U.S. Archivist David S. Ferriero Honors National Archives’ Employees Nationwide
Press Release · Friday, May 12, 2017
College Park, MD
At the National Archives 17th Annual Archivist’s Achievement Awards Ceremony yesterday, Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero recognized nearly 200 National Archives staff and volunteers for outstanding achievement. This annual ceremony is part of the National Archives’ celebration of Public Service Recognition Week. See the National Archives News Public Service Recognition Week 2017 web page to learn more about the contributions of National Archives staff and the entire Federal workforce now—and throughout history.
"In addition to recognizing public servants throughout our Nation's history during Public Service Recognition Week, the National Archives also takes time to recognize the dedication and hard work of the agency's own employees with 'the Archivist's Achievement Awards,'" said Maria Carosa Stanwich, Chief of Staff. "Employees across the organization are nominated for awards by their peers and supervisors in several categories for their contributions to the National Archives' mission to protect, preserve and provide access to our government's most important records."
“It is a great privilege to be Archivist of the United States—to be the custodian of our most treasured documents and the head of an important government agency with a unique mission: To preserve the story of America and its people. It’s also a great privilege to work with such an accomplished, dedicated staff at 44 facilities nationwide,” said the Archivist.
“In celebration of Public Service Recognition Week, I want to thank all of you for your hard work and passion in fulfilling the mission of the Archives. And today, we recognize those staff and volunteers who have gone ‘above and beyond’ to fulfill this important mission.”
Read Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero’s AOTUS Blog about Public Service Recognition Week.
This page was last reviewed on May 12, 2017.
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