National Archives News

Public Service Recognition Week

Since 1985, the first full week of May has been set aside as Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) to honor those who serve our nation as federal, state, county, and local government employees. It provides a fitting time to not only celebrate the contributions of National Archives staff but also contributions of the entire federal workforce now—and throughout history.

Letter from Co-Chairs of 2024 Public Service Recognition Week

Presidential Proclamation for 2024 Public Service Recognition Week


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Herald of the Storms: Isaac Cline • When formal scientific weather forecasting was in its infancy, Isaac Cline was a man with a penchant for predicting disasters.

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New York City U.S. Custom House Employee: Matthew Henson • The Arctic explorer later worked for the Customs Service.

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Changing the Boundaries: Women at Work in the Government • Female Federal workers pushing the boundaries of their time. 

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What’s Your Story, Adelaide Minogue? • Discovering the woman behind the popular photograph. 

Prologue Magazine

From Our Catalog: Celebrating Federal Workers

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White House Staff Prepare for Dinner in Honor of the Vice President, Speaker of the House, and Chief Justice, January 1963

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Census Bureau enumerator counting residents in a trailer camp for the 1940 Census, 1940

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FBI Special Agent giving instructions to Marines during FBI Special Weapons and Tactical training course, 1982

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Social Security agents help unemployed workers register for jobs and fill out benefit claims, 1935

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Environmental Protection Agency pesticides inspector draws a sample of toxic liquid from a container during an inspection, 1974

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National Archives worker unloading Veterans Bureau Records, 1936

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This Treasury Department employee hand-counting and wrapping dollar bills for packaging and distribution, 1907

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Bureau of Animal Industry Inspector overseeing sausage manufacturing in a Nebraska meat packing plant, 1910

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William Carter, Laboratory Aide in the Food and Drug Administration preparing to test the sterility of certified bandage materials, ca. 1941–45



A Guide to Documenting Your Public Service • This guide provides all Federal government employees, including senior agency officials and political appointees, with information regarding their responsibilities for managing Federal records.

Military Personnel Records •The National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR) is the repository of millions of military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century

Civilian Personnel Records •The National Personnel Records Center's (NPRC) Federal Records Center Program maintains the Official Personnel Folders (OPF) of former Federal civilian employees whose employment ended after 1951.

Public Service Recognition Week • Visit the official PSRW website to learn more about programs, events, and other ways to celebrate public service.

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