National Historical Publications & Records Commission


Records Projects

University of Maine System, Orono, ME
$174,519 to support a two-year project of the Franco American Collections Consortium (University of Maine, University of Maine at Fort Kent, University of Southern Maine, Assumption University, and St. Anselm College) to digitize, or harvest, approximately 2,000 photographs, 458 hours of oral histories, 13,000 pages of newsletters and cultural publications, and 62,000 pages of personal, family, and organizational records that document the French-Canadian and Acadian diaspora from 89 collections held at 13 repositories, which will be made available through the Franco American Digital Archive.  (RM-104823)

Maine State Archives, Portland, ME
$40,000 to support the work of the Maine Historical Records Advisory Board to create and administer a regrant program. Regrants may be awarded for Preservation Assessment and for Collection or Item Assessment. (RC-104654-24)

Northeast Historic Film,Bucksport, ME
$102,801 to digitize, catalog, and provide access to 2,969 news stories and programs (about one million feet of audiovisual material) produced by WCVB-TV Boston from the years 1973 and 1974. (RH-103541-23)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$4,360 to support the Maine Historical Records Advisory Board’s strategic plan development, including an online summary from a statewide survey, finalizing the plan for work through 2028, and two workshops. (RC-103489-23)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$96,195 to support access to Maine’s early legal records by digitizing approximately 42,000 pages from the unpublished Journals of the Maine House of Representatives and the Maine Senate starting with statehood in 1820 through 1865. Along with the files on individual bills, also preserved in the Maine State Archives, and the limited collections of published documents of the House and the Senate, available in the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, the Maine State Library, and other repositories, the journals are one of the linchpins to understanding Maine's early legislative history.(RC102783-19)

Maine Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$80,000 to support a two-year project that will address three of the goals of the board's strategic plan: conducting a statewide survey; provide basic- and intermediate-level workshops; and fund a regrant program that will target records for the state's celebration of its bicentennial in 2020. (RC10276-16)

Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
$150,000 to support a three-year project to digitize approximately 148,200 pages of manuscript material from General Oliver Otis Howard, Civil War general, Commissioner of the Freedman’s Bureau, and third president of Howard University in Washington, DC. (RD10149-14)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$75,075 to support basic funding for the state historical records advisory board, including a project director, travel, participation in a national archival organization and a statewide regrant program. (RC10224-14)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$70,000 to support the Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board's training program, Civil War Sesquicentennial project, and statewide regrant program. (RC10137-12)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$48,899 to support the work of the Maine Historical Records Advisory Board, including a Civil War Sesquicentennial Coordinator, and a statewide regrants program. (RC10114-11)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$69,566 to support basic activities, conduct six workshops on various archival topics, carry out a program to assist local repositories with cataloging and digitizing Civil War materials so that they can be used by the state's students, and continue a regrant program focusing on the needs of small and medium-sized institutions. (RC10086-10)

Maine Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$67,280 to support a Civil War Sesquicentennial Coordinator, and a regrants program that will provide at least 25 small grants to archives across the state. (RC10059-09)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$65,000 to support basic activities and a regrant program for up to 25 small and medium repositories. (RC10041-08)

Northern Maine Development Commission, Caribou, ME
$32,200 to support preserving electronic records in Northern Maine. (RE05698-08)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$20,000 to provide basic administrative support to the Board. (RS10010-07)

President and Trustees of Bates College, Lewiston, ME
$65,000 to preserve and make available the Edmund S. Muskie Papers. (RA05647-06)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$99,727 to support a program of regrants to local archives under the Caring for Maine's Historical Records project. (2006-003)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$10,000 to provide basic administrative support to the Board. (2006-004)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$99,624 for Creating the GeoArchives, a collaboration among the state archives and other state agencies that are creating the Maine Library of Geographic Information (GeoLibrary) to develop the GeoArchives. The project plans to use the expertise and infrastructure of the GeoLibrary to create a repository for archival geo-spatial data created by state and local governments. (2004-084)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$99,582 to continue to improve preservation of and access to Maine's historical records by establishing a matching grant program for the state's small and medium repositories. (2004-022)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$20,000 in partial support of the board's administrative expenses. (2003-016)

University of Maine, Orono, ME
$109,787 for its Environment and Development in New England Project to process 91 collections documenting the activities of New England businesses that have had an impact on the region's environment. (2002-090)

City of Lewiston, Maine
$37,352 for its Bates Manufacturing Company Records Processing Project to arrange and describe the records of the Bates Manufacturing Company, 1852-1980. (2002-085)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$9,991 for board administrative support. (2002-042)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$54,846 for continuation of its SHRAB Regrant Project to continue to improve preservation of and access to Maine's historical records by establishing a matching grant program for the state's small- and medium-sized repositories. (2001-091)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$38,087 for its SHRAB Regrant Project to continue to improve preservation of and access to Maine's historical records by establishing a matching grant program for the state's small- and medium-sized repositories. (2001-040)

Northeast Historic Film, Bucksport, ME
$120,433 to transfer, describe, and rehouse seven collections of newsfilm and broadcast videotapes dating from 1953 to 1996. (2000-068)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$19,895 to fund the administrative expenses of the Maine board for two years. (2000-002)

Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME
$82,536 for a project to gain physical and intellectual control over three collections of architectural records. (99-051)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$52,494 for its Preservation and Access Regrant Project, which seeks to improve preservation of and access to Maine's historical records. (98-075)

Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME
$85,235 for a project: 1) to develop state-wide policies for the identification and retention of permanently valuable electronic records; 2) to develop specific procedures for ensuring that permanently valuable electronic records are identified, retained, and accessible; and 3) to implement a plan for state-wide adoption of the policies and procedures developed. (97-008)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$12,396 for a two-year board planning project. The board intends to use information gathered during its recent regrant project and from public board meetings to be held across the state in order to update its current plan. (97-002)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$49,246 for a training regrant project to support the development of an electronic communications system for Maine repositories, a training program providing basic archival workshops and follow-up on-site consultations to selected repositories, planning for a program to increase primary and secondary school use of historical records, and the establishment of a grant program for small- and medium-sized repositories to adopt proper archival techniques and to preserve and improve access to important historical records. (94-090)

Maine Maritime Museum, Bath, ME
$72,849 to arrange and describe approximately 40-50 percent of the museum's 900 linear feet of manuscript materials. (93-091)

Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
$52,500 for a one-year project to establish an archives and records management program for the college's records. Project activities will include the development of policies and procedures, a campus-wide inventory, and the scheduling of an estimated 6,325 cubic feet of institutional records. (93-047)

Maine State Archives (Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board), Augusta, ME
$5,000 for state board travel and meeting expenses. (92-002)

Maine Maritime Museum, Bath, ME
$6,225 to hire an archival consultant and a conservation consultant to develop a plan of work to make the museum's archival collections more accessible, to improve or stabilize the condition of the materials, and to prepare for future automation and physical expansion. (91-108)

Maine Historical Society, Portland, ME
$66,585 to arrange and describe unprocessed manuscript collections and to create MARC AMC (MAchine Readable Cataloging, Archival and Manuscripts Control) records for inclusion in MaineCat, a statewide bibliographic network. (91-096)

Maine State Historical Records Advisory Board, Augusta, ME
$35,710 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems, frame potential solutions, and outline actions that can be taken. (90-036, 90-036S)

United Society of Shakers, Poland Springs, ME
$2,365 for consultation to evaluate the historical collections of the Sabbathday Lake community and to recommend preservation and access measures. (85-124)

Maine Maritime Museum, Bath, ME
$1,500 for consultation to help identify needs for an archival program for the museum. (83-075)

Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
$7,792 to prepare and store duplicate negatives and prints of the Donald B. MacMillan nitrate negatives in the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum. The collection documents MacMillan's Arctic expeditions from 1908 to 1954. (80-074)


Total     $2,412,652


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