Rhode Island
Records Projects
Rhode Island Department of State, Providence, RI
$12,000 to support the Rhode Island Historical Records Advisory Board Service Days program, a one-day consultation service for small repositories, and educational workshops for records custodians. (RC-104830)
Tomaquag Indian Memorial Museum, Kingston, RI
$300,000 to support the "Recovering Indigenous Stories through Archival Preservation" project, which aims to preserve and provide access to Tomaquag's unique collection of over 100,000 items which encompass a variety of materials, as well as individual collections. These collections include correspondence, business records, photographs, artwork, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, language resources, oral history recordings, audiovisual materials, and rapidly growing collection of digital assets. (ED104668-23)
Stages of Freedom, Providence, RI
$165,000 to support the preservation, digitization, storage, display, and public access to the collections relating to the history of African American life and culture in Rhode Island. (ED104711-24)
Rhode Island Black Heritage Society, Providence, RI
$499,992 to support the preservation of 3,000 cubic feet of archival collections, which include documents, manuscripts, photographs, digital files, film, and sound recordings that span nearly two centuries, from the colonial period to the 20th century. (ED-103537-22)
Executive Office of the State of Rhode Island, Providence, RI
$12,000 to support the Rhode Island Historical Records Advisory Board, including a service day program that provides hands-on assistance to repositories and four workshops based on archival best practices. (RC-103494-23)
Brown University, Providence, RI
$250,000 to support a two-year project called “Divided America,” which will digitize, and make available online, approximately 238,000 pages of material from small- to medium-sized issue-focused conservative political groups between 1948 and 1999 and make them accessible through the Brown Digital Repository. (RM103389-22)
Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI
$41,939 to support Brave, Enterprising Spirits: Documenting Rhode Island Soldiers in the American Revolution, which will digitize and make available approximately 6,400 pages of Revolutionary War regimental and Providence Hospital records from 1775 to 1783. (RH-103203-21)
Executive Office of the State of Rhode Island, Providence, RI
$12,000 to support the Rhode Island Historical Records Advisory Board, including a scholarship program for archival training and four workshops to address the preservation of, and access to, historical records. (RC103109-21)
Providence Public Library, Providence, RI
$63,660 to support archival processing of the records of AS220, an arts organization which provides galleries, studios, and performance spaces for artists, and which has served as a model for urban community development across the U.S. Spanning 30 years, AS220 records document postwar social and cultural history through the voices of numerous under-represented groups. (RH100157-17)
Brown University, Providence, RI
$141,455 to survey its backlog and prepare catalog records and finding aids for 892 collections, totaling 6,500 linear feet, including the papers of S.J. Perelman, screenwriter for the Marx Brothers; the American Mathematical Society; the papers of Charles Evans Hughes; and many others. (RB50115-10)
City of Warwick, Warwick, RI
$4,856 to support a review and evaluation of the City Clerk's Office conditions for maintaining its historical collections of over 500 cubic feet of records, over 500 volumes, and 7,000 land evidence books and related maps for this community settled in the 1640s. (RB50069-09)
Rhode Island State Archives, Providence, RI
$130,000 for a historical records regrant and training project throughout the state. (2006-018)
Heritage Harbor Museum, Providence, RI
$78,996 for its "Native Journies" Documentation Project to tell the story of Native Americans in southeastern New England. (2001-081)
Rhode Island Office of the Secretary of State, Providence, RI
$49,794 for a project to develop an electronic records program development model and starter's manual for small state archival programs. (2000-037)
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
$109,541 for a two-year project to establish an archives and records management program for the school's records. (97-081)
Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association, Providence, RI
$1,925 for a consultant to work with the society in developing and applying appraisal guidelines and collecting policies and in upgrading and automating its descriptive system. (95-092)
Rhode Island State Historical Records Advisory Board, Providence, RI
$8,740 to conduct a planning project over a one-year period. During the planning process, the board will meet for a series of three, two-day retreats. Input into the development of a strategic plan will be sought from constituent groups across the state through the appointment of a focus group which will meet with the board. (94-006)
Town of New Shoreham, RI
$3,450 to hire a consultant to assist the town in evaluating its current records policies and to provide advice on the establishment of an archives and records management program. (92-074)
Rhode Island Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Archives and Public Records Administration, Providence, RI
$97,125 to establish a local government records program in the state. (92-066)
Town of Jamestown, RI
$3,500 to hire a consultant to assist the town in evaluating its current records policies and to provide advice on the establishment of an archives and records management program. (92-062)
City of Warwick, Warwick, RI
$4,000 for a consultant to assist with the city's archives and records management planning project. (91-140)
Rhode Island Supreme Court, Providence, RI
$63,462 to develop an active archival program for the historical records of the Rhode Island courts. (90-117)
American Mathematical Society and Brown University, Providence, RI
$56,383 to establish an ongoing records management program for the society and to transfer records of permanent historical value to Brown University's Archives for Mathematics and Mathematicians. (90-033)
Rhode Island Office of the Secretary of State, Rhode Island State Archives Division, Providence, RI
$114,022 to establish an active state archival program and to identify archival materials located in the state records center, state government offices, departments and agencies, as well as fugitive state records located in historical repositories. (88-077)
Rhode Island State Historical Records Advisory Board, Providence, RI
$24,400 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (84-043)
Rhode Island State Historical Records Advisory Board, Providence, RI
$46,030 to complete a survey of state agency records, draft legislation for a comprehensive public records act, lay the groundwork for a state archives and records management program, and undertake a pilot survey of government records for one municipality. (80-114)
City of Providence, Providence, RI
$14,945 for the second phase of a project to establish an archives and records program for the city. (80-014)
Rhode Island State Historical Records Advisory Board, Providence, RI
$59,800 to survey and appraise state government records, evaluate and plan toward improved government archival programs in the state, and consult with Rhode Island organizations needing advice on archival programs. (79-018)
City of Providence, Providence, RI
$21,350 to inventory, arrange, and describe early Providence city records. (78-076)
Rhode Island College, Providence, RI
$14,253 to preserve, arrange, and describe the Nathaniel Bacon papers, a collection of papers relating primarily to business and industry in Rhode Island during the 19th century. (76-080)
Subtotal (Records Projects) $2,404,618
Publications Projects
Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI
$2,007,946 for the Papers of General Nathanael Greene. (1976-2003)
Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI
$17,125 for the Papers of Roger Williams. (1985)
Brown University, Providence, RI
$30,943 for the Diary of Isaac Backus. (1966-68)
Brown University Press, Providence, RI
$30,000 for subvention support for the Diary of Isaac Backus. (1975-76)
Subtotal (Publications Projects) $2,086,014
Total $4,490,632
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