Presidential Libraries

Museum Exhibits

Come and experience history first hand at a Presidential Library museum. Artifacts on exhibit represent only a fraction of Library holdings.

Artifacts play a special role in Presidential Library exhibits, illuminating the times in which our Presidents lived and the decisions they made throughout their lives.

Presidential Libraries offer thought-provoking and entertaining permanent exhibits that use these artifacts, as well as documents, photographs and film, to immerse you in the sights and sounds of the past and to introduce you to the people, places, and events that shaped the Presidents' lives.

The Libraries also regularly present special exhibits that introduce you to new aspects of the American experience.

Whether sentimental or monumental, a handmade quilt from an expert needle crafter or entire slabs of the Berlin Wall, the artifacts at Presidential Libraries bring us closer to the Presidents and their times. Their lives become tangible through a cherished childhood toy, a favorite article of clothing, or a priceless gift from a foreign Head of State.

Exhibit Museum Virtual Tours

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and Museum
Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum
William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum

Online Artifact Collections

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and Museum
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum 
Barack Obama Presidential Library 

Featured Online Exhibits

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum

Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman and the Food Crisis After World War II

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum

Around the World with the Roosevelts
Day of Infamy: FDR's Response on December 7, 1941
Leaving a Legacy: FDR and the Roots of the Presidential Library System
Eleanor Roosevelt and the United Nations
A Third Term?

Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum

"The Buck Stops Here"
President Harry S. Truman and the 1948 Election

Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum

A Mission Fulfilled: May 7, 1945
D-Day and the Normandy Invasion
Women Unite for Ike!

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

JFK 100 - Milestones and Mementos
The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum

Campaign 1972: Nixon Through the Lens

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

Vietnam Veterans Memorial: A Story Behind the Memorial
1984: Reagan's Landslide Victory
Sandra Day O'Connor

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum

August-November 1976: Highlights of Gerald Ford's Campaign Against Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum

How Jimmy Carter Built His 1976 Presidential Election

George W. Bush Library

9/11: The Steel of American Resolve

Dining & Diplomacy

The World Reacts
