South Carolina
Records Projects
Sumter County Archives, Sumter, SC
$1,800,000 to support a project to digitize and preserve local government reports and decrees, chattel mortgages, index and conveyance, and index books. (ED-104971-24)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$80,000 to support the South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board regrant program over the next two years, with special consideration to the state’s traditionally underserved populations, including the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (RC-103630-24)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$80,000 to support the South Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrant program for projects that focus on education, program enhancement, preservation, or digital access; virtual information sessions about the program; and presentations about the work of the South Carolina Board at two statewide conferences. (RC103353-22)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$6,500 to support the South Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board, including training sessions geared toward the needs of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other African American records repositories to be made available in person and online. (RC103112-21)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$12,000 to support the work of the South Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board, including a survey and four focus groups to gather information that can be used to create a new strategic plan; a focus group to share information about the needs of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the state; and the development of basic archival training for the archives of HBCUs and other primarily African American archives. (RC102958-20)
Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC
$270,237 to support the Gullah Geechee Digital Project, an archival collection drawn from three partner institutions that document the history and culture of the Gullah Geechee people, descendants of West and Central Africa, who settled after emancipation in the Sea Islands and coastal plains regions of the southeastern United States. The project will digitize approximately 6,900 pages of text, 90 hours of audio, and 6 hours of film, virtually uniting collections from the South Carolina Historical Society, recordings from the Association for Cultural Equity now housed at the Library of Congress, and Coastal Carolina University. (RM102739-19)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$17,658 to support processing and digitization activities for the papers of William D. Workman, Jr., a prominent mid-20th century journalist, editor, and photographer. (RH100123-17)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$75,860 to support a collaborative project with the university libraries' Digital Collections department in collaboration with the South Carolina Department of Education to work with 45 elementary, middle school, and high school teachers to create Document Based Questions (DBQs) for U.S. history classes. Teachers will draw on the resources of the University for the primary sources, test the DBQs in their classroom, and then publish the results on the South Carolina Digital Library and the Digital Public Library of America. (DH50028-16)
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC
$81,725 to support the "Digitizing 20th Century Civil Rights Collections Project" from the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture, an 18-month project to digitize approximately 93,600 pages from 16 collections documenting the history of the 20th century civil rights activism in Charleston and the surrounding Lowcountry region. (RD10180-15)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$98,822 to support a two-year project to for a two-year project to process and describe 500 linear feet in three manuscript collections from textile mill owner Elliott White Springs, civil rights activist John Hurst Adams, and civil rights attorney John Roy Harper. (RH50054-13)
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC
$77,000 to support a two-year project to inventory its visual materials collections (200 linear feet) and preserve, process, and make available approximately one-half of those collections of an estimated 30,000 visual items including photographs, postcards, sketches, glass negatives, and other visual materials dating from the 18th century to 1999. (RH50066-13)
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC
$87,600 to support an 18-month project to provide detailed arrangement and online descriptive access for the Burnet R. Maybank Senatorial Papers (330 linear feet) and the L. Mendel Rivers Congressional Papers (70 linear feet). Additionally, staff will digitize and post in the Lowcountry Digital Library a sample of up to 150 documents from these collections. (RH50072-13)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$8,000 to support the work of the South Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board, including a statewide archives awards program. (RC10115-11)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$70,000 to support basic activities, disaster planning and recovery workshops, local archives management workshops, and an ongoing regrant program. (RC10013-08)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$128,040 for the statewide regrant and training program. (RC05707-07)
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
$75,633 to arrange, describe, and make more accessible to the public 93 manuscript collections consisting of 238 cubic feet of records relating to medical history and the health profession in South Carolina. (RA5657-06)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$45,970 for the state historical records advisory board statewide planning and for administrative support. (2006-007)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$162,315 for a project to move the Department's electronic records program beyond basic policy guidance to direct involvement with state agencies in addressing electronic records management and preservation issues. (2003-008)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$19,995 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses. (2002-017)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$37,435 for its Electronic Records Training and Awareness Program to develop and conduct six workshops on electronic records issues. (2001-035)
Catawba Cultural Preservation Project, Rock Hill, SC
$6,430 to hire a consultant to evaluate the Catawba Indian Nation's current records policies and procedures, survey the records held in tribal offices, and make recommendations for implementing a tribal records management program. (2000-114)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$6,952 to fund the administrative expenses of the South Carolina board for 16 months. (2000-044)
South Carolina Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$29,340 for a planning project to evaluate progress on the board's 1994 plan, publish and distribute a report and a revised plan based on this evaluation, reassess the board's own mission, develop criteria for evaluating progress on the revised plan, and sponsor workshops and conferences on historical records. (98-002)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$100,000 ($50,000 matching) to preserve and provide access to valuable historical materials in South Carolina's repositories of private papers and non-governmental archives. (97-096)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$69,353 for an 18-month project to process 15 historically significant manuscript collections relating to the history of South Carolina and the South in the South Caroliniana Library, a special collections library of the university. The collections, with a total volume of 535 linear feet, cover topics in women's history, slavery and race relations, the Civil War, and political and military history. (97-082)
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC
$32,670 to improve access to 367 manuscript collections (435 linear feet, 18th to 20th century) pertaining to agriculture, commerce, and culture in South Carolina. Upon the successful completion of this project, researchers will have access to approximately 60 percent of the society's holdings of personal papers and business records. (96-066)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$21,700 for a one-year project to plan and develop a prototype information locator system for South Carolina state government, evaluate its limited implementation, and make recommendations concerning its expanded implementation. (96-010)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$37,371 to continue the retrospective conversion of its collection-level catalog descriptions into the USMARC (United States MAchine Readable Cataloging) format. (95-086)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$95,400 to improve the preservation of and access to holdings in the state's manuscript repositories and non-government archives. By linking grant funds for collections projects to requirements for professionally accepted collections management practices and by providing increased professional training, the proposal aims to raise the basic standard of archival practices among the state's repositories. Regrants will be available for consultancies, education and training activities, collections management, and preservation projects. (95-042)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$19,064 for a planning grant to publicize and follow up on its long-range planning activities and to maintain its active leadership of the state's records community. (94-026)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$85,434 for the University of South Carolina, the South Carolina Historical Society, and the College of Charleston to convert existing catalog descriptions of their manuscript collections into MARC AMC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging Archival and Manuscripts Control) format records. (93-067)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$18,646 to support the travel and meeting expenses of the board, including the development of an updated report on the conditions and needs of the state's historical records programs and a videotape to be used to increase interest in and support for historical records programs in the state. (92-117)
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC
$3,080 to hire a consultant to review current descriptive policies and to make recommendations concerning increased access to the society's manuscript collections. (91-112)
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
$71,689 to arrange, describe, and selectively microfilm approximately 630 cubic feet of textile records dating from 1879 to 1988. (91-103)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$34,100 for a fellowship in archival administration. (90-075)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$150,000 for a regrant project sponsored by the South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board for local governments to develop archival and records programs, study records-related problems, microfilm permanently valuable records, and produce finding aids to local government archives. (90-038)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$3,050 to support the board's travel and meeting expenses. (90-019)
South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC
$54,501 for a national meeting of the State and Territorial Historical Records Coordinators and meetings of the State Coordinators' Steering Committee, and to convene a group to assess the mission and structure of the coordinators' organization and the role of the steering committee. (89-084)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$2,976 to support printing of the state's historical records assessment report and a summary brochure. (88-052)
University of South Carolina, McKissick Museum, Columbia, SC
$56,410 for a project to develop an archives and records management program for the university. Founded in 1801, the university was the state's first institution of higher education and, by educating many of the state's most influential leaders, has had a significant impact on its history. (87-092)
Benedict College, Columbia, SC
$44,068 to establish an archives for the college's permanently valuable records. Founded in 1870, Benedict College is an historically black, independent, liberal arts institution of higher education. (86-094)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$3,500 for travel and meeting expenses to allow the state board to carry out its grant review and statewide archival planning missions. (86-069)
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
$27,070 for the second year of a project to develop its archival and records management program. (85-134)
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
$22,890 for the first year of a project to develop a records management and archival program for the university. Clemson is one of two state-supported universities in South Carolina and is a center for research in agriculture and textile technology. (85-047)
South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Columbia, SC
$24,745 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (81-129)
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC
$11,621 for preservation activities relating to the society's manuscript collections. (77-039)
Subtotal (Records Projects) $4,270,750
Publications Projects
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$345,000 to support a selective digital edition of the Papers of William Short . After serving as Jefferson’s secretary, William Short (1759-1849) became a career diplomat and successful financier and philanthropist. (2022-23)
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
$120,000 to support planning for Wičhóoyake kiη aglí—They Bring the Stories Back: Connecting Lakota Wild West Performers to Pine Ridge Community Histories. Clemson University, Oglala Lakota College, and Woksape Tipi Library and Archives are collaborating to develop a digital edition documenting the role of Oglala Lakota tribal members’ participation and commercial success in “Wild West” performances beginning in 1885. Planning will explore goals and processes for digitizing a variety of primary sources (texts, images, oral histories, etc.) and how best to engage Lakota communities and a wider public in documenting Lakota arts and culture, its legacy in the broader American culture, and its use in educational curricula and public outreach. (PL103356-22)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$694,824 for the Pinckney Statesmen of South Carolina digital edition, documenting the lives and careers of the brothers Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Thomas Pinckney, and their cousin, Charles Pinckney. (2016-21)
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC
$60,000 for the Harriott Middleton and Susan Matilda Middleton correspondence. (2004-065)
South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC
$1,789,430 for the Papers of Henry Laurens. (1965-2004)
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$903,395 for the Papers of John C. Calhoun. (1976-2002)
University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC
$485,330 for subvention support for the Howard Thurman Papers, the Papers of Henry Laurens and the Papers of John C. Calhoun. (through 2002)
Professional Development
The University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
$921,523 for addressing digital publication and developing the Model Editions Partnership: Archiving Documentary Editions Project.
Mark Malvasi (Ph.D. candidate, University of Rochester), Columbia, SC
$25,000 for a fellowship in historical editing at the Papers of John C. Calhoun. (1990)
Subtotal (Publications Projects) $5,319,502
Total $9,590,252
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