New Mexico
Records Projects
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
$200,000 to digitize the collection of the university’s Art Museum and configure a collections management system and an online access portal to some 15,000 artworks and 10,000 pages of archival and historical information data. (ED-104973-24)
City of Farmington, Farmington, NM
$170,000 to support a project for the processing and digitizing of the Farmington Daily Times Photograph and Newspaper Clipping Collection of approximately 30,000 photographs from the 1970s and 1980s. (ED-104992-24)
City of Roswell, Roswell, NM
$250,000 to support a project to process and describe the Roswell Museum Federal Arts Center Collection and the Robert H. Goddard Papers and to digitize and make available online approximately 12,000 items from the collections. (ED-104975-24)
New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe, NM
$116,000 to support the digitizing, cataloguing, contextualizing, and making the 14,000 items in the New Mexico Museum of Space History accessible to the public. (ED-104966-24)
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
$170,000 to support the Borderlands and Ethnic Studies Department and the Research Center at NMSU in using historical records and oral histories in co-creating social studies curriculum, educational materials, and workshops that are culturally and linguistically relevant for students K-12 and undergraduate studies in southern New Mexico. (ED-104970-24)
New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe, NM
$500,000 to support "The History of Archaeological and Ethnographic Work in New Mexico" project, which will complete the processing and digitize portions of archaeologists Bertha Dutton and John Gaw Meem and make the finding aids and digitized materials available online through its Digital Asset Management system and New Mexico Archives Online. (ED-104972-24)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$80,000 to support a three-year program by the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board to award 12 regrants during the grant period to state and local government entities, educational institutions, historical societies, community libraries, and museums. Funds will allow the board to conduct a minimum of four site visits to regrant projects and to offer two archival training workshops. (RC-103636-24)
National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM
$500,000 to support the "New Mexico Genealogy Archiving Project," which will purchase essential equipment, hire contract staff, digitize, and provide public access to photographs, objects, recordings, and other historical records related to its History and Literary Arts program. Over the course of three years, the NHCC will launch the new digital archives and disseminate the content through virtual and in-person educator workshops as well as community presentations and a panel discussion for college and university students and professors. (ED104695-23)
University of New Mexico Regents, Albuquerque, NM
$500,000 to support the "Native Oral Histories Archiving Project," a one-year archival project that will provide New Mexico Pueblo Indian tribes the opportunity to collect and archive oral retellings from Native language speakers recounting experiences of growing up and accounts of everyday life in their respective Pueblos. Over the course of the project, a total of six communities will be invited to participate and identify fluent Native speakers in their communities who wish to assist in recording a variety of oral stories, narratives, dialogues or other materials of their choosing. The project will provide technical assistance in producing high quality recordings and training for local community members in utilizing user-friendly technologies for capturing and continued recording long after the project ends. Training workshops in materials development will be held on-site as well as on the University of New Mexico (UNM) Main Campus. (ED104699-23)
Northern New Mexico College, Espanola, NM
$150,000 to support the assessment, preservation, description, and inventory of the College’s records, photographs, and artifacts back to its beginning in 1909. (ED104710-23)
City of Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
$175,000 to support the “Albuquerque Museum: For the Love of Collections” project, which aims to increase public access to the Museum’s collections through better collections storage, better organization in the library, and photographing of its art and history collections to prepare for publishing online through e-Museum. (ED104714-23)
Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM
$149,921 to digitize and make available online 24 linear feet of manuscript material, describe 12 linear feet of photographic material, and digitize approximately 8,000 images from the collection of Edgar L. Hewett, educator and archeologist, whose work focused on Native American communities of the Southwest. (RH-103400-22)
City of Belen, Belen, NM
$11,125 to support a planning grant for a collaborative of the Belen Public Library, the Los Lunas Public Library, the Valencia County Historical Society, and other organizations interested in preserving the historical records of the diverse and often underrepresented residents of largely rural Valencia County. The members of this Collaborative will work together to compare how they manage their repositories and then create policies, finding aids, and other materials to help them work together in the future. (RJ103349-22)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$80,000 to support the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board, including a regrant programs for local archives, a Traveling Archivist program, and at least two workshops on basic records, information, and archival management. (RC103099-21)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
$349,988 to support a project to digitize and create metadata for 30,000 aerial photographs of the Grants Mineral Belt taken between 1934 and 1987. Managed by the Earth Data Analysis Center, these photographs document the changing landscape in the northwest region of New Mexico, the site of uranium extraction and production from the 1930s until 1998. The records demonstrate the impact of uranium mining on the ecology of the area. The project will then develop a web application and tools to enable researchers to accurately discover and use data from the photographs. (RM102733-19)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$65,000 to support work of the New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, including regrants for implementing professional archival standards, rehousing collections, creating online content, and other activities; regrant application workshops and site visits to monitor regrant projects; workshops that increase the skills of archivists and the level of public awareness about how to care for historical records; and to continue to update its database of the state’s archival, historical, and cultural institutions. (RC102708-19)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$65,000 to support two years of the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board’s programs, including regrants; workshops addressing archival issues, the preservation of family papers, and applying for the regrant program; and updates to the Historical Information Network and Tracking System. (RC100008-17)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$50,000 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, a statewide regrant program, workshops on basic archival practices and preserving family histories, and the maintenance of an online database of the state’s archival repositories. (RC10242-15)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$50,000 to support basic funding, including workshops for those responsible for historical records, a strategic planning consultant to assist the state board with the development of a new plan, a statewide regrant program, and participation in a national archival organization for two years. (RC10173-13)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$100,000 to support the work of the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board, including workshops, and a statewide regrants program. (RC10112-11)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$70,000 to support a regrants program of at least 21 grants to local government, educational institutions, historical societies, community libraries, and museums throughout the state. (RC10063-09)
University of New Mexico Regents, Albuquerque, NM
$50,175 to support, on behalf of the Center for Southwest Research, an 18-month project to arrange and describe 350 linear feet of records and papers from LaDonna Harris and the organization she founded in 1970, Americans for Indian Opportunity. Harris served on the National Women's Advisory Council of the War on Poverty and the National Council on Indian Opportunity. (RP50017-09)
New Mexico Commission on Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$9,803 to support basic state historical records advisory board activities through a State and National Archives Partnership grant. (RC10040-08)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$86,257 to support a statewide regrant program. (RC10001-08)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$10,000 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses. (RS100012-07)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$9,998 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses. (RS05687-06)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$19,779 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses. (2005-007)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$19,743 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses. (2003-020)
New Mexico Commission of Public Records, Santa Fe, NM
$58,979 for a Phase II project to implement the board's strategic plan. (2002-033)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$14,800 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses for two years. (2001-034)
County of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM
$27,911 to microfilm historic deed books and indexes covering the period from ca. 1859 to 1950. (99-067, 2000-075)
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, NM
$25,000 to complete the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board's Plan Implementation and Regrant Project begun under NHPRC grant no. 99-026. (2000-060)
Clerk's Office, County of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM
$9,157 to microfilm 73 deed books dating from the American occupation in 1847 to around 1893. (99-067)
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, NM
$156,499 for the New Mexico Historical Records Advisory Board's Plan Implementation and Regrant Project to implement the board's strategic plan, develop and conduct a training program to address the needs of repositories throughout the state, and support projects to improve preservation and access to historical records in New Mexico's repositories. (99-026)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$39,007 for an 18-month, strategic planning project to address key issues in the identification, preservation, and access to the state's historical records. The project will assess the board's mission and authority, develop strategies to increase its effectiveness, create a network of repositories and institutions, assess the historical records environment, and develop a statewide plan to guide the board in its work. (97-010)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$9,403 to support the travel and meeting expenses of the board. (92-085)
Ramah Navajo School Board, Pine Hill, NM
$5,000 to hire a consultant to assist the Ramah Band of Navajos with the development of an archives and records management program and to provide training for records creators and an archivist. (92-073)
Pueblo of Zuni, Zuni, NM
$2,862 for a consultant to assist in developing a plan for the archival preservation of Zuni Pueblo tribal records and other historical materials. (89-048)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
$4,783 to produce tonal microfiche and guides to the Henry A. Schmidt and Cobb Memorial photograph collections. The two collections contain unique images, ca. 1885-1942, of miners and ranchers and document both rural and town life. (88-112)
New Mexico State Historical Records Advisory Board, Santa Fe, NM
$25,000 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (88-050)
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, NM
$16,000 to microfilm the Surveyor General/Court of Private Land Claims records, 1854-1912, for preservation purposes. (86-052)
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
$21,260 to survey and accession records relating to the history and agriculture of New Mexico. (78-080)
Subtotal (Records Projects) $4,443,450
Publications Projects
Richard and Shirley Cushing Flint, Villanueva, NM
$88,989 for a dual-language edition of Documents Relating to the Coronado Expedition. (2000-2002)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
$662,081 for the Journals of Don Diego de Vargas. (1981-99)
Wheelwright Museum, Santa Fe, NM
$20,400 for the Washington Matthews Papers. (1981-83)
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, NM
$81,711 for a microfilm project of the Spanish, Mexican, and Territorial Archives of New Mexico. (1966-1974)
University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM
$47,267 for subvention support for the Journals of don Diego de Vargas. (1990-98)
Subtotal (Publications Projects) $900,448
Total $5,343,898
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