National Historical Publications & Records Commission


Records Projects

Efforts of Grace, Inc., New Orleans, LA
$100,000 to support, on behalf of the Alliance for Cultural Equity, a collaborative of community museum and archive organizations committed to making their collections more readily available for public discovery and use. ACE is a multi-pronged, culture-informed, equity-driven initiative that places artists, culture bearers, and community institutions at the center of their fight for social justice and change. The collaborative has created a community-driven and participatory model for cultural research and implementation planning to advance interests of small museums and community-based archives in New Orleans and serves as a model for such entities in other communities. (RJ-104953)

Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA
$150,000 to support a project to arrange, describe, and provide long-term preservation, conservation, and access to approximately 140 linear feet of historical records on African American Freemasonry: the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons for the State of Louisiana (1857-2017).  (RH-104756)

Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA
$72,441 to support the Amistad Research Center’s project to provide access to 21 archival collections totaling 109 linear feet documenting Historically Black Colleges and Universities, public school integration, African American arts administration, cross cultural efforts between the U.S. and Africa, the history of the NAACP, housing discrimination, and intergroup and race relations. (RH-103557-23)

Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA
$120,000 to process 112 linear feet of the records of Alternate ROOTS, a regional arts service organization, from 1975-2017. The project will create an online finding aid to the record, digitize and create metadata for all of the collection’s moving image and sound recordings, and digitize 10% of the photographs in the collection and make them available through the Louisiana Digital Library. A series of online webinars that support community-based archiving will be offered. (RH-103419-22)

University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
$149,700 to support Freedom on the Move in New Orleans: Teaching and Learning the Hard History of Slavery in K-12. This project will create a curriculum to help students engage with the historical records in a database of advertisements seeking escaped people. Following instruction in the classroom, students will explore New Orleans and the region to visualize the social, spatial, and cultural histories of enslaved people. Students will then develop public-facing projects, including maps, visual art, and spoken word, and digital and video pieces. (DP103190-21)

Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
$36,987 to support a project to arrange and describe 115 linear feet of manuscript materials from the collection of Marguerite Cartwright (1914-1986). After attaining a Ph.D. in Sociology, Dr. Cartwright had a long career as a university instructor. For more than three decades, Dr. Cartwright's newspaper columns appeared regularly in The Pittsburgh Courier, where she was the correspondent for the United Nations, and The New York Amsterdam News. Cartwright was a specialist in African affairs as a charter member of the U.N. Correspondents’ Circle and was appointed as one of five founding members of the University of Nigeria in Nsukka.(RH102791-19)

University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
$201,747 to support a partnership with the University of Alabama and Cornell University to digitize and provide online access to at least 40,000 fugitive slave ads from U.S. newspapers, 1807-1865. The project will also create an educators portal, create a museum kiosk for visitors to engage with the records, and develop and apply enhanced GIS to aid in the mapping of fugitive slave locations and migrations over time. This project will enhance a database of fugitive slaves in North America based on information contained in newspaper advertisements placed by the enslavers. (RM100277-18)

New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, New Orleans, LA
$21,500 to support a two year project to create a comprehensive plan and increase the capacity of the Festival Archive to create an Electronic Records Archive. (RE10037-11)

Tulane University, Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA
$73,840 to inventory audio-visual materials on the history, culture, and life experiences of African Americans and other ethnic minorities within its collections. (RB50110-10)

Longue Vue House and Gardens, New Orleans, LA
$20,800 to establish an archives and records management program for the Longue Vue House and Gardens documenting its history and the family of Edgar and Edith Stern. (RB50011-08)

University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA
$25,000 to enable the state archivist to undertake disaster assessment and response in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. (2006-001)

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
$196,140 to preserve and improve access to approximately 206 linear feet of Police Jury minute transcriptions of records dating from 1811 to 1940 by microfilming them and producing an improved finding aid. (2005-002)

Newcomb Center for Research on Women, New Orleans, LA
$33,118 to preserve the student records of H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for the period 1887-1925. (2000-096)

Parish of East Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA
$35,428 for an 18-month project to microfilm over 450, 000 pages of clerk of court's office and sheriff's department records dating from 1813 to 1977. (94-049)

Louisiana Department of State, Division of Archives, Records Management, and History (Louisiana State Historical Records Advisory Board), Baton Rouge, LA
$107,060 to establish a local government records program by surveying the records in the parish clerks of court offices, developing retention schedules and records manuals, disseminating these products in conjunction with regional workshops for clerks and their personnel, and transferring to the State Archives archival records that are in immediate danger of loss. (91-052)

University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA
$34,532 to arrange and describe the papers of Robert F. and Edwin S. Broussard. Selected portions of the papers will also be microfilmed. (89-088)

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
$66,140 to establish an effective university archives program by surveying university records, creating retention schedules, accessioning archival records, and developing a records management manual and workshop to familiarize university staff with records policies and procedures. (89-062)

Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
$87,500 to establish the H. Sophie Newcomb College Archives. The focus of the project will be to develop an archival program and establish the retention schedules and appraisal criteria that will ensure access to Newcomb College records located throughout the university. (89-052)

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
$25,700 to support a fellowship in archival administration. (87-064)

Louisiana State Historical Records Advisory Board, Baton Rouge, LA
$33,500 to analyze the current condition of historical records in the state, identify problems and frame potential solutions. (83-085)

University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA
$25,000 to preserve glass-plate and nitrate negatives in the Freeland Collection, documenting the social, cultural, and economic development of southwest Louisiana, ca. 1902-70. (80-090)

Morgan City Archives, Morgan City, LA
$7,000 for an archival consultant and staff assistance for the newly designated archives, which includes records of the Morgan City area, St. Mary Parish, and the Atchafalaya Basin. (80-058)

Subtotal (Records Projects)   $1,623,133


Publications Projects


Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA

$101,919 for subvention support for the Papers of Jefferson Davis. (1974-2005)


Subtotal (Publications Projects)   $101,919


Total     $1,725,052


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