The Record - May 1998
National Archives
Washington, DC Area
Declassification and Initial Processing Division
General Records of the Department of State (Record Group 59, 126 cubic feet). All recent declassifications were in conjunction with archival processing and are listed under "Accessions and Openings."
Federal Bureau of Investigation (RG 65, 151 cubic feet). All recent declassifications were in conjunction with archival processing and are listed under "Accessions and Openings."
Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State (RG 84, 60 cubic feet). American Embassy Panama City, Consular Section, General Correspondence, 1936-48. American Consulate Colon, General Correspondence, 1941-1945. Materials open. Contact Archives II Civilian Records (301) 837-3480.
Agency for International Development (RG 286, 185 cubic feet). Bureau East Africa, Office of the Assistant Administrator for East Africa, Subject Files, 1966-68. Bureau East Asia, Office of the Assistant Administrator for East Asia, Briefing Books, 1963-68, Subject Files, 1965-67.
Office of Program and Policy Coordination, Formerly TOP SECRET Development Plans, 1948-66. Office of Southeast Asian Affairs, Laos Desk, Program Development Project Files Relating to Narcotics Control in Laos, 1970-76. Executive Secretariat, Chronological Files, 1968; Country and Regional Files, 1966-82; Mail Briefs:
Incoming/Outgoing and Internal, 1962-66; Subject Files, 1965-1982 USAID Brazil Public Safety Division, Subject Files, 1965-72.
USAID INDONESIA Office of the Acting AID Officer/AID Director, Classified Subject Files, 1963-67; Resumption of the AID Mission to Indonesia, 1964-67. USAID VIETNAM Public Safety Division, Subject Files, 1966-69. Materials open. Contact Archives II Civilian Records (301) 837-3480.
Army Staff (RG 319, 13 cubic feet). Office of the Chief of Research and Development, Director of Plans and Programs and Budget Division, Budget Branch, Operating Program and Budget Files and Budget Guidance Files, 1972. Materials open. Contact Archives II Military Records (301) 837-3510.
Office of the Secretary of Defense (RG 330, 42 cubic feet). Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs), Secret and Below Decimal Files, 1961. Materials open. Contact Archives II Military Records (301) 837-3510.
Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff) (RG 341, 5 cubic feet). Assistant Auditor General, Contract Audits, 1961-64. Materials open. Contact Archives II Military Records (301) 837-3510.
2313 Red River Street
Austin, Texas 78705
During the last two quarters, the Library submitted 325 new mandatory review
cases, totaling 6,208 pages, for declassification review. Washington agencies
returned 5,253 pages of reviewed material during these quarters. Of these, 3,344
pages were declassified; 1,360 pages were released with excisions; and 549 pages
were exempted from declassification. One hundred fifty-two cases were closed.
Processing continued on the material which had been returned to the Library during the last two quarters from the Remote Archives Capture (RAC) Project, an interagency program in which documents from the National Security File, Country File, Vietnam, were scanned and transmitted in digital form for declassification review. During the last two quarters, 16,533 pages were declassified in full; 115 pages released with excisions; and 417 pages exempted from declassification.
Columbia Point
Boston, MA 02125
(617) 929-4500
The Remote Archives Capture Project (RAC) project was conducted at the Kennedy
Library in February and March. The RAC is an effort of the Presidential Libraries
and security agencies to optically scan all documents in each library's holdings
which contain classified information which the library does not have authority
to review for declassification. The scanned items would then be forwarded to
the appropriate reviewing agency for declassification review and the results
of that review would be forwarded to the library for action.
In preparation are the one million pages of documents housed in the Kennedy Library which were deemed to contain classified information were reviewed by Library staff who determined that approximately 250,000 pages would require scanning. The remaining pages will be reviewed in house at a later date. By the end of the project, 261,447 images had been scanned with approximately 220,000 images being actual document pages and the remainder being cataloging sheets.
An additional result of the project was that over a 10 week period every box in the Library containing classified material was opened and surveyed. Intellectual control of the material is now complete and Library staff know which materials contain information to review and which materials do not need declassification review before they may be processed and opened for research use.
1000 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(734) 741-2218
During the second quarter the Gerald R. Ford Library submitted 23 documents
(137 pages) for mandatory declassification review on behalf of four requesters.
During that time the agencies acted on 27 documents (137 pages) with 14 documents
(37 pages) being
declassified in full; 9 documents (36 pages) being declassified in part; and
4 documents (64 pages) being exempted in full. The topics covered include South
Korean nuclear reprocessing, the Greece/Turkey/Cyprus conflict, and Henry Kissinger's
trip to China in 1975.
200 S.E. 4th
Abilene, KS 67410
(913) 263-4751
For the second quarter of FY 98, the Eisenhower Library forwarded to Washington
1,565 pages of security classified material under provisions of the mandatory
review program. Most of the documents were from the papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower
as President (Ann Whitman File); the records of the U.S. President's Committee
on International Information Activities (Jackson Committee); the papers of the
White House Office, National Security Council Staff; the records of the White
House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
OSANSA; and the records of the White House Office, Office of the Staff Secretary.
During the quarter the agencies returned 561 pages of declassified material, 711 pages of material declassified in part and 70 pages of exempted material through the mandatory review program. Openings of interest through mandatory review included six NSC Summaries of Discussion, 21 Apr 55-22 Jan 58, totaling 97 pages from the Ann Whitman File (NSC Series); three reports and papers re Vietnam (22 August 55, 21 pages; 12 Feb 57, 17 pages; and 12 Apr 57, 21 pages) from the NSC Staff Papers (OCB Central Files Series); reports and papers on Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos (6 July 53, 14 pages), Germany (20 Nov 52, 24 pages and 9 Oct 52, 34 pages), Escapees from the Soviet Orbit (20 Dec 51, 11 pages and 15 Jan 53, 17 pages), Communist Power in Italy (21 Feb 52, 31 pages) and the National Psychological Effort (29 July 53, 86 pages) from the NSC Staff Papers (NSC Registry Series); and one report, "A Crossroads in Western Europe--Rethinking our European Policy," 21 Apr 59 (12 pages) from OSANSA (OCB Series, Subject Subseries).
The Library staff applied systematic declassification review guidelines furnished by the Department of State and other agencies to mandatory review requests before submitting such requests to agencies. As a result of onsite systematic review, the staff declassified 35,212 pages during this period relating to such topics as OCB activities, outer space, the U-2 incident, guided missile programs, military budgets, Eisenhower's views on national security, U.S. negotiating position on Berlin, Nathan Twining's speech on strategic posture, the 1957 Bermuda meeting, Eisenhower's "Candor Speech," the July 1955 Geneva Conference, Presidential trips to various countries (Mexico-1959, Europe-1959, Europe/Asia/Africa-1959, Latin America-1960, Russia/Japan/Far East-1960, Summit Meeting-1960), mutual security, NATO, Stalin's death, U.S.-Canadian Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, briefing books re heads of state visits, the President's Committee to Study the U.S. Military Assistance Program, East-West trade, "Buy American," Soviet Economic Penetration, Asian Regional Economic Development and Cooperation CARED, Foreign Worker Organizations, Africa South of the Sahara, anti-trust task force working papers, the Special UN Fund for Economic Development SUNFED, State Department intelligence estimates, and other items related to national security issues and foreign policy.