Prologue: 2007 Index
82nd Airborne Division, 2-18–25
"82nd Airborne's 'Jumping JAG', The," by Fred L. Borch, 2-18–25
"200th Anniversary of the Survey of the Coast, The," by John Cloud, 1-24–33
"1783: Subject or Citizen?" exhibit, 4-70
ABC Radio News, 4-39
"ABCs of Modern Fire Suppression in Cultural Institutions, The," conference, 4-57
Access to Archival Databases, 3-61
Achenbach, Gunter, 4-20, 4-21–22; photo, 4-19
Adams, John, 2-28
Adams, John Quincy, 4-30–31
Adjutant General's Office, 1-51; Freedmen's Branch, 1-67
Advocate, The, 2-24
African Americans, courts-martial of, 1-60–61; discrimination against by the U.S. military, 1-60–61; during the Civil War, 2-57–62; education of, 2-58, 2-60; ex-slave pension movement, 1-68–69; and the Freedmen's Bureau, 1-67; genealogical resources, 2-57–63, 4-59; history of, 3-75; marriage records, 2-60, 4-59; records relating to microfilmed, 3-54, 4-59
Air Force Judge Advocate General's Corps, 2-20
Akerson, George, 3-13
Alabama, 2-62
Alaska, coastal survey of, 1-27, 1-29
Albaugh, Jim, 2-74; photos, 1-71, 4-71
Alexander, Lamar, photo, 4-71
Alger, James, 1-12
Allen, Lt. Col. Nicholas E., 2-18–25; photos, 2-18, 2-21, 2-23
Allis, Sam, 4-38
American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas, 2-72
American flag, 2-8, 2-10; illus., 2-7
American Institute for Conservation and Heritage Preservation, 3-56
"American Mysteries, Riddles, and Controversies!" by Timothy Walch and Maureen Harding, 2-6–10
"American Mysteries, Riddles, and Controversies!" exhibit, 2-6–10
American Red Cross, 3-25–29
Analog computers, 1-30, 1-31, 1-32
Andress, William W., 2-60
Annan, Kofi, 1-65; photo, 1-65
Annual Report of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands (1865), 2-58
Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,4-28
Annual Report of the Secretary of War (1863), 2-58
Archival Research Catalog, 3-55
Arkansas, 2-57, 2-58, 2-60, 2-62
Army Counterintelligence Corps, 4-43
Artworks, 2-72
AT&T, 2-69
Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 4-7
Atlantic coast, surveying of, 1-24–26
Attorneys, 3-62
Audiovisual records, 4-36–40
Aviation maps, 1-31
Bache, Alexander Dallas, 1-26–27, 1-29; photo, 1-28
Baer, Thomas H., 4-42, 4-44
Bainbridge, Capt. William, 1-17, 1-18, 1-21; portrait, 1-18
Baker, Howard, 2-16–17
Baker, Col. Lafayette C., 3-17, 3-18, 3-20
Baker, Newton, 2-46
Bammel, Otto, 2-17
Ban Ki-Moon, 4-4
Barbie, Klaus, 4-44
"Bard Meets the Beltway, The," 1-71
Barton, Clara, 1-54
Battle of the Bulge, 2-24
Bell, George, 3-49
Bellardo, Lewis, 3-69; photo, 3-69
Bendetti, Donald L., photo, 3-5
Beneš, Eduard, 4-23, 4-24, 4-25–26
Ben-Veniste, Richard, 4-42, 4-44
Berlin, Frederick, 1-56
Berlin, Germany, 2-12–17
Berlin Wall, 2-12–17; photos, 2-12–13, 2-17
Berryman, Clifford, 4-70
Bigfoot, 2-8, 2-9–10
Bigley, Daniel R. P., 3-18, 3-19
Billy the Kid, 2-8, 2-9
Biological warfare, 1-66
Birth control, 2-41, 2-47
Black Beaver's Spy Company, 4-48, 4-51
Black Hawk War, 4-48
Black Studies: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, 4-59
Blanca Zander White v. Alfred White, 3-61
Blue, Maj. Uriah, 4-47
Board of Geographic Names, 1-31
Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum, Austin, 2-69
Boeing Company, 1-45, 2-68–69, 2-74–75, 3-75
Boeing Learning Center, 1-44–48
Bohemia, 4-18, 4-23, 4-25, 4-26
Borch, Fred L., "The 82nd Airborne's 'Jumping JAG'," 2-18–25; photo, 2-25
Botstein, Sarah, 4-36, 4-38, 4-39, 4-40
Bounty land warrants, 4-48, 4-50, 4-51
Boylan, Richard, 1-60–61
Brady, Hugh, 2-58, 2-60
Brandenburg Gate, 2-12–13, 2-16, 2-17; photo, 2-12–13
Brezhnev, Leonid, photo,F 3-39
Brinker, Nancy, 4-4
British intelligence operations, 4-44
British navy, and the War of 1812, 1-17–22
Brothertown tribe, 4-30–31, 4-32, 4-33
Brown, John, photo, 2-48
Brown v. Board of Education, 4-56, 4-59
Buchanan, James, 2-34, 2-35–36
Buck, Solon T., 4-8
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 4-28, 4-29–30, 4-50, 4-51
Bureau of Pensions, and the ex-slave pension movement, 1-68–69
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1-67, 3-54; Pre-Bureau records, 2-57–62; field office records, 1-67, 2-58, 2-60, 4-59
Burnes, Brian, Great Plains Originals: Historic Documents from America's Heartland, 1-66
Burns, Ken, 4-36, 4-38, 4-39
Bush, George H. W., 1-41–42, 4-70; papers published, 4-59; photos, 1-42
Bush, George W., 1-42; photos, 1-42
Butler, Stuart, "Diplomacy and Duels on the High Seas," 1-16–22; photo, 1-21
Butterfield, Alexander, 3-44, 3-48
Byrd, Robert C., 2-68
Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, 4-53
Byrnes, James F., 4-24
Calhoun, John C., 4-28
Canada, 4-4, 4-5
Captured German documents, 4-18–26
Carter, Jimmy, 1-40; photo, 1-40
Carter, Samuel, 1-9
Cartography, 1-24–33
Cartoons, 4-70
Cartter, David Kellogg, 2-35; photo, 2-34
Catusco, Pvt. Carmine, 4-21; photo, 4-24
Cazort, Jane, photo, 3-28
Center for the National Archives Experience, 4-70
Central Intelligence Agency, 4-42, 4-43, 4-44
Chambers, Selvin, 3-75; photo, 3-75
Chapin, Dwight, photo, 3-42
Chapman, Mary Lou, photo, 3-28
Chase, Salmon P., 2-32–33, 2-35; photo, 2-33
"Chasing Technology," by Steve Greene, 2-48–55
Cherokee Nation, 4-47
Chesapeake, USS, 1-17
Chesapeake Bay, mapping and monitoring of, 1-29; and the War of 1812, 1-18
Chevy Chase Bank, 4-70
Chicago Tribune, 2-30, 2-32, 2-35, 2-40
Chickasaw Indians, 4-47
Chicks, Jacob, 4-33, 4-35
Chicks, John, 4-33
Chicks, Joseph, 4-35
Choctaw Indians, 4-47–48
Citing Records in the National Archives, 2-71
Civic education, 1-4–5, 1-44–48, 2-5, 2-68, 2-74–75
"Civic Education: Lighting the Path to the Future," by Allen Weinstein, 1-4–5
Civil court records, 3-61
Civil War, and African American refugees, 2-57–63; and D.C. courts, 2-27–36; documents relating to recovered, 3-69; and habeas corpus, 2-28–31; indemnity claims, 1-53–54, 1-56; and Lincoln's use of the telegraph, 2-64–65; naval blockade of the Confederates, 1-27; pension claims, 1-51, 1-53; petitions for relief from court-martial sentences, 1-54; spies, 3-16–23
Civil War Conservation Corps, 3-54
Claims, war damages, 2-23; World War II, 2-23
"Clara Pix Ritter: Confederate Agent," by Lee A. Gladwin, 3-16–23
Clavell, Capt. John, 1-18–19
Cleveland, Grover, 2-36
Clinton, William J., 1-42–43; photos, 1-43, 3-40
Cloud, John, "The 200th Anniversary of the Survey of the Coast," 1-24–33; photo, 1-33
Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1-26, 1-29–30, 1-31, 1-32
Coast Survey, 1-26–33
Cocheu, George W., 4-8
Cold War, and war criminals, 4-42–45
Coleman, Julia, 1-40
Colin P. Kelly, SS, 4-7
Collins, Grace, 3-62–63
Collins, James P., "Native Americans in the Antebellum U.S. Military," 4-46–51
Colot, Thora, photo, 4-71
Comingo, Abram, 1-53–54
Commerce, U.S. Department of, 1-30, 1-32
Commission on Fish and Fisheries, 1-29
Communist Party in Czechoslovakia, 4-24–25, 4-26
Compiled military service records, 2-60, 4-46, 4-59
Confederate Army personnel records, 2-71
Confederate Navy personnel records, 2-71
Confederate Marine Corps personnel records, 2-71
Congressional Information Service (CIS) U.S. Serial Set Index, 1789–1969, 1-58
Connecticut, USS, 4-71
Connecticut Historical Society Museum, 1-11, 1-12, 1-14
Constellation, USS, 1-17–21; portrait, 1-20
Cook, Frederick A., 4-52–53
Corps of Cherokee Indians, 4-47
Correspondence and Case Files of the Bureau of Pensions Pertaining to the Ex-Slave Pension Movement, 1892–1922, microfilm publication, 1-68–69
Coulson, Adolphus, 3-60–61
Counter Intelligence Corps, 4-18
Courts-martial, 2-23; petitions for relief from sentences and penalties from, 1-54; after World War II, 1-60–61
Cowell, Bill, photo, 3-46
Cox, Tricia Nixon, 3-38; photo, 3-33
Craig, Robert W., 1-13
Crawford, Thomas, 2-33
Creek Indian War of 1813–1814, 4-47
Creek Indians, 4-47–48
Creek War of 1836, 4-48
Criminal court records, 3-59–61
C-SPAN, 1-5, 4-57
CustomFlix, 4-56–57
Customs records, 1-10–11
Czechoslovakia, 4-18–26
Dallek, Robert, Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power, 3-37, 3-64–65; photo, 3-64
Danford, Lorenzo, 1-54
Darnell, Shelby, 4-7
Davidson, George, 1-27
Davis, Garrett, 2-33–34
Decater, Stephen, 1-17
Declassified records, 1-66, 2-5, 2-69, 4-42–45
Deeben, John P., "A Final Appeal to Capitol Hill," 1-51–59; photo, 1-58
Defense Research and Engineering Network, 2-68
Delaware Indians, 4-46, 4-51
Democratic Party, and D.C. courts, 2-33–34, 2-35–36; and judges, 2-27, 2-32, 2-33–34, 2-35–36; during the Civil War, 2-27, 2-32, 2-33–34
DeWine, Michael, 4-44
Dickerson, Isaiah H., 1-68, 1-69
"Digging Deep at the National Archives," 4-36–40
Digital Asset Management, 2-55
Digital records, 3-54
"Diplomacy and Duels on the High Seas," by Stuart Butler, 1-16–22
"Discovery: 1798 Federal Direct Tax Records for Connecticut, A," by Judith Green Watson, 1-6–15
Distinguished Foreign Visitors Program, 4-4
District of Columbia, 2-62; courts, 2-33–36; in the Civil War, 2-27–36; judges, 2-27, 2-28–36
Dix, Maj. Gen. John A., photo, 3-21
Documentary films, 4-36–40
Dodge, Henry, 4-33
Dolan, Tony, 2-15, 2-16, 2-17
Doty, James Duane, 4-33
Douglass, Frederick, 1-68–69
Drábek, Jaroslav, 4-26
Drummond, Kenneth, photo, 3-54
Duberstein, Kenneth, 2-17
Duels between ships, 1-16–21
Dunlop, James, 2-30, 2-31, 2-33
Dunn, Jennifer, 4-70
Durham Western Heritage Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, 2-69
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 4-7, 4-8–9; educational programs, 1-4
Earhart, Amelia, 2-8, 2-9, 2-10
Eastman, George, photo, 2-50
Eaton, John, 4-31
Ecker, Pvt. John, 4-21; photo, 4-24
Edison, Thomas Alva, photos, 2-49, 2-50
Ehrlichman, John D., photo, 3-42
Eichmann, Adolf, 4-44
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1-39, 3-35, 4-7; photos, 1-36, 3-32
Eisenhower, Julie Nixon, 3-38; photo, 3-33
Electronic Access Project, 3-55
Electronic records, preservation of, 2-4, 2-68, 2-70, 3-55, 3-70
Electronic Records Archives, 2-4–5, 2-50, 2-55, 2-68, 3-69
Electronic Records Work Group, 3-69
Elgar, John, 1-55–56
Ellis, Albert G., 4-34
Ellis, Robert, "Looking for an Ancestor in the Panama Canal Zone, 1904–1914," 3-58–63; photo, 3-63
Elz, Dieter, 2-15
Elz, Ingeborg, 2-15, 2-17
Endocrinology, 2-41–42, 2-43, 2-44, 2-46
Environmental monitoring, 1-29, 1-32
Environmental Sciences Services Administration, 1-32
Ervin, Sam, 3-50; photo, 3-43
Espionage during the Civil War, 3-16–23
European monuments, 2-72
Euryalus, HMS, 1-17–21; illus., 1-16
Executions by the U.S. military, 1-60–61
Exhibits, 1-5, 1-34–43, 2-6–10, 2-68–69, 2-74, 4-70
Ex-slave pension movement, 1-68–69
"Eyewitness: American Originals from the National Archives," exhibit, 1-5, 1-70, 2-68–69, 2-74, 4-70
Fablevision, 1-45
Fant, Handy B., 1-57
Farquhar, William H., 1-55–56
Fatal North, by Bruce Henderson, 4-52, 4-53
Fawcett, Sharon, photo, 3-5
"FDR Asks the Future for a Favor," by Lee Ann Potter, 4-6–9
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 4-43
Federal Hall National Memorial, New York City, 1-5
Federal Theatre Project, 1-71
Felt, W. Mark, 3-44, 3-47
"Final Appeal to Capitol Hill, A," by John P. Deeben, 1-51–59
Finding aids, 1-57–58, 1-66
Finding Information on Personal Participation in World War II, brochure, 3-71
Fire suppression methods, 4-57
"First Proposal, The," by Raymond H. Geselbracht, 4-11–17
First Seminole War, 4-47–48
Fischer, Ernst, 1-30
Fisher, George P., 2-35; photo, 2-34
Florentine Films, 4-38
Florida, 2-60
Florida Mounted Volunteers, 4-48
Flowers, Betty Sue, 1-65, 2-68
Foley, D. D., 2-29, 2-31
Footnote, Inc., 1-65
Ford, Gerald R., 1-39–40, 3-37, 3-65; memorial activities for, 1-64; photos, 1-39
Foundation for the National Archives, 1-5, 1-45, 1-70–71, 2-64, 2-68–69, 2-74–75, 3-74–75, 4-70–71
Fox-Movietone News, 4-38–39
France, American courts-martial for crimes in, 1-60–61
Frank, Karl Hermann, 4-18, 4-26
Franklin, John Hope, 3-75; photos, 3-75, 4-71
Franklin, John Whittington, photo, 4-71
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 4-7, 4-8
Freedmen, during the Civil War, 2-57–62
Freedmen's Bureau, 1-67, 2-57–62, 3-54, 4-59
Freedmen's Bureau Field Office Records, brochure, 1-67
Freedom of Information Act, 2-4
Freud, Sigmund, 2-42
Fried, Ellen, "Interpreting the Interpreter," 1-60–61; "Lincoln and the Telegraph," 2-64–65; "The North Pole, Revisited," 4-52–53; "Power and Paranoia," 3-64–65
Fuller, Melville W., 3-60
Fulton, SSgt. Taylor R., 4-21, 4-22, 4-24, 4-26; photo, 4-21
Gale, Col. Thomas, 4-47
Gallagher, Jim, photo, 3-75
Gallagher and Associates, 1-45
Gallatin, Albert, portrait, 1-8
Garfinkel, Steven, 4-42, 4-43
Gavin, Maj. Gen. James E., 2-18, 2-20, 2-21, 2-23–24; photos, 2-20, 2-23
Gearhart, Margaret, 3-27
Gehlen, Reinhard, 4-44
Genealogical research, 1-5, 1-51–59, 2-57–63, 3-58–63, 3-72–73, 4-46–51, 4-58, 4-60
General Land Office, 3-71–72, 4-58
General Services Administration, 3-37, 4-56
Geodesy, 1-26–33
George H. W. Bush Library, educational programs, 1-4
Georgia, 1-12, 1-14
Gerald R. Ford Library, educational programs, 1-4; exhibits, 1-5, 2-69; memorial activities for President Ford, 1-64
Gerald R. Ford Museum, exhibits, 1-70; memorial activities for President Ford, 1-64
German Navy, 1-66–67
Germany, 2-12–17, 4-18, 4-20–26
Geselbracht, Raymond H., "The First Proposal," 4-11–17; photo, 4-17
Gladwin, Arnold Lee, 3-22
Gladwin, Lee A., "Clara Pix Ritter: Confederate Agent," 3-16–23; photo, 3-23
Goodall, Jane, 2-10
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 2-13–17; photo, 2-16
Gordon, Capt. Charles, 1-17–21
Gould, John, 3-19, 3-20, 3-22
Government of the Canal Zone v. Adolphus Coulson, 3-60–61
Grant, Ulysses S., 2-65
Grants, 3-70, 3-75
Gray, L. Patrick, 3-44
Great Plains Originals: Historic Documents from America's Heartland, by Brian Burnes, 1-66
"Great White Fleet Sails, The," 4-72
Greeley, Horace, 2-32, 2-35
Greene, Steve, "Chasing Technology," 2-48–55; photo, 2-55
Griscom, Tom, 2-15, 2-16–17
Grove, Martha, photo, 2-74
Grover, Wayne C., 4-8–9
"Guadalcanal Record of Events," 2-76
Guggenheim, Charles, 4-39
Guides to Microfilmed Records of the German Navy, 1850–1945, 1-66–67
Guilloux, Louis, 1-60–61
Gulf Coast, surveying of, 1-27
Gulley, Marge, photo, 3-28
Habeas corpus, writs of, 2-28–36
Haig, Alexander, 3-44, 3-50, 3-64; photo, 3-43
Haldeman, H. R., 3-45, 3-47, 3-48, 3-64, 3-65; photo, 3-42
Halleck, Maj. Gen. Henry, 3-76
Hamburg, Doris, 3-52, 3-53
Hannum, Ginny, photo, 3-28
Harding, Maureen, "American Mysteries, Riddles, and Controversies!" 2-6–10; photos, 2-10, 4-57
Harrell, Capt. Abram Davis, 1-57
Harrell, Helen, 1-57
Harriman, Gail, photo, 3-53
Harris, Ira, 2-33, 2-34
Harrison, John, 3-18, 3-19
Harry S. Truman Library, 1-65
Harvard Medical School, 2-41–42
Hassler, Ferdinand, 1-24, 1-26–27, 1-30, 1-33
Haynsworth, Mary, photo, 3-24
Hearlan, A. W., 2-57
Henderson, Bruce, True North: Peary, Cook, and the Race to the Pole, 4-52–53
Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, 2-76
Hendrick, Capt. Abner W., 4-47
Hendricks, James, 1-60–61
Hendricks, Solomon U., 4-31, 4-35
Herbert Hoover Library, 3-7; exhibits, 2-6–10
"Herbert Hoover's Boy Biographer," by Glen Jeansonne, 3-6–14
Heydrich, SS Lt. Gen. Reinhard, 4-18
Hilgard, Julius, 1-27
Hiss, Alger, 3-49–50
History Channel, 1-47
Hitler, Adolf, 4-44
Ho-Chunk tribe, 4-29, 4-30
Holtzman, Elizabeth, 4-42, 4-44
"Honoring a Sacred Obligation to History," by Allen Weinstein, 3-4–5
Hoover, Herbert, 1-31, 1-36, 3-6–14; photos, 1-34, 3-6, 3-10
Hoover, Ike, 3-13–14
Hoover, Lou Henry, 3-9, 3-14; photo, 3-10
Horsley, Michael, 3-55
House, Callie D., 1-68, 1-69
Huff, Preston, 2-70
Hufford, Harold E., 1-57
Husseini, Amin el, 4-44
Index to Compiled Military Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served with the United States Colored Troops, 2-60
Index to Indian War Pension Files, 1892–1926, microfilm publication, 4-51
Index to Mexican War Pension Files, 1887–1926, microfilm publication, 4-51
Index to War of 1812 Pension Application Files, microfilm publication, 4-50–51
Indian Wars, 4-46–48, 4-51
Insanity cases, 2-38–47, 3-61
Intelligence operations, records relating to, 4-42–45
Intercollegiate Studies Institute National Civic Literacy Board, 2-75
International Council of Archivists, 4-4
International Group for Historic Aviation Recovery (TIGHAR), 2-9
Internet, 1-5, 2-5, 2-68, 2-74, 4-57
Interpreter, The, by Alice Kaplan, 1-60–61
"Interpreting the Interpreter," by Ellen Fried, 1-60–61
Intertribal treaties, 4-29–35
Isbell, Lisa, photo, 3-53
Isthmian Canal Commission, 3-59
Jackson, Andrew, 4-28–29, 4-31, 4-47
Jackson administration, 4-32
Japan, 1-66, 2-69, 2-76
Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act of 2000, 4-42
Japanese War Crimes and Related Topics: A Guide to Records at the National Archives, 1-66
Jeansonne, Glen, "Herbert Hoover's Boy Biographer," 3-6–14; photo, 3-14
Jefferson, Thomas, 1-11, 1-24, 2-28
Jews, Nazi planning to persecute, 4-43–44
Jimmy Carter Library, exhibits, 1-5, 1-70, 2-69
John F. Kennedy Library, 1-64
John Hancock Financial Services, 3-75
Johnson, Lady Bird, 1-65, 3-68; photo, 1-65
Johnson, Lyndon B., 1-39, 3-5, 3-68; photos, 1-38
Joholske, Charles, photo, 3-53
Joline, Maj. Charles O., 3-18–19
Jones, E. Lester, 1-30, 1-31
Jones, William, 1-18
Judge Advocate General (Army), 1-60–61
Judge advocates, 2-18, 2-21
Judges, federal, 2-27–36
Judiciary Act of 1801, 2-28, 2-33
Kansas, 4-32
Kansas City, Missouri, 4-56
Kansas City Star Books, 1-66
Kaplan, Alice, The Interpreter, 1-60–61
Kelly, Colin P., Jr., 4-6–9
Kelly, Colin P., Sr., photo, 4-7
Kelly, Colin P., III, 4-6–9; photos, 4-7, 4-8
Kelly, Marion Wick, 4-8; photo, 4-7
Kempf, Edward J., 2-42–47; photo, 2-47
Kennedy, John F., 1-39, 3-35, 4-70; photos, 1-37, 3-32
Kent, Connecticut, 1-7, 1-9, 1-10–11, 1-14, 1-15
Khrushchev, Nikita, 3-35; photos, 2-54, 3-34
Kissinger, Henry, 3-35, 3-37, 3-48, 3-50, 3-64–65; photos, 3-35, 3-49, 3-65
Kleiman, Miriam, "Rich, Famous, and Questionably Sane," 2-38–47; photo, 2-47
Kurtz, Michael, 4-38, 4-43
Kutler, Stanley, 3-37
Ladies Home Journal, 3-27
Lady Bird Johnson Center, 1-65
Lamb, Brian, photo, 1-71
Land claims, 1-56
Larkin, Jack, 1-13
Leeman, 1st Lt. William J. "Wayne," 4-21
Leff, Deborah, 1-64
Library and Archives Canada, 4-5, 4-70
Library of Congress, 4-53
Life magazine, 3-27, 4-7
Life Saving Service, 2-71
Lighthouse Service, 2-71
Lincoln, Abraham, 2-6, 2-8, 2-27, 3-76; assassination of, 3-16–17; and D.C. courts, 2-34–35; and habeas corpus, 2-30–31; and judges, 2-27–28, 2-29, 2-30–36; and the telegraph, 2-64–65
"Lincoln and the Telegraph," by Ellen Fried, 2-64–65
"Lincoln's Own Words, Newly Discovered," 3-76
Lindbergh, Charles, Jr., 2-8; photo, 2-9
"Listening to Nixon," by Samuel W. Rushay, Jr., 3-42–51
Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1-7
Little Rock, Arkansas, 2-58, 2-60
"Looking for an Ancestor in the Panama Canal Zone, 1904–1914," by Robert Ellis, 3-58–63
Louisiana, 2-60, 2-62
Loyalty oaths, 2-35–36
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, educational programs, 1-4; farewell to Lady Bird Johnson, 3-68; Lady Bird Johnson Center, 1-65, 3-68; renovations, 1-65
Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 2-68
Madison, James H., "Wearing Lipstick to War," 3-24–29; photo, 3-29
Main, Margee, photo, 3-26
Maine, 1-11, 1-14
Major McIntosh's Company of Creek Indians, microfilm publication, 4-47
Major Uriah Blue's Detachment of Chickasaw Indians, microfilm publication, 4-47
Maloney, Caroline, 4-44
Marcy, William L., 4-34
Marriage records, 2-58, 2-60, 3-59, 3-61, 3-62–63
Marriage Records of the Office of the Commissioner, Washington Headquarters of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1861–1869, The, microfilm publication, 2-60
Marsh, Charles, 3-7, 3-13–14; photos, 3-6, 3-8, 3-11
Marsh, William J., Jr., 3-7–14; photos, 3-6, 3-8, 3-11
Martin, Morgan L., 4-33, 4-34
Maryland, 1-11, 1-14, 1-29
Maryland Historical Society, 1-11, 1-14
Masaryk, Jan, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26
Massachusetts, 1-11, 1-14, 4-32
Massie, Thalia and Thomas, 2-43; photo, 2-43
"Mastering the Politics of Government," by James W. Oberly, 4-28–35
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Complex: World War II and Postwar Records, The, Reference Information Paper, 4-58–59
Mayflower, presidential yacht, 4-72
Maynard, Sarah, 1-51, 1-53
Maynard, Thomas, 1-51
McAfrey, Thomas N., 1-57
McCarter, Ed, 4-39–40
McCormick, Anita, 2-41, 2-42, 2-47
McCormick, Cyrus, 2-38, 2-40, 2-42
McCormick, Harold, 2-41, 2-42
McCormick, Katharine Dexter, 2-38–47; photos, 2-39, 2-41
McCormick, Stanley, 2-38–47; photos, 2-39, 2-40
McCullough, David, 1-4
McDevitt, James A., 3-17, 3-18
McGill, Capt. John F., 3-62–63
McGowan, William G., 2-74
McKean, David, 2-75; photo, 2-75
McLean, Edward Beal, and Evalyn Walsh, 2-45; photo, 2-45
McMahon, David, 4-40
McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 4-23
McNatt, Missy, 1-44
McTague, Denning, 3-69
Meade, Gen. George, 3-76
Medill, William, 4-34
Meldrum, Jeffrey, 2-10
Mengele, Josef, 4-44
Menominee tribe, 4-29, 4-30–31, 4-35, 4-48
Mental illness, 2-38–47
Merrick, William Matthew, 2-26–36; photo, 2-26
Metcalfe, Mary, 3-27
Metoxen, John, 4-31, 4-35
Mexican War, 4-48, 4-51
Michigan, 4-30
Michigan Territory, 4-30
Microfilm publications, 1-68–69, 2-72–73, 3-54, 3-72–73; Alaska, 2-73; alien arrivals, 1-69, 2-73, 3-73; British Columbia, Canada, 2-73; Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1-69; Canada, 2-73, 4-60; captured German soldiers, 1-69; Certificates of Enrollment, 1-69, 2-73; Chinese passengers, 2-73; compiled military service records, 1-69, 3-73, 4-47; Connecticut, 4-60; crew lists, 1-69, 2-73; district court records, 4-60; draft cards, 1-69, 3-72–73; European Theater of Operations, World War II, 2-73; ex-slave pension movement, 1-68–69; Florida, 1-69; Freedmen's Bureau, 1-69, 2-37; Great Lakes, 2-73; headstones for military veterans, 2-73; Illinois, 3-72–73; Japan, 2-73; Louisiana, 4-60; Mediterranean Theater of Operations, World War II, 2-73; merchant vessels, 1-69; Michigan, 1-69, 3-73; military records, 1-69, 2-73, 3-72–73; Minnesota, 2-73; Missouri, 2-73; Montana, 2-73, 3-73; Mount Pleasant Indian School, 1-69; naturalization petitions, 4-60; New Jersey, 1-69; New York, 1-69, 2-73, 4-60; Office of Strategic Services, 1-69; Ohio, 4-60; passenger lists, 2-73, 4-60; propaganda, 1-69; Puerto Rico, 1-69; Revenue Cutter Shubrick, 1-69; Roberts Commission, 2-72; Texas, 3-73; Union soldiers, 1-69, 3-73; U.S. Colored Troops, 3-73; U.S. Navy muster rolls, 2-73; vessel arrivals, 4-60; vessel casualties, 2-73; Virginia, 1-69; Volunteer Union soldiers, 3-73; Wisconsin, 1-69, 2-73; World War II, 1-69, 2-73, 3-72–73
Military history, American, 1-60–61
Military intelligence operations, 4-18–26
Military personnel, Civil War, 2-28–29, 2-30; draft cards, 3-72–73; Native American, 4-46–51; records of, 2-71, 3-71; voting by, 2-23; World War II, 3-71, 3-72–73
Military Personnel Records Center, 2-5, 2-20, 2-71
Military Service Records at the National Archives, by Trevor K. Plante, 2-71
Miller, Peter, 4-38, 4-39
Miller, William, Jr., 1-11
Mills, Tom, 4-56
"Mini Page," 1-4
Minnesota, 4-34–35
Minthorn, John, 3-9
"Mission to Štĕchovice," by T. Dennis Reece, 4-18–26
Mississippi, 2-60, 2-62
Mississippi River, 1-31; map of flooding of, 1-31
Missouri, 1-53–54
Mladá Fronta, 4-25
Modern Archives Institute, 3-56, 4-4
Mohican Nation, 4-29–35
Monroe, James, 4-30, 4-31
Montague, William H., 1-11
Montour, Capt. John, 4-46
Moore, Michael T., 1-7, 1-10
Moravia, 4-18, 4-23, 4-25, 4-26
Morris, Mary A., 1-55
Morse, Jedidiah, 4-30
Morsell, James Sewall, 2-30, 2-31, 2-33
Motion pictures, 2-48, 2-51, 2-53–55, 3-54–55
Mr. Lincoln's T-mails: The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War, by Tom Wheeler, 2-64–65
Mueller, Heinrich, 4-44
Munsee tribe, 4-30–31, 4-34, 4-35
Murphy, Robert, 4-20–21, 4-23
Naftali, Timothy, 3-4, 3-34, 3-41; photo, 3-5
Napier, Capt. Charles, 1-17–21; portrait, 1-17
Naranjo, Michael, 3-48–49; photo, 3-48
National Archives II, 4-4–5
National Archives and Records Administration, access to records, 2-4–5, 2-48–55; Archivist Achievement Awards, 3-70; audiovisual records, 2-48–55, 4-36–40, 4-56–57; Center for Legislative Archives, 1-57, 4-70; digitized records, 1-65, 2-50–55; document conservation laboratory, 3-56; educational programs, 1-4–5, 1-44–48, 2-5, 2-68, 2-74–75; electronic records vaults opened, 3-70; exhibits, 1-5, 2-74, 4-5; grants, 1-5; Independence Day ceremony, 3-75; and letter to the future from FDR, 4-7–9; microfilm publications, 1-68–69, 2-72–73, 3-54, 3-72–73, 4-60; mission, 3-5, 3-52, 3-55–56; Motion Picture Branch, 4-38; news and notices, 1-64–65, 2-68–70, 3-68–70, 4-56–57; and Nixon presidential materials, 3-4–5, 3-30–41, 3-42–51; partnerships, 1-4, 1-5, 3-69–70; photographic holdings, 4-36–40; Preservation Programs, 3-52–56; publications, 1-66–69, 2-71–73, 3-71–73, 4-58–60; receives award for records preservation work, 3-56; records management awards, 3-70; recovery of stolen documents, 3-69; Still Pictures Branch, 4-39–40; strategic goals, 2-4–5; web site, 3-61, 3-69, 4-57
"National Archives and the World, The," by Allen Weinstein, 4-4–5
National Archives Building, Boeing Learning Center, 2-68, 2-74–75, 4-71; Charles Guggenheim Center for the Documentary Film, 3-74; exhibits, 1-4, 1-5, 1-34–43, 4-70; Lawrence F. O'Brien Gallery, 1-5, 2-74, 4-70; Learning Center, 1-4, 1-44–48, 2-5, 2-68, 2-74–75; Public Vaults, 1-5; shop, 1-70, 3-74; visitors to, 4-4–5; William G. McGowan Theater, 2-74, 4-70
National Archives Experience, 1-4, 1-45, 1-70, 2-74, 3-74
National Archives Regional Archives System, Central Plains Region, 4-56; Great Lakes Region, 4-60; Great Plains Region, 1-66; Northeast Region (Boston), 1-7, 1-10; Southwest Region Federal Records Center, Fort Worth, Texas, 2-70
National Archives Trust Fund, 1-70
National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2-75
National Bureau of Standards, 1-30, 1-32
National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, 2-69
National Declassification Initiative, 2-5
"National Defense Test Day," 2-69
National Endowment for the Humanities, 2-68
National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty and Pension Association of the United States of America, 1-68–69
National Historical Publications and Records Commission, grants, 3-70
National History Day, 1-5
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1-30
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1-24, 1-29, 1-32–33
National Park Service, 1-5, 1-47
National Personnel Records Center, 4-36
National Recording Preservation Act of 2000, 2-69
National Recording Registry, 2-69
National security and classified records, 4-42, 4-45
National Security Council, 2-16, 2-17, 4-42
Native American, bounty land warrants for, 4-48, 4-50; intertribal treaties, 4-29–35; removal policy, 4-28–29, 4-32, 4-33–35; and treaty negotiations, 4-28–35; in the U.S. military, 4-46–51
"Native Americans in the Antebellum U.S. Military," by James P. Collins, 4-46–51
Naturalization Petition and Record Books for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, Cleveland, microfilm publication, 4-60
Nautical charts, 1-24–33
Navajo Indians, 4-48
Navy Department, 1-17–18
Nazi war crimes, records relating to, 4-18–26
Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, 1-66, 2-69, 4-42–45
Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998, 4-42
Netherlands, the, 2-23, 2-24
Neuro-Endocrine Research Foundation, 2-41–42
Nevarro, Capt. Eugene, 3-17–23
New Hampshire, 1-12, 1-14
New Jersey, 1-12, 1-14
New York, 1-11, 1-12, 1-14, 4-30, 4-32
New York City, 1-5
New York Herald Tribune, 3-7, 3-12–13
New York Post, 4-7
New York Times, 2-32, 2-46, 4-24, 4-53
New York World, 3-14
Newsreels, 4-38–39, 4-56–57
Nixon, Hannah, photo, 3-31
Nixon, Pat, 3-37; photos, 3-32, 3-33, 3-36
Nixon, Richard M., 1-32, 1-39, 3-4, 3-5, 3-64–65; photos, 1-38, 2-54, 3-30, 3-31, 3-32, 3-33, 3-34, 3-35, 3-36, 3-38, 3-40, 3-42, 3-43, 3-47, 3-48, 3-49, 3-50, 3-65; presidential records, 3-4, 3-5, 3-30–41, 3-42–51, 3-64; and the White House tapes, 3-42–51
Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power, by Robert Dallek, 3-37, 3-64–65
Nixon Center, 3-40–41
Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, 3-37, 3-41, 3-43, 3-46–51
"Nixon's Library Now a Part of NARA," by James Worsham, 3-30–41
Nokumura, 2-9
Noland, Ella, 4-12
North Carolina, 1-14, 2-62
"North Pole, Revisited, The," by Ellen Fried, 4-52–53
Northern Light Productions, 1-45
Novick, Lynn, 4-38
Oberly, James W., "Mastering the Politics of Government," 4-28–35; photo, 4-35
O'Brien, Lawrence F., 2-74
O'Connor, Kathy, photo, 3-5
O'Driscoll, Mary, photo, 3-28
Office of Indian Affairs, 4-32
Office of Strategic Services, 4-43–44
Ohio State University, 4-53
Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts, 1-13
Olin, Abram B., 2-35; photo, 2-34
Oneida Nation, 4-30–31
"Opening the Files on War Crimes," 4-42–45
Operation "Hidden Documents," 4-18–26
Operation Market Garden, 2-23–24
Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900, microfilm publication, 2-60
Our President Herbert Hoover, by William J. Marsh, Jr., 3-7–14
Owen, 1st Lt. William J., 4-21, 4-22
Pacific Coast, surveying of, 1-27
Palaček, Lt. General, 4-23, 4-24
Panama Canal Act of 1912, 3-59
Panama Canal Zone, 3-58–63; courts, 3-59–63; map of, 3-58
Parachutists, 2-18, 2-20–21, 2-24
Paramount Newsreels, 4-38
Patents, claims regarding, 1-54, 1-55–56
Pathfinder (Coast Survey ship), illus., 1-29
Patton, Gen. George S., 1-60
Payne, John, 1-9
Peary, Adm. Robert, 4-52–53
Peirce, Benjamin, 1-30
Pennsylvania, 1-11, 1-14, 1-53
Pension Bureau, 1-51, 1-53
Pensions, Civil War, 1-51, 1-53, 1-54–55, 1-57, 1-58; for ex-slaves, 1-68–69; military, 1-51, 1-53, 1-54–55, 1-57, 1-58; for Native American military personnel, 4-48, 4-50–51; War of 1812, 1-53, 4-50–51; widow's, 1-51, 1-53, 1-54–55
Peuser, Rick, 2-64
Photograph collections, 1-72, 4-36–40
Pickett, General George E., 1-54
Pierce, Franklin, 4-35
Pilesey, Capt. Wape, 4-47
Pincus, Gregory, 2-47
Pix, Matilda, 3-17, 3-18
Plante, Trevor K., Military Service Records at the National Archives, 2-71
Plimpton, George, 4-52
Polarus, USS, 4-52
Polk, James K., 4-34
Porter, Brig. Gen. Andrew, 2-29, 2-30; photo, 2-29
Porter, Felix E., 3-62
Porter, James, 4-33
Potawatomi Indians, 4-48
Potter, Lee Ann, "FDR Asks the Future for a Favor," 4-6–9; photos, 1-48, 4-9; "Sharing the Excitement of History," 1-44–48
Powell, Colin, 2-16, 4-9
Powell, Lazarus, 2-33
"Power and Paranoia," by Ellen Fried, 3-64–65
Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States House of Representatives, 1789–1946, by Buford Rowland, Handy B. Fant, and Harold E. Hufford, 1-57–58
"Preserving the Past, Keeping Pace with the Future," by Mary C. Ryan, 3-52–56
Presidential Archives Uncovered, podcast series, 4-57
"Presidential Film Favorites," film festival, 4-70
Presidential libraries, 2-5, 3-4–5, 3-30–41, 3-45, 4-57; educational programs, 1-4, 2-68; exhibits, 1-5, 1-34–43, 1-70, 2-6–10, 3-40
Presidential Libraries: History Uncovered, television series, 4-57
Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, 3-37, 3-45, 3-46
Presidential records, 2-4, 2-68, 3-4–5, 3-30–41, 3-42–51
Presidential timeline, 2-68
Presidents, education of, 1-34–43; role of, 1-70
Pre–World War I Records of the Imperial German Navy and Its Predecessors, 1822–1919, 1-66–67
"Primarily Teaching," 1-4, 3-75
Primarily Teaching institutes, 1-47, 1-48
Probate court records, 3-61–62
"Progress Toward a Goal of Greater Access," by Allen Weinstein, 2-4–5
Property taxes, 1-7, 1-9
Psychoanalysis, 2-40, 2-42, 2-43–44, 2-45–47
Public Broadcasting Service, 4-36, 4-39
Public Citizen, 3-37
Public lands, 3-71–72
Public Papers of President George W. Bush, 4-59
Pueblo Indians, 4-48
Putnam, Thomas, 1-64; photo, 1-64
Quinney, John W., 4-31–32, 4-33, 4-34, 4-35; photo, 4-28
Radio Acoustic Ranging (RAR), 1-30–31, 1-32
Ramirez M., Rafael, 3-62
Reagan, Nancy, photo, 3-28
Reagan, Ronald, 1-40–41, 1-43, 2-13–17, 2-70; photos, 1-41, 2-12, 2-15, 2-16
Reconstruction, 1-67
Records, access to, 2-4–5, 2-48–55, 2-68, 3-30–41
Records management, 3-70, 4-4
Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21, 3-59
Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas (The Roberts Commission), 1943–1946, microfilm publication, 2-72
Records of the German Navy, 1850–1945, Received from the United States Naval History Division, microfilm publication, 1-67
Records of the Internal Revenue Service, Record Group 58, 1-10
Records of the Mississippi Freedmen's Department ("Pre-Bureau Records"), Office of the Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1863–1865, microfilm publication, 2-62
Records of the Panama Canal Zone, Record Group 185, 3-59, 3-62
Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36, 1-10
Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Record Group 233, 1-57–58
Records preservation, 2-4–5, 2-48–55, 4, 2-70, 3-52–56, 3-70, 4-4–5, 4-57
Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: American Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees, 4-58
Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: "The American Soldier" Surveys, 4-58
Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: Military Awards and Decorations, 4-58
Red Cross, 3-25–29
Reece, T. Dennis, "Mission to Štĕchovice," 4-18–26; photo, 4-26
Reed, Holly, 4-40
Reed, William B., 2-32
Reid, Whitelaw, 2-33
Republican Party, and D.C. courts, 2-33–34; during the Civil War, 2-27, 2-32, 2-33–34; and judges, 2-27, 2-32, 2-33–34, 2-35
Research in the Land Entry Files of the General Land Office, reference information paper, 3-71–72
Researching Japanese War Crimes Records: Introductory Essays, 1-66
Revenue Cutter Service, 2-71
Revolutionary War, 4-46
Rhode Island, 1-12, 1-14
"Rich, Famous, and Questionably Sane," by Miriam Kleiman, 2-38–47
Richard M. Nixon Library, 2-5, 3-4, 3-5, 3-30–41, 3-45; exhibits, 1-5, 1-70, 2-69, 3-40; photo, 3-30; web site, 3-41, 3-50
Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation, 3-32, 3-34, 3-37–40
Richards, Capt. Stephen M., 4-21–22, 4-24, 4-26; photo, 4-24
Richardson, Elizabeth A., 3-25–29; photos, 3-24, 3-25, 3-26; portrait, 3-27
Ridgway, Maj. Gen. Matthew, 2-21, 2-23–24; photo, 2-20
Ritter, Clara Pix, 3-16–23
Ritter, Henry T., 3-17, 3-18–23
Rivera, Henry M., 2-75; photo, 2-75
Robert E. Peary Collection, 4-52–53
Roberts, Paul, 4-7
Roberts Commission, 2-72
Robinson, Peter, "Tear Down This Wall," 2-13–17; photos, 2-15, 2-17
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1-36–37, 4-70; and Colin P. Kelly, III, 4-6–9; "Day of Infamy" speech, 2-69; photos, 1-35, 2-69
Roosevelt, Theodore, 3-59, 3-62–63, 4-72
Ross, Betsy, 2-8, 2-10; photo of flag sewn by, 2-7
Rowland, Buford, Handy B. Fant, and Harold E. Hufford, Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States House of Representatives, 1-57–58
Rulli, Daniel, 1-45
"Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns, and the Cartoons of Clifford Berryman," exhibit, 4-70
Rushay, Samuel W., Jr., "Listening to Nixon," 3-42–51; photos, 3-45, 3-51
Russell, William Howard, 2-31–32
Ryan, Mary C., "Preserving the Past, Keeping Pace with the Future," 3-52–56
St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C., 2-40, 2-42; photo, 2-38
St. John, Timothy, 1-9
Sanchez, Manolo, 3-48; photo, 3-47
Sandy Hook Light, illus., 1-25
Sanger, Margaret, 2-41, 2-47
Sargent, Maj. W. G., 2-57
Sasquatch, 2-9–10
Saulsbury, Willard, 2-33, 2-34
Scalia, Antonin, photo, 1-71
Schizophrenia, 2-40–41, 2-47
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 1-4
"School House to White House," exhibit, 1-5, 1-70, 4-70
"School House to White House: The Education of the Presidents," 1-34–43
Scientific instruments, 1-27, 1-29, 1-30, 1-31
Scott, James, 1-56
Scott, John, 1-56
Scully, Marion, 3-48; photo, 3-47
Second Florida War, 4-47–48
Seitz, Jennifer, photo, 3-55
Select Documents on Japanese War Crimes and Japanese Biological Warfare, 1-66
Selective Service System, 3-72–73
Seward, William H., 2-29, 2-30, 2-32; portrait, 2-29
"Shakespeare and the Federal Theatre Project," exhibit, 1-71
"Shakespeare in Washington" festival, 1-71
Shapiro, Lionel S. B., 4-18, 4-21, 4-24; photo, 4-24
"Sharing the Excitement of History," by Lee Ann Potter, 1-44–48
Sharp, Rebecca K., photo, 3; "'Their . . . Bedding is wet Their floors are damp'," 2-57–63
Shawano Indians, 4-47
Shorey, Capt. Will, 4-47
Shultz, George, 2-17
Silberbauer, 1st Lt. Leo A., 4-20; photo, 4-24
Simmons, Clarence, photo, 3-52
Slaves, enumeration of, 1-9; marriages of, 2-58; taxes on, 1-7, 1-9
Sleeper, Christine, photo, 3-28
Sound recordings, 2-50–51, 3-37, 3-39–40, 3-49–51, 3-54, 3-55
South Carolina, 2-62
Spiegel, Lt. Col. M. M., 4-21, 4-23; photo, 4-20
Spinner, Francis E., 2-32–33, 2-36; photo, 2-32
Stanton, Edwin M., 2-35
Štĕchovice, Czechoslovakia, 4-18–26
Steinhardt, Laurence A., 4-23, 4-24, 4-25
Stevenson, Eleanor, 3-27
Stockbridge Munsee Nation, 4-29–35
Stockbridge Nation, 4-30–31, 4-32–35, 4-47
Stoddard, Joshua C., 1-54
Sullivan, Rebecca, photo, 3-53
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, 2-34–36
Surratt, John H., Jr., 3-16, 3-19–20, 3-22–23; photo, 3-18
Surratt, Mary Eugenia, 3-20, 3-22
Survey of the Coast, 1-24–33
Susser, Mark J., 4-45
Suydam, Anne and Henry W., 2-41
Svobodné Slovo, 4-26
"'Sweltering with Treason'," by Jonathan W. White, 2-27–36
Tallmadge, John, 1-9, 1-11
Taney, Roger B., 2-34–35
Tax records, 1-6–15
Taylor, John, 3-34, 3-38, 3-39; photo, 3-5
Tazewell, Littleton Waller, 1-17–21; portrait, 1-18
Teaching American History grants, 1-5, 1-44–45
"Teaching With Documents" workshops, 1-45
"Tear Down This Wall," by Peter Robinson, 2-13–17
Technology, and records preservation, 2-48–55
Telegraph, 2-64–65
Tennessee, 1-11, 1-14, 2-60, 2-62
Texas, 4-48
Texas Instruments, 3-75
"'Their . . . Bedding is wet Their floors are damp'," by Rebecca K. Sharp, 2-57–63
Thomas, Adrienne C., 3-69
Thomas, Dean, 3-69; photo, 3-69
Thomas, Jim, 3-69; photo, 3-69
Thomas, Lowell, 4-7
Tide Prediction Machine, 1-30, 1-31
Time magazine, 3-44
Tittmann, Otto, 1-30
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 1-5
TOPICS Entertainment, 3-69–70
Trans-Mississippi West, 1804–1912, The, Part IV: A Guide to Records of the Department of the Interior for the Territorial Period; Section 3, Records of the General Land Office, 4-58
Treasury Building, Washington, D.C., photo of the construction of, 1-72
Treaty of Paris, exhibit about, 4-5, 4-70
Trowbridge, Eleanor, 3-74
True North: Peary, Cook, and the Race to the Pole, by Bruce Henderson, 4-52–53
Truman, Bess Wallace, 4-11–17; photos, 4-10, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17
Truman, Harry S., 1-5, 1-37, 1-39, 2-5; and Bess Wallace, 4-11–17; photos, 1-3, 4-11, 4-12, 4-14, 4-15, 4-17
Turk, David, 2-9
Tyler, John, 4-33
Tyler administration, 4-33
Union Army, and freedmen, 2-57–58; underage enlistees, 2-28–29, 2-30
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 4-44
United Nations, 1-65
U.S. Air Force personnel records, 2-71
U.S. Army personnel records, 2-71
U.S. Coast Guard personnel records, 2-71
United States Colored Troops, 4-59
U.S. Commission for the Valuation of Lands and Dwelling Houses, and the Enumeration of Slaves, 1-9, 1-10–11
U.S. Congress, and the 1798 direct tax, 1-7, 1-11; and bounty lands, 4-50; and D.C. courts, 2-33–36; and federal judges, 2-32, 2-33–36; and Indian affairs, 4-28, 4-29, 4-33, 4-34; and pensions, 4-51; and war crimes, 4-42, 4-44
U.S. Congressional Serial Set,1-58
U.S. Constitution, and habeas corpus, 2-30–31; and the judiciary branch, 2-28, 2-29, 2-31, 2-32, 2-33
U.S. Customs Service, 1-10–11, 1-12
U.S. Department of Defense, 4-42
U.S. Department of Justice, 4-42, 4-59
U.S. Department of State, 2-16–17, 3-64, 4-42; and Nazi documents, 4-18, 4-20, 4-23–24
U.S. Department of the Interior, 4-58
U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1-9, 1-11, 1-30, 1-72
U.S. Forces European Theater, Operations Branch, Document Control Section, 4-18–26
United States Government Manual, 4-59–60
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 4-42
U.S. House of Representatives, Accompanying Papers File, 1-51–59; Committee on Indian Affairs, 4-29, 4-33; Committee on Invalid Pensions, 1-51; Committee on War Claims, 1-52, 1-53–54; Judiciary Committee, 1-52; petitions to, 1-51–59; private claims requests to, 1-51, 1-53–59
U.S. Marine Corps, 11th Marines, 2-76; First Marine Division, 2-76; personnel records, 2-71; in World War II, 2-76
U.S. Marshals Service, 1-12
U.S. Navy, 4-72; Allegany Ballistics Laboratory, 2-68; personnel records, 2-71
U.S. Secret Service, 3-17–18, 3-20, 3-44
U.S. Senate, Committee on Indian Affairs, 4-29–30, 4-33, 4-34; Judiciary Committee, 1-52; petitions to, 1-52–53
U.S. Supreme Court, and the Panama Canal Zone, 3-60; and presidential records, 3-37, 3-45; and the White House tapes, 3-45
United States v. The Amistad 4-59
Universal Newsreels, 4-38, 4-57
University of Texas at Austin, 1-65, 2-68
University of Virginia, Miller Center for Public Affairs, 3-50
Urquhart, Sgt. Philip J., 4-21, 4-22, 4-24, 4-26
UTOPIA, 2-68
Van Rensselaer, Margaretta, 1-55
Vaughan, Walter R., 1-68
Vermont, 1-12
Vietnam: A Retrospective, set of DVDs, 3-69–70
Vietnam War, 3-48, 3-50, 3-51
Virginia, 1-11, 1-12, 1-14, 1-29, 2-60, 2-62
Vital, Sgt. Antoine, 4-21; photo, 4-24
Wacker, Peter O., 1-13
Waffen, Les, 4-38
Walch, Timothy, and Maureen Harding, "American Mysteries, Riddles, and Controversies!" 2-6–10; photo, 2-10
Waldheim, Kurt, 4-44
Walker, Lewis Emery, 1-72; photo by, 1-72
Wallace, Bess, 4-11–17; photos, 4-10, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17
Wallace, Madge, 4-12
Wallenberg, Raoul, 4-44
War, The, documentary film series, 4-36–40
War crimes, World War II, 1-66; records relating to, 4-18–26, 4-42–45, 4-58–59
War Department, and American Indians, 4-28, 4-30; and Civil War contraband camps, 2-57–58; and Nazi documents, 4-23
War of 1812, 1-16–22; indemnity claims, 1-53; and Native Americans, 4-47, 4-50–51; pension claims, 1-53, 4-50–51
Warner, Robert, 2-70; photo, 2-70
Warren, Connecticut, 1-7, 1-9, 1-10–11, 1-14, 1-15
Washington, Bvt. Lt. Col. J. M., 4-48
Washington, D.C., judges, 2-33–34; tourism initiatives and the National Archives, 1-71
Washington Evening Star, 2-32, 2-35
Watergate scandal, 3-35, 3-37, 3-40, 3-41, 3-44–47, 3-49–51, 3-65
Watson, Maj. Gen. Edwin M., 4-8
Watson, Judith Green, "A Discovery: 1798 Federal Direct Tax Records for Connecticut," 1-6–15; photo, 1-13
"Way We Worked, The," exhibit, 4-70
"Wearing Lipstick to War," by James H. Madison, 3-24–29
Weaver, L. E., 2-62
Weichmann, Louis J., 3-20, 3-22; photo, 3-22
Weinberg, David, 3-70
Weinstein, Allen, 1-64, 1-65, 1-66, 2-68, 2-69, 2-70, 2-74, 3-34, 3-39, 3-41, 3-69, 3-70, 4-43, 4-56, 4-57; "Civic Education: Lighting the Path to the Future," 1-4–5; "Honoring a Sacred Obligation to History," 3-4–5; "The National Archives and the World," 4-4–5; photos, 1-4, 1-70, 1-71, 2-4, 3-4, 3-5, 3-69, 4-71; "Progress Toward a Goal of Greater Access," 2-4–5
Weissenbach, Karl, 3-37
Welles, Gideon, 2-28
West Coast Survey, 1-27
West Virginia, 2-68
West Virginia University, 2-68
Wheeler, Tom, 1-70, 2-74, 2-75, 3-74, 3-75, 4-70; interview with, 2-64–65; photos, 1-70, 1-71, 2-74, 3-74, 4-71
White, Alfred, 3-61
White, Jonathan W., "'Sweltering with Treason'," 2-27–36; photo, 2-36
White, William Alanson, 2-40, 2-41, 2-42, 2-43, 2-44, 2-45, 2-46–47; photo, 2-40
White House tapes, 3-37, 3-39–40, 3-42–51
Whittington, George, 1-61
Wilding, Russell, 1-65
William Jewell College, Missouri, 1-53–54
Wilson, Henry, 2-34
Wilson, Ian, 4-5
Winnebago Indian Disturbance, 4-48
Winnebago tribe, 4-29, 4-30
Wisconsin, 4-29, 4-30–35
Witty, Anne, photo, 3-53
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr., 1-9, 1-11, 1-12; portrait, 1-8
Wolford, Frank, 1-51
Woman suffrage movement, 2-41
Women, as property owners, 1-13
Worcester State Hospital, 2-42, 2-47
Works Progress Administration, 1-10
World War I, and the Coast Survey, 1-30–31
World War II, and the 82nd Airborne Division, 2-18, 2-20–24; and American Red Cross volunteers, 3-24–29; battlefield promotions, 2-18, 2-20, 2-23–24, 2-25; and the Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1-31–32; courts-martial during, 1-60–61, 2-23; damage claims, 2-23; documentary film series about, 4-36–40;draft cards, 3-72–73; and Guadalcanal, 2-76; Japanese war crimes, 1-66, 2-69; photographic records, 4-36–40; and protection and salvage of artwork and monuments in war areas, 2-72; records declassified, 2-69; records relating to personal participation in, 3-71, 4-36, 4-58; records relating to war crimes, 4-18–26, 4-42–45
World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration), for the State of Illinois, microfilm publication, 3-72–73
Worsham, James, "Nixon's Library Now a Part of NARA," 3-30–41
Wren, Christopher, 1-33
Wright, Charles Alan, photo, 3-43
Wylie, Andrew, 2-35, 2-36; photo, 2-34
Ziegler, Ron, 3-48