Presidential Libraries

Reagan Adminstration Transition Interviews

These interviews discuss the organization of White House staff during the Ronald Reagan administration.  They also discuss the transition from the Jimmy Carter administration to the Reagan administration and the transition from the Reagan administration to the George H. W. Bush administration.

(All documents are in PDF format )

Courtesy of Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, Griscom (1949 - )
Assistant to the President, Office of Communications, 1987-1988, Reagan Administration.

Courtesy of Bush Presidential Library and Museum, Popadiuk (1950 - )
Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan and Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Reagan administration; 1988-1989, and Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary to President George H.W. Bush 1989-1993; Bush Administration.

Courtesy of Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, Roussel (1941 - )
Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary, Press Office, 1981-1987, Reagan Administration.

Courtesy of Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, Wallison (1941 - )
General Counsel of the U.S. Treasury Department, 1981-1985; Counsel to the President, Office of Counsel to the President, 1986-1987, Reagan Administration.
