
Waffen-SS, OG.1
Wainwright, Gen. Jonathan M., 165.2, 319.1
Wakefield (ship), 26.2
Wales, 226.1
Walter Wanger Productions, DM.5
War Assets Administration (RG 270)
War bonds, I.28, 38.2, 56.1, 56.2, 56.3, 111.6, 208.1, DM.2, DM.4
War correspondents, I.28, 127.3, DM.2
War crimes trials, 111.2, 111.7, 153.1, 153.2, 238.1-238.4, 338.1, OG.2, OG.6, OG.7, DM.10
War crimes tribunals, I.6, 111.7, 238.1-238.4
War criminals, 319.1
War damage, 268.1, 331.1, 342.1, DM.1, DM.8
War Department, 111.8, A.2, I.17
War Department General and Special Staffs (RG 165)
War Food Administration, 145.1, 287.1
War Hemp Industries, Inc., 16.1
War Information, Office of (RG 208), I.5, I.15, I.18, I.30, 59.2, 171.3, OG.9, OG.10, A.14-A.16
War Manpower Commission, 287.1
War memorials, 66.1
War mobilization plans, I.16
War, Office of the Secretary of (RG 107)
War production, I.5, 18.5, 33.1, 38.2, 44.1, 47.1, 48.1, 56.2, 111.9, 179.1, 179.2, 208.1, 208.2
War Production Board (RG 179), 48.1, 287.1
War relief agencies, 44.1, 260.1
War Relocation Authority (RG 210), I.4, 49.1
War Resources Planning Board, 48.1
War Still Picture Pool, I.10
War surplus material, 59.1, 270.1
Warner Bros., DM.5
Warsaw, Poland, 238.1
Washington, DC, DM.14
Washington, University of, DM.9
WAVES, 24.1
Weapons, 80.1, 111.1, 111.4, 127.1, 156.1, 319.1
strategic, 218.1
West Germany, 238.3
Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, 260.3
Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 342.2
WJSV/WTOP (radio station), DM.14
Women, I.5, 24.1, 38.2, 47.1, 48.1, 80.1, 86.1, 208.1, 208.3, 306.1
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, 145.1
Women's Bureau (RG 86)
Women's Land Army, 16.1, 33.1
Woodrum Committee on Compulsory Military Training, 1945, 165.2
Works Progress Administration (RG 69)
World Health Organization, 208.4,
World Security Conference, DM.15
World War I, I.16
Wyler, William, 18.2
Yalta conference, 80.1, 208.4
Yards and Docks, Bureau of (RG 71)
Yokohama, Japan, 18.2
Yosemite National Park, 79.1
Young Men's Christian Association, 171.3
Yugoslavia, 226.4
Zacharias, Capt. Ellis M., 208.4
Note: Compiled by Barbara Burger, William Cunliffe, Jonathan Heller, William T. Murphy, and Les Waffin. Published by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC. Revised 1992.
This web version, originally created in 1999 and periodically updated, may differ from the paper edition. Possible differences include: updated names of NARA organizational units, corrected errors of fact, and incorporation of new descriptive information. Whenever new descriptive information has been added, it has been coded to display between brackets [] and in italics. In addition, the main text has been artificially split into four parts, by record group, to improve efficiency of storage, retrieval, and use.