The Record - May 1998
May 1998 - Vol. 4, No. 5
Working with Teachers and Students
Education Specialist Wynell Schamel at Primary Teaching Workshop.
Third graders at The Brent School in Washington, DC working with copies of
records from the National Archives.
In This Issue
- From the Archivist: Which Records
Should We Keep? How the Public Can Help Decide by John W. Carlin
- Editor's Column
- At the Presidential Libraries:
Building Bridges Between the Museum and the Classroom by Timothy Walch
and Mary Evans
- From the Regions: The Hartranft Affiliated
Archives by Kris T. Althoff
- Family History: Clues in Census Records,
1790-1840 by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens
- NARA Online
- Accessions and Openings
- Declassifications
- Grants and Awards
- Publications
- American Originals: Sun Yat-Sen Initial Arrival
- Competing Claims Resolved for
Kennedy Materials
- Conference: Cold War History and
- Documentary Editing and Publishing:
The Search for Lincoln's Legal Papers: A Mutual Accomplishment of Archivists
and Historians by Stacy Pratt McDermott
- Funding Foreign Policy: General
Records of the Department of the Treasury Pertaining to American Foreign Policy
by Kenneth Heger
- Hill History: "Our Mothers Before
Us" - A New Teaching Resource by Richard Hunt
- Searching for Records Relating to Nazi Gold:
Part II by Greg Bradsher
- Teaching Approaches: "Evidence!
Evidence! All You People Talk About is Evidence!" by Sheldon Stern
- U.S. Archivist Issues Bulletin on Disposition
of Electronic Records
- Volunteer Ventures: OSS Project: General
Donovan's Files
- What Are Affiliated Archives?
by Jerry L. Wallace
- NARA Directory