COVID-19 Updates - Plain Writing Before 2021 Example
Occupancy limits for NARA staff and museum visitors have been lifted. All museums and research rooms are open to the public. The expansion of operations for each level is detailed in our Reentry and Post-Reentry Plan.
You can still explore our online research resources, exhibits, and educational resources and participate in our Citizen Archivist Missions.
- Where possible, we are hosting public events and outreach activities online and through virtual meetings. We will be restarting in-person public programs, tours, school group visits, public meetings, external conferences, and facility rentals as long as the facility is not in an area of high transmission.
- Follow the National Archives on Facebook (USNationalArchives) and on Twitter (@USNatArchives) for immediate updates.
Research Rooms and Museums
Research Rooms
All research rooms are open by appointment and without limits on days and hours of operation.
- Research Room opening details are in this Frequently Asked Questions page.
- Please check the specific facility page for updates and how to make an appointment.
National Archives staff will continue to serve the public by responding to emailed requests for records and History Hub inquiries.
The National Archives Museum in Washington, DC, and Presidential Library museums are open without limits on occupancy or days and hours of operation. Continued operation relies on local public health metrics. Find out hours of operation on each museum's website.
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