Presidential Libraries

German Reunification Day Anniversary

  • The exhibit was displayed on Monday, October 3, 2005, when the National Archives celebrated the 15th Anniversary of German Reunification with a special event highlighting the importance of U.S.-German relations.
  • On this day, 15 years ago, the symbol of the Cold War—the Berlin Wall—was torn down.

President John F. Kennedy Visits Berlin, June 26, 1963

Source:   John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

President Kennedy giving speech at Berlin City Hall
President Kennedy giving speech at Berlin City Hall.

Ich bin ein Berliner speech card in President Kennedy's handwriting for his speech at Berlin City Hall.
"Ich bin ein Berliner" speech card in President Kennedy's handwriting for his speech at Berlin City Hall.

President Kennedy viewing the Berlin Wall and the Brandenburg Gate. President Kennedy viewing the Berlin Wall and the Brandenburg Gate.

President Richard Nixon visits Berlin, February 27, 1969

Source:   Nixon Presidential Materials Staff

Find more information in:

President Nixon's handwritten notes for visit to Berlin President Nixon's handwritten notes for visit to Berlin.

President Nixon views the Berlin Wall from a platform President Nixon views the Berlin Wall from a platform.

President Nixon and Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger waving to the crowd in Berlin. President Nixon and Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger waving to the crowd in Berlin.

President Ronald Reagan visits Berlin, June 12, 1987

Source:   Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

 Speech card from President Reagan's Brandenburg Gate speech. Speech card from President Reagan's Brandenburg Gate speech.

President Reagan speaking in front of the Brandenburg Gate. President Reagan speaking in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

President George H.W. Bush commemorates German-American Day and German Reunification, October 3, 1990

Source:   George Bush Presidential Library

For more information, see:

President Bush and German Ambassador Juergen Ruhfus at German Reunification ceremony at the White House. President Bush and German Ambassador Juergen Ruhfus at German Reunification ceremony at the White House.

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation between President Bush and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany Memorandum of Telephone Conversation between President Bush and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany.

President Bush signs German-American Day Proclamation. President Bush signs German-American Day Proclamation.

Presidential Proclamation 6194 signed by President Bush:

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